Something of a poster child for the rarity of young and successful entrepreneurs, 10-year-old Alessandro Concas is the son of Oksana Kolesnikova, an award-winning artist who almost instinctively evolved to become the CEO of three successful business ventures. Being raised in a family environment that fostered talent and creativity, Alessandro was groomed for extraordinary accomplishments from the onset, learning the alphabet backwards at the age of two and beginning piano lessons under mom Oksana's tutelage within the span of three years. Fast-forward to eight years old, and Alessandro was already spearheading his entrepreneurial underpinnings, writing his first book, The A to Zs of Fighting Boredom, which, as its namesake suggests, included various fun-filled activities to keep children active and engaged. Perhaps most impressive about this endeavor was how Alessandro not only aimed to help children like him make their free time more productive, but that he used the proceeds from the book's sales to contribute to welfare organizations and fund his future college education - something he plans to do with the sales of Life of the Time Cat, as well. From starting his mornings by checking the stock market and looking to icons like Elon Musk for inspiration, to embracing a drive to contribute to society's welfare, Alessandro Concas is far from your average youngster, constantly setting a precedent for children of his age to follow. Currently, Alessandro is a student at Tesoro del Valle Elementary School, and though his favorite subjects are science and math, he has remained a straight-A student who has managed to excel in every educational area. He is regularly active on social media profile (@entreprekid)