Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical MarijuanaRunning Press, 9. sep. 2014 - 272 strani In Cannabis Pharmacy, expert Michael Backes offers evidence-based information on using cannabis to treat an array of ailments and conditions. He provides information on how cannabis works with the body's own system, how best to prepare and administer it, and how to modify and control dosage. This newly revised edition is now completely up-to-date with the latest information on the body's encannabinoid system, which is now understood to control emotion, appetite, and memory, delivery and dosing of cannabis, including e-cigarette designs, additional varietals, and a new system for classification, as well as 21 additional ailments and conditions that can be treated with medical marijuana. There are currently more than 4.2 million medical cannabis patients in the United States, and there are 29 states plus the District of Columbia where medical cannabis is legal. |
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Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana-revised and Updated Michael Backes,Andrew Weil Predogled ni na voljo - 2014 |
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Afghan ANALGESIA anti-inflammatory anxiety appetite aroma beta-caryophyllene brain BREEDING DATE British Journal broad-leafleted Bubba Kush California cancer Cannabidiol cannabinoid medicines cannabinoid receptors cannabis extractions cannabis flowers Cannabis indica ssp cannabis medicines cannabis plant cannabis varieties Cannatonic CB1 receptor chemotypes chronic Clinical diabetes disease disorders dispensaries dosage dose dried cannabis drug EASE OF CULTIVATION effects of cannabis endocannabinoid system genetics hashish Haze hemp herbal cannabis inhalation interact Jack Herer Journal of Pharmacology landrace limonene linalool Marinol medical cannabis medical marijuana metabolic Methods of Ingestion migraine milligrams milligrams of THC myrcene narrow-leafleted nausea and vomiting neuropathy OG Kush oral cannabis patients percent THC phenotype phytocannabinoids Pincher Creek pinene popular potency potential produce psychoactivity Purple Urkle reduce resin Russo sativa Sativex SEDATION seed side effects Skunk smoked cannabis stimulating sublingual symptoms syndrome terpenes terpenoids Tetrahydrocannabinol THC and CBD THCV Therapeutics Trainwreck treat treatment trichome typically vaporized varieties of cannabis