nations of the earth could continue to be united in the bonds of peace; but fuch a happy fituation of things is rather to be defired than expected. There is a ferment in the minds of men which feems to prognofticate fresh difturbances, and which perhaps may end in great revolutions. It is not our business to prophefy; but we cannot avoid expreffing our apprehenfions, that the commotions in Holland will not blow over fo lightly as fome politicians are ready to imagine. The Literary Part of our work will explain the State of Knowledge, Science and Taste in the year 1786; and it is a pleasure to find that, amidst a number of infignificant publications, there are fo many which can be fpoken of with applaufe. Thofe who depreciate: the learning of the prefent times, are not acquainted with the fubject. In the department of Domeftic Literature, we have frefh obligations to the gentleman who hath voluntarily communicated to us the articles that relate to Natural Philofophy, Chemistry, and Medicine. On the whole, we present the Seventh Volume of the New Annual Regifter to our readers, with the agreeable hope, that they will derive from it both inftruction and entertainment. Such a hope hath always animated our endeavours, and it will continue to invigorate our future exertions. CON THE Hiftory of Knowledge, Learning, and Tafte in Great Britain, during the Reign of Henry the Seventh. From the Year 1485, to the Year 1509. Page L BRITISH AND FOREIGN HISTORY. CHAP. I. Second Seffion of the Irish Parliament. Meeting of Congrefs. Eleven Commercial Propofitions. Their Reception. Parliamentary Reform. Taventy Propofitions. Their Difcuffion. Rejected with Indignation. Parliament prorogued, CHAP. II. 3 Infurrections in the South of Ireland. Different Caufes to which they were afcribed. Violences committed against the Clergy of both Religions, CHAP. III. 41 Diffentions of the United Provinces. Inftitution of the Volunteers. Rife of a democratical Party. Conduct of the Citizens of Utrecht. Stadtholder retires from the Hague. Treaties with the Emperor and France, 46 CHAP. IV. Meeting of Parliament. Speech from the Throne. Addrefs. Alteration of the Mutiny Bill. Duke of Richmond's Fortifications rejected. Bill for regulat ing the Militia. Mr. Marsham's Election Bill. Lord Mahon's bill, CHAP. V. 61 Bill for eftablishing a Sinking Fund. Civil Lift Bill. Wine Excile Bill. Bill of Crown Lands. Mr. Wilberforce's Bill. Fisheries. Complaint of Lord Rodney, CHA P. VI. CHA P. VII. 94 129 Mr. Francis's India Bill. Bill of Mr. Dundas, relative to the Political PRINCIPAL OCCURRENCES. 144 (3) An Ad for eftablishing Religious Freedom, passed in the Assembly of Virginia, in the Beginning of the Year 1786, (63) (54) His Majefty's Speech to both Houses of Parliament, on Tuesday, Jan. 24, 1786, The Speech of the Right Hon. Charles Wolfran Cornwall, Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, on Friday, May 26, 1786, upon prefenting to his Majefty the Bill for vefting certain Sums in Commiffioners, at the End of every Quarter of a Year, to be by them applied to the Reduction of the National Deb, which then received the Royal Affent, (65) His Majefty's Speech to bol Houses of Parliament, on Wednesday, July 11, 1.786, (ibid.) The Speech of his Grace Charles, Duke of Rutland, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, to both Houfes of Parliament, on Thur/day, Jan. 19, 17 6, (66) The Speech of the Right Hon. the Speaker of the House of Commons in Ireland, to his Grace Charles, Duke of Rutland, Lord Lieutenant, on Tuefday, March 21, upon the prefenting the Money Bills at the Bar of the House of Lords, (67) The Speech of his Grace Charles, Duke of Rutland, Lord Lieutenant of Ire land, to both Houfes of Parliament, on Monday, May 8, 1786, (ibid.) The Speech of the Amba ador Extraordinary, from their High M ghrinees, the States General of the United Provinces, to the Emperor of Germany, on being admitted to their Audience of Leave, on Wednesday, February 15, 1786, (68) The Petition of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London, concerning the Punishment of Felons, prefented to his Majefly, on Wednesday, March 12, 1786, Refolutions refpe&ting a County Police, by the General Quarter Seffions of the Weft ding in Yorkshire, held at Pontefract, on the 24th of April, 1786, before the Earl of Effingham, Chairman, and thirteen other Justices of the Peace, (69) (70) The Petition of the Inhabitants of the County of Middlesex, and the Cities of London and Weftminster, prefented to the House of Lords, in June, 1786, against a Bill for regulating Lotteries, which had paffed the House of Commons, but which, in the Sequel, was rejected by the Lords, (72) The Addrefs of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, and Common Council of the City of London, prefented to his Majefty, on Friday, Auguft 11, 1786, on the Occafion of his happy Escape from Aalination, (73) The Addrefs of the Bishop of London, Dean and Chapter of St. Paul's, and Clergy of the Cities of London and Westminster, (74) The Address of the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocefe of Chefter, (ibid.) The Addrefs of the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocele of Landaff, (75) The Addrefs of the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese of St. Ajaph, (ibid.) The Addrefs of the Proteftant Diffenting Minifters, in and about the Cities of London and Weftminfier, (76) The Address of the Catholics of Ireland, (ibid.) The Addrefs of the Superiors of the Roman Catholic Clergy, of the Province of Munfler, (77) The Address of the Prefident and Fellows of the Royal College of Phyficians in London, (78) Convention between his Britannic Majefty, and the King of Spain, figned at London, the 14th of July, 1786, (ibid.) Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, between bis Britannic Majefty and the Moft Chriftian King, figned at Verfailles, the 26th of Sept. 1786, (82) Form of the Papers and Sea-letters which are to be granted by the refpective Admiralties of the Dominions of the two High Contracting Parties to the Ships and Viels failing from thence, pursuant to the 24th Article of the prefent Treaty, (97) Treaty of Alliance and Commerce between bis Majefty Frederick III. King of Prufia, and the United States of America, as ratified by Congress, May 7, 1786, (100) (98) Memorial reprefented by Sir James Harris, K. B. to the States General of the United Provinces, in the 5th of July, 1786, Prince of Orange's Letter to the States of the Province of Holland, fent Sept. 3, 1785, on the Subject of their late Refolution, with regard to the Command of the Garrison of the Hague, (101) The Prince of Orange's Letter to the States of the Province of Holland, fent • Sept. 26, 1786, in answer to their Notification of his Sufpenfion from the Office of Captain General, (103) The King of Prufia's Letter to the States General of the United 'Provinces, delivered on the 19th of September, 1786, by the Count de Goertz, his Majefty's Envoy Extraordinary, (105) Amount of the whole Civil and Military Eftablishment of the Eaft India Company, prefented to Parliament, in February 1786, (106) An Account of the Annual Sums charged upon, and payable out of the Aggregate Fund, exclufive of the Sums paid out of that Fund for Annuitants, and the Charges of Management, laid before the Houfe of Commons, March 39 17-6, (107) Abstract of the feveral Articles of Public Receipt and Expenditure, from the Report of the Select Committee, (108) The Tenth Report of the Commiffioners' appointed to examine, take, and flate the Public Accounts of the Kingdom, (109) The Eleventh Report of the Commiffioners, appointed to examine, take, and ftate the Public Accounts of the Kingdom, (131) The Twelfth Report of the Commiffioners, appointed to examine, take, and fate the Public Accounts of the Kingdom, Supplies granted in the Year 1786, (154) (179) • Public Acts passed in the Third Seffion of the Sixteenth Parliament of Great Britain, Price of Stock for the Year 1786, -BIOGRAPHICAL ANECDOTES (183) (187) AND Effect of the Public Games on the Character of the Greeks, [46] Influence of their Mufical and Poetical Contefts, [47] Condition and Treatment of the Grecian Women, [49] Obfervations on the Sulphur Wells at Harrogate, made in July and Auguft, 1785. By the Right Reverend Richard Lord Bishop of Landaff, F. R. S. [89] The prefent State of Mount Vefuvius; with the Account of a Voyage to the Year 1788. By the Rev. Nevil Mafkelyne, D. D. F. R. S. [90] [106] and Aftro nomer Royal, Primary Notions of the Matter of Fire, [107] [110] Applications of the foregoing Notions, Natural History of the Giant's Causeway, ANTIQUITIES. A Sketch of the Welsh Bards, [113] Royal Household among the Welfb, [135] Military Eftablishment of the Anglo-Saxons, [141] Conftitutional Eftablishment after the Conqueft, [143] Monaftic Inftitutions in Ireland, [149] Style of the Ancient Irish Mulic, [159] Particulars relating to the firft Settlement of the Scots in Ireland, [166] MISCELLANEOUS PAPER S. Letters on the Breeding and Treatment of Silk Worms, Imitation of Horace, Book II. Ode xvi. by Mr. Haftings, on his Palage from Bengal to England, [207] Ode for bis Majesty's Birth Day, [209] An Irregular Fragment, found in a dark Paffage in the Tower, [211] Part of an Ode to Superftition, [215] Lines written in the Album, at Cofey Hall, Norfolk, [216] DOMESTIC LITERATURE, For the Year 1786. FOREIGN LITERATURE, For the Year 1785. [225] [284] |