| 1786 - 506 strani
...argument of pnfts, and conduftcel his reafoninp upon principies of trigonometry as well as logick. There were certain detached data, like advanced works, to keep the enemy ara diflance from the main o'ojecl in debare. Strong proviios covered the flanks of his additions;... | |
| Great Britain. Parliament - 1787 - 482 strani
...fhone as confpicuoufly there, as it could upon onr coafts. He' had made it an argument of pofts, and conducted his reafoning upon principles of trigonometry,...debate. Strong provifions covered the flanks of his allertious. His very queries were in cafements. No impreffions, therefore, was to be made on this fortrefs... | |
| Parliament proc - 1787 - 468 strani
...{hone as confpicuoufly there, as it could upon our coafts. He had made it art argument of pofts, and conducted his reafoning upon principles of trigonometry, as well as logic. There were certain detached 3ata, like advanced works, to keep the enemy at a diftance from the main object in debate. Strong proviftons... | |
| 1788 - 524 strani
...mailer flione confpicuoully there, as it would upon our coafts : he had made an argument of ports, and conducted his reafoning upon principles of trigonometry...detached data like advanced works to keep the enemy at a di (lance from the main objeû in debate ; ftrong provilions covered the flanks of his afftrtious ;... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1788 - 556 strani
...had made an argument of polls, and conducted his realoning upon principles of trigonometry as well a* logic. There were certain detached data like advanced...works to keep the enemy at a diftance from the main objeft in debate ; ftrong provifions covered the flanks of his aflertions ; his very queries were in... | |
| Thomas Augustus Lloyd - 1795 - 396 strani
...acknowledged Wged that they appeared to advantage in the planning and conftrufting the report in queftion. There were certain detached data, like advanced works,...debate. Strong provifions covered the flanks of his affertions.— His very queries were in calcmates. No impreffion, therefore, was to be made on this... | |
| William Belsham - 1795 - 566 strani
...be acknowledged they conspicuously appeared in the planning and constructing the report in question. There were certain detached data, like advanced works, to keep the enemy at a distance from the main object in debate. Strong provisions covered the flanks of his assertions. His... | |
| William Belsham - 1796 - 572 strani
...be acknowledged they confpieuoufly appeared in the planning and conftrucYmg the report in queftion. There were certain detached data, like advanced works,...debate. Strong provifions covered the flanks of his aflertions. His very queries were in cafemates. No impreffion, therefore, was to be made on this fortrefa... | |
| Robert Bisset - 1803 - 450 strani
...mafter-general fhone confpicuoufly there, as it would upon our coafts: he had made an argument of pofts, and conducted his reafoning upon principles of trigonometry...enemy at a diftance from the main object in debate; ftrong provifions covered the flanks of his aflertions ; his very queries were in cafemates; no impreffion... | |
| William Belsham - 1805 - 600 strani
...be acknowledged they conspicuously appeared in the planning and constructing the report in question. There were certain detached data^ like advanced works, to keep the enemy at a distance from the main object in debate. Strong provisions covered the flanks of his assertions. His... | |
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