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,,Recognition by Japan of Manchuria and her littoral as being outside her sphere of interests, whilst Russia, within the limits of that province, will not impede Japan, nor other Powers in the enjoyment of rights and privileges acquired by them under existing treaties with China, exclusive of the establishment of settlements."

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Nr. 13189. JAPAN. — Komura an Kurino. Japan lehnt die russischen Vorschläge ab.

Tokyo, January 13th, 1904. (Telegram.) || You are instructed to deliver to Count Lamsdorff a Note Verbale to the following effect which, you will say, is intended to confirm to him the views of the Imperial Government communicated by me to Baron Rosen on the 13th January:

The Imperial Government, in order to arrive at a pacific solution of the pending questions and to firmly establish the basis of good relation between Japan and Russia, and in addition with a view to protect the rights and interests of Japan, have given most careful and serious consideration to the reply of the Imperial Russian Government which was delivered by His Excellency Baron Rosen on the 6th instant. They have finally come to the conclusion that the following modifications are necessary, i. e.:

1. Suppression of the first clause of Article V of the Russian Counter-Proposals (presented to the Japanese Government through Baron Rosen December 11th) that is to say, not to use any part of Korean territory for strategical purposes".


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Suppression of the whole Article (VI) concerning establishment of a neutral zone.

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3. The Russian proposal concerning Manchuria to be agreed to with the following modifications:


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Recognition by Japan of Manchuria and its littoral as being outside her sphere of interest and an engagement on the part of Russia to respect the territorial integrity of China in Manchuria.

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b. Russia within the limits of Manchuria will not impede Japan nor other Powers in the enjoyment of rights and privileges acquired by them under the existing treaties with China.


Recognition by Russia of Korea and its littoral as being outside her sphere of interests.

4. Addition of an article to the following effect:

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Recognition by Japan of Russian's special interests in Manchuria and of the right of Russia to take measures necessary for the protection of those interests.

The grounds for these amendments having been frequently and fully explained on previous occasions, the Imperial Government do not think it necessary to repeat the explanations. It is sufficient here to express their earnest hope for reconsideration by the Imperial Russian Government.

It should be further remarked that the suppression of the clause excluding the establishment of settlements in Manchuria is desired because it onflicts with stipulations of the new Commercial Treaty between Japan and China. In this respect, however, Japan will be satisfied if she receives equal treatment with another Power which has already acquired similar rights in regard to settlements in Manchuria. The statement in the Russian reply that the Japanese Government have agreed to the original wording of Article V of the Russian Counter-Proposals is erroneous, no such agreement ever having been expressed by the Imperial Government.

The above-mentioned amendments being proposed by the Imperial Government entirely in a spirit of conciliation, it is expected thad they will be received with the same spirit at the hands of the Imperial Russian Government; and the Imperial Government further hope for an early reply from the Imperial Russian Government since further delay in the solution of the question will be extremely disadvantageous to the two countries.

Nr. 13190. JAPAN. Komura an Kurino. Soll Lamsdorff um Antwort bitten.

Tokyo, January 23rd, 1904. (Telegram.) || You are istructed to sound Count Lamsdorff respecting the probable nature of Russia's reply to our last note and when the reply will be delivered.

Nr. 13191. JAPAN.-Kurino an Komura. - Zeitpunkt der Antwort ist unsicher.

Petersburg. January 25th, 1904. (Received, January 25th, 1904.) (Telegram.) In reference to your telegram of 23rd inst., I saw Count Lamsdorff January 24th and asked his views in regard to our last proposals and also how soon the Russian answer could be given.

He was not inclined to enter into details, but said that there are certain points to which he could not agree. He expects to lay his views before the Emperor next Tuesday, January 26 th, and he hopes to be able to send an answer before long.

M. de Hartwig whom I saw this afternoon, told me that the Department of Foreign Affairs is yet in communication with Admiral Alexieff, and he cannot say how soon an answer can be sent to Japan.

Nr. 13192. JAPAN.-Komura an Kurino.-Ernste Aufforderung an Lamsdorff, die Verhandlungen zu beschleunigen.

Tokyo, January 26th, 1904.

(Telegram.) | As the situation admits of no indefinite delay in the settlement of the questions involved, you will seek an interview with Count Lamsdorff at the earliest opportunity and state to him as an instruction from your Government that in the opinion of the Imperial Government a further prolongation of the present state of things being calculated to accentuate the gravity of the situation, it is their earnest hope that they will be honoured with an early reply, and that they wish to know at what time they may expect to receive the reply.

Nr. 13193. JAPAN. Kurino an Komura.

Lamsdorff be

schwert sich über japanische Rüstungen.

Petersburg, January 26th, 1904. (Received, January 27th, 1904.) (Telegram.) || In reference to your telegram of the 26th inst., the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs said that the Ministers of War, Marine and other authorities concerned are to meet on the 28th January for the consideration of the question, and that their decision will be submitted to the Emperor for sanction, and he remarked that it had been the intention of Admiral Alexieff to come here; but that that idea was now abandoned, and his opinion will soon be received by telegraph. Under those circumstances, he says, he is unable to give the exact date when the reply will be given; but he can say it will not be much delayed. He said that he had received reports from official sources to the effect that Japan had sent a considerable number of troops, munitions and war materials to Korea, and asked me whether I could give any explanation regarding it. I simply answered that I knew nothing of such facts, and regretted not being able to give him any explanation,

He added that such action on the part of Japan causes a very bad impression, while the two Governments are engaged seriously in such important negotiations. Telegraph me for my information whether the reports are true, and if so, the details.

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(Telegram.) || In reference to your telegram of 26th instant, you will see Count Lamsdorff at an early opportunity and say to him that you have been authorized to deny positively the statement that Japan has sent to Korea a considerable number of troops, munitions and war materials. As a matter of fact, no troops have recently been sent to Korea nor any ammunitions have been sent beyond the amount required for the ordinary use of the Japanese troops stationed in Korea. You will then ask him whether the report that Russian troops are being concentrated on the Korean frontier is true, and if so, that such military movement is to be highly deprecated. Finally, you will ask him whether he is not able to acquaint you, for your own information, with the nature of the decision taken at the proposed conference of the Ministers on the 28th January, and whether he can indicate the approximate date on which the Russian reply is to be given.

Nr. 13195. JAPAN. Kurino an Komura. - Lamsdorff leugnet die russischen Rüstungen. Verspricht keine

schleunige Antwort.

Petersburg, January 28th, 1904. (Received, January 29th, 1904.) (Telegram.) | Count Lamsdorff is satisfied with the explanation concained in your telegram of to day. As to the question regarding the concentration of Russian troops near the Yalu, he does not believe it to be true, and he remarked that such newspaper reports are very regret table. I tried to obtain information about the decision of to-day's meeting. He said that it is not possible for him to say anything concerning it as it will not be sent to the Emperor, and that until the respective Ministers have been received by the Emperor respecting the question, nothing can be said definitely. He stated that the Grand Duke Alexis and the Minister of Marine are to be received in audience next

Monday, and the Minister of War and himself on Tuesday; and he thinks an answer will be sent to Admiral Alexieff on the latter day. I pointed out the urgent necessity to accelerate the despatsch of an answer as much as possible, because further prolongation of the present condition is not only undesirable but rather dangerous. I added that all the while the world is loud with rumours and that I hoped he would take special steps so as to have an answer sent at an earlier date than mentioned. He replied that he knows the existing condition of things very well, but that the dates of audience being fixed as above-mentioned, it is not now possible to change them; and he repeated that he will do his best to send the reply next Tuesday.

Nr. 13196. JAPAN. -Komura an Kurino. Soll einen Termin für die Antwort verlangen.


Tokyo, January 30th, 1904.

In reference to your telegram of January 28th, you are instructed to see Count Lamsdorff at the earliest opportunity and state to him substantially in the following sense:

„Having reported to your Government that the Russian Government would probably give a reply on next Tuesday, you have been instructed to say to Count Lamsdorff that being fully convinced of the serious. disadvantage to the two Powers concerned of the further prolongation of the present situation, the Imperial Government hoped that they might be able to receive the reply of the Russian Government earlier than the date mentioned by Count Lamsdorff. As it, however, appears that the receipt of the reply at an earlier date is not possible, the Imperial Government wish to know whether they will be honoured with the reply at the date mentioned by Count Lamsdorff, namely, next Tuesday, or if it is not possible, what will be the exact date on which the reply is to be given."

If Count Lamsdorff specifies the day on which the reply is to be given, you will see him on that day and ask him to acquaint you with the exact nature of the reply.

Nr. 13197. JAPAN.-Kurino an Komura. - Der Antwortstermin hängt vom Zaren ab.

Petersburg, February 1st, 1904. (Received, February 1st, 1904.) (Telegram.) Regarding your telegram of the 30th January, I saw Count Lamsdorff in the evening January 31st. He says he appreciates

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