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Ernst Zitelmann.

1903. Preis Mk. 2,20; gebunden Mk. 3,-.

Kultur und Presse.


Emil Löbl.

1903. Preis Mk. 5,60.

Die sozialen Aufgaben der deutschen Städte.

Zwei Vorträge, gehalten auf der ersten deutschen Städte-
Ausstellung zu Dresden am 2. September 1903


OBM. Dr. A dickes und OBM. Geh. Finanzrat a. D. Beutler.
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Georg Wermert.

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Die Grenzen der Geschichte.


Friedrich Gottl.

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Die Akkordarbeit in Deutschland.


Ludwig Bernhard.

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dent of the Venezuelan Republic by the United States' Government, and by them transmitted to the British and German Governments, with regard to the mode of settling the Venezuela dispute. || Count Metternich observed that in the Venezuelan reply it was not stated with sufficient distinctness whether the conditions proposed by the two Powers were unreservedly accepted; he said that in the view of the German Government it would be necessary to obtain in the first instance from the Venezuelan Government a positive declaration of their acceptance of the conditions upon wich the German and British Governments had insisted, and that they should be required to explain the manner in which they intended to guarantee the fulfilment of any obligations which they might contract in connection with the Arbitrator's Award. || It seemed to the German Government that if satisfactory assurances were given in this respect, the Powers concerned would then be in a position,,to enter into a discussion, with regard to the manner in which the question should be further dealt with". I said that I held strongly and in this I agreed with the view of the German Government, which his Excellency had been good enough to communicate to me - that we ought on no account to allow our Representatives at Washington or elsewhere to enter into any discussions with Mr. Bowen until we had obtained from the Venezuelan Government a disticnt statement that they unreservedly accepted and agreed to be bound by the conditions numbered 1, 2, and 3 in the Memorandum which I communicated to Mr. White on the 23rd December, 1902, and also by the further condition described in the paragraph which follows. An extract of the Memorandum, showing the passages referred to, is inclosed for convenience of reference.*) || If these conditions were unreservedly accepted, I thought we might authorize our Representative at Washington to meet Mr. Bowen, and to consider any proposals which he might have to make either for (a),,an immediate settlement of all the claims", or (b) the preliminaries for a reference to the Hague Tribunal. It should, I thought, be made clear that our readiness to discuss (a) should in no way prejudice our right to demand a reference to the Hague. It would in this case, I thought, have to be clearly understood that Mr. Bowen appeared merely as a Commissioner on the part of the Venezuelan Government, and not in his official capacity as United States' Minister at Carácas. I added that it would, in my opinion, be unwise to exclude any arrangement which might possibly afford the pro

*) In einer Beilage sind die Punkte 1, 2, 3 von Nr. 12921 hinzugefügt. Red.

Staatsarchiv LXVIII.


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