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frontier, China shall, after consultation with Russia, determine the number of troops and the places where they are to be stationed in Manchuria. The prohibition of importation into Manchuria of arms and ammunitions to be regulated in accordance with common agreement to be made with the Powers. In the meantime, China shall, of her own accord, prohibit such importation as a temporary measure. | Article 5. In order to secure peace in Manchuria, any Governor-General or high local official who has acted, or may act, improperly in regard to foreign relations shall at once be removed to another post upon a representation made by Russia. China may maintain infantry and cavalry for police purposes, the strength of which is to be determined in consultation with Russia until the complete pacification of Manchuria ; but no artillery shall be permitted, and only Chinese shall be employed in those functions. || Article 7. The local authorities in the vicinity of the neutral zone, provided in Article V of the Convention for the lease of territory in Liao-tung, shall make special Regulations to maintain peace and order. | Article 8. China shall not, without previous consultation with Russia, grant to any Power, or its subjects, railway and mining Concessions or any commercial advantages in the whole territory of Manchuria. | Article 10. The indemnities to be paid in compensation for the destruction of the railway an the property of the employés of the Railway Company, and also for the losses for the delay of work, shall be adjusted between China and the Railway Company, in accordance with the principles of assessment to be agreed upon between the foreign Representatives at Peking and to be approved by the Powers. || Article 12. The building of a railway into Manchuria from Shanhaikwan to Newchwang and Sinminting with money borrowed from a private Company during September 1898 is in contravention of the previous Agreement between China and Russia. As compensation for this breach, and in order to speedily restore tranquillity in Manchuria, China shall concede to the Chinese Eastern Railway Company the right to build a railway from the main or branch line of its railway, extending it to the Great Wall on the boundary between Manchuria and the Province of Chihli. | Articles 1, 2, 3, 9, and 11 are maintained as originally drafted, while Article 6 has been entirely eliminated. || The Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs declared to the Chinese Minister that he would withdraw the draft if it were not signed within two weeks from the 13th March. || Baron Hayashi stated that a special Convention such as was being separately negotiated by Russia was held by the Japanese Government to be contrary to the principle of solidarity which at present united the

Staatsarchiv LXIX.


Powers, and that such a separate Convention would materially lessen the capacity of China to meet her obligations towards the Powers. He was therefore instructed to state that the Japanese Government would be ready to join His Majesty's Government, should they hold the same view, in again advising the Chinese Government not to sign the amended draft of the Convention. He added that his Government were of opinion that such advice renewed by the two Governments, and possibly also by the German Government, would be very effective. || I told Baron Hayashi that His Majesty's Government would repeat to the Chinese Government the warning already given in regard to separate Agreements with individual Powers, and that they would advise China not to sign the amended draft.


Der Gesandte in Peking an

den Minister des Ausw. Änderungen an Nr. 13047.

Peking, March 19, 1901. (March 20.)

(Telegraphic.) With reference to my telegram of the 6th instant, the 6th Article of the proposed Russo-Chinese Manchurian Agreement has been omitted. | Article 4. The number of troops and military posts in Manchuria is to be determined with Russia. In accordance with common agreement to be made with the Powers, prohibition of importation of arms and ammunition. Meantime, prohibition to be made by China. Article 5. Any Governor-General, or other high official, complained of by Russia as having acted in an improper manner in matters which affect foreign policy is to be transferred at once. China may maintain a police force of cavalry and infantry, determining its strength in consultation with Russia. This body is, however, not to have cannon until the pacification of the country, and only Chinese are to be enrolled. | Article 7. The local authorities in the neighbourhood of the neutral zone, provided for by Article V of the Convention relating to the lease of the Peninsula of Liaotung, are to frame a set of special Regulations suitable to the cir cumstances. | Article 8. Without previous consultation with Russia, China shall not grant to any other Power, or its subjects, railway and mining Concession and commercial advantages throughout Manchuria. Article 10. The principles agreed upon by the Representatives of the foreign Powers and approved by their Governments shall be used to adjust the indemnities for the destruction of railways, of the Railway Company employés' property, and for losses due to delay of work. || Article 12. It is stated that China has contravened a previous Russo-Chinese

Agreement by constructing a railway line direct into Manchuria, from Shanhaikwan to Newchwang and Sinminting, with money borrowed from a private Company. On the 28th September, 1898, China is to give compensation for this by conceding the right to the East China Railway Company to build an extension line of its main railway to the Great Wall, on the Chihli-Manchurian boundary. || The other Articles, as they were in the original draft, remain unaltered.



Derselbe an Denselben.

Peking, March 19, 1901. (March 20.)

(Telegraphic.) || With reference to my telegram of the 19th instant, Article No. 12 naturally has reference to the loan which the British and Chinese Corporation negotiated for the construction of the railway. No previous Agreement between Russia and China exists. It is not fair to China nor to His Majesty's Government to force China to sign such an Article as is contemplated|| The Russian Government insists on the Convention being signed on the 25th instant, and, if it is not signed, they threaten to break off negotiations. I am informed confidentially by Li Hung-chang that an extension of ten to twelve days is desired by China to eliminate the Article, as well as one or two other points of an objectionable character, as she fears other Powers imitating the example set by Russia". || I gather that the text we have obtained is authentic.


Der Minister des Ausw. an den Gesandten in Peking und den Botschafter in Berlin. Warnung an China vor Sonderverträgen.

Foreign Office, March 20, 1901.

(Telegraphic.) || Manchurian Agreement. I have repeated to the Chinese Minister to-day the warning against entering into separate Agreements with individual Power already given to China. || [Following to Sir F. Lascelles only.] || It would be useful if the German Government were to intimate that they remained of the opinion already expressed by them.

Nr. 13053. CHINA.

Dekret der Regierung an den Gesandten in London. Soll England um Hilfe gegen Rußland bitten.

Imperial Decree of March 20.

(Communicated by Sir Chihchen

Lofengluh, March 21, 1901.)

(Translation.) || The Manchurian Agreement has now been amended, but the stipulated time within which the Agreement is to be signed will soon expire. As the Marquess of Lansdowne has advised us to wait for his reply, we have now to command Lofêngluh to ask Lord Lansdowne || 1. Either to help us out of the difficulty: || 2. Or to ask Russia to extend the time stipulated for siguing the Agreement. || Otherwise, we, being placed in great difficulty, will be unable to oppose Russia any further. || An immediate reply is to be expected. || Respect this.


Der Botschafter in Petersburg an den Minister des Ausw. Besprechung zwischen dem japanischen Gesandten und Graf Lamsdorff.

St. Petersburgh, March 26, 1901. (March 26.) (Telegraphic.) I am informed by the Japanese Minister that, at an interview which he had with Count Lamsdorff yesterday, he carried out the instructions of his Government, and told his Excellency what was their opinion as to the danger of concluding at this moment separate Agreements between China and any individual Power. The Japanese Government, he said, desirous as always to act in cordial relations with the Russian Government, wished to inform his Excellency that their good offices, as well as those of other Governments, had been asked for by China with regard to the draft Manchurian Agreement which Russia was pressing her to sign within a specified period of time. The sovereignty and integrity of China, as well as certain Treaty rights of other Powers, appeared to Japan to be affected by some of the Articles of the Agreement, and they, therefore, desire to make the friendly proposal that the Treaty Powers, acting together in Peking, should be given an opportunity of considering the draft before it was signed. || In reply, Count Lamsdorff said that this Agreement solely concerned two independent States, and must be concluded without the intervention of any other Powers, and he politely but firmly declined any such proposal. His Excellency added, however, that he could give an official assurance to the Japanese Minister that neither the sovereignty nor the integrity of China in Manchuria nor

the Treaty rights of any other Power were affected by the proposed Agreement; that it was of a provisional nature, and a necessary preliminary to the Russian troops evacuating the province. Its early signature was desired by his Excellency in order that the unjust suspicions aroused by false reports with regard to it might be removed by its publication.

Nr. 13055. CHINA. - Die Kabinettsminister an den Gesandten in London. Ablehnung des Mandschureivertrags.

Cabinet Ministers in Singan-fu to Sir Chihehen Lofêngluh.

cated by Sir Chihchen Lofengluh, March 29, 1901.)


Shanghae, March 28, 1901.

(Translation.) || (Telegraphic.) || We have followed the advice of Lord Lansdowne, in not giving our authority to sign the Manchurian Agreement. In your telegrams of the 20th and 23rd instant, you have assured us of the moral support of England if we followed her advice. || Our Plenipotentiaries, Prince Ch'ing and Viceroy Li, report that Russia will now permanently occupy Manchuria, and that the collective negotiations will have to be suspended. The Court feel great anxiety about this matter. As Manchuria is the cradle of the present dynasty, how could China tolerate a permanent foreign occupation of that region? We now apply for the positive assistance of England in bringing about a satisfactory settlement between China and Russia, in order to avoid a rupture with that Power, which could not fail to be detrimental to the interests of China and the Treaty Powers. || Please lay the contents of this telegram before Lord Lansdowne and request an immediate reply.


Nr. 13056. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Botschafter in Petersburg an den Minister des Ausw. Mitteilung des Journal „Officiel" über die Verhandlungen mit China,

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St. Petersburgh, April 5, 1901. (April 5.) (Telegraphic.) To-day's Official Messenger" contains long communiqué regarding recent events in China. First part recapitulates course of negatiations between allied Powers and China, which are as yet not concluded. Second part states that the Imperial Government, while awaiting the solution of questions interesting all the Powers, considered it necessary to apply themselves to the task of restoring order in the

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