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The brig Jupiter sailed from New York on Saturday the 21st ultimo, with stores, agricultural implements, trade goods, &c., to the amount of about $7000. Among the passengers were the Rev. Ezekiel Skinner, Missionary and Physician; Dr. M'Dowell from Edinburgh, a Physician; and Mr. Webb, a student of medicine; all under the direction and patronage of the American Colonization Society. Mr. Searl, a graduate of Amherst College, and Mr. Finley, a graduate of Princeton, go out as teachers, under the patronage of the Ladies' Association, of New York City. In addition to these, a coloured woman of education and piety, from Vermont, embarked of her own accord and motion, to devote herself to the cause of education in Africa. A few days before the departure of this interesting company, a very respectable meeting was held in the Middle Dutch Church, at which able addresses were delivered by the Rev. Dr. Bangs, Wm. L. Stone, Esq., Judge Wilkinson and the Rev. Mr. Bethune; and a collection taken up exceeding three hundred dollars. On the evening previous to the departure of the Jupiter, appropriate services were held in the Brick Church; an excellent address pronounced by the Rev. Cyrus Mason, and prayer offered by the Rev. Dr. Spring.


It will be recollected that Thomas Givens, who returned some time ago from the Colony, gave a very unfavourable account of the condition of its affairs, as well as of the country. This Givens represented that a female emigrant from Charleston, was exceedingly discontented; or, to use her mother's expression, crazy to return home. The following extract from a letter addressed to her mother by this person, Martha Snetter, shows how unfounded was the statement of Mr. Givens:

MONROVIA, LIBERIA, February 26, 1834. DEAR MOTHER-I take this opportunity of writing you these few lines, hoping they may find you and all enquiring friends in as good health, as they leave me and my husband. Charles, my son, is quite well. Pearth died last August, after lingering two months; but we must thank the Lord for all things. Dear Mother, I must stop and tell you that I have enjoyed my religious privileges with great comfort. We have night-church as well as four times on Sabbath-day. I have to attend Sunday School, as I am one of the principal teachers. We have two Missionaries, men belonging to our church. We have a stone church a-building. The Methodists have four Missionaries. They are fine people. We took sacrament at their house, where they have the fever: they are getting better. Dont mind what you hear from Thomas Givens, for were you not in Charleston, I would think of it but seldom. After his wife died, I heard that he sent his daughter to work, which was cried shame about the whole settlement. He would not work, but wanted to be paid for preaching. After he could not get paid for preaching, he would not stay. Abram Rogers' daughter Mary, got married to Mr. Cooper last Wednesday night. Snetter [i. e. her husband, a barber] is in business and is doing very well: he has not built as yet, but he has two house frames and all the boards and shingles ready. But he has not time to attend to it, as he is at Caldwell. I am your affectionate daughter till death, MARTHA SNETTER.


Despatches have been received by the schooner Edgar, up to the 10th of May. They bring the afflictive tidings of the deaths of four of the devoted Missionaries-the Rev. Mr. Laird and wife, and the Rev. Mr. Cloud of the Presbyterian Church, and of the Rev. Mr. Wright of the Methodist

Church. The wife of Mr. Wright died in February last. In announc ing this painful intelligence, the Editor of the New York Journal of Commerce observes the decease of these individuals, "Will, of course, be seized upon by Immediate Abolitionists as an evidence that the frown of Providence rests upon the Colony, or at any rate that a Colony so invaded by disease and death, ought not to be supported.Weak minds may possibly be operated upon by such suppositions; but none others can be. The same argument precisely and with still greater force, might have been urged against the Colonies at Plymouth and Jamestown, and may now be urged against the mission of Bombay. Jamestown and Plymouth are now healthy, and have been so for a century; Liberia may be so too, after the surrounding country is cleared up and cultivated. It would be strange indeed if the civilization of a continent was to be accomplished without some loss of life. But if loss of life is so dreadful a thing to the Abolitionists, then we say that ten lives are saved by the Colony, in the prevention of the slave trade for two or three hundred miles along the coast, where one is lost. When a few more such Colonies as Liberia, Sierra Leone and Cape Town, are planted along the coast, the slave trade will be dead forever."

We extract the following from the same paper:

"Among the Emigrants by the Jupiter, which arrived at the Colony on the 31st of December, there had been no deaths except a woman of seventy five years, and two children under 12. Mr. & Mrs. Spaulding, Methodist missionaries, were to leave Liberia on the 12th May in the ship Argus for Boston. Their object is, to procure a reinforcement and recruit their health. They are soon to return to the Colony, as is also Mr. Temple, a colored Assistant missionary, who has arrived in the schr. Edgar at this port. Mr. Jones, who has also arrived in the Edgar, is about to proceed to Kentucky for his family. The general health of the Colony is good. We have had the pleasure of an interview with Messrs. Temple and Jones, and are happy to state that they are in excellent spirits in regard to the Colony, and think it the best place for the colored man which the world affords.Mr. Temple has not fully recovered from the effects of the fever."

Annexed is a letter from Rev. Mr. Pinney, Colonial Agent, to R. S. Finley, Esq.

"MONROVIA, May 10, 1834.-Mr. Temple, the last of the band of Presbyterian missionaries who landed in Africa the first of January last to try its perils, will hand you this note, and communicate more at length the tidings which my pen is loth to speak.

Mr. T. will, I trust, do good while at home. He is desirous of ordination and expects to return very soon. The vessel sails in about two hours, and time is short. Our losses do not dishearten me. I trust the church will not be discouraged. God is about to try us, but I hope some good will be found, and faith which shall not tremble though a thousand fall."

The Colonial Agent, Mr. Pinney, speaks of a greatly increased attention to agriculture, says that at Caldwell double the usual quantity of land has been cleared and planted the present season. On the subject of agri

culture he observes-"I feel that the friends of Colonization have reason to congratulate themselves that a new state of things has commenced in the Colony.

"The call for lands from Bassa, has been so pressing, that the surveyor has made one more visit there, and given farms to thirty-two of the first emigrants. Ten were left undrawn through neglect in the claimants to cut their lines. Orders, however, were left with Mr. Weaver to run them out very shortly. Your Agent visited that settlement at the same time. The alteration in the appearance of the town since his previous visit a year, was very gratifying. The old barricade is almost deserted, and the large majority are living in their own houses. I saw reason, however, to regret the existence of the mania for traffic. This has already embarrassed many of the most industrious inhabitants, and will ruin many more unless speedily cured.

"The fair promises of many, and some of the most influential, encourage me, however, much to expect an alteration, and to see farms displace cam

wood. The quantity and beauty of the timber on the lands surveyed, is surprising; and we may say, inexhaustible. May the time speedily arrive when the hand of industry shall develope fully the resources of Liberia."

From the Liberia Herald.

MONROVIA, Jan. 29.-Native Coffee Trees.-Professor Wright in the Colonization debate, between him and Mr. Finley," was positive that coffee trees were not indigenous to this part of the coast, but came from an African Island. If the professor would take the trouble to pay us a visit, we would show him a dozen varieties of the coffee plant in our immediate vicinity, growing spontaneously in our woods.

Grand Bassa Settlement.-Recent accounts from Edina, represent this settlement in a most flourishing condition, and so industrious had the settlers been that 15 shingled houses had already been erected. The recent purchase of the Devil's bush, had given great satisfaction to all parties, and but little time would elapse, when that spot, so long consecrated to the unhallowed rites of Moloch, would be covered with christian inhabitants.

MONROVIA, Feb. 25.-Houses for New Emigrants.-Two extensive buildings (one of which is nearly completed,) are now erecting in a pleasant part of our town for the reception of new comers.

Erection of a Light House on Cape Messurado. It is proposed to erect a Light on Cape Messurado, for the benefit of our infant commerce.

Erection of a Sawmill.-Measures are in train for the erection of a sawmill on the creek nearly opposite Millsburg, on the St. Paul's River. It is a pity we have not one or two steam mills in operation, for sawing lumber, as the natives have lately adopted the commendable plan of rafting down logs suitable for sawing, to our water's edge; and now they have adopted the plan themselves, there will be no difficulty in keeping them so employed, if suitable encouragement is held out.

Price of Rice and Coffee in the Settlement.-From a perusal of a late number of the Genius of Universal Emancipation, which has been politely furnished us by the Editor, a person would be led to believe that our colonists really paid at the rate of 25 cents per pound for rice, and 60 cents for coffee. This is something new to us, and our readers, to hear that African rice has been sold by the pound in our market.

We assert without fear of contradiction, that we have never known rice, (in times of greatest scarcity, which is during the rains, before the new rice is fit for cutting,) to sell for more than two dollars and fifty cents per bushel. To arrive at a fair rate, at which rice should be quoted, will be to put it down at one dollar and sixty cents the bushel; as during the season when all prudent persons should lay in their rice, it can be purchased for one dollar per bushel, and often for less. Estimating a bushel at sixty eight pounds, it would then give nearly 2 2-12 cents per pound, instead of twenty five. A wide difference.-Coffee grows wild around us; and if a little encouragement was held out to the natives, might be purchased at a moderate rate, at least enough for home consumption. Our colonists have not paid much attention to the culture of this important berry, but we know one family, who have for years, raised more than enough for their own consumption from trees of their own planting. We have never seen 60 cents per pound paid for coffee yet, and we are doubtful if it has ever been.


March 7, 1834.

DEAR BRETHREN,-1 am so weak that I am hardly able to write; but there is one subject upon which I thought much, which I wish to have brought before the benevolent friends of Africa in America and which I think of sufficient importance to justify an effort to write, though better fit to keep my bed. I know that there are many in America who are much interested in the salvation of Africa; but could these persons see things as we see them, could they see thousands of immortal beings passing on to the great day of retribution, without the means of instruction and salvation, yet ready to receive both, they would feel a tenfold interest in their welfare. The time has come when the Christian world declares that Africa must be redeemed; and to her must be restored the lights of science and of life. A million hearts beat in union upon this subject. But the inquiry is generally made, By what means shall this be accomplished? Must we depend upon the labours of white men, or shall we educate and send men of color to enlighten their benighted brethren? To the latter question I will take the liberty to reply, that, in my humble opinion, to depend upon the labors of white men to civilize and Christianize this continent will prove altogether fruitless. We may send our white men and women here and bury them; but some plan should be devised to which we can look, and on which we can depend for more certain success, though we must at present depend upon the labours of the white man. Were I asked what plan I would propose, I would make the following proposition to the benevolent friends of Africa, to wit: That the young ladies and gentlemen connected with our Church and congregations, in the principal cities and towns, form themselves into distinct associations, and that they select twenty or thirty of the most intelligent colored persons they can find of each sex, of undoubted piety, who will pledge themselves to devote their time and talents to the instruction of their brethren in

Africa, for a moderate compensation; and that these persons be educated expressly as teachers for this interesting field of labor, as soon as possible. Persons from the middle and southern states would be preferred, as they would be better able to endure the climate than persons from the north. This is a small number. We should have hundreds, if not thousands-but we may commence with this number.

Who can tell or imagine the great good that will result to the millions of Africa from such an effort? I hope this motion will be seconded by a thousand hearts and persons. The expense will be trifling and hardly felt. It may be met by small retrenchments in the expense of your tables, and in the article of dress. But should it cost us something, we shall then feel that we are doing something to elevate and benefit the long-neglected and degraded African; and God will crown such efforts with his blessing.


Extract from Miss Farrington's letter to Miss Merritt of New-York. When mention was made of the approaching fever, they whispered, Let us all pray that they may have it lightly. The natives who thronged the streets, and looked with a silent gaze upon us foreigners, seemed to tell what a work was to be done, while they raised within us feelings of the deepest interest, and drew the waiting tear. The air was far more cool and exhilarating than I expected, and the heat much less oppressive: indeed I have never felt the heat uncomfortable since I arrived. We have had occasionally a thunder shower, which, together with the sea and land breezes, renders the air sufficiently cool. The country is here quite level, with the exception of Cape Messurado, which adds much to the beauty of the place. There are no other mountains within twenty miles of Monrovia. The groves, from their extreme fertility, forbid our walking in them, except where there. were footpaths opened, but there is a great beauty and grandeur in a view of them. The variety of trees of different sizes, and numerous shrubs and flowers, interspersed with the lofty oak and towering cotton, (which last is not so common, most of them having been destroyed,) give nature a splendid appearance, while the roar of the distant surf, dashing against the beach, adds much to the sublimity. The part of the town which is the thickest settled is far from exhibiting that splendor which we see in the country towns of America. We see much of nature's wildness even here; but the gardens of fruit trees, and vegetables, with sometimes a grape vine in its infancy, pine apples, &c. make a handsome appearance.

There are more professing piety, according to the number of inhabitants, than I have ever known in a town. I am told that about two thirds, if not more, of the inhabitants are Methodists in principle. There are Baptists, and a few Presbyterians. There is a great want of schools. Many of the people are asking me if I will not stay and teach a school in the higher branches, saying, even the married people, both gentlemen and ladies, wish to attend. But my whole soul runs after the natives. They seem ignorant of every thing which concerns their future welfare, and yet willing and even desirous to be instructed. I see so much to be done here that my spirit is almost restless; but patience must be exercised till we become acclimated. I praise the Lord that he restores strength so rapidly since the fever. It is now two weeks and a day since they gave me up to die, and I am now able to be up and write most of the day. The friends are all recovering from the fever with the exception of our dear sister Wright, whom Heaven has taken from us; a loss indeed which cannot be made up; but it is gain to her. I hope, sister, you will pray the Lord to send multitudes here to labour in his vineyard; and pray also, that he would make those who come persons after his own heart. Holiness is an essential qualification for those who labour here. One wants faith that will remove mountains; confidence that the world cannot shake; wisdom that is Divine; and a heart overflowing with love, pure as that which existed in the Saviour's bosom, when he left the Father's glory to redeem a world that was lost. O Lord, diffuse a spirit of vital holiness all over Africa. My sister, let me ask you to be much in ardent, wrestling, mighty prayer for this benighted nation, and may your prayer have wings to reach the eternal throne and prevail with God. Yours, &c.


To the Am. Colonization Society in the month of June, 1834.

Collections from Churches.

Alleghany co. Pa. Montour's congn. by the Rev. John K. Cunningham,

Armstrong co. Pa. congn. of Ticking and Rehoboth, by Rev. F. Herson,
Buffaloe, Rev. S. Easton's congregation,

Centreville, Pennsylvania, by Rev. Amos Chase,
East Durham, New York,


2 13

Frankfort, Beaver county, Pennsylvania, by Rev. R. Patterson,
Hagerstown, Evan. Luthn. church, by Rev. S. K. Hoshour,

New Lisbon, Ohio, by Rev. C. Vallandingham,

$15 943

Ravenna, Ohio, Congregational Society, by Rev. A. Nash,

Taggert's Valley, Va. by Rev. James Baber,

Venango county, Pa. Rockland and Richland congs. by Rev. R. Patterson,

6 31




Utica, by S. Stocking and W. P. Bacon, colls. and donations, as follows, viz.—

The American Colonization Society in account with SAMUEL STOCKING. By cash, 4th July collection in Chittenango,

Donation by Miss Mary A. Gates,

404 37



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From Congregational Society, Madison,
Collection in Sabbath schools, Mexico,

From Asa and Allen Beebee, of Lee, for the Repository,
From Presbyterian Society, Hannibalville,

Collection at Oneidaville, Rev. G. Freeman, Pastor,
Collection in Second Congregational Society, Hamilton,
Collection in Second Presbyterian Society, Rome,
From George Stedman, of Lee,

Coll. in Bapt. and Presbyterian Societies, Norway,
Bapt. Society, Fort Covington,


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]




Eaton, John Smitzer, Pastor,
N. Woodstock, John Peck, Pr.,
Coll. in Union Soc. Warren, J. J. Whitman, Pastor,
First Baptist Soc. Marcellus, E. Sessions, Pastor,
Baptist Soc. "Paris Hollow", Zelora Eaton, Pr.
First Presn. Soc. Verona, J. Brainard, Pastor,
Baptist Soc. Sherburne,

"West Hill" S. sch'l, N. Hartford, A. Mill, Sup.
Baptist Soc. Ellicottville, E. Vining, Pastor,
Presbn. Soc. "Mount Vernon", Mr. Bogue, Pr.,

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By cash from Congl. church, Marshall, Rev. N. M. Davis,

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[merged small][ocr errors]

Donation of Mr. S. Bagley, Newark,
Collected in Middleville,

Less, postage on letter from Ellicottville as above,

The following sums were collected at Utica:-Contribution from the Ladies, $55 50; T. R. Walker, (balance of $30 subscription), $24; Wm. Tracy, 1st payment of $20 subscription, $10; Wm. J. Bacon, 2nd payment of $30 subscription, $10, sundry donations, to wit: T. R. Butler, $i; A. Mosher, $1; J. A. Russ, $2; A. H. Hunt, $2; D. H. Hastings, $1; R. B. Shepard, $1; J. W. Doolittle, $2; J. Kirkland, $5; M. Bagg, $3; Thomas Walker, $5; James Dana, $2; balance of collection, $2 70;

Of which the enclosed draft of $404 37 is the avails.

Washington county, Pa. Raekoon congregation, by Rev. R. Patterson,
West Rupert, Vermont, by Rev. David Wilson,

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4 12 3

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