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Knjige Knjige
" That no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested or burthened, in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions... "
The New Annual Register, Or General Repository of History, Politics, and ... - Stran 54
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The Scots Magazine, Količina 48

1786 - 716 strani enforced, retrained, tnolefU ed, or burthened in his body or good«, nor (hall otherwife fuft'er on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men lhall be free to profefs, and, by argument, to maintain their opinions in muters of ri-ligiotï; and...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Considerations on the Relative Situation of France and the United States of ...

Jacques-Pierre Brissot de Warville, Étienne Clavière - 1783 - 388 strani
...fhall be enforced, reftrained, molefted, or burthened in his body and goods, nor fhall otherways fufler on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men fhall be free to profefs,. and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion; and...
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Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review, Količina 57 ,1. del

1787 - 618 strani
...ihall be forced, reftiuined, moleftèd or burthened in has Body or g'xxls, nor fhall otherwife fuffcr on account of his religious opinions or belief But that all men be free to profefs, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion ; and that the fame (hall in no wife dimiuiin,...
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The Works, Theological, Medical, Political, and Miscellaneous ..., Količina 1

John Jebb, John Disney - 1787 - 612 strani
...{hall be forced, retrained, molefted, or burthened in his body or goods, nor {hall otherwife fuffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men be free to proiefs, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion ; and that the fame fhall...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The History of the Rise, Progress, and Establishment, of the ..., Količina 4

William Gordon - 1788 - 500 strani
...fhall be forced, reftramed, molefted or burthened in his body or goods, nor fhall otherwife fuffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief: but that all men fhall be free to profefs, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion: and that...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

The American Geography: Or, a View of the Present Situation of the United ...

Jedidiah Morse - 1792 - 522 strani
...vvhatfoever, nor be enforced, reftrained, molefted or burdened in his body or goods, nor otherwife fuffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men Ihould be free to profefs, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion ; and...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

An Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View ..., Količina 3

William Winterbotham - 1795 - 558 strani
...whatfoever, nos be enforced, retrained, molefted or burdened in his body or goods, nor otherwife fuffer on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men fliould be free to profefs, and by argument to maintain, their opinion in matters of religion ; and...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

A New and Complete System of Universal Geography: Describing ..., Količina 4

John Payne, James Hardie - 1799 - 662 strani
...ver, nor be enforced, rcuraiTied. molefled, or burdened in his body or goods, nor olherwife fuffer on account of his religious opinions or belief ; but that all men fhould be fríe to profefs. and by argument to maintain «heir opinion, in matters of religion ; and...
Celotni ogled - O knjigi

Notes on the State of Virginia

Thomas Jefferson - 1801 - 402 strani
...(hall be enforced, reitrained, molefted, or burthened in his body or goods, nor ihall otherwife fuffer on account of his religious opinions or belief ; but that all men mall be free to profefs, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that...
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Notes on the State of Virginia: With an Appendix Relative to the Murder of ...

Thomas Jefferson - 1803 - 388 strani
...shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burthened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions or belief ; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by arguments to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion and that...
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