de Menth, which was univerfally applauded. The artist fixed his machine to a boat of 200 fect in leng h, which it was able to pull, though full laden, without the affiftance of a fingle horse, against 'the thream of the river Ofe, with greater fwiftnefs than could have been made wit fixteen horses. But fome labourers and other interested perfons, in order to make the enterprife fail, threw fand and ftones between the wheels, which being clogged, their motion was fufpended for fome minutes, fo that the fuccefs of the attempt was doubt, ful; but as foon as the effect of this mifchief was difcovered, and the fprings were difengaged, the machine flowed itfelf capable of performing what was expected, and of crowning the indefatigable inventor with honour. Conftantinople, Oct. 12. The divan perfifts in the defign of encouraging the arts and fciences. They have given orders for a tranflation of the Encyclopedia, into the Turkith language, which is to be fet about immediately; and, in order to facilitate this undertaking, for the benefit of fuch Muffulmans as are lovers of the belles-lettres, all the plates in the Paris editi n are to be copied. In confequence, ail the plates that could be procured in France and Italy have been bought up. The mufti has oppofed this refolution with all his might; but for all that, the project of civilizing the empire will proceed. [See Vol. VI. p. 23.] 31. General bill of all the chriftenings and burials, from Dec. 13, 1785, to Dec. 12, 1786, BIRTHS in the Year 1786. Jan. 3. The lady of William Heath, efq. of Stanstead hall, Effex, of a daughter. 8. Lady Georgiana Smyth, daughter of the duke of Grafton, a fon and heir. Feb. 14. The lady of Alexander lord Macdonald, a fon. Countess of Lincoln, a fon. 6. Lady of fir Watkin Williams Wynne, bart, a fon. March 21. The countefs of Salifbury, a daughter. [See p. 16.] Lady Cadogan, a daughter. 8. Countefs of Abingdon, a daughter. Countefs of Balcarras, two 17. Countess of Westmoreland, a daughter. 22. Lady of fir H. Gough, bart. a fon. 2. Lady of the right hon. Wm. Eden, a fon, at Paris. May 1. Countefsitzwilliam, a fon and heir. 7. Lady of fir Thomas Whichcote, bart. a daughter. 14. Lady of the hon. George Rodney, eldest fon of lord Rodney, a daughter. 29. Duchefs of Beaufort, a daughter. Viscountess Hinton, a fon. 14. Lady Margaret Beckford, a daughter. June 15. Lady of fir John Lake, bart. a fon. 17. The Infanta Donna Mariana Victoria, of Portugal, confort of the Infant Don Gabriel of Spain, a prince. July 9. Her most Christian majefty, a princefs, named Sophia. 12. The lady of col. George Auguftus North, a fon. 14. Lady Catharine Graham, wife of ur John Graham, bart. a daughter. 20. Lady of fir William Maxwell, bart. a daughter. Auguft 22. Lady of fir John Borlace Warren, bart. a daugh O. 28. Lady St. John, a daugh 3. Lady of fir Carnaby Haggere ftone, bart. a daughter. Nov. 13. Lady of the Archbifhop of Canterbury, a daughter. Lady of lord Napier, a fon. 17. Duchefs of Grafton, daughter. 8. Lady of Richard Pepper Arden, efq. attorney-general, a fon. 10. Viscountefs Hereford, a daughter. 11. Lady of lord Balgonie, fon of the earl of Leven, a fon. 21. Countess of Abergavenny, a fon. MARRIAGES in 1786. Feb. 4. Lieut. col. Paulus Irvin, to lady Elizabeth St. Laurence daughter of the earl of Howth. 1. Henry Drummond, efq. to mifs Dundas, daughter of the right hon. Henry Dundas, treafurer of the Navy. 21. Hon. Frederick Lumley, to mifs Boddington. 23. John Pardoe, jun. efq. member of parliament for Plympton, to mifs Oliver, daughter of Thomas Oliver, efq. of Laytonstone. Hon. Mr. Petre, fon of lord Petre, to mifs Howard, niece of the earl of Surry. March 8. Farl of Haddington, to mifs Gafcoigne. 14. Sir Bourchier Wray, bart. to mifs Palk, daughter of fir Robert Palk. 21. At Bruffels, lord John Ruffell, to the hon. Georgiana Elizabeth Byng, fecond daughter of lord Torrington, ninier plenipotentiary at that court. 28. Richard Long, jun. efq. to mifs Florentina Wray, filter to Bourchier Wray, bart. April 2. Lady Horatia Waldegrave, fecond daughter of the duchefs of Gloucester, to the hon. capt. Conway, fon of the earl of Hertford 8. William Bofcawen, efq. of Bufhev, in Hertfordshire, fecond fon of the late gen. Geo. Bofcawen, and nephew to the late viscount Falmouth, to mifs Charlotte Ibbetson, daughter of the late Dr. Ibbetson, archdeacon of St. Alban's. 12. At Streatham, lord John Ruffell, to the hon. mifs Byng They were married on the zift of March, at Bruffels, according to the Roman and Protestant forms. May 7. Sir William Twyfden, bart. to mif Fanny Wynch. 9. Walter Sneyd, efq. to the hon. mis Bagot, daughter of lord Bagot. 27. Princefs Louifa Augufta of Denmark to the prince of Slefwic Holtein. 27. Sir William Molefworth, bart. to mifs Ourry. May 6. Lord Malden, fon of the earl of Effex, to Mrs. Stephenton, of Harley-street. 37. Earl of Cork and Orrery, to mifs Monckton, daughter of the late lord Galway. 27. Sir Godfrey Webster, bart. to mifs Vaffall. June 22 Sir H. P. St. John, bart. to mifs Mildmay, of Shanford. 2. Lord Fairford, to mifs Sandys, niece to lord Sandys. July 1. Right hon. John Fitzgibbon, attorney-general of Ireland, 10 mifs Whalley, daughter of the late Chapel Walley, efq. 12. Drummond Smith, efq. to mifs Cunliffe, daughter of the late fir Ellis Cunliffe, bart. 17. Edward Thurlow, efq. nephew of the lord Chancellor, to ifs Thompson of Norwich. The earl of Shaftesbury to mifs Webb, daughter of fir John. Webb, bart. 29. William Champian Crefpigny, efq. to lady Sarah Windfor. Auguft 14. Sir Thomas Moncrieffe, bar. to lady Elizabeth Ranfey, daughter of the earl of Dalhousie. 29. Sir George Ramfey, bart. to the hon. mifs Eleanor Frafer, daughter of the late George lord Saltoun. Sept. 12. Robert Thornton, efq. member of parliament for Bridgewater, to mifs Eyre, of Clapham. 0.7. 5. Sir Samuel Fludyer, bart. to mifs Weston, niece to the duke of Montague. E. Brifco, efq. to lady Anne Gordon, daughter of the earl of Aberdeen. Sir George William Farmer, bart. to mifs Sophia Kenrick, daughter of Richard Kenrick, efq. of Nantclyd, in Denbighshire. 6. The hon. capt. de Courcy, brother of lord Kinfale, to mifs Blennerhaffet, niece to major Poole. 9. Sir James Hall, bart. to lady Helen Douglas, daughter of the earl of Selkirk. 12. Robert Covile, efq. of Hemingtone Hall, in Suffolk, to mifs Afgil!, daughter of fir Charles Afgill, bart. 14. Hon. col. Henry Fox, brother to the right hon. Charles James Fox, to mifs Clayton, filter to lady Howard de Walden. 29. Lady Anne Maria Arundel, youngest daughter of lord Arundel of Wardour, count of the facred Roman empire, to the hon. Charles Clifford, brother to lord Clifford, of Chudleigh. Dec. 1. Lord Henry Murray brother to the duke of Athol, to (D 4) mifs 12. Anne, Lady Brudenell, wife of James Lord Brudenell. John Luther, efq. late member of parliament for Effex. 13. The hon. Mrs. Anne Her. vey, relict of the hon. Thomas Hervey, fecond fon of John, first earl of Briflol. 12. Lady Henrietta Vernon, relict of Henry Vernon, efq. May. Hon. George Fitzwilliam, brother of the prefent earl, 2. George lord Brook, eldest fon Thomas Barret Lennard lord of the earl of Warwick. Dacre. 16. Sir Hugh Owen, bart. lord lieut. and member of parliament for Pembrokeshire. 19. The rev. John Duncombe, M. A. author of the Feminead, &c. 30. Henry Rawlinfon, efq. late member of parliament for Liverpool. Feb. 1. George Beauclerk, duke of St. Alban's. 6. The lady of admiral fir Francis Drake, bart. 8. The lady of fir Thomas Gafcoigne, bart, 10. Lieut. gen. Theodore Day, 18. Hon. James John Colvill, 5. Major gen. Auguftine Prevost, col. of the 60th regiment, 25. Lady Margaret Compton, daughter of George, 4th earl of Northampton, 26. Edward, lord Leigh: the title is extinct. Peter III. king of Portugal. 27. Mrs. Anne Berkeley, relict of the celebrated bishop of Cloyne. June 6. Hugh, duke of North, umberland, 24. Adam Drummond, efq. mem◄ ber of parliament for Saftesbury. Lady Ducie, relict of lord Ducie. The earl of Northington; the title is extinct. July 1. The hon. William Tufton, brother to the earl of Thanet. He was drowned in the Thames. At Edinburgh, Mrs. Sophia Baddeley, the once celebrated actrefs. 4. Lady Elizabeth Villiers. She was daughter and fole heiress to John Villers, viscount Purbeck, who fucceeded to the titles of earl of Buckingham, vifcount Villiers, baron of Whaddon, on the death of George Villers, duke of Buckingham. His lordship died in 1723, leaving this daughter only, his heiress; by whofe death the family of the Villiers, of the Buckingham line, is extinct. 10. The lady of George Edward Stanley, efq. fifter to fir Michael le Fleming, bart. 14. Jofeph Gulfton, efq. late member of parliament for Poole, celebrated for his capital collection of prints, &c. 20. Sir George Nares, one of the judges of the common pleas. Thomas, lord Grantham. 26. John Buller, efq. a lord of the treasury, and member of parliament for Eaft Looe. 29. Hon. Mifs Ifabella Hawke, daughter of Lord Hawke. Aug. 13. Gilbert Stuart, L L. D. author of the History of Scotland. 12. Mary, viscountefs Kilmorey, third daughter of Washington, earl Ferrers. 17. Frederick III. king of Pruffia. 29. Hon. Auguftus William Fitzroy, third fon of Lord Southamp ton. 31. Charles Howard, duke of Norfolk. Sept. 4 Sir Thomas Aubrey, bart. father of John Aubrey, efq. member of parliament for Bucks. Mrs. Byng, mother of George Byng, efq. of Wrotham Park, 5. Jonas Hanway, efq. 17. Jemima Elizabeth, marchionefs of Graham, third daughter to the earl of Afhburnham. Mifs Cavendish, only daughter of lord George Henry Cavendish. 18. Hon. Charles Hamilton, uncle to the earl of Abercorn. 25. Lady Harriet Elliot, fecond daughter of the late earl of Chatham, and wife of the hon. Edward James Elliot. Oct. 2. Admiral Auguftus, vifcount Keppel. 7. Mifs Webb, daughter of fir John Webb, bart. 20. The hon. Charles Phipps, brother to lord Mulgrave, and member of parliament for Minehead. Humphrey Sturt, late member of parliament for Dorfetshire. 31. The Princefs Amelia Sophia Eleonora, fecond daughter of his late majefty king George II. Nov. 2. Sir Edward Swinburne, bart. 6. Sir Horace Mann, knt. bart. 46 years minister at Florence. 7. Sir John Elliot, bart. phyfi. cian to the prince of Wales. Viscountess Grimflon. 11. Major gen. James Bramham, chief engineer of Great Britain. 15. Sir Richard Temple, bart. Gen. John Parflow, col. of the 30th regiment. 21. Sir Edward Wilmot, bart. phyfician to the king, in his 93d year. 23. Hannah Catharina Maria, dowager vifcountess Falmouth. 28. Anne, dowager lady Ruth |