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United States of America, Thomas F. Bayard, Secretary of State of the United States of America; ||,,Who, after having exhibited their respective full powers and having found the same to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles:

Article I.

„All differences or questions that may arise on that portion of the frontier between the United States of Mexico and the United States of America where the Rio Grande and the Colorado rivers form the boundary line, whether such differences or questions grow out of alterations or changes in the bed of the aforesaid Rio Grande and that of the aforesaid Colorado river, or of works that may be constructed in said rivers, or of any other cause affecting the boundary line, shall be submitted for examination and decision to an International Boundary Commission, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the case of said differences or questions.

Article II.

,,The International Boundary Commission shall be composed of a Commissioner appointed by the President of the United States of Mexico, and of another by the President of the United States of America, in accordance with the constitutional provisions of each country, of a Consulting Engineer, appointed in the same manner by each Government, and of such Secretaries and Interpreters as either Government may see fit to add to its Commission. Each Government separately shall fix the salaries and emoluments of the members of its Commission.

Article III.

,,The International Boundary Commission shall not transact any business unless both Commissioners are present. It shall sit on the frontier of the two contracting countries, and shall establish itself at such places as it may determine upon; it shall, however, repair to places at which any of the difficulties or questions mentioned in this convention may arise, as soon as it shall have been duly notified thereof.

Article IV.

„When, owing to natural causes, any change shall take place in the bed ot the Rio Grande or in that of the Colorado River, in that portion thereof wherein those rivers form the boundary line between the two countries, which may affect the boundary line, notice of that fact shall be given by the proper local authorities on both sides to their respective

Commissioners of the International Boundary Commission, on receiving which notice it shall be the duty of the said Commission to repair to the place where the change has taken place or the question has arisen, to make a personal examination of such change, to compare it with the bed of the river as it was before the change took place, as shown by the surveys, and to decide whether it has occurred through avulsion or erosion, for the effects of Article I and II of the Convention of November 12, 1884; having done this, it shall make suitable annotations on the surveys of the boundary line.

Article V.

Whenever the local authorities on any point of the frontier between the United States of Mexico and the United States of America, in that portion in which the Rio Grande and the Colorado River form the boundary between the two countries, shall think that works are being constucted, in either of those rivers, such as are prohibited by Article III of the convention of November, 12, 1884, or by Article VII of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of February 2, 1848, they shall so notify their respective Commissioners, in order that the latter may at once submit the matter to the International Boundary Commission, and that said Commission may proceed, in accordance with the provisions of the foregoing article, to examine the case, and that it may decide whether the work is among the number of those which are permitted, or of those which are prohibited by the stipulations of those treaties. The Commission may provisionally suspend the construction of the works in question pending the investigation of the matter, and if it shall fail to agree on this point, the works shall be suspended, at the instance of one of the two Governments.

Article VI.

„In either of these cases, the Commission shall make a personal examination of the matter which occasions the change, the question or the complaint, and shall give its decision in regard to the same, in doing which it shall comply with the requirements established by a body of regulations to be prepared by the said Commission and approved by both Governments.

Article VII.

„The International Boundary Commission shall have power to call for papers and information, and it shall be the duty of the authorities of each of the two contries to send it any papers that it may call for, relating to any boundary question in which it may have jurisdiction in

pursuance of this Convention. The said Commission shall have power to summon any witnesses whose testimony it may think proper to take, and it shall be the duty of all persons thus summoned to appear before the same and to give their testimony, which shall be taken in accordance with such by-laws and regulations as may be adopted by the Commission and approved by both Governments. In case of the refusal of a witness to appear, he shall be compelled to do so, and to this end the Commission may make use of the same means that are used by the courts of the respective countries to compel the attendance of witnesses, in conformity with their respective laws.

Article VIII.

„If both Commissioners shall agree to a decision, their judgment shall be considered binding upon both Governments, unless one of them shall disapprove it within one month reckoned from the day on which it shall have been pronounced. In the latter case, both Governments shall take cognizance of the matter, and shall decide it amicably, bearing constantly in mind the stipulation of Article XXI of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of February 2, 1848. |,,The same shall be the case when the Commissioners shall fail to agree concerning the point which occasions the question, the complaint or the change, in which case each Commissioner shall prepare a report, in writing, which he shall lay before his Government.

Article IX.

,,This Convention shall be ratified by both parties, in accordance with the provisions of their respective constitutions, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at Washington as speedly as possible. || „In testimony whereof the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed and sealed it. Done in duplicate in the City of Washington, in the Spanish and English languages, on the 1st. day of March one thousand eight hundred and eighty nine.

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Nr. 12980. GUATEMALA und SALVADOR.- Allgemeiner Freundschafts- und Handelsvertrag.

Guatemala, 27. März 1895.

Los Gobiernos de Guatemala y El Salvador, deseando estrechar y fortalecer los vinculos de fraternidad y las relaciones amistosas que felizmente existen entre las dos Repúblicas, y deseando, además, mantener la

paz y buena armonía que deben reinar entre pueblos hermanos, contribuyendo al desarrollo de sus intereses políticos y económicos y á su desenvolvimiento moral, han dispuesto celebrar un Tratado General de Paz, Amistad, Arbitraje, Comercio y Extradición; y al efecto han nombrado sus Plenipotenciarios, así: || El Gobierno de Guatemala al Excelentísimo señor licenciado don Jorge Muñoz, Secretario de Estado en el Despacho de Relaciones Exteriores; | Y el Gobierno de El Salvador al Execelentísimo señor doctor don Baltasar Estupinián, Enviado Extraordinario y Ministro Plenipotenciario ante el Gobierno de Guatemala; || Quienes después de haberse comunicado sus repectivos poderes, y encontrándolos en debida forma, han convenido en los artículos siguientes:


Paz y Amistad.

Artículo 1°. Habrá paz perpetua y amisted leal y sincera entre las Repúblicas de Guatemala y El Salvador. || Ambos países se pondrán de acuerdo siempre que fuere posible, y la importancia del caso lo demandare, para impulsar su progreso moral, intelectual é industrial, uniformando así y confundiendo sus intereses cual cumple á pueblos vecinos y hermanos. Si por desgracia ocurriera alguna diferencia entre ellas procurarán terminarla de un modo amistoso; pero si esto no se lograre apelarán ineludiblemente al arbitraje, como medio civilizado y fraternal. || Artículo 2o.- Las Repúblicas de Guatemala y El Salvador se comprometen mutuamente á no intervenir la una en los negocios internos de la otra, respetándose su soberanía é independencia. || Tampoco intervendrán en las cuestiones que se originen en las otras Repúblicas hermanas de CentroAmérica; pero sí podrán interponer sus buenos oficios de un modo amistoso y consiliador, con el único y humanitario objeto de evitar la efusión de sangre. Artículo 3o.Con la mira de mantener por todos los medios justos el don inestimable de la paz, se estipula que las Altas Partes Contratantes no consentirán jamás que en sus respectivas fronteras ó en cualquiera otra parte de su territorio, se hagan enganches de gente, ó se preparen elementos y pertrechos de guerra para hostilizar á la otra los descontentos, políticos abusen del derecho de asilo, maquinando ó conspirando contra las autoridades legítimas de las respectivas Repúblicas; debiendo ser alejados de las costas ó puntos fronterizos, caso de justificarse su hostilidad. || El Gobierno interesado dará al otro parte oficial de los trabajos y maquinaciones contra la paz interior de la República amenazada, para que se dicten las medidas oportunas á fin de evitar todo motivo de intranquilidad.

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Artículo 4o.- Estipulado el arbitraje como único medio de resolver las diferencias entre las dos Altas Partes Contratantes se establece que, la elección de árbitros se hará de preferencia entre los Presidentes de Costa Rica, Honduras y Nicaragua, designando al de aquella de esas Repúblicas que no tenga reclamaciones pendientes con alguna de las dos Altas Partes Contratantes. Artículo 5°. El nombramiento se hará, || de común acuerdo, por las dos Altas Partes Contratantes, á más tardar dentro de sesenta días de publicada, por el periódico oficial, la nota en que se excita al otro Gobierno á dicho nombramiento, y no pudiendo ambas partes ponerse de acuerdo en la designación del árbitro, procederán sus representantes al sorteo de éste entre los soberanos ó Presidentes de las siguientes naciones: Alemania, República Argentina, Bélgica, España, Estados Unidos de América, Francia, Gran Bretaña, Italia y Suiza. || El primero de los sorteados será el árbitro, y si este no aceptase, séra el segundo y así sucesivamente. || Hecho el nombramiento del árbitro y aceptado por éste, se citará á las dos partes, fijándoles un término prudencial que no excederá de seis meses á fin de que dentro de él concurran por medio de sus Representantes, debidamente autorizados, á explicar y defender su causa, presentando los documentos que la apoyen. Dicha citación podrá hacerse por medio de un Agente Diplomático ó Consular del árbitro ó de cualquiera otra nación amiga. Si alguna de las partes dejase de concurrir con las pruebas y alegatos dentro del término fijado, cualquiera que fuese el motivo, el árbitro, no obstante, procederá á conocer del asunto sometido, con vista del antecedente que se le hubiese suministrado por las dos ó por una de las partes; y, sin otra formalidad pronunciará su laudo, el que desde la fecha de la notificación, en la forma prevenida, adquiere la fuerza y validez de un tratado obligatorio é irrevocable entre ambas Partes Contratantes, que no harán ninguna reclamación contra el fallo arbitral y le darán fiel y exacto cumplimiento. || Artículo 6°. Las dos Altas Partes Contratantes aceptarán como principios de arbitraje los del Tratado firmado en Washington á 28 de abril de 1890 por los Plenipotenciarios de las Repúblicas de Guatemala y El Salvador y los de Estados Unidos é Hispano-América, en la forma siguiente: I El arbitraje es obligatorio en todas las cuestiones sobre privilegios diplomáticos y consulares, límites, territorios, indemnizaciones, derechos de navegación y validez, inteligencia y cumplimiento de tratados. || II El arbitraje es igualmente obligatorio, con la limitación del párrafo siguiente,

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