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*16A. The Realistic School-Prose. (G.E.) Professor PAGET. The rise of the School; its close relation to the Romantic School. Balzac, Flaubert, Daudet.

1 hr., first half-year.

*16B. The Realistic School-Drama. (G.E.) Professor PAGET.

A study of modern dramatic literature. Augier, Dumas fils, and other dramatists.

1 hr., second half-year.

*17A. The Naturalistic School. (G.E.) Professor PAGET.

Zola, Les Goncourts.

1 hr., first half-year.

*17B. The Parnassian School. (G.E.) Professor PAGET.

The poets Gautier, Baudelaire, Leconte de Lisle, Sully-Prudhomme. 1 hr., second half-year.

*17c. Histoire du Drame en France au Dix-neuvième Siècle. (G.E.)

1 hr., first half-year. F, 4. *17D. Histoire du Drame. (G.E.) Continuation of the same subject. 1 hr., second half-year. F, 4.

Professor PAGET.

Professor PAGET.



18. Introductory Spanish.

Grammar and reading of modern prose. Alarcon's El Capitan Veneno, Valera's El Pajaro Verde, and similar works.

3 hrs., throughout the year. Three sections. M W F, 2, 3 4. 19. Spanish Speaking and Writing. Mr. BRANSBY and Mr. HOWARD. 3 hrs., throughout the year. Two sections. M W F, 2. Tu Th

S, 8.

19B. Modern Spanish.


A course in reading and translation. Valdes's José, Valera's Pepita Jiménez, Galdos's Doña Perfecta, and some drama.

3 hrs., throughout the year. Tu Th S, 9.

20. Classic Spanish. (G.E.)


Cervantes's Don Quixote, Calderon's El Magico Prodigioso.

3 hrs., throughout the year.

*Not to be given in 1902-03.

M W F, 3.


21. Introductory Italian.

Mr. SPINEllo.

The object of the course is to give a reading power in the language. Enough grammar will be given to serve as a basis for this. Modern authors: Barrili, Farina, Castelnuovo, Verga, Capuana. Short stories and comedies.

3 hrs., throughout the year.

M WF, 8.

22. Dante's La Divina Commedia. (G.E.)


Inferno. One hour a week of modern Italian authors.

3 hrs., throughout the year. M W F, 8.

*23. Dante's La Divina Commedia. (G.E.)


Purgatorio. One hour a week of modern Italian authors.

3 hrs., throughout the year.

*24. Dante's La Divina Commedia, (G.E.)

Mr. SPINEllo.

Paradiso. One hour a week of modern Italian authors.

3 hrs., throughout the year. M W F, 3.


[Latin 28, low Latin, will be found a useful adjunct to any of these courses.]

25. Old French.


Philological study of old texts. Grammaire de l'ancien Français. Traité de la formation de la langue française (Dict. gén.).

First half-year-Chanson de Roland. Second half-year-Chrestien de Troyes, Erec, Yvain-Edition Foerster.

1 hr., throughout the year. S, 9.

26. Romanic Philology.


Phonology, morphology, and comparative syntax of the various Romanic languages. In 1902-03, a special study of the Romanic declension and conjugation.

1 hr., throughout the year; 2 units each half-year. S, 8.

28. Seminary.

Professor PAGET.

(a) Provençal in Appel's Chrestomathie, and Le Roman de Flamenca, 2nd edit., by Paul Meyer; (b) Old Spanish: La leyenda de los Infantes de Lara, by Ramon Menendez Pidal.

4 units, either half-year, as a maximum. S, 10.

29. Special Study.

Professor PAGET.

The instructors in Romanic Languages hold themselves ready to assist and advise students who may propose plans of special study.

*Not to be given in 1902-03.


GEORGE R. NOYES, Ph.D., Instructor in English and Russian.

[blocks in formation]

Reading of Russian prose authors: Tolstoi, Turgenev, Lermontov.


3 hrs., throughout the year. M W F, 3.

4. Russian Poetry.


Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, Griboedov. Composition.

1 hr., throughout the year.

2. Bohemian Literature.



An outline of Bohemian literature, with reading of important texts. 1 hr., throughout the year. Prerequisite: A reading knowledge of Bohemian.


IRVING STRINGHAM, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics.

GEORGE C. EDWARDS, Ph.B., Associate Professor of Mathematics. *MELLEN W. HASKELL, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics..

CHARLES A. NOBLE, Ph.D., Instructor in Mathematics.

ERNEST J. WILCZYNSKI, Ph.D., Instructor in Mathematics.

ALBERT W. WHITNEY, A.B., Instructor in Mathematics.
DERRICK N. LEHMER, Ph.D., Instructor in Mathematics.
EDWIN M. BLAKE, Ph.D., Instructor in Mathematics.
THOMAS M. PUTNAM, Ph.D., Instructor in Mathematics.
JOHN H. McDONALD, Ph.D., Instructor in Mathematics.

Students in the College of Letters, or of Social Sciences, must include the subject of Analytic Geometry as an essential part of their programme of mathematical studies. They may satisfy this prescription by electing Course 1 in their Freshman year; but those who prefer a more extended course will do well to elect Courses 2, 4, and 5. Course 6 is strongly recommended to all students who have not already studied Solid Geometry.

Students in the College of Commerce may elect Courses 1 and 6, or Courses 2, 4, and 5.

Students in the Colleges of Natural Sciences and of Agriculture, may elect either Courses 2, 4, 5, and 6, or Courses 1, 2, and 6; or Course 3A, if they enter with credit in Solid Geometry and Plane Trigonometry.

Course 3A is prescribed to Freshmen in the Colleges of Engineering and of Chemistry, and Course 3B to Sophomores in the Colleges of Engineering; Course 10 to Sophomores in the College of Civil Engineering; Course 19A to Juniors in the College of Mechanics. These courses are also open to students in any of the other colleges who have the necessary preparation.

Students wishing to make a specialty of mathematics should consult the members of the department as early as possible. The following * On leave from July 1, 1902, to June 30, 1903.

programme may serve as a proper sequence: Freshman year: Courses 2, 4, 5, 6; Sophomore year: Courses 9, 12, 13; Junior year: Courses 11, 14, 17; Senior year: Courses 15, 18, 19, 20.

Students wishing to take mathematics with reference to its applications to Astronomy and Physics, should elect Courses 9, 14, 19, and, if possible, 23 and 24.

The Group Elective. A thorough knowledge of algebra, plane trigonometry, plane analytic geometry, and the differential and integral calculus is prerequisite to Group Elective work.

Teachers' Certificates. The department will, in general, recommend as qualified to teach mathematics in high schools, only such graduates as have passed with credit in Courses 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18. It is also of great importance that the prospective

teacher of mathematics should be well informed on the relation of mathematics to other sciences, and he should to that end devote a considerable portion of his time to at least one of the closely related sciences. The department further reserves the right to exact a practical test of the candidate's ability to present a clear and interesting exposition of subjects taught in the high school.



1. Elements of Analysis.

Dr. NOBLE, Dr. WILCZYNSKI, Mr. WHITNEY, and Dr. BLAKE. The methods of higher algebra, trigonometry, and analytic geometry, with some account of their historical development.

3 hrs., throughout the year. M W F, 9, 10; Tu Th S, 9, 10. Prescribed (except as provided above) to Freshmen in the Colleges of Letters, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Commerce, and Agriculture.

2. Algebra. Mr. WHITNEY, Dr. PUTNAM, and Dr. McDONALD. The progressions and other simple series, inequalities and limits, exponentials and logarithms, permutations and combinations, binomial theorem for any index, expansion of functions in series, convergency of series, determinants, elements of the theory of equations.

3 hrs., either half-year. M W F, 9, 10.

3A. Elements of Analysis, with Applications; First Course. Associate Professor EDWARDS, Dr. NOBLE, Dr. LEHMER,

Dr. BLAKE, Dr. PUTNAM, and Dr. McDONALD. A practical course in algebra, analytic geometry, and the elements

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