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besides having the talents, learning, and piety, required for such a station, is heartily devoted to the welfare of the colored people.

"Mr. Smith provides, at his own expense, instructers, books, stationery, rooms, bedding, fuel, lights, and boarding. The student furnishes his own clothing. As a partial compensation for the above-named expenditures on his account, and as important to his own education, the student is expected to labor four hours daily, in some agricultural or mechanical employment. The proprietor has an abundance of land connected with the School. These four hours of labor are estimated as worth, on an average, about twelve and a half cents daily for each student. The living of the pupils is very plain. Neither tea nor coffee is allowed them. They have meat but once a day. They sleep on mattresses of straw. They do their own cooking and washing, under the superintendence of a respectable colored woman, who lived a great many years in the family of the late Governor Trumbull, of this State. This labor, however, is deducted from their four hours per day. Every scholar, on entering the School, is required to subscribe a promise of abstinence from all intoxicating drinks, including cider and strong beer, and also from tobacco in every form. Pains are taken that they shall all be perfectly free to form and express their opinions on Anti-Slavery and Colonization Societies, and kindred subjects; and they of course understand that they are perfectly at liberty to go where they please when they leave the institution. There is a reading-table in the School, well supplied with AntiSlavery and Colonization publications.

The proprietor has not yet resolved how many students it will be judicious to receive after the first year. As yet he has prepared rooms for only eighteen. The School was opened on the first of May last. At the date of our information, about three weeks since, the number of scholars was but seven; though it was probable, from the number of applications for admission, that in a month or two the number for the present year would be full.

"Pupils under fourteen years of age are not desired. But any active and enterprising colored youth, of from 14 to 25 years of age, who is disposed to make the most of such advantages as this School offers, will do well to apply for admission. He will need at his starting a year or two's supply of good coarse clothing, and perhaps five or ten dollars in money over the expenses of his journey."

"We are happy to learn that the scholars appear to be highly pleased with their privileges, and that the School is becoming an object of much interest with the Christian community in the midst of which it has been established."



We learn from the Norwich (Con.) Courier, that DR. ALFRED E. PERKINS, who died recently in that city, besides various private bequests, has left to the American Colonization Society one thousand dollars.

[From the Connecticut Observer, Nov. 24.] LIBERIA. A gentleman near Natchez, lately deceased, has liberated his slaves, 18 or 20 in number, and furnished them with from 200 to 400 dollars each, to promote their

comfortable settlement in Liberia.

[From the Alexandria Gazette, November 15.] The State of Georgia has purchased of his owner, at the enormous price of $1800, a negro man named SAM, with a view to his

emancipation, for his services in extinguish-
ing a fire on the State House, which occurred
upwards of a year ago.

Appointment by the Governor and Council of
Peter Hoffman, Esq. Commissioner to su-

perintend the emigration of the people of color, vice Moses Sheppard, resigned. COLONIZATION MEETING AT CINCINNATI.

A meeting of the Colonization Society, one of the largest and most interesting of the kind ever held in Cincinnati, took place on Friday, the 21st of October, in the second Presbyterian church. The chair was taken by the President, Rev. B. P. Aydelott, of the Episcopal church, and the meeting opened with prayer, by Rev. R. H. Bishop, D. D. of Miami University.

Several resolutions and addresses were delivered by the were passed Rev. Thornton A. Mills, Rev. Dr. Beecher, and R. S. Finley, Esq. Our columns are crowded, but for reasons that will be appreciated, we present the following.

The Rev. Dr. Beecher moved the

following resolution, which was seconded by the Rev. Mr. Graves, and adopted.

Resolved, That the establishment of colonies in Africa with emigrants selected from the moral, temperate, and industrious colored persons in America, is eminently calculated of itself, to disseminate the knowledge of civilization and the blessings of the christian religion amongst the benighted native population of that country; and also to afford facilities to the various Missionary Societies for carrying into effect their pious designs.

solved to send a company of emigrants to Africa, to start about the middle of January.

The Colonization Society of Cincinnati held a general meeting on the 31st ult., from the proceedings of which we select the following:

R. S. Finley, Esq., supported by the Rev. Mr. Lind, then submitted the following Resolution, which after a few pertinent remarks from the mover, was adopted without opposition, viz:

Resolved, That our success in establishing a Colony of colored persons in Africa, is intimately connected with the success which may attend our efforts to cultivate the intellect, and improve the moral and religious condition of our colored population at home. Mr. Finley briefly adverted to the various the state and prospects of the Colony; and West, to procure authentic information of took occasion to introduce Mr. Joseph Jones, a respectable colored man, who had spent several months in Liberia, in 1833, on a visit

Dr. B. addressed the meeting, and illustrated with great force and clearness, the following positions-That colonization is one of the best means of sending the gospel to Africa, and that it was eminently calculated to advance the cause of emancipation.-measures which had been taken in the He did not contend that it was the only means of abolishing slavery in this country, or even that it was of itself entirely adequate to that object; of observation, in behalf of the colored popumany masters would, however, eman-lation, (by whom he was nominated,) and cipate their slaves for the purpose of the State Society, of Kentucky. being colonized, and many slaves of a Mr. Jones then proceeded, in reply to sunproper character, thus emancipated, dry interrogatories, to give his first impressions of Africa, and submitted a number of would be willing to go to the Colony interesting facts, in relation to the actual Moreover it had caused the question condition of the Colony, under the heads of of slavery to be discussed every where Population-dwellings-food-clothing—agriculture--arts-commerce--education-religion, both in the south and the north, c. which had been the means of extensively enlightening the public mind, not only as to the evils of slavery, but also as to the best means of correcting them, and entirely abolishing the whole system.

After the addresses had been delivered, Mr. Finley introduced to the meeting, Mr. Joseph Jones, who has lately returned from Liberia, whither he had been sent expressly for the purpose of examining and reporting the state of the country. In reply to questions put to Mr. Jones on the subject, he gave a most interesting account of the Colony-its schools, its churches, its soil, productions, &c. The meeting adjourned highly gratified with what they had heard. And doubtless a noble impulse was given on that occasion to the cause of African Colonization.- Chris. Intel.

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As there was not sufficient time for all the details which it was supposed would prove acceptable to the audience, (including the exhibition of several specimens of African manufactures, and productions,) the examination of Mr. J. was postponed until the an nual meeting of the Society, proposed to be held on WEDNESDAY EVENING next, the fifth inst. when such further questions as may be put to him by the audience, in relation to his opinions or experience, will be promptly and willingly answered.

[From the Southern Religious Telegraph, Rich

mond, Va. Dec. 5.]

The cause presented in the following article is commended by its own merits, its importance to the welfare of the sons and daughters of Africa, to the sympathies, prayers and enlightened liberality of Christian ladies in every part of our country.

The Sixth Annual meeting of the FEMALE COLONIZATION SOCIETY OF RICHMOND AND MANCHESTER was held in the Presbyterian Church on Shockoe hill, Wednesday, Nov. 26th. The following is a statement of facts, relative to their progress during the last year.

It is known to this Society that about 5 years since we determined to establish a fe

male free school for orphan and destitute Congress to endeavor to procure the children in the Colony of Liberia. During abolition of slavery in the District of that time our efforts to obtain a teacher prov- Columbia, a motion was made in the ed unsuccessful. When the Rev. Mr. Pinney went to Africa as Governor of the Colony, we Legislature of Vermont, that the resorequested him to obtain a teacher there, if lution be dismissed, whereupon a long possible. It is with great satisfaction that debate ensued. Mr. Partridge was the Board inform the Society that Mr. Pinney has complied with our request, and engaged opposed to slavery, but in favor of the the services of Mrs. Cyples,-who went from motion to dismiss. Mr. Dillingham Charleston, S. C. recommended by Mr. opposed the motion to dismiss. In Grimke, and has been qualifying herself for his view, a dismissal of the motion, teaching in the school of Mrs. Thompson. would be virtually an acknowledg Mr. Pinney engaged to pay Mrs. Cyples $200 per annum. $249 60 have been expen- ment that slavery was not wrong, and ded in Tobacco and shipped to Norfolk for an instruction to members of Congress this purpose. The annual collections which have been not to exert their influence for its aboaccumulating were placed at interest, and lition. The question to dismiss was with donations, amount $502 79 now in the carried-Ayes 103, Noes 90. On Treasury. The collections this year amount this very proper decision, the Boston to $91 80, and we have no prospect at pre- Commercial Gazette makes the folsent of obtaining aid from any other source. The Female Society of Louisville, Kentucky, lowing just remarks: which was Auxiliary to this, has been dissolved, owing the secretary mentions, to the pressure in every thing where money is con


It is unnecessary in this report to say any thing on the importance of female education; all present appreciate it. It is well known that to a great extent females have the control of mind. To the efforts and prayers of intelligent mothers, the world is indebted for much of the Wisdom and Piety which have blessed mankind.

How cheering is the thought that this is one of the means by which the conversion of the world is to be accomplished, and that we may bear a part in this glorious work. When we pray "Thy kingdom come," shall we not send up a petition that our humble efforts may be blessed by the Head of the Church, and result in leading many poor benighted

females to the Saviour.

The Board would only add in conclusion, that they have determined to transmit to Mr. Pinney as much of the funds as he finds necessary to the aid and education of orphan and destitute children in the Colony. The name of this Society has been changed to "Ladies Society for Promoting female education in the Colony of Liberia."

LETTERS FOR LIBERIA.-An officer of the Massachusetts Colonization Society wishes us to say that by an arrangement of the Post Office Department, all letters for persons in Liberia properly directed, and forwarded post paid to New York Post Office; will be forwarded by the first opportunity.

"We rejoice at this decision, and are only sorrow it was not effected by a more decisive vote. We trust that every attempt, however remote, to interfere upon a point of such vital importance to the interests of the Southern States, will be indignantly frowned upon by every intelligent member of this community. We of the North have nothing to do with the subject, or if we have, it has been definitively settled, years and years ago, by the Constitution of the United States. The doctrines of Garrison, Tappan, and a few other deluded fanatics of the present day, must not be suffered to obtain a foothold in these New England States. It will lead, most unquestionably, in the first place; to disgraceful mobs and riots, as it has already done in the city of New York and other places, and will terminate in nothing short of civil war. The question, then, that naturally addresses itself to the plain coinmon sense of every christian man, is plainly and emphatically this: Shall Garrison and his followers be permitted to agitate this peaceable community with doctrines, which, if followed up, must inevitably lead to bloodshed, disunion, and civil war?We lament, as deeply and sincerely as they can, the existence of slavery in this country, and all the consequences to which it leads; but shall a remedy be attempted, with such a horrid alternative staring us in the face? We say, no, no, no. The end does not justify the means, and "come what, come may," every attempt, however clothed with charitable purposes, to agitate the subject, or get up an excitement in this community, must be most contemptuously frowned upon, and put to sleep forever."

[From the Nat. Intelligencer, Oct. 28. ] JONES' JOURNAL-IMPOSITION. VERMONT.-The Slave Question.-R. S. Finley, Esq. at a late meeting of A few days since, upon a resolution the Colonization Society at Cincinreferred from the last Legislature, de- nati, read several extracts from a reclaring Slavery and the Slave trade port made by Mr. Joseph Jones reinconsistent with our bill of rights, specting Liberia, which he had visand instructing their delegation in ited, and of which he spoke in fa

vorable terms. His report has been published in several papers. After reading several passages, Mr. Finley said

"I have been thus particular in my statements concerning Mr. Joseph Jones' report, because a false and SPURIOUS production has been quoted from, under the title of Jones' journal, and extensively published, purporting to be from the genuine and authentic report of this same Mr. Joseph Jones. And I have (continued Mr. F.) in my possession evidence to prove, when, where, and by whom, this false and spurious document was manufactured."-Chris. Intel.


DANVILLE, August 16th, 1834. At a meeting heid by a portion of the Students of Centre College, for the purpose of examining Mr. Joseph Jones, a colored man, as to the condition and prospects of the Colony of Liberia, Mr. W. TUNSTALL was called to the Chair, and ROBERT MCKEOWN appointed Secretary.

After a protracted examination, conducted partly by persons friendly to the scheme of Colonization, and partly by persons opposed to it, the following resolutions were offered and adopted by the meeting-the first and third by a unanimous vote-the 2nd by a vote of twenty-eight to four.

1. Resolved, That this meeting return their thanks to Mr. Jones for the obliging and satisfactory manner in which he has answered the questions proposed to him in reference to the Colony of Liberia.

2. Resolved, That the intelligent representation of Mr. Jones has convinced us as to the favorable prospects of the Colony, and has given us renewed confidence in the practicability and benevolence of the scheme of Colonization.

3. Resolved, That these resolutions and the questions and answers on which they are based, be printed in the Olive Branch and Luminary.


1. How many of the emigrants are discontented? Several; a very large majority are perfectly satisfied.

2. What is the cause of their discontent? They say that it is because the country is not fit to live in; but I say it is because they have no industry. They have no good reason. 3. What is the general character of the discontented: People who are not disposed to work or take any care of themselves.

4. Has the Colony any influence in civilizing the natives? I think it will civilize them in time. If more means were used for this purpose, it would do it faster.

5. Do the natives wish to come under the laws of the colony? They do.

6. Are they willing to give up the slave trade if they can be received under the protection of the colony? They are. Some come into the bounds of the colony from their native places, to escape the slave trade.

7. Do any of the natives become real christians? There are two of whom I know. There may be others.

8. Do the natives wish to learn to read?Some of them are very desirous to learn.

9. Do you think the colony itself, without any direct efforts by missionaries sent from here, would christianize the natives? In time it probably would.

10. Does the colony give the natives a disposition to receive missionaries among them? It does. They understand by it better what good they will get from them.

11. Does the colony afford advantages to us for acting on the natives by missionaries and schools? Yes. The bad influence to the natives from civilized men who do wrong, would not be as much as the good from the missionaries and schools.

12. Are the preachers who sell rum paid for preaching. No; they get nothing for it. 13. How many natives have you seen drunk? I have seen a great many natives, and I never saw but one drunk.

14. What do the colonists think of the man who said the natives ought to be slaves? He is thought badly of for such a notion. He has hurt himself by saying so.

15. How many days did Samuel Jones remain in the colony? Eight days, I believe, including the day of his landing and the day he went on board.

16. Had he any opportunity for learning the condition of the colony? No. It was im possible.

17. Do you believe the statements given, as made by Jones, that "hundreds are starving there?" I believe no such thing. I heard of folks starving in Africa, but I could never find them.

18. How many did you ever hear of as suffering for want of food? I heard distinctly of a couple of people.

19. What was the cause of their suffering? They lived away from any others and were sick; and the neighbors did not attend to them; I heard it said that some thought the one that died might have got well if she had been taken care of. But I suppose such things may happen anywhere.

20. How long were you in Africa? Nine months and twenty-nine days.

21. Did you visit every part of the colony? Yes, and spent some time in each part.

22. Are colonists, as a body, called christians by the natives?-They do not call them by this name, but call them all white men.— They use the expression a God-man, to mean what we do by a christian. They only call those they think to be good "the Godmen." They make a difference as we do.

23. Does not the example of a transgressing christian excite more contempt in the natives than that of a non-professor? Yes.When a man professes to be good and does not act so, he is more despised.

24. Is not the fear of an attack by the fever so prevalent that the visiters generally remain in their ships during the night? A number of scary passengers go on board at night?

But some die on board as well as on shore.Almost all must be sick more or less in becoming seasoned.

25. Would it be better for the whole colored population, if now freed, to go to Liberia? No, not without arrangements for receiving them.

26. Would it be better for themselves, the colony, and the natives, that 20,000 in their present unprepared state, should go? I cannot say-but doubt whether it would.

27. Would it be better that 5,000 or 10,000 should? If their masters would give them suitable preparation, it would be well for all to go, provided they would go willingly.

28. If they had such preparation as the Society is now making necessary for each emigrant-that is, if each had a small house of his own provided and ready built on a piece of ground which he could cultivate, (the title to which house and ground to be given when he had prepared another similar house for a future emigrant)—would 10,000 a year be too many to send? No. If they had such preparation and went willingly, their number would make no difference.

29. Do not the colonists look down upon poor emancipated slaves sent from here, as degraded and a disgrace to the colony? I have heard such talk among the quality of the colony.

30. Do they look down upon them as much as the white people of New York look down upon the free blacks among them? I reckon not; and I suppose I am fit to give an opinion, as I was in New York about as long as Samuel Jones was in Africa.

31. Do you think that the colonists would be willing that great numbers, as they now are, should be sent immediately! Many would receive them gladly-a majority would receive them.

32. Do the colonists generally deal fairly with the natives? Many of them do not.

33. Do the preachers? Some of them do, and some of them do not.

34. Is not the religious influence of the preachers and church members much done away by their unfair dealing with the natives? The colonists themselves speak of this, and the preachers in the pulpit; as a thing that hurts their usefulness among the natives.

35. Are they there as they are here-some good and some bad? Very much the same. 36. Is temperance gaining ground there? Yes; some of them begin to think that they can do without either selling or drinking. Thirty-three joined a Temperance Society at Caldwell on one night; and some of these were strongly opposed to it when I first went to Liberia.

37. Are there many children at school? The most of them are. The re-captured Africans have schools among them.

38. Are any of the re-captured Africans christians? A great many; two of them are preachers.

39. How do the colonists treat the natives that are servants among them? Some tolerably well, and some roughly; they whip them sometimes.

40. Are those servants hirelings? Yes.They need not live with a person if they do not choose. But if they go away before the time for which they hire is expired, they receive no wages.

41. Do they treat the natives worse than the whites treat the free blacks in Kentucky? A good many of them do.

42. Is there one law to protect colonists and another to protect natives? No; they enjoy the same laws.

43. Do the natives consider themselves worse off by the Americans having settled? No; they think they are much better off.There are no wars among them where the. Americans protect them. There are, however, cases where individuals impose upon them.

44. Had there been any capital punishment in the colony? No.

45. Are the natives permitted to vote? No; they are not citizens. The re-captured Africans are, and they vote.

46. Can you vote in Liberia when you return? Yes.

47. Do they let white men vote? No. 48. Do they let white men hold land or houses? No.

49. Have the natives an equal chance of justice? No.

50. Have the free blacks an equal chance here? No.

51. Would a respectable colonist marry a native? No: they have no objection to marrying a re-captured African, for they are considered as civilized.

52. Are the natives in the settlements treated as servants? They hire and are so treated. Some of them live in houses by themselves, and not with the colonists.

53. Is any effort made by the colonists to elevate the natives? Some of the colonists try to do it; but there is not as much effort as there should be.

54. Are there any schools which the natives may attend? There are two at NewGeorgia, and all the Sabbath schools.

55. Do the natives attend church? Very seldom.

56. Do the natives fear the colonists, and do the colonists wish them to do so? Some

of them do.

57. Do any of the colonists say the natives should be slaves? I heard of one man only who said so.

58. Have the colonists, those who are able to afford it, a native or two to work for them? Yes.

59. Are the rich colonists proud and luxurious? They generally are.

60. Do the natives lounge about much? No, they are generally very industrious. 61. Are the preachers traders? They generally are.

62. Do they trade in rum, tobacco, firearms, and beads? Yes.

63. Is rum a chief article in trade? There has been a good deal of trade in it.

64. What use do the natives make of firearms? Chiefly to shoot game. They do not use them to shoot other natives. When the

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