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made it imperious upon the superintendent of the settlement, to fill the decanter when honored with the royal presence, or that of any man of note; and we never knew any motion made to leave the house, until the last drop had been drained from it; after which, the stirrup or parting cup had to be taken and his majesty's jug to be filled, to treat his wives and friends with, upon his return home that evening. This hard drinking, however, is almost exclusively confined to the great and noble of the land, as it would ill become a poor man to get drunk, as he would, if at home, be sure to commit some breach of the peace, and "catch a palaver," which perhaps might cost him half his substance. I believe further, that it is unlawful for a poor man to get drunk, by himself, according to their law. But the kings and headmen, care not a fig for law or custom, and should a barrel of rum be placed in their hands, they would never see a sober moment till the whole was consumed. King Jo Harris said to me, one day after having performed his usual feast, concerning the decanter, laying his hand on an empty puncheon, "I savey; you man for governor, tell, governor, him send one punch rum for dash we, (meaning kings) top, tell him send two punch, one for me King Jo Harris, me one, and tother for dash all country gentlemen." They are literally crazy after rum, and no business or trade of importance can be discussed until the preliminaries are settled by a jug of rum being placed before the parties. When foreign rum cannot be obtained, they are in the habit of drinking large quantities of palm wine, which is produced from the palm tree, and is of a very intoxicating nature.

We find the following account of the interment of "King Tom Bassa, of little Bassa, a prince remarkable for his good sense, moderation and love of justice.

"Two bullocks were slain, one placed at the head and the other at the foot of the grave, into which were also put two large chests of dry goods, in the same position, also one high post bedstead and mattress, a present from a slave; then the corpse dressed after civilized mode with a hat, two umbrellas and shoes, then a kettle of rice; two large pots of rice, one at the head and the other at the foot; two large looking glasses in the same position: coral beads, pipes, tobacco, mugs, decanters, wash hand-basins, swords, cutlasses and one hundred native mats, when a general fill up took place. Outside of the grave was placed a large slave pot to receive donations from the pious."

"As soon as his death was known, a general lamentation took place throughout the country; and, it is said, every absentee is obliged to perform this cry, no matter how many years elapsed before he returns to his country-it being viewed in the light of a religious duty. It must have been an affecting sight indeed, to see a whole nation bewailing the loss of their father king: but outward lamentations are mere forms, which all nations adopt on such occasions; and the Bassa people were shortly after seen indulging themselves in the firing of guns and drinking to excess, with the greatest nonchalance in the world, all too in honor of the deceased.'

The Herald has the following paragraph in relation to the religious tenents of the natives:

"We know but little of the religious belief of the Bassa nations. They seem to have a confused idea, of a good spirit, who made all things, but they appear to reverence far more an evil spirit or devil. They believe that in another world men will follow the same pursuits that they do in this. They believe in witchcraft and charms, and so highly are those manufactured by the Mandingoes prized, that no money will tempt them to sell their principal gregrees. The Mandingoes, in order to increase the sale of their gregrees, do not hesitate to assure them that no charm can reach them while they wear them about their necks. One had the assurance to say to us, that his was powerful enough to shield him from the effects of a cannon ball, and it was under this belief, that in our first native war, the bravest of then would rush up to the cannon's mouth, though loaded, and foolishly embrace it. Before you enter any town, you can generally see some gregree hanging over the main path, and before their houses, but whether dedicated to good or evil spirits, we know not."


We again invite the attention of the friends of Colonization to the essential importance of their using every effort to obtain liberal aid to the Society on the ensuing Fourth of July. The Reverend Clergy, especially, who have heretofore been so efficient on similar occasions, will, it is hoped, find additional incentives to their philanthropic zeal in the appeal published in the last number of the Repository.

The following article is subjoined from the Vermont Chronicle of May 30th:

COLONIZATION SOCIETY.-The Fourth of July is at hand; and lest the noise that has been made and the diverse questions that have been raised of late about the Colonization Society and its doings, should cause any to forget its claims upon them as patriots, philanthropists, and Christians, for active co-operation at this time, it is our purpose to bring those claims before our readers a little more distinctly and fully than we should otherwise have thought desirable. We accordingly publish Mr. Hubbard's letter. And we shall endeavor before the day for the annual contribution arrives, to show, with as little reference as may be to existing controversies, in what light the enterprise ought to be viewed by the good people of Vermont.

For this week we will only submit, for consideration, certain acknowledgements in favor of the Society, lately inade by one of its prominent opposers. Mr. Charles Stuart, who has been its most diligent and determined opposer in England, and who has just arrived in this country, to join hands with Anti-Colonizationists here, not long since wrote a letter to the Editor of the London Herald of Peace, from which the following is copied:

"But is there nothing good, then, in the American Colonization Society: Yes, there is, —1st. For Africa it is good. It interrupts the African slave trade within its own limits; and the least interruption to that nefarious traffic is an unspeakable good. 2d. For the few coloured people who prefer leaving their native country and emigrating to Africa, it is unquestionably a great blessing. 3d. To the slaves, whose slavery it has been, or may be, the means of commuting to transportation, it is a blessing, just in as far as transportation is a lesser evil than slavery; and this is by no means a trifling good. 4th. But its highest praise, and a praise which the writer cordially yields to it, is the fact, that it forms a new centre; whence, as from our Sierra Leone, and the Cape of Good Hope, Civilization and Christianity are radiating through the adjoining darkness. In this respect, no praise can equal the worth of these settlements."


Can any impeachment of the motives and feelings of the friends of Colonization, have the weight of a feather against these admissions, with any sane and honest mind? Let one who has heretofore contributed to this cause, ask himself whether he has not done it for the accomplishment of such objects as Mr. Stuart admits to be good, and whether in all honesty and fairness, he must not suppose his fellow-labourers to have been, all along, actuated by motives as pure and worthy as his own.


[From the Washington (Penn.) Examiner,

May 24, 1834.]

COLONIZATION AND ABOLITION. On Thursday the 15th day of May, inst. in pursuance of a request or invitation from Mr. M. Sutliff of Philadelphia, Agent for the Anti-Slavery Society, with a view to the establishment of an Anti-Slavery Society in this place, a very large and respectable meeting of the citizens was convened at the Court House, and an

address was delivered by Mr. S. explanatory of the designs and in furtherance of the views of the AntiSlavery Society. At the close of this address, Mr. Sutliff, who had in the course of his remarks expressed his opposition to the American Colonization Society and contrasted it with the Anti-Slavery Society, took occa sion to invite discussions as to the relative merits of the two Societies. This invitation was accepted by William K. M'Donald, Esq. Professor

of Belles Lettres in Washington College, on behalf of the American Colonization Society; but inasmuch as the evening was far spent, it was concluded to defer the discussion to a future period. Whereupon, on motion of John L. Gow, Esq. Profr. of English Literature in Washington College, the meeting was organized by calling the Rev. D. Elliott to the Chair, and appointing Wm. Baird, Esq. Secretary; and by agreement of the parties an adjournment was made to meet at the Court House on Tuesday evening the 20th of May, inst. at 5 o'clock, P. M.

At the time and place appointed, the meeting again assembled, and being called to order by the Chairman, the following question and order of debate was agreed upon by the parties, viz.

Anti-Slavery, or the American Colonization "Which is the preferable plan, that of the Society, for the abolition of slavery; and

other evils attendant upon the present condition of the coloured population of the U.


"Each speaker to be limited to thirty minutes and to speak alternately."

A very animated discussion then took place which was sustained with ability by both sides for the space of from seventeen to twenty hours at intervals through three successive days. The views of the Anti-Slavery Society were sustained principally by Mr. Loughead of Pittsburg, an Agent of the Society, by Mr. Sut liff of Philadelphia, also an Agent of the Society; by Dr. Francis J. Le Moyne, of the borough of Washington, and by Mr. Hamilton. The Colonization Society was advocated by W. K. M'Donald, A. M. John L. Gow, Esq. Richard Henry Lee, A. M. and the Rev. W. P. Alrich, A. M. all Professors of Washington College. In the course of the discussion some incidental remarks were offered by Dr. M'Conaughy, President of Washington College, by Isaac Leet, Esq. and some other gentlemen, in favor of the Colonization system.

So great was the interest, excited by the discussion, that, notwithstanding its extreme length, the attention of the audience did not seem to flag, but on the contrary to become more intense; and at the close the house was more crowded than it had been at any former period.

The friends of Anti-Slavery made an effort previous to the passage of these resolutions to exclude from voting any persons who had been formerly members of a Colonization or Anti-Slavery Society. A resolution was offered to this effect and rejected by the meeting.

The following gentlemen were then appointed a committee to make arrangements for reviving the Colonization Society in this county, as provided for in the second resolution, viz:-Isaac Leet, Esq. Alexr. Reed, Esq. Profr. Lee, Dr. M'Conaughy and Profr. Gow.

It was then on motion

Resolved, That a statement of the proceedings of the meeting should be published in the newspapers of this county. The meeting then adjourned.

D. ELLIOTT, Chairman. WM. BAIRD, Secretary.

[From the Christian Intelligencer.] NEW YORK YOUNG MEN'S COLONIZA


This Society held an interesting meeting on Friday evening, the 23d, in Rev. Dr. Brodhead's Church in Broome street.

The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Brodhead, after which an interesting letter wa read by the President, G. P. Disosway, Esq., from Elliott Cresson, Esq., of Philadelphia, announcing the formation of a similar Society in At the termination of the debate, Philadelphia, and that they had althe following resolutions were mov-ready sent out directions for the pured by Isaac Leet, Esq. for the pur-chase of territory at Bassa Cove, and pose of ascertaining the sense of the meeting on this important and engrossing subject:

Resolved, That this meeting do approve of the plan and operations of the American Colonization Society for colonizing the free people of colour of the United States.

Resolved, That a committee of five gentlemen be appointed to make immediate arrangements for reviving the Society in this county, auxiliary to the American Colonization Society.

were preparing to receive 110 pious Baptist and Methodist slaves, late the property of Dr. Hawes, of Va.. Another letter was read from a lady in Alabama, expressing great feeling and interest in the cause.

The following resolution was then offered by Thomas G. Fletcher, Esq. and unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That the recent examinations and discussions in this city, of the relative After some discussion as to the merits of the immediate emancipation and manner of taking the vote and other colonization schemes, have but the more incidental matters, the question was strongly shown the paramount humanity loudly called for, and upon being put, of our coloured population, of the plans and and wisdom in regard to the best interests both resolutions were carried by over-principles of our Colonization Societies. ,whelming majorities. Mr. F. accompanied the resolution

by an address, in which he entered | met in the city of New Haven, Conn. at length into the objections urged by on the 7th and adjourned on the 14th the Abolitionists against the scheme of May, the following Report was of colonization, and in which he adopted:successfully demonstrated the wis dom as well as benevolence of the enterprise; showing from what it has already done and is capable of doing, the strong claims it has upon the sympathies of a Christian community.

American Colonization Society. ference of the Methodist E. Church, in conResolved, by the New York Annual Conference assembled, 1. That this conference view with increasing interest and favor, the truly noble and philanthropic enterprise of colonizing the free people of color of these United States, with their own consent, on the coast of Africa.

2. That the pecuniary and other embarrassments which have attended the opera

The following resolution was then offered by B. B. Thatcher, Esq., of Boston, and unanimously adopted:tions of the Board of Managers of the AmeriResolved, That the American Coloniza-can Colonization Society, so far from lessention Society is eminently patriotic, and commends itself to the regards of the young men of our country as admirably adapted to strengthen and perpetuate the Union of the States, as well as promote the best interests of our whole coloured population.

ing the confidence of the conference in the practicability and final success of the enterprise, should serve but to increase their interest, and efforts in its behalf.

3. That the measures recently adopted by the Board meet the cordial approbation of the conference, and in their opinion, if the Mr. T. made an interesting ad- Board is sustained by the public, will soon dress, showing the strong obligation place the Colony at Liberia in a condition of the North to assist their brethren more prosperous than at any former period. 4. That the conference view with deep of the South, in the great work in regret the opposition that has been got up which the Society is engaged. He and prosecuted with so much heat against was listened to with great interest. the colonization plan, by men who profess to The two following resolutions were have the same great object in view as the Cothen offered by the Rev. Dr. Brod-lonization Society; viz. the good of the man of color. This conference consider that oppohead, accompanied by a few remarks, position and the other movements of the aboliand unanimously adopted:tionists, as directly calculated to injure the best interests of colored men, whether bond or free, whether on this side or the other side of the Atlantic-and at the same time, they cannot but apprehend most unfavorable results from such operations to the progress of Christian principles.

Resolved, That the American Colonization Society was, in the opinion of this meeting, founded in benevolence towards the people of colour, and that its proceedings and success afford the best grounds for hope that the expectations of its friends will be realized in the final elevation and emancipation of the African race.

Resolved, That committees be appointed by this Society to obtain subscribers to its Constitution, as well as to solicit donations and contributions required, in aid of supplies to be sent in the Jupiter to Liberia.

The meeting was then addressed with great eloquence and force by Rev. Mr. GURLEY, of Washington City, and after the benediction by Rev. Dr. Brodhead, adjourned.

It is contemplated to hold similar meetings in other churches for the purpose of more fully diffusing light upon this interesting subject, and from which great good may be expected to result.



At the late session of the New York Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, which

5. That, hallowed as Liberia is with the sleeping dust of the first foreign missionaries of the M. E. Church, and identified, as it is, with the holy design of the Church to spread Gospel light and truth, not only upon the coast, but also into the interior of Africa, our Christian sympathies gather around the infant Colony, with an intensity of feeling not to be overcome by opposition, or cooled

by time.

6. That each preacher be at liberty to take up collections on or about the 4th of July, for the benefit of the American Colonization Society.

COLONIZATION AT METHUEN. We have received from our worthy correspondent, in Methuen, an account of the formation of a Colonization Society in that flourishing village. Our friends there have engaged in this work with a spirit and zea! worthy of themselves. The meeting at the Society was of an interesting character.Among those who addressed the meeting, McLane, from Andover.-Lowell (Mass.) were Messrs. Tracy, Baker, Hackett and Evangelist.

NEW YORK CONTRIBUTIONS. [From the National Intelligencer, May 31.] The Colonization Society of New York have resolved to raise the sum of two thousand dollars, and place the same at the disposal of the Parent Society, towards furnishing the supplies now urgently required in the Colony of Liberia, and which are to be shipped, if the means of purchasing them can be obtained, by the Jupiter, which is to sail again for Africa in about a week.

place of settlement at Cape Palmas on the Coast of Africa. It appears that they have succeeded in acquiring the title of about 400 square miles-extending along the coast about twenty miles, and about the same distance in the interior. It embraces the Cape and Harbor-the latter of which is said to be the best on the coast from Sierra Leone to Fernando Po. This settlement is said to be high and healthy, without any stagnant pools or morasses about it. The soil is rich The New York Board of Brokers on Fri-and the waters stocked with abundance of day last voted a donation of one hundred fine oysters and fish. It was paid for with dollars to the Colonization Society, to be ex- merchandise, to the exclusion of ardent spirits pended in the colonial supplies to be ship--and a stipulation made by the Society to ped by the Jupiter.

CAPE PALMAS An Address of the Board of Managers of the Maryland Colonization Society, has been recently published, containing the particulars of the purchase for a

establish, within one year, three free schools for the benefit of the native children, in three of the principal towns. The disposition of the natives is friendly and their desire for improvement strong.


To the Am. Col. Society in the month of May, 1834.

Gerrit Smith's first Plan of Subscription.

Judge Porter, New Orleans,

Harrison, Indiana, in Rev. Mr. Schofield's Church,

Collections from Churches.

Auxiliary Societies.

Schenectady, New York, from Presbyterian Church, by Rev. J. T. Backus,

Fredericksburg Auxiliary Society, by Rev. Mr. Chester,

Virginia Auxiliary Society, by B. Brand, Treasurer,

Troy (Miami Co. Ohio) Auxiliary Society, by Micaiah Fairfield,

Rev. Daniel Baker, Savannah, Georgia,


First Presbyt'n. Sunday School in Alleghanytown, Pa. by Rev. John Newlan,
Mrs. Washington, Mount Vernon,

African Repository.

Miss Lucy Payne, Goochland, Va.
Micaiah Fairfield, Troy, Miami Co. Ohio,











Collections in Albany, New York, in part of a proposed subscription of $3,000 for the purpose of sending ONE HUNDRED TEMPERANCE EMIGRANTS of unexceptionable character to Liberia, to be established in a village or town to be called "Albany," transmitted by JOHN T. NORTON, Esq..

Cortland Van Rensselaer,

Ladies in First Presbyt'n. Church $90; J. & J. Townsend $60;
Eustus Corning $50; Gideon Hawley $25; Jason Page $20;
John Willard, Stephen J. Ridar, James Denniston, James
Goold, Galen Batcheldor, E. P. & J. H. Prentice, Ambrose
Spencer, Philip S. Van Rensselaer, Joel Rathbone, Aaron
Thorp, James Boren, Israel Smith, Christian Miller, each $30;
Henry L. Webb, Friend Humphrey, Russell Forsyth, John A.
Dix, William Lallarcy, Thomas W. Olcott, David Wood,
Edwin Croswell, James King, Harmanus Bleecker, D. D.
Barnard, each $15;

Rev. E. N. Kirk, Rev. Alonzo Potter, Ladies of South Dutch
Church, John O. Cole, each $10,

A friend, by Rev. E. N. Kirk, Richard Yates, Bradford R.
Wood, Levi Hubbell, J. P. Cassady, George Dexter, J. Mc-
Clure, Philip Phelps, P. H. Ostrander, Theodore Olcott, R.
Winslow, Paul Roberts, Joseph Sherno, Peter Boyd, J. Alex-
ander, Jesse Buel, each $5;

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Mr. Pemberton $3; Cash $3; Chauncey Johnson $2; Mr. Jones $2; Sidney Guest $1; Samuel Watson $1; Cash 75 cts.; Cash 25 cts.; Cash $1.50; Preston Sheldon $1; a little girl 25 cts.; Wm. McElroy $1; Interest $1.54; Cash $5; ·

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