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see? In those States which are so situated as to receive the smallest portions of these emigrants, the aggregate of colored people is diminishing.

Table showing the number of colored persons in the New England States from 1790 to 1830:

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In this table the colored race has the benefit of all "mulattoizing," as Dr. Cox has it.Every son of New England will find his own recollection corroborating these statistics. The colored race, therefore, is constantly melting away. To my mind the proof is satisfactory, that a decree of abolition throughout our whole country, without some other measure in connexion with it, would be the knell of extinction to the blacks. If I were called upon to choose between extinction and perpetuated slavery, I am an abolitionist so thoroughgoing as to prefer extinction Yet it is an awful alternative, and one to which I do not believe we are are yet driven.

Let us then examine amalgamation or mulattoizing. Here we have to encounter all the "horrible prejudice" of which Dr. Cox complains, and of which all abolitionists complain, but which seems to control their own actions as much as the actions of other men. Dr. Cox is, however, so determined to break down prejudice, that he declares he "would never consent to go to any people as their pastor, who had no room for colored people." But I must tell Dr. Cox, that to require a people to provide room where the blacks can sit by themselves, is but submitting to and perpetuating the prejudice of which he complains. He must take different and opposite ground from this. He must go to no people where there is room provided for the blacks, but only to such as abjure prejudice, and admit colored persons to sit commingled with the whites. If amalgamation is to preserve the blacks, then surely every good man will say it must be in holy matrimony. Then let abolitionists show themselves superior to prejudice, and play the part of men in the busiSeat yourself, sir, by that ebeautiful bonette; ask her to marry you; urge your suit. You hesitate. In your eyes, your lips, your nose, you show signs of horrible prejudice. Nay, sir, take her to be your weded wife, and anticipate the joys of your happy fireside, graced by her and the little mulatto pledges of your love.


Do you refuse? Then turn a man of sense, and cease to prate of prejudices which in yourself you cannot overcome. When abolitionists will subdue prejudices in themselves only so far as to take blacks for their clerks, companions and associates, we will let them begin to lecture us. Until then, let them see to their own improvement. Doubtless there is great prejudice about the blacks, but there is a great deal to keep the races distinct which is not prejudice. They are by nature and unalterably disagreeable to each other and by qualities which can never be perfumed to sweetness by any refinements of logic about abstract equality. There will never be an honorable and virtuous amalgamation of the races. It will never come about, but as the effect of a broad, and general and boundless prostitution. A deluge of pollution must engulph our country, at the thought of which the heart sickens. Thank God the thought has no permanent existence but in brains left vacant by the abandonment of reason.

From the despair of these expedients, I turn to Colonization as the only hope for the blacks or the whites. I seize it as the only plank that can save me and my country, and 1 say to the Abolitionists as the Christian says to the deist about his Bible, take it not away until you provide me something better in its stead. If abolitionists can add any thing to what is now doing for the blacks, let them do so. They shall have the hearty co-operation of good men. Colonization does not pretend to be every thing, much less does the Colonization Society pretend that it is doing every thing which ought to be done for them. It does but one thing. The field is broad, let others come in and add their labors, and do other things. But in mercy to the negroes and to my country, and to Africa, I call upon christian men not to shut out the only distinct ray of light which now beams upon us.



The intelligent Editor of the "Pittsburg Christian Herald and Western Missionary Reporter," in his paper of May 17, has the following remarks concerning the Colonization Society:

"We have thought it strange indeed, in those who call themselves Abolitionists, and assume to themselves the reputation of being the exclusive friends of the colored race, that their zeal is exhausted in vituperating slave-holders, the friends of colonization, and the Colonization Society.

"If our sentiments are worth any thing on such a subject, we would claim to be as strong abolitionists as any one, whose name graces the roll of the society. But the opposition to the Colonization Society—the misrepresentation of its sayings and doings, and the exultation which has been indulged when any thing appeared, in expectation or in fact, to its disadvantage, with the spirit manifested towards the people of the South, has hitherto held us at a distance from it."

[From the Springfield (Mass.) Republican, May 17, 1834.]

The March and April Nos. of the African Repository (published at Washington_City under the direction of the American Colonization Society) have come to hand. They contain some articles of unusual interest to the friends of the Colonization cause. Among these are a review of Anti-Slavery publications and Defence of the Colonization Society, by Hon. T. FRELINGHUYSEN; a Report submitted to the Managers in February, by Hon. WALTER LOWRIE, from the Committee to whom was referred the subject of the Society's debt ($45,645) and the causes of it; encouraging letters from Gerrit Smith, Esq. Mr. Frelinghuysen and others, accompanied by liberal donations to wipe off the debt and continue the operations of the Society; a letter from Capt. Voorhees, of the U. S. Navy, giving a clear and on the whole encouraging view of the situation and wants of the Colony. There are also several other articles of an interesting character, neither of which our limits will admit of at this time. The exposition of the Managers in regard to the debt is evidently a frank and undisguised admission of facts. From them we discover no impurity of purpose any where, except it may be in the merchants of Liberia in charging exhorbitant profits upon stores furnished the colonists, and to an amount altogether beyond the expectations of the Managers. This cause, with the large shipments of colonists in 1832, when the Society was actually in debt, together with the want of business-like vigilance on the part of the Managers, has produced the debt. But these adverse circumstances have stimulated the Society to a complete system of retrenchment and reform.The evils of the past, will be guarded against in future. A number of wealthy and distinguished gentlemen in different parts of the country, came forward immediately to assist. in wiping off the debt, and in sustaining the Society in its work of philanthropy. We trust the friends of the Society in this country, will lose none of their former confidence or zeal in the institution and will in due time come forward in aid of its work.

A new weekly paper entitled the "Journal of Freedom," has been commenced at New Haven, Conn. It is very neatly printed and promises to be ably conducted. We subjoin the following extracts as specimens of its principles and style:

THE COLONIZATION OF AFRICA. We do not enter the field of controversy, as the advocates of the American Colonization Society. This Journal is independent of that Society and all its branches. Yet we profess ourselves friends of African Colonization.— The colonies which American benevolence is planting on the continent of Africa, are essential in our view, to give completeness and system to the efforts which are now made in some quarters for the renovation of the African race. We have therefore no alliance with those whose battle-cry is, "The destruction of the Colonization Society, the first step to the abolition of slavery." It is not our design however, as we have already intimated, to fill our columns with controversy on that subject. To collect and record the facts respecting the Society and its colonies, will be more agreeable to us, and more profitable to our readers. We shall not be dependent for these facts on the official publications of the Society. There are other sources of information, to which we have access. We design to maintain a correspondence with individuals in the colonies, expressly for the purpose of obtaining authentic and full accounts for this Journal.

The progress of discovery and improvement in the CONTINENT OF AFRICA, will be considered as one of our topics of inquiry and record. Science, Commerce, and Christian

zeal, are looking eagerly to Africa. Traveller after traveller has perished in the attempt to penetrate its forests, and to trace its mysterious rivers. The gold, the ivory, the precious woods, the spices and the gums of Africa are yet to reward the adventurous toil of commerce. And Ethiopia, on whose borders the missionary is here and there beginning to labor amid perils and deaths, is ere long to stretch forth her hands in praise.


Encouragements to African Colonization, drawn from the success of the colony of Sierra Leone; an extract from a speech delivered by William Wilberforce, at the Sixteenth Anniversary Meeting of the British African Institution, May 10th, 1822.

Let us keep in mind the obstacles which have been surmounted in England, and thence infer the probable success which will ultimately crown our efforts in other countries. Let it be recollected, also, that but a few years ago the colony of Sierra Leone used to be pointed at exultingly by the enemies of Abolition, as proving how visionary was the attempt to raise in the scale of being, a race who were intended to be "hewers of wood and drawers of water," and who were unfit for any higher purposes than to be the slaves of civilized communities? But what is now the state of that colony? Does it not exhibit in a most surprising degree, considering the recent date of its establishment, the blessed effects, on the African character, of the communication of the principle of British liberty, and the Christian religion. Those who were discouraged during the early disasters of that colony, had overlooked the difficulties which never fail to attend colonization, even under the most favorable circumstances. If we look at the history of colonization on the other side of the Atlantic, we shall see this in the case of Virginia; a colony set on foot, not by weak projectors, but undertaken by the greatest and wisest men,-suggested by Lord Bacon; and partly executed by Sir Walter Raleigh. Three times had that colony failed, and been successively renewed under these auspices. Three times had it been entirely deserted. Another effort however, a final experiment was made. Providence blessed the effort, and it succeeded.

No one could have anticipated the success we have met with at Sierra Leone. When we first formed that settlement we naturally looked forward to an early Abolition of the Slave Trade; but the Slave Trade was unfortunately continued for sixteen years after the colony had been planted, and it had also to struggle with all the difficulties of a maritime war; and with other calamities: yet with all these drawbacks from our just expectations, what is the present state of Sierra Leone? A sensible and impartial observer lately told me, that he never witnessed stronger manifestations of the influence of true religion and sound morality, than appeared in the case of the poor, ignorant, unenlightened savages rescued from the holds of Slave ships, and now settled at Sierra Leone. Such are the words of an eye-witness. That gallant officer in the British navy, Commodore Sir George Collier, expressed himself quite overcome with the appearance of piety which caracterized these people. "I have attended," he said, "places of religious worship all over the world, but never any where have I seen a greater degree of religious feeling than I saw displayed at their devotion, in Sierra Leone, by these poor Africans." In the great operations of nature, though her momentous impulse is unerring, still the progress is often slow. In like manner, in our great work, a rapid acceleration is hardly to be expected. But still we have made great advances: we have, it is true, our moments of discouragement: nevertheless, we have every reason to hope; none to despair. Let us proceed confident

ly and steadily to the attainment of the end of our labors. We are something in the situation of travellers in the Andes, who, though they have continually to experience fresh obstructions, though they see "Alps on Alps rise," yet still ascend, supported by the triumph of hourly conquering their difficulties. They have to climb mountain heights; but looking upwards towards the summit, their path is sometimes cheered by seeing it enlightened by the solar rays, thus beckoning them forward as it were with new hopes, and inspiring them with fresh courage, till at length they reach the termination of their toilsome march. Have we not a similar solace to cheer our steps? Do we not feel that we are ascending a great n:oral elevation? And do we not see, when we turn our eyes to the summit, that "Eternal sunshine settles on its head?"

[From the Western Luminary, (Lexington Ky.) May 14.]


This Society is progressing with its plan of effecting a loan of fifty thousand dollars, in sums not less than one hundred dollars, for which scrip is to be issued, bearing interest at six per cent. per annum. The principal and interest are to be reimbursed in twelve years. And to insure this, the Managers have provided and pledged six thousand dollars annually, as a sinking fund. The plan appears to us entirely practicable. Notwithstanding the outcry raised against this benevolent institution from certain quarters, we cannot but believe its hold on the affections of the community is sufficiently strong, not only to insure the success of this plan for relieving it from its present pecuniary embarrassment, but also to insure its future permanent prosperity.

This noble institution has accomplished and is still accomplishing too much in the great cause in which it is enlisted, to permit the idea to be for a moment entertained, that its services can be dispensed with. If some of its former friends think they can operate more efficiently in meliorating the condition of our colored population, and promoting the best interests of the country with reference to that class, by other means, why let them do so. We have no quarrel with such for not thinking with us. We ourselves belong to the Gradual Emancipation Society formed in this state a few months since; but we never dreamed that becoming a member of that Society was to be regarded as an acknowledgment that we had become hostile to the American Colonization Society. Our view was then, and still is, that they are kindred institutions, aiming at the promotion of the same grand object. Why should they not harmonize? Why should they not act in concert. Admit the fact contended for by some, that the American Colonization Society is inadequate to remove the deadly evils under which the country is groaning in consequence of slavery? Does that furnish a rational argument in favor of hostility to that Society, or even a withdrawal from its support? We have no idea that the American Board of Commissioners or the Western Foreign Missionary Society can, separately or combined, ever supply the demands from the heathen world for missionaries, yet what man in his senses would make that a ground of loss of confidence in these noble institutions, and withdrawal of support from them?

True, the American Colonization Society may never remove all our ce lored population. But has it not removed a number, and elevated them

from a state of almost hopeless degradation to the immunities, and enjoyments of freemen? Has it not proved a noble pioneer in this sublime enterprise? And above all, is it not exerting a regenerating influence on abused and deeply injured, benighted Africa, the value of which the records of eternity are alone adequate to unfold, and which entitle it to the affectionate regards and good wishes of every benevolent heart? Let those then who are permitting their affections to be alienated from this great and comprehensive scheme of benevolence, because the financial concerns of the Society have been negligently managed, or because they suppose it inadequate to do all that is desirable with regard to our colored population, act not hastily or from a superficial view of the subject.


The subjoined letter is from Beverley Wilson, formerly of Norfolk.The Editors of the Norfolk Herald state that the writer is well known to many citizens in Norfolk, as a man of correct moral deportment, and industrious habits. "Though comfortably situated here, and partaking of the prejudice which so unaccountably prevails among the coloured population against the Colony, he nevertheless had the good sense to discern that a lasting home, and a foundation of future peace and independence for his family were only to be obtained on the shores of Liberia; and with a view of satisfying himself respecting the actual condition and circumstances of the country, of which he had heard so many contradictory accounts, he determined to visit it, and judge for himself; intending, if he liked it, to move his family thither. His report, therefore, may be received as the testimony of an honest and impartial witness.

The letter is dated Monrovia, March 4. The emigrants that went out in the Jupiter had all had the fever, of which four had died, viz: one woman of 75, two children under 12, and the wife of the Rev. Mr. Wright. The rest were all convalescent.

"I am not prepared (says the writer,) to tell you much about the distant parts of Africa at this time; as far as I have seen, I am well pleased. Monrovia is improving very fast; the town contains two hundred and twenty dwelling houses, besides stores and other buildings; there are about ten warehouses built of stone, and a number of their dwellings have stone basement stories, and are whitewashed inside and out; some are neatly finished.

"There are many vessels on the coast, which are going out and coming in almost every day. We have also many foreign vessels here. The harbor has not been clear since I ar rived.

"We have fruit in abundance, and the varieties too numerous for me to mention at this time.

“We have also, horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, jacks, and all kinds of poultry that we have at home.

"The fish are very fine; I have seen them weigh 186 pounds. Porgeys, mullets, and sunfish are very plenty.

"I have been told by some who are acquainted with farming, that the land is as good as any in America.

We have two Sabbath Schools in Monrovia, and an every day school for male and female pupils. I have seen at the Methodist Sabbath School, about one hundred children. We have also Sabbath Schools at Grand Bassa, about one hundred miles from Monrovia, at Millsburg and Caldwell; and have established three others among the natives.

Since I arrived, we have purchased land on Junk river, which is good for farming, and the water abounding with excellent fish and oysters.

"We have a number of the different tribes to visit us from the interior; I have seen them from as far as Arabia. I have also seen the Mahomedan priests in the Colony; they read and write, and are anxious to converse on the Scriptures. They ask many interesting questions. "I believe this bids fair for a good country. We only want means for the people who are sent here unprepared for farming or any thing else. I have seen the sugar cane and coffee tree, both very thriving."

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