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The wealth of the Amakosa,' says Mr. Kay, and other tribes inhabiting this part of Africa, consists not in abundance of gold, silver, or precious stones; to them these things, so eagerly pursued by the civilized nations of the earth, would be mere dross. Neither do magnificent houses, nor splendid furniture, as we have already observed, constitute objects of glory here. Large herds of cattle are accounted the greatest and most valuable riches that man can possess; and the increase of his stock, together with the various means by which that increase may be most fully ensured, is the subject of daily study with every native from the time that he is at all capable of engaging in the affairs of life, to the very last moment of his earthly career. This, in short, is the end of all his exertions, and the grand object of all his arts. His very heart and soul are in his herd; every head is as familiar to his eye as the very countenances of his children. He is scarcely ever seen shedding tears, excepting when the chief lays violent hands upon some part of his horned family; this pierces him to the heart, and produces more real grief than would be evinced over the loss either of wife or child.

'Beads, brass wire, and gilt buttons, rank next in point of value. These, in fact, answer the two grand purposes to which gold and silver are applied in Europe, viz. trade and aggrandisement. They constitute the bullion of the country, and the sole medium of exchange, with the exception of a spear, which is occasionally given in part of payment. In former days the returns consisted of cattle only; but since the door has been thrown open for export to the colony, ivory and hides also have become staple commodities. For the elephant's tusk they had formerly no other use than that of cutting it up into rings for bracelets; but, now that they have a regular market, that class of ornaments has in a great measure disappeared. As we have already remarked respecting their ruling propensity, the grand end in every thing seems to be the augmentation of their stock: hence they will seldom receive any article, however valuable in our estimation, for their staple commodities, that will not in some way or other enable them to make an accession to their herd.

Sheep, goats, and horses, have but recently been introduced into the country; until lately, therefore, the pack ox constituted the only beast of burden with which they were at all acquainted. Now, indeed, we meet with a small flock of goats here and there, particularly amongst the Amatembu, which have from time to time been imported from the colony. Horses also are to be seen scattered over the country, some of which have doubtless been stolen from the colonists, and others left on the field as cast-aways in the different expeditions made by the latter against the bordering clans. Many of the young chiefs are becoming real Bedouins in their fondness for these animals; and some of them now possess very fine studs, which they are annually increasing. They have been much encouraged and assisted within the last four or five years by travellers and military gentlemen, who have presented th m with horses of a superior description. The principal use, however, which they make of those serviceable creatures, is that of the chase, in which they are quite as merciless as the wildest Arabs we are acquainted with. I was much amused with the manner in which the old chief one day tauntingly upbraided his sons with not being able to use their legs since they had got amahashi (horses) to carry them. "This," said he, "was not the case when S'Lhambi was young; we then thought it no task to journey on foot, or try the strength of our limbs in hunting. But things are altered now!"

'Their manner of life is truly patriarchal, and their general diet extremely simple.This ordinarily consists of milk, which, like the Arabs and Foulah nation of Western Africa, they invariably use in a sour curdled state. It is called amaaz, and rendered thus thick and acidulous by being kept in leathern sacks or bottles, the appearance of which, to the eye of a stranger, is exceedingly disgusting. Those vessels are replenished with fresh milk from the cow, morning and evening; this is generally poured in an hour or two before they draw oit that designed for family use. It is sometimes kept in calabashes (gourd shells); but in these it often contracts a peculiar and disagreeable taste. New milk is seldom used, excepting by children; nor does it ever undergo any other preparation than that already mentioned. This forms the Kaffers' standing dish; and, next to this, a bowl of boiled corn. The grain most commonly cultivated by the tribes of Southern Africa, is a species of millet, or guinea corn, holcus sorghum called amazimba by the Kaffer, and mabali by the Bechuana. It is used in different ways; but most commonly in a boiled state. When thus prepared, it is served up in small baskets, out of which each helps himself, making his hands serve as a succedaneum for spoons. Seasoning of any kind is seldom used: excepting when mixed with a little milk, the bare grain constitutes the sole ingredient of the mess. It is sometimes pounded between two stones with the hand (corn-mills being altogether unknown in Caftraria), and made into a kind of pottage; and at other times formed into thick cakes, which are always baked on the hearth, amidst hot embers, after the manner of the ancients. Indian corn also is cultivated, but not so extensively; pumpkins likewise, together with a few other esculent plants. But of the latter they seldom lay up any store; consequently they are only useful wile the season lasts: and this is in a great measure the case with maize also; for while it continues in season, both young and old are seen parching and eating it at all hours of the day. A species of sugar-cane, called imfe, is grown in great abundance: of this the natives are remarkably fond, on account of its sweet and succulent quality. A decoction of it, as like

wise of the Indian corn-stalk, is sometimes made for the purpose of sweetening their mess of millet. Add to the above an occasional feast of animal food, and we have the diet complete of a strong and able-bodied people. They seldom sit down to more than one good meal a-day; and that is in the evening, about an hour before bed-time; an occasional draught of milk is generally all they take beside. Few, indeed, are the wants of nature, whilst the appetite remains unenthralled by the vitiating influence of luxury. The spontaneous productions of the vegetable kingdom constitute their chief dependence, as it regards subsistence, in all cases of emergency.-P. 119.

They have some peculiar prejudices regarding certain sorts of food.Pork, fish, poultry, and eggs, they consider unclean; nor will they eat the flesh of the elephant. They appear to reject all meats considered unclean by the Arabs.

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Being almost entire strangers to the nature and use of spirituous liquors, they are in a great measure free from many of those disorders which are so dreadfully destructive in other countries. There is indeed a sort of metheglin which they make when wild honey is plentiful: of this they sometimes drink to excess.

The most prominent trait in the character of the Kaffer, is decidedly that of the herdsman, rather than the warrior; for, as already intimated, he is never so happy as when engaged in something that is calculated either to increase the numbers or improve the appearance of his cattle. Such is his daily attention to these, that one out of a thousand would be immediately missed. His perfect acquaintance with every little spot on the hide, turn of the horns, or other peculiarity, after having seen an animal once or twice, is indeed astonishing, and says much for his powers of observation.

Although he may have numerous servants or vassals at his command, it is accounted no disparagement for an Incos enkulu (great Captain or Chief) to be seen tending his own herds. The numerous and fantastical shapes into which they twist the horns of many of their oxen, give them a singular and often an unnatural appearance. This is of course done while the horn is flexible, and capable of being bended any way without difficulty to the operator or injury to the beast. Their expert management and perfect command of oxen is such as often furnishes demonstrative evidence of the knowledge these creatures possess of their respective owners, whose singular manœuvres as well as language might seem to be instantly comprehended by them. One of their most favourite amusements is that of racing young cattle, which are sometimes made to go at an astonishing rate: on these occasions, a native, on horseback and at full gallop, frequently leads the van. The winning ox is lauded to the very skies, and the praises of the multitude pronounced upon it in the most vociferous manner.'-P. 127-9.

Some of the natives are by no means contemptible artisans. Had they but proper tools, and a little instruction as to the use of them, their abakandi (smiths) would in all probability excel. The remoter tribes are far in advance of the Kaffer, as it regards the smelting of iron. Nevertheless, when it comes into his hand in a malleable state, the latter is able to shape it to his purpose with great ingenuity. Their hammer, as well as anvil, seldom consists of any thing more than a common hard stone, with which, however, they manage to give a neat finish to spears of different forms, metallic beads and small chains; bracelets also, both of iron and brass, are frequently manufactured by these selftaught mechanics with considerable taste. Much genius and clever workmanship are sometimes displayed in the blade of the assagai, (umkonto,) which constitutes their principal weapon, offensive and defensive. In addition to this, the smith (umkandi) makes a small description of hatchets, which, although very inefficient in the estimation of a European, serve every purpose for which the natives want them.

The various wars that have taken place within the last few years among the tribes higher up the coast, and in the interior, have been the means of throwing amongst the southern clans numbers of poor destitute exiles, who, from their being acquainted with the art of smelting metallic ores, are likely to prove very useful, both to the Amakosa and Amatembu.'-P. 133.

The arms of the Caffers are the assagai or javelin, a short club, and a shield. The first is a slender spear from six to seven feet in length, with an iron blade at the thickest end, from a foot to eighteen inches long, and from one to two inches broad. It is thrown by the hand alone; and the principal art in launching it, is to give the shaft a sort of tremulous motion, which greatly increases its velocity. At the distance of from fifty to seventy paces, a Caffer warrior can hit a large object, such as a man or an antelope, with considerable certainty, and with such force as to strike the weapon quite through the body. Every warrior or hunter carries a bundle of six or eight of these spears. The club is a short knob-stick, which

is used by way of bludgeon when they come to close fighting. They also use it as a weapon of defence in aid of the shield, to strike aside an assagai by a sudden side-blow. The shield is a large oval buckler of hardened bullock's hide, fixed on two cross sticks, which serve as a handle to grasp it. It is about four feet long, by two and a half broad, and is well fitted. to protect these naked warriors against their slender missiles, but it is of little avail against fire-arms. Some of the tribes in the interior, who come in contact with the Portuguese, have smaller round shields of rhinoceros hide, which are capable of turning a musket ball. Their mode of fighting is to range themselves in opposing lines, and to throw their spears from a distance. When exhibited in a sham fight (a pastime they frequently exercise themselves with), the spectacle of these fine, athletic, naked warriors, springing hither and thither with loud cries, changing their place every instant to avoid the missiles of their opponents, throwing themselves on the ground, and then quickly rising, to take their aim anew, is exceedingly striking. The wars between the contiguous clans of the Southern Caffers are seldom very bloody. They commonly arise from grievances connected with the invasion of each other's pasture grounds, or the stealing of cattle; and are usually decided by a skirmish or two with missiles, without coming to close quarters. The devastating ravages of the Zoolu and Mantatee tribes, described by Mr. Thompson, and briefly noticed by Mr. Kay, are, however, of a different and far more ferocious character, these tribes rushing on to combat in dense masses with the stabbingspear, the war-club, and the battle-axe, and destroying the hordes overwhelmed by them root and branch.



The kindness and liberality of the friends of the Society in New York, in aiding by contributious of money and useful articles in fitting out the Jupiter with supplies for Liberia, deserves great praise. Col. Stone exerted himself much to obtain a supply of paper and types for the Colonial press, and the following statement is from the New York Spectator of the 18th ult.

THE COLONIZATION CAUSE. Our appeals yesterday in behalf of the righteous and noble cause, were not in vain. The type founders came generally forward, and our little printing office in Liberia will be furnished with new types, and other conveniences. The donations for this object, stand as follows:

Mr. Elihu White, 100 lbs. Small Pica. Messrs. Conner & Cook, 100 lbs. and wards, Pica.

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3 00

ger, [with the note annexed] "Mrs. Limberger having noticed in your paper yesterday afternoon, an appeal to the Ladies of this city in behalf of Eunice Sharp, who is bound to the colony of Liberia in the best of causes, encloses to your care for her benefit her mite, viz. $3, towards making her comfortable-regretting at the same time, that the donation is so small -trusting at the same time that God will spare her useful life and make her the inup-strument in his hands, in illuminating the minds of many of the ignorant in that section: who may hereafter rise up and call her blessed."

do. do. small font two line do. Messrs. Geo. Dearborn, and-Smith, font of English, 50 lbs.

Messrs. G. & D. Bruce, Job type, flowers,


Messrs. Hoe & Co. 3 pairs cases, brass rules, Printing office furniture, &c.

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Box of School Books, &c. from a Friend.

It affords us pleasure to state, that the ladies of the new Methodist church in Vestry st. have taken upon themselves the support of Eunice Sharp, as an instructress, after her arrival in the colony. The ladies of the African Education Society yesterday appropriated $25 towards furnishing her for the voyage, &c.

THOMAS BELL, Commercial Agent for the Colonization Society, embraces this opportunity of acknowledging the liberality of the citizens of New York, in enabling the Society at this time to increase great ly their shipment of supplies, &c. by the Jupiter. This vessel sailed on Saturday, having on board, consigned to Gov. Pinney, the following amount of provisions, trade goods, &c.

Invoice of provisions, consisting of flour, corn, pork, fish, molasses, &c.-say $3000 Invoice of trade goods, consisting of tobacco, dry goods, hardware, cutlery, agricultural implements, &c.

Invoice of duck, copper sheathing, rigging, &c. for repairing the schooner at the Colony,

In addition to the above, the donations of trade goods, together with a complete set of new type, press, &c. for the Liberia Herald, will amount to about

Total amount of the present per Jupiter,

New York, June 20th, 1834.






"Resolved, That the Synod recommend the American Colonization Society to all our churches, as an institution eminently calculated to promote the cause of humaníty, and spread the Gospel through Africa, and that according to a request of the Board of Managers, it be recommended to our churches to take up collections on the 4th of July, or any Sabbath near that day, for the benefit of that institution."

This, Mr. Editor, speaks volumes in favour of the Colonization Society. Notwithstanding all the efforts that have been made to prejudice the minds of the community, a body of divines and laymen, consisting of nearly one hundred members, collected from every part of this and the two adjoining States, has given it their solemn and deliberate sanction, and recommended it to the patronage of their churches. It needs no comment-let it speak for itself.-N. Y. Spectator. W.

[From the Cincinnati Standard, June 13.] ERROR CORRECTED.

Brother Burtt.-It is industriously reported that the Hon James G. Birney, of Kentucky, late of Alabama, and recently General Agent of the Am. Colonization Society, has withdrawn from that Society, and avowed his opposition to its principles. That the injurious report may no longer be circulated, without correction, I wish to state for the information of your readers, that gentleman attended the meeting of the Kentucky Colonization Society, held a few weeks since, at Frankfort, made a speech on the occasion, and was then elected a Vice President of the Society, and now holds that office.

By publishing this in the Standard, you
will subserve the cause of truth.
June 8th, 1834.

Death of Mr. Lander.


REFORMED DUTCH CHURCH. The sanction of this large and enlightened body of Christians to the cause of African Colonization is of The enterprising African traveller, Rich'd great importance. The following no- Lander, was fired upon and severely woundtice of the proceedings of the General ed by the natives on the Nunn river, where he had gone for the purpose of trade, early Synod will be read with deep inter-in the month of January, and died at Fernan


do Po, on the 2nd of February. The following extract of a letter from Capt. Fuge, of the Crown, contains all the particulars of this melancholy event that are yet known. Mr. Lander was buried by Capt. Fuge on the day he died.

The General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church has been, during the past week, in session in this city, and seldom has a more intelligent and talented body of divines been convened by this or any other denomination; including among its members such as Drs. "Mr. Richard Lander expired at FernanLudlow, Ferris, McMurray, Brodhead, and do Po, on Sunday, the 2nd of February, on others, well known for their learning and pi- his way up into the interior with a schooety. Scarcely had the Synod convened be- ner boat, loaded with goods for trade, and fore the emisaries of the Anti-Colonization two canoes which were towed from Cape Society (let them be called by their right Coast by the cutter Crown. He was attackname) made their appearance, and loading ed on all sides by bushmen, all armed with the tables at the entrance, endeavoured to musquetry. One white man and two black force upon the members, the libellous pub- men were killed; one woman and child, with lications recently issued; how far these at a boy, were taken prisoners. Mr. Lander tempts succeeded the result will show. The and the remainder fortunately managed to following resolution was unanimously adopt-get into one of the canoes aud pull for their lives. Mr. Lander received a shot in his


hip; a seaman and two Kroomen were also | temperate and persuasive argument,-whatseverely wounded. They left the Crown to proceed up the river on the 13th, and returned to the cutter on the 21st of January.They lost every thing belonging to them, excepting what clothes they had on them.Mr. Lander lost all his papers, not one remains to be shown. The Crown got under weigh, and arrived at Fernando Po, on Sunday the 26th. Mr. Lander's wound had mortified, but he died quite composed."

Lt. Allen, RN. who had been exploring the Niger, has arrived at Plymouth, Eng. in the Talbot. Lieut. Allen has completed his surveys, and immediately set off for London, with the interesting results of his expedition.


After an able and full discussion of the questions of Colonization and abolition in Washington County (Penn.) an interesting and promising Auxiliary Colonization Society was, on the 7th ult. formed by the students of Washington College, and the following gentlemen elected officers: MR. JOYNES, Sr., President.-MR. HERBURT & MR. CUNNINGHAM, Vice-Presidents. MR. MCCOMBS, Secretary. Managers-Messrs. JOYNES, JONES, McANOLL, PAULL, and MOODY.

It is believed that a large majority of the members of this College are entirely in favour of the Colonization Society.

An Auxiliary Colonization Society, has also been formed in AUBURN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, N. York, and much zeal and attachment to the cause prevails among its members.

The Hon. Elijah Paine, President of the Vermont Colonization Society, has addressed a circular to "the Clergy in particular, and to the People of Vermont generally." After alluding to the late Annual Meeting of the Parent Society and its pecuniary embarrassments, his views are thus expressed:

"In view of all the facts we say, unhesitatingly, our confidence in the goodness of our object and in the wisdom of our plan is unimpaired.

"The object is to confer the highest benefit on the coloured population and the white population of our country. The introduction of civilization and the Gospel to Africa, will be a consequent effect. The plan is at least the best until a better is proposed. Whatever can be done to meliorate or eradicate the evils and the wrongs of slavery by

ever can be done in such ways to hasten safe and healthful emancipation, let it be done. We join hands with such philanthropists. But we grieve to witness the present movements of those who pursue a different course. Their arguments are not temperate nor their plans judicious. The spirit manifested by them, if cherished and extended, and the policy they pursue, if successful, would soon involve our country in the horrors of a civil war. The true philanthropists will beware of such consequences.Least of all should the advocates of abolition oppose the Colonization Society.”

[From the Western Luminary, June 4.] DANVILLE COLONIZATION SOCIETY. We are glad to see our friends at Danville, Ky. still giving their influence to the annual meeting of the Society was held a few days since. The resolutions adopted on the occasion show the estimation in which they hold that noble and much injured institution, the American Colonization Society. The following are the resolutions adopted at the meeting, with a list of officers for the ensuing year.

noble cause of African Colonization. The

Resolved, That this society places undiminished confidence in the integrity of the Managers of the American Colonization Society, and in the importance and ultimate success of the scheme of African Colonization.

Resolved, That the American Colonization Society and the great object for which it is laboring, merit the patronage and support of the general and state governments. Officers for the ensuing year: JOHN GREEN, Esq. President. Vice-Presidents-Rev. J. C. YOUNG, Rev. W. L. BRECKENRIDGE, Dr. FLEECE, Dr. AYRES.


J. A. JACOBS, Secretary.
J. J. POLK, Treasurer.

CINCINNATI COLONIZATION SOCIETY. A meeting of this society was held in the first Presbyterian church, on Wednesday, of the Episcopal church, presided. After the 4th inst. at which the Rev. Dr. Aydelott, prayer by the chairman, the agent of the society made a statement, setting forth the present condition and future prospects of the institution.

The meeting was addressed at length, by the Rev. Dr. Beecher, president of the Lane Seminary, who defended the society in an able manner, against some of the many charges brought against it, and endeavored to show the friends of abolition, that they might and ought to act in concert with the Colonization Society. The meeting was then adjourned to Monday evening, the 9th inst. in the second church.

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