vation and notion SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON & CO.'S LONDON SOCIETY which are outside M. Coquelin's ordinary method. His ability to present a character like this furnishes proof how wide NEW BOOKS. is his range. The expression of dismay and The RUSSIAN despair that comes over the face of Gringoire 168. ADVANCE TOWARDS INDIA. By CHARLES MARVIN. Demy 8vo. cloth, upon learning that the man to whom he has dainties on which he has counted, his supper will be like that of Polonius, "Not where he eats, but where he is eaten," is as fine as anything in modern art. Don César de Bazan supplies M. Coquelin with another character not wholly unlike Don Annibal. JOURNEY in 1849. By THOMAS CARLYLE. With a Preface by ANECDOTE CORNER, the new Monthly Feature in LONDON SOCIETY, is one of the mos amusing and enjoyable things now current in Magazine Literaturt blending a fund of good Stories; Jest, Witticism, Humour, un Drollery; Puns, Quips, and Repartee: Sayings Playful and sarcastie Whims, Banter, and Waggery; Bon-Mots, Jeux d'Esprit, an Epigrams, arranged in Groups embracing all Classes of Englis Society. The CONTRIBUTORS to ANECDOTE CORNER for JULY are: Willmott Dixon-Charles Hervey-Henr 8. Leigh-Byron Webber-Frederick Arnold-The Author of Lad Beauty -Peter Peppercorn-The Nicotian Philosopher-The Ane dote Hunter-The Editor, and others. The INVASION of ENGLAND; ANECDOTE CORNER opens in the Told Twenty Years After. By COLONEL B. Crown 8vo. fancy "And saw two hosts conflicting in the air, Now ready, demy 8vo. cloth extra, 12s. 6d. JULY Number, being the first of a New Volume. Price 1s. Monthl A CLUSTER of ORIGINAL ANEC DOTES. See the JULY Number. His performance of it is thoroughly SHAKESPEARE'S TRAGEDY of JOHN WESLEY in a cadet is wholly a droll, though a very By THOMAS FOWLER, M.A, LL.D. (Edinb.) F.S.A., President of Year's. See ANECDOTE CORNER for JULY. ment, M. Febvre is the most noteworthy. SHAFTESBURY and HUTCHESON. ROYAL ACADEMY: a Story of thi clever droll. In a part like Jodelet he is PEACE and WAR in the TRANS acceptable; in the laquais in 'Ruy Blas' he VAAL: a Story of the Boer Rebellion. By Mrs. WALTER H. C. "It does not often fall to the lot of a reviewer to express a wish that BEAUTIFUL HOUSES; being a De scription of certain well-known Artistic Houses. By Mrs. HAWEIS. The Contents of this Book: Sir Frederic Leighton's Honse.-Mr. upon that of Mdlle. Bernhardt. Her per formance was Now ready, folio, cloth extra, 7s. 6d. Vol. III. of DECORATION. Full of Illustrations. PRUDENCE: a Story of Esthetic Being admirably truthful and MY WATCH BELOW; or, Yarns BISHOPS' JESTS and REPARTEF natural. M. Chameroy was excellent as Don Guritan. To the make-up of M. Mounet Sully as Ruy Blas we cannot reconcile ourselves. That the performance displays much Spun while Off Duty. By "A SEAFARER." Crown 8vo. fancy EPISODES in the LIFE of an STACK. 2 vols. crown 8vo. cloth. subtlety, and rises at one point into great- SIX MONTHS in PERSIA By E. [Nearly ready. THE GREAT MUSICIANS. EDITED BY FRANCIS HUEFFER. -See ANECDOTE CORNER for JULY. NOVELISTS' SAYINGS - GEORG) ELIOT.-See ANECDOTE CORNER for JULY. A CURIOUS SNUFF - BOX. - Se ANECDOTE CORNER for JULY. "A RAT, a SCOT, and a NEWCASTL GRINDSTONE." See the Dundee Stories in HUMORISTS reverse of that accorded the character by SEBASTIAN BACH. By Reginald CHARLES DICKENS'S GOLDE tively, much better than the representations ADELA CATHCART, By George SCROPE DAVIES and D'ORSAY. of Frou-Frou' and 'La Dame aux Camélias' with which the French season commenced. Mr. Booth's reappearance in London has been driven late in the season. It is doubtful accordingly whether his Richelieu will take the hold upon the public to which its merits entitle it. A picturesque, intelligent, and effective performance it is. If the character seems less grimly cynical than in previous representations, the reading is warranted by the text, and deserves the applause with which it is greeted. Among those by whom Mr. Booth is supported are Mr. Brooke, Mr. Pateman, Miss Pateman, and Mr. W. Younge. MESSRS. MACMILLAN & CO.'S LIST. NEW BOOKS AT POPULAR PRICES. PRICE FOUR SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE EACH VOLUME. Now ready, crown 8vo. price FOUR SHILLINGS and SIXPENCE, DEMOCRACY: AN AMERICAN NOVEL. Crown 8vo. 4s. 6d. "This very remarkable book. From the literary point of view 'Democracy' "This is a very brilliant little book. .The literary skill with which it is executed ggests the touch of a master hand."-Spectator. Now ready, uniform with the above, 2 vols. crown 8vo. price NINE SHILLINGS, INKNOWN to HISTORY: a Novel. By Charlotte M. Yonge, Author of 'The Heir of Redclyffe.' 2 vols. crown 8vo. 98. In a few days, uniform with the above, 2 vols. crown 8vo. price NINE SHILLINGS, The BURMAN: his Life and Notions. By Shway Yoe. 2 vols. cr. 8vo. 9s. Immediately, uniform with 'DEMOCRACY,' crown 8vo. price FOUR SHILLINGS and SIXPENCE, The BURGOMASTER'S WIFE: a Tale of the Siege of Leyden. By Dr. GEORG EBERS, Author of 'The Egyptian Princes,' &c. Translated by CLARA BELL. Crown 8vo. 4s. 6d. reparing for immediate publication, uniform with the above Volumes, crown 8vo. price FOUR SHILLINGS and SIXPENCE. MEMOIR of DANIEL MACMILLAN. By Thomas Hughes, Q.C. Crown 870. 45. 6d. NEW BOOK BY THE AUTHOR OF ECCE HOMO.' ATURAL RELIGION. By the Author of 'Ecce Homo.' 8vo. 9s. THIS DAY, LARGE-PAPER EDITION, 250 copies only, printed on hand made paper, 2 vols. medium 8vo. 25s. HN INGLESANT: a Romance. By J. H. Shorthouse. Also NEW and CHEAPER EDITION, 2 vols. Globe 8vo. 128. TEXT-BOOK of GEOLOGY. By Archibald Geikie, F.R.S., Director- [Just ready. SMITH, ELDER & CO.'S NEW WORK ON NATURAL HISTORY. Now ready, with Portrait and Illustrations, crown 8vo. 12s. 6d. NOTES AND JOTTINGS FROM ANIMAL LIFE. By the late FRANK BUCKLAND. "A chatty and entertaining series of articles, bristling with information, concerning places far off and near at home as well. The volume is certain to prove a favourite in the hands of young and old alike." Observer. In taking up Mr. Buckland's volume one is sure to light upon something of interest, narrated or described in a style which is lively rather than refined or careful, but which is an exception to the rule that easy writing makes hard reading."-Saturday Review. "A book brimful of anecdote and animal adventures, delightful reading for all times and places."-Guardian. **Cannot fail to amuse as well as instruct."-Daily Telegraph. "These papers cannot fail to delight any one blessed with a taste for the curious and less obvious sides of natural history.... The whole book is a good example of a difficult yet fascinating kind of writing."-Academy. "The four hundred pages of which the book consists are crammed full of interesting notes of all kinds, some of them accompanied by illustrations.... The entire contents of the book, from the first page to the last, including a well-illustrated chapter on the Great Sea Serpent, will be equally interesting and valuable." Journal of Forestry. Contains several illustrations, not the least attractive being the photograph of the lamented author himself as he appeared in his sanctum in Albany-street, with a gigantic salmon as one of his supporters. This admirable and characteristic likeness will add to the value of the book, which will make an admirable gift-book, whether for young or old readers who have a taste for natural history." -John Bull. Ready this day, crown 8vo. 68. COLOGICAL SKETCHES, at HOME and ABROAD. By Archibald VICE VERSA; or, a Lesson to Fathers. GEIKIE, F.R.S., Director-General of the Geological Surveys of the United Kingdom. With Illustrations. 8vo. lüs. 6d. LIFE of KANT. By Dr. J. H. W. Stuckenberg, late Professor of Wit tenberg College, Ohio. With Portrait. 8vo. 148. By F. ANSTEY. THIRD EDITION, with a Portrait, 2 vols. crown 8vo. 188. MEMORIES of OLD FRIENDS; being Extracts from the Journals and Letters of CAROLINE FOX, of Penjerrick, Cornwall, from 1835 to 1871. To which are added Fourteen Original Letters from J. S. MILL, never before published. Edited by HORACE N. PYM. "There are not many things rarer than a thoroughly delightful book, but Mr. l'ym must have the credit (since the author herself is is past receiving it) of having provided readers of to-day with this rarity." Now ready, with Illustrations, royal 8vo. 258. Athenaum. LEGAL MEDICINE, Part I., includ ing Evidence-The Signs of Death-The Post Mortem-Sex-Monstrosities-Hermaphrodism - Expectation of Life-Presumption of Death and Survivorship-Heat and Cold-Burns-Lightning Explosi-ns-Starvation. By CHARLES MEYMOTT TIDY, M.R. F.C.S., Master of Surgery; Professor of Chemistry and of Forensic Medicine and l'ublic Health at the London Hospital; Medical Officer of Health for Islington; late Deputy Medical Officer of Health and Public Analyst for the City of London, &c. SCOTCH MARRIAGES. By Sarah TYTLER, Author of Citoyenne Jacqueline,' 'A Garden of Women,' &c. 3 vols. post 8vo. "It is pleasant to be able to speak of Miss Tytler's idyllic sketches of Scottish rural life as in every way delightful and satisfying."-Academy. "Miss Tytler has shown that whatever objections may be urged to the marriage law of Scotland, it is an excellent subject for romantic treatment." -Atheneum. Will not fail to add to the reputation Miss Tytler has already aequired as a successful novelist."-Public Opinion, CONOMIC PLANTS, a DICTIONARY of; their History, Products, and A POOR SQUIRE. By Holme Lee, ACMILLAN'S TWO-SHILLING NOVELS. (Cloth Binding.) By the Uses, By JOHN SMITH, A.L.S. 8vo. 148. Author of 'JOHN HALIFAX, GENTLEMAN.' GATHA'S HUSBAND. LIVE. | The OGILVIES. The HEAD of the FAMILY. "Full of wholesome, tender feeling.... Reading the book is like staying with very nice people."-Guardian. Now ready (One Shilling), No. 271, THE CORNHILL MAGAZINE, FOR JULY, With Illustrations by George Da Maurier and W. Small. DAMOCLES. By the Author of For Percival,' With an Illustration. Chap. 10. Mr. Lauriston on Consolation.-11. After Four Years, From FISH to REPTILE. The MUSES in TYROL. The MERRY MEN. Chap. 4. The Gale.-5. A Man out of the Sea. A DESERTED GARDEN. WHITEHALL, PAST and FUTURE. NO NEW THING. With an Illustration. Chap. 8. Coomassie Villa 9. Miss Brune's Partner. London: SMITH, ELDER & Co. 15, Waterloo-place. Twelfth Edition, post free, 1s. DR. WATTS on ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS: a Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing these Diseases. By ROBERT G WATTS, M.D. F.R.S.L. F.C.S., &c., 5, Bulstrode-street, Cavendish-square, London. London: C. Mitchell & Co. Red Lion-court, Fleet-street. In Use at Eton, Westminster, Harrow, Cheltenham College, Christ's Hospital, St. Paul's, Merchant Taylors', City of London School, Greenwich Hospital School, Edinburgh Academy, &c. DELILLE'S NEW GRADUATED COURSE. The Beginner's Own French Book. 2s. -Key to the Same, 2s. Easy French Poetry for Beginners. 28. French Grammar. 5s. 6d.- Key to the Same, 3s. Répertoire des Prosateurs. 68. 6d. Modèles de Poésie. 68. Manuel Étymologique. 2s. 6d. Synoptical Table of French Verbs. 6d. Whittaker & Co. 2, White Hart-street, Paternoster-square. "This author deserves to be read"-Atheneum, MRS. G. LINNÆUS BANKS'S NOVELS. In Half-crown Volumes, cloth, with Frontispiece. 1. The MANCHESTER MAN. 2. STUNG to the QUICK: a North-Country Story. 3. GLORY: a Wiltshire Story. 4. CALEB BOOTH'S CLERK: a Lancashire Story. 5. WOOERS and WINNERS; or, Under the Scars. 6. MORE than CORONETS. London: Simpkin, Marshall & Co.; and all Booksellers. Every SATURDAY, 24 Pages, Price 4d, of all Booksellers, NOTES AND QUERIES: A Medium of Intercommunication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, &c. "When found, make a note of," - CAPTAIN CUTTLE. CONTAINING EVERY WEEK AMUSING ARTICLES ON SOME OF THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS: ENGLISH, IRISH, and SCOTTISH HISTORY, Now ready, Vols. I., II., and III., imperial 8vo. cloth, 25s. each; or half-morocco, 31s. 6d. each. (Vol. IV., completing the Work, will be published on November Ist.) THE IMPERIAL DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. A COMPLETE ENCYCLOPÆDIC LEXICON, LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC, AND TECHNOLOGICAL. By JOHN OGILVIE, LL.D. New Edition, carefully Revised and greatly Augmented. EDITED BY CHARLES ANNANDALE, M.A. Illustrated by above 3,000 Engravings, printed in the Text. From the TIMES. "For our own part, so far as vocabulary and treatment are concerned, we should not wish for anything better than the new 'Imperial.' Few, except specialists, are likely to come across any technical terms not to be found here; and the definitions are accurate and intelligible, developing into detailed explanations where necessary. The etymology is clear and concise, and the illustrations are copious, appropriate, and well executed." From the PALL MALL GAZETTE. "The etymologies have been rewritten in the light of the most recent researches, and may be accepted as, on the whole, accurate throughout; they are, as a rule, clear and laudably concise. The definitions are specially full, and serve all the purposes of a condensed cyclopædia. The terms introduced by recent science, and which are so fre Illustrated by Original Communications and quently introduced into every-day literature, are all there, Inedited Documents. BIOGRAPHY, Including unpublished Correspondence of eminent Men, and unrecorded Facts connected with them. BIBLIOGRAPHY, More especially of English Authors, with Notices of rare and unknown Editions of their Works, and Notes on Authorship of Anonymous Books. so far as we have tested, and their definitions are admirably clear and accurate...... The illustrations, carefully and accurately executed, are a most important help to the understanding of the definitions and descriptions." From the ST. JAMES'S GAZETTE. "It would be difficult to praise this admirable dictionary too highly, and more than unjust not to give special praise to the editor, Mr. Charles Annandale. This dictionary has been in use for more than a quarter of a century; but he has so augmented the vocabulary, and has made such large and important changes in his revision, that in its present form it may justly claim to be considered a new work. It does not directly challenge comparison with any other dictionary in the language; for it attempts to combine, what none of the others do, a literary dictionary with an encyclopædic the articles, and they are of uniform excellence." POPULAR ANTIQUITIES and FOLK- dictionary......We have examined more than a hundred of authority in etymology." From the SATURDAY REVIEW. "The dictionary aims at being, within its limits, an encyclopædia; not only is every word set down, derived, and explained, but an account is appended supplying information upon subjects which a bare definition would not make clear. The encyclopædic character of 'The Imperial Dictionary, indeed, constitutes its principal and its distinctive value. For ordinary purposes it will be found to give information on almost every point, which seems to us, so far as it has been possible to examine the work, trustworthy." From the BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEW. "This new edition is abreast of the most advanced science of the day, and incorporates its latest discoveries, while English literature has been laid under the most laborious and extensive contribution for varied uses of words. It should be for some years to come an authority of the first class." London: BLACKIE & SON, 49 and 50, Old Bailey. NEW PUBLICATIONS. NEW WORK BY THE AUTHOR OF 'GINX'S BABY' A PALADIN of FINANCE. By Edward Jenkins Crown 8vo. cloth, 78. 6d. A Translation of this Work is appearing, a feuilleton in La République Française, SALAMINIA (CYPRUS). By A. P. di Cesnola, F.S.A. Being an Account of the Result of his Excavations in the Island Cyprus from 1876 to 1879, and quite distinct from the New Yo Collection of General di Cesnola. Wit With Introduction by SAMUE BIRCH, LL D. F.S.A., British Museum. Royal 8vo. with upwar of 700 Illustrations, cloth extra, 11. 118. 6d. KONRAD WALLENROD: An Historical Poem. By Adam Mickiewic Translated from the Polish into English Verse, by Miss MAUL THE OCCULT WORLD: A Remarkable Record of Experiences and Research in Connexion with the Occult Science of the Eas By A. P. SINNETT. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth, 68. "Mr. Sinnett writes in perfect good faith, and The Occult Wor contains much that is curious and amusing."-Saturday Review. THE SARVA-DARSANA-SAMGRAHA; or, REVIEW of the DIFFERENT SYSTEMS of HINDU PHILOSOPH By MADHAVA ACHARYA. Translated by E. B. COWELL. M Professor of Sanskrit in the University of Cambridge; and A GOUGH, M.A., Professor of Philosophy in the Presidency Colle Calcutta. Post 8vo, cloth, 10s. 6d. TIBETAN TALES DERIVED from INDIAN SOURCE Translated from the Tibetan of the Kah-Ghur into German F. ANTON von SCHIEFNER, of the Imperial Academy of Petersburg. Done into English, with Introduction, by W. B. RALSTON, M.A. Post 8vo. cloth, 14s. These volumes contain Reminiscences and Anecdotes of H.M. the Queen, the late Prince Consort, the Emperor Napoleon - Lord Lawrence, &c. &c., with Experiences of Travel on the Continent, in Corsica, and in the East and West Indies. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, Edinburgh and London. Kurdistan, and Turkey. By E. A. FLOYER, F.R.G.S. F.L.S., &c., With an Introduction by Major-General Sir F. J. GOLDSMID, K.C.S.I., &c. "One of the most delightful books of travel that have appeared for many years in the English language......A sound GRIFFITH & FARRAN, West Corner St. Paul's Churchyard, London. ART and LETTERS: an Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Fine Art and Fiction. Conducted by J. COMYNS CARR. Price 1s.; by post, 1s. 2d. The EMBARKATION of the QUEEN of SHEBA (Frontispiece). En- 1 MODERN LANDSCAPE. With 5 Illustrations. 2 CARLE VERNET. With 4 Illustrations. 2. EXAMPLES of OLD GERMAN METAL WORK. With 5 Illustra- Lions. 4. The TABERNACLE of LÉAU. With 1 Illustration. 6. SERIAL STORY (continued), 'La FORTUNINA,' by Mrs Comyns 8. NOTES on FOREIGN PICTURES in the ROYAL ACADEMY. Novels founded upon Lord Lytton's Dramas. On Monday next, never before published, price 1s.; post free, 1s. 2d. each THE LADY OF LYONS. Founded upon the Dramas by Lord Lytton. CHEAP UNIFORM EDITION OF Miss BRADDON'S NOVELS. On July 10, at all Booksellers', price 2s. picture cover; 2s. 6d. cloth gilt, ASPHODEL. FLIGHTS OF GAIETY AND BURSTS OF EXULTATION. THE FUN-BURST. Rich with Fun, full of Pictures, Witticisms, Jests, and Jokes; Comic NEW WORK BY A NEW AUTHOR. Price 2s. picture cover; 2s. 6d. cloth gilt; postage, 4d. DORA'S DIAMONDS. Never before published. BY THE AUTHOR OF WHITEFRIARS,' &c. Entirely New Edition, price 2s. picture cover; 2s. 6d. cloth gilt; postage, 4d. WHICH WINS? LOVE or MONEY? London: J. & R. MAXWELL, Publishers, THIS DAY. Demy 8vo. cloth, 15s. A GUIDE to MODERN ENG- The PARTHENON FREIZE, and other ESSAYS. By THOMAS DAVIDSON, Author of Rosmini's Philosophical System.' Crown 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. The TRAINING of TEACHERS, and other EDUCATIONAL PAPERS. By S. S. LAURIE, Small crown 8vo. cloth, 5s. The FORAY of QUEEN MEAVE, and other Legends of Ireland's Heroic Age. By AUBREY London: KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH & Co. 1, Paternoster-square. SUMMER UMMER CATARRH or HAY FEVER: its Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment. By GEORGE MOORE, M.D. James Epps & Co. 170, Piccadilly; and 43, Threadneedle-street. Second Edition, royal 8vo. price 18.; post free, Is 3d., paper covers; cloth gilt, red edges, price 28. 6d. AUTHORSHIP and PUBLICATION.-A concise Guide for Authors in Matters relating to Printing and Publishing, including the Law of Copyright and a Bibliographical Appendix. "A work which every author, whether experienced or not, should undoubtedly possess."-Knowledge. Part II, ILLUMINATED MSS. and PRINTED BOOKS. Part III. LACQUER, ENAMELS, METAL, WOOD, IVORY, &c. By JAMES L. BOWES, Joint Author of Keramic Art of Japan.' Comprising 1,300 Marks and Seals copied in fac-simile, with examples in colours and gold, executed by Messrs. Firmin Didot et Cie., of Paris. The Work also contains a Grammar of the Marks; brief Historical Notices of the various Arts of Japan; the Jikhwan and Jiuni Shi Characters, with those of the Zodiacal Cycle; also the Year Periods since the Fourteenth Century; and a Map showing the various Seats of Manufacture. London: H. Sotheran & Co. 36, Piccadilly; 136, Strand; and Queen street, City. UNION ASSURANCE SOCIETY. FIRE AND LIFE. *** Mr. St. John's other Works will follow in due course. London: J. & R. MAXWELL, Publishers, Milton House, Shoe-lane, Fleet-street, E.C. The PRINCIPAL FEATURE of HARPER'S MAGAZINE for JULY (now ready) is an article, entitled GLIMPSES of GREAT BRITONS, by Henry W. Lucy. WITH 22 ILLUSTRATIONS OF Last Visit of Lord Beaconsfield to the House-The Marquis of Salisbury-Sir Stafford Northcote-Mr. Parnell-Right Hon. John Bright, M.P.-Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, M.P.-Right Hon. W. E. Forster, M.P.-Right Hon. Hugh Culling Eardley Childers, M.P.-Right Hon. Marquis of Hartington, M.P.-The Right Hon. the Speaker-The Duke of Argyll-Earl Granville-The House of Lords-Viscount Sherbrooke-The Ministerial Bench: a Night Debate-The House of Commons-Right Hon. Henry Fawcett, M.P.-Lord R. Churchill, M.P.-Right Hon. Sir R. A. Cross, M.P. -The Earl of Derby-Lord Selborne-The House divides the Leaders of the Opposition. It also contains LYING in STATE in CAIRO. 26 Illustrations, with Description of the recent Discoveries in Ancient Egyptian Tombs. SPANISH VISTAS. With 18 Illustrations, The OLD SHIP-BUILDERS of NEW YORK. With 15 Illustrations. A fine PORTRAIT of EMERSON. FRANZ LISZT. Octavia Hensel.-Portrait, from a Photograph, Engraved by Kruell. GLADIS ROY: a Story. Marie Howland. The HISTORY of WOOD-ENGRAVING. Part II. G. E. Woodberry. With 6 Illustrations, Fac-similes of Old Engravings. MAID of ATHENS: a Story. Josephine Harper Fiske. EXEAT: a Poem. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. The POET'S GRAVE: a Poem. A. T. L. A TROPIC SUNSET: a Poem. Tracy Robinson. RALPH WALDO EMERSON. Julian Hawthorne. SAILOR SONGS. William L. Alden. LULU'S DOLL DID IT: a Story. Edward Everett Hale. In HARBOUR: a Poem. Paul Hamilton Hayne. SHANDON BELLS: a Novel. William Black. Illustration, Drawn by William Small, Engraved by Lacour. EDITOR'S EASY CHAIR. EDITOR'S LITERARY RECORD. EDITOR'S HISTORICAL RECORD. EDITOR'S DRAWER. *** The Publishers beg to mention that the considerable time required for the preparation of Illustrations and the printing of the large edition of HARPER'S has made it impossible in Glimpses of Great Britons' to take note of recent changes in Parliament (as the retirement of Mr. Forster from the Ministry). In the Paper 'Lying in State in Cairo,' read XXI. for XXVI. Dynasty, in foot-note, p. 194. London: SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE & RIVINGTON, Crown Buildings, 188, Fleet-street, E.C. Just published, 8vo. price 10s. 6d. cloth, PROFESSOR KUENEN'S HIBBERT LECTURES, 1882, ON NATIONAL RELIGIONS AND UNIVERSAL RELIGIONS. Delivered in Oxford and London, in April and May, 1882. By A. KUENEN, LL.D. D.D., Professor of Theology at Leyden. PROFESSOR KUENEN'S GREAT WORK. THE RELIGION OF ISRAEL TO THE FALL OF THE JEWISH STATE. By Dr. A. KUENEN, Professor of Theology at the University, Leyden. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, price 31s. 6d. The previous HIBBERT LECTURES. LAW LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 1881.-T. W. RHYS DAVIDS. On the 1879.-P. LE PAGE RENOUF.-LEC Bonuses hitherto allotted.. £6,198,991 Income. Expenses of Management, including Commission, about 4 per cent. of Rates of Premium reduced. Free Travelling Limits extended. Loans granted on security of Policies, Life Interests, and Reversions, through their Agency. Policies effected this year will participate in the Bonus on the Prospectus and Forms of Proposal sent on application to the Actuary. English by the Rev. CHARLES BEARD, of Liverpool. May be had at 10s. 6d. each Volume. WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent-garden, London; and 20, South Frederick-street, Edinburgh, 1880.-M. ERNEST RENAN. - On the INFLUENCE of the INSTITUTIONS, THOUGHT, and CULTURE of ROME on CHRISTIANITY, and the Development of the Catholic Church. Translated into 1878. Professor MAX MÜLLER'S LECTURES on the ORIGIN and GROWTH of RELIGION, as Illustrated by the Religions of India. |