ANNUAL REGISTER, OR GENERAL REPOSITORY OF HISTORY, AND LITERATURE, TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, The HISTORY of KNOWLEDGE, LEARNING, and TASTE, in GREAT BRITAIN, dusing the Reign of HENRY LONDON, MDCCLXXXVII. PREFACE T HE farther we proceed in our undertaking, the lefs occafion there is either to enlarge on its nature, or on the manner in which it is con ducted. In both these refpects we have had the fatisfaction of receiving the approbation of the Public; and we truft, that a fimilar approbation will attend the prefent volume. Not to mention that it hath been prepared for the prefs, with a care equal to what has formerly been difplayed, we fhall beg leave to obferve, that one or two parts which, in the last year, were perhaps rather too excrefcent, are now reduced to their due compass and proportion: at the fame time, it is hoped, that no department of the work will be found defective. ་ A feafon of general peace doth not exhibit fuch, ftriking scenes as when the world is involved in the tumults and devaftations of war. But it af fords matters equally momentous, and which are more delightful to philofophic minds, and the friends of humanity. The Parliamentary History of Great Britain and Ireland, which comprehends such a variety of political, civil, and commercial concerns, muft ever be a very important object: and Europe, in its molt tranquil ftate, will always be productive of events that give fcope to fpeculation. It is devoutly to be wished, that the |