Slike strani

Chinois de l'Est, il sera formé auprès des Gouverneurs

dzian-dziuns locaux une gendarmerie Chinoise à pied et à cheval composée exclusivement de sujets de Sa Majesté l'Empereur de Chine.

Article IV.

Le Gouvernement Russe consent à restituer à leurs propriétaires les lignes ferrées de Shanghaikwan-Yinkow-Sinminting, occupées et protégées par les troupes Russes depuis la fin du mois de Septembre 1900, En vue de cela le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté l'Empereur de Chine s'engage: || 1. Que dans le cas où il serait nécessaire d'assurer la sécurité des lignes ferrées précitées, le Gouvernement Chinois s'en chargera lui-même et n'invitera aucune autre Puissance à entrependre ou à participer à la défense, construction, ou exploitation de ces lignes, et ne permettra pas aux Puissances étrangères d'occuper le territoire restitué par la Russie. || 2. Que les lignes ferrées susmentionnées seront achevées et exploitées sur les bases précises tant de l'Arrangement entre la Russie et l'Angleterre en date du 16 Avril, 1899, que du contract conclu le 28 Septembre, 1898, avec une Compagnie particulière relativement à un emprunt pour la construction des lignes précitées, et, en outre, en observant les obligations assumées par cette Compagnie, c'est-à-dire, de ne pas prendre possession de la ligne Shanghaikwan-Yinkow-Sinminting ni d'en disposer de quelque façon que ce soit. || 3. Que si par la suite il sera procédé à la continuation des lignes ferrées dans le sud de la Mandchourie ou à la construction d'embranchements vers elles, aussi bien qu'à la construction d'un pont à Yinkow ou au transfert du terminus du Chemin de Fer de Shanghaikwan qui s'y trouve, ce sera fait après une entente préalable entre les Gouvernements de Russie et de Chine. || 4. Vu que les dépenses faites par la Russie pour le rétablissement et l'exploitation des lignes ferrées restituées de Shanghaik wan-Yinkow-Sinminting n'ont pas été comprises dans la somme totale de l'indemnité, elles lui seront remboursées par le Gouvernement Chinois. Les deux Gouvernements s'entendront sur le montant des sommes à rembourser. || Les dispositions de tous les Traités antérieurs entre la Russie et la Chine, non modifiées par la présente Convention, restent en pleine vigueur. || La présente Convention aura force légale à dater du jour de la signature de ses exemplaires par les Plénipotentiaires, de l'un et de l'autre Empire. | L'échange des ratifications aura lieu à Saint-Pétersbourg dans le délai de trois mois à compter du jour de la signature de la Convention. || En foi de quoi les Plénipotentiaires respectifs des deux Hautes Parties Contractantes ont signé et scellé de leurs sceaux deux exemplaires de la présente

Convention, en langues Russe, Chinoise, et Française. Des trois textes, dûment confrontés et trouvés concordants, le texte Français fera foi pour l'interprétation de la présente Convention.

Fait en double expédition à Pékin, le

correpondant au

Nr. 13070. GROSSBRITANNIEN. - Der Konsul in Niutschwang an den Gesandten in China. Stärke der Russen

in der Mandschurei.

Newchwang, September 9, 1902.

Sir, I have the honour to report that I am credibly informed that the number of the military guard of the Russian railways in Manchuria has been fixed at 30 000 men, including some 300 men for the protection of the railway coal mines to the north-east of Liao-yang. At present there is a guard of 150 Russian soldiers at these mines, where some 500 native artizans and labourers are at work. The railway bridge across the T'ai-tzŭ River, to the immediate north of Liao-yang, has been damaged by floods, causing considerable dislocation of traffic along the line, while the temporary bridge across the Ta-ling River, tho the northwest of Chin-chou Fu, on the Chinese railway, which was lately similarly damaged (the rails and sleepers forming the roadway of the bridge were washed away), has been repaired. || Car loads of machinery and rails are being brought here from the direction of Shanhaikwan, and some 500 Russian soldiers have also arrived here from the west within the last few days. I learn from Kirin that the Russian Commissariat Department at that city has been instructed to make no preparations for military supplies beyond March of next year. Alex. Hosie.

Nr. 13071. CHINA. - Prinz Tsching an den englischen Gesandten in Peking. Die Russen beginnen mit der Räumung der Mandschurei.

October 28, 1902.

Your Excellency, || with reference to the stipulation in the Convention signed between Russia and China for the handing back of Manchuria which provided for the withdrawal within six months of the date of the signature of all the Russian troops from the south-west portion of the Province of Moukden as far as the Liao River, and for the restitution of the railways to China, I have the honour to inform your Excellency that this first period for evacuation being due on the 9th October (26th September o. s.), this Board arranged beforehand with his Excellency

the Russian Minister that they should memorialize the Throne to appoint officials to take over charge. | Their Excellencies the Minister Superintendent of Northern Ports and the Military Governor of Moukden have now severally reported by telegram that all the railways outside the Great Wall have been handed back, and that the south-west portion of Moukden Province as far as the Liao River has been completely evacuated by Russian troops. || Great Britain having evinced so friendly an interest in this question, and thereby strengthened the feeling of amity between us, I consider it my duty to inform your Excellency that Russia and China have now carried out the obligations attaching to the first period of evacuation, in accordance with the terms of the Convention, and I trust that your Excellency will inform His Majesty's Government accordingly.

Nr. 13072. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Minister des Ausw. an den Gesandten in Peking. Sind die Russen noch in Niutschwang?

Foreign Office, February 14, 1903.

(Telegraphic.) || Russians at Newchwang. || Are the Russians still in Newchwang, and do they still retain the administration of that port in their hands?

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Nr. 13073. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Gesandte in Peking an den Minister des Ausw. Die Russen sind noch in Niutschwang.

Peking, February 16, 1903. (February 16) (Telegraphic.) || With reference to your Lordship's telegram of the 14th instant. || Russians are still in Newchwang. On the 2nd instant His Majesty's Consul reported that new Russian Consul combines duties of Civil Administrator and Consul. He took over charge of Civil Administration on the 14th ultimo. || Hart controls the Imperial Maritime Customs. The staff is cosmopolitan, but the Commissioner is British. Duties collected, minus a monthly amount required for the support of the office, are paid into the Russo-Chinese Bank. || The Native Customs are also paid into the Russian Bank, and it is believed that they are drawn upon for the support of the provisional Government. They are not under the Commissioner, but are collected by men lent by the Maritime Customs.

Nr. 13074. GROSSBRITANNIEN. - Derselbe an Denselben. Das


Peking, April 9, 1903. (April 9.)

(Telegraphic.) || His Majesty's Consul at Newchwang telegraphs as follows:,,Newchwang has not been handed over by the Russians. According to the Administrator the reason is the absence of the Taotai, who has been delayed on business concerning the transfer of the province at Moukden. Administrator thinks a few days will settle matters, but professes ignorance of the cause of the Taotai's delay." || The fact that the Russian Chargé d'Affaires has been asked by the Chinese Government for a written notification of the evacuation may perhaps account for the delay. Russian Chargé d'Affaires declined to give notice, but assured Prince Ching that the evacuation would take place. He has asked for instructions from his Government.


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Der Gesandte in Tokio an den Minister des Ausw. Die Russen haben Niutschwang geräumt.

Tôkiô, April 14, 1903. (April 14.)

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(Telegraphic.) || Following sent to Mr. Townley: - || Japanese Consul at Newchwang has dispatched a telegram, which was received here today, stating that according to private information, Russian troops to the number of 3200 have evacuated Moukden. He does not give the date of this movement. || The Governor's Yamên and all the public buildings now fly the Chinese flag.

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Nr. 10376. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Botschafter in Petersburg an den Minister des Ausw. Grund für die

Verzögerung der Räumung Niutschwangs.

St. Petersburgh, April 15, 1903. (April 15.) (Telegraphic.) || The Chinese Minister has been informed that the temporary delay in the evacuation of Newchwang, referred to in Mr. Townley's telegram of the 9th instant, was due to the arrival of foreign ships of war at that port, the Russians requiring an assurance before evacuating that the town would not be occupied by other foreign forces. He has received a positive assurance that the engagement respecting evacuation will be faithfully observed by the Emperor.

Nr. 13077. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Gesandte in Peking an

den Minister des Ausw. Verhalten der Russen

in Niutschwang.

Peking, April 17, 1903. (April 17.)

(Telegraphic.) || A Russian, aged 25, has been appointed Commissioner of Customs at Newchwang by Sir R. Hart. New Commissioner was Inspector-General's Private Secretary, and appointment has caused much dissatisfaction at Newchwang. At Newchwang Russians will now have the Commissioner of Customs, the Native Customs, and the Customs Taotai.

Nr. 13078. GROSSBRITANNIEN. — Derselbe an Denselben. Die chinesische Regierung fürchtet neue Übergriffe


Peking, April 17, 1903. (April 17.) (Telegraphic.) || Newchwang evacuation. || Sir C. Scott's telegram of the 15th instant. || There is a growing feeling here that either evacuation will not take place or that Russia is exacting conditions. All the Chinese Ministers are away with the Court. || I am informed by His Majesty's Consul at Newchwang that the war-vessels at present in the port are His Majesty's ship „Vestal", United States' ship „Wilmington“, and two Russian gun-boats. It would not appear that such a force could offer much danger of a foreign occupation on evacuation by the Russians.


Der Gesandte in Peking an

den Minister des Ausw. Rußland stellt neue Bedingungen für die Räumung der Mandschurei.

Peking, April 23, 1903. (April 23.)

(Telegraphic.) || Manchurian evacuation. I hear that before further evacuating Manchuria, Russians have demanded seven conditions. My informant only quotes three, which, he says, are the most important: 1. Same status as regards administration as during occupation. || 2. No nationals other than Russians to be employed in the north. The north might at a stretch be made to mean North China generally, but presumably it refers to the part of the Empire beyond the Great Wall. || 3. No Consulate of other Powers to be established, nor free port opened in evacuated district. || The assurances given here that the evacuation would be faithfully carried out ill accord with the demand for such

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