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asked why he had not read it. He begged me repeatedly to We let his present situation have due effect upon me; and advised me, when I got home, to note down in writing what had passed between us, adding, that what a man writes in that manner dwells upon his mind. He said many things that I As cannot now recollect, but all delivered with the utmost fervour of religious zeal and personal affection. Between nine and ten o'clock his servant Francis came up stairs: he then said we would all go to prayers, and, desiring me to to kneel down by his bed-side, he repeated several prayers with great devotion. I then took my leave. He then pressed me to think of all he had said, and to commit it to writing. I assured him I would. He seized my hand with much warmth, and repeated, "Promise me you will do it:" on which we parted, and I engaged to see him the next day.

Sunday, Nov. 21. About noon I again visited him; found him rather better and easier, his spirits more raised, and his conversation more disposed to general subjects. When I came in, he asked if I had done what he desired (meaning the noting down what passed the night before), and upon my saying that I had, he pressed my hand and said earnestly,

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Thank you." Our discourse then grew more cheerful. He told me, with apparent pleasure, that he heard the Empress of Russia had ordered "The Rambler" to be translated into the Russian language, and that a copy would be sent him. [p. 755.] Before we parted, he put into my hands a little book, by Fleetwood, on the Sacrament, which he told me he had been the means of introducing to the University of Oxford by recommending it to a young student there.

Monday, Nov. 22. Visited the Doctor: found him seemingly better of his complaints, but extremely low and dejected. I sat by him till he fell asleep, and soon after left him, as he seemed little disposed to talk; and, on my going away, he said, emphatically, "I am very poorly indeed!" Tuesday, Nov. 23. Called about eleven: the Doctor not up: Mrs Gardiner in the dining-room: the Doctor soon came to us, and seemed more cheerful than the day before. He spoke of his design to invite a Mrs. Hall [Wesley's sister) to be with him, and to offer her Mrs. Williams's room. Called again about three: found him quite oppressed with company that morning, therefore left him directly.

Wednesday, Nov. 24. - Called about seven in the evening: found him very ill and very low indeed. He said a thought had struck him that his rapid decline of health and strength might be partly owing to the town air, and spoke of getting a lodging at Islington. I sat with him till past nine, and then took my leave.

Thursday, Nov. 25,- About three in the afternoon was told that he had desired that day to see no company. In the evening, about eight, called with Mr. Nicol, and, to our great surprise, we found him then setting out for Islington, to the Rev. Mr. Strahan's. He could scarce speak. We went with him down the court to the coach. He was accompanied by his servant Frank and Mr. Lowe the painter. I offered myself to go with him, but he declined it.

Friday, Nov. 26. Called at his house about eleven : heard he was much better, and had a better night than he had known a great while, and was expected home that day. Called again in the afternoon- not so well as he was, nor expected home that night.

Saturday, No. 27. — Called again about noon: heard he was much worse: went immediately to Islington, where I found him extremely bad, and scarce able to speak, with the asthica. Sir John Hawkins, the Rev. Mr. Strahan, and Mrs Strahan, were with him. Observing that we said little. he desired that we would not constrain ourselves, though he was not able to talk with us Soon after he said he had something to say to Sir John Hawkins, on which we immediately went down into the parlour. Sir John soon followed us, and said he had been speaking about his will Sir John started the idea of proposing to him to make it on the spot; that Sir John should dictate it, and that I should write it. He went up to propose it, and soon came down with the Doctor's acceptance. The will was then begun; but before we proceeded far, it being necessary, on account of some alteration to begin agun, Sir John" asked the Doctor whether he would choose to make any introductory declaration respecting his fatth. The Doctor said he would. Sir John further asked if he would make any declaration of his being of the church of England: to which the Doctor said "No!“ but, taking a pen, he wrote on a paper the following words, which he delivered to Sir John, desiring him to keep it: "I commit to the infinite mercies of Almighty God my soul, 1 pulluted with many sins; but puribed, I trust, with repentance and the death of Jesus Christ." While he was at Mr. Strahan's, Dr. Brocklesby came in, and Dr. Johnson put the question to him, whether he thought he could live six weeks? to which Dr. Brocklesby returned a very doubtful as wer, and soon left us. After dinner the will was finished, and about six we came to town in Sir John Hawkins's

1 Mr. George Nicol, of Pall Mall, J. HOOLE. This alludes to an application made for an increase to his pension, to enable him to go to Italy. -J. HOOLE.

Sic, probably an error of the press for Cr, meanIng the Lord Chancellor: see ante, p. 788. - CROKER.


carriage; Sir John, Dr. Johnson, Mr. Ryland (who came in after dinner), and myself. The Doctor appeared much better in the way home, and talked pretty cheerfully.

Sunday, Nov. 28. Went to Dr. Johnson's about two
o'clock: met Mrs. Hoole coming from thence, as he was
asleep took her back with me: found Sir John Hawkins
with him. The Doctor's conversation tolerably cheerful.
Sir John reminded him that he had expressed a desire to
leave some small memorials to his friends, particularly a
Polyglot Bible to Mr. Langton; and asked if they should add
the codicil then. The Doctor replied," he had forty things
to add, but could not do it at that time." Sir John then
took his leave. Mr. Sastres came next into the dining-
room, where I was with Mrs. Hoole. Dr. Johnson hearing
that Mrs. Hoole was in the next room, desired to see her.
He received her with great affection, took her by the hand,
and said nearly these words:-"I feel great tenderness for
you think of the situation in which you see me, profit by it.
and God Almighty keep you for Jesus Christ's sake, Amen."
He then asked if we would both stay and dine with him.
Mrs. Hoole said she could not; but I agreed to stay. Upon
my saying to the Doctor that Dr. Heberden would be with
him that morning, his answer was, "God has called me, and
Dr. Heberden comes too late." Soon after this Dr. Heberden
came. While he was there, we heard them, from the other
room, in earnest discourse, and found that they were talking
over the affair 2 of the Kg and C
n.3 We over-

heard Dr. Heberden say, "All you did was extremely
proper." After Dr. Heberden was gone, Mr. Sastres and I
returned into the chamber. Dr. Johnson complained that
sleep this day had powerful dominion over him, that he
waked with great difficulty, and that probably he should go
off in one of these paroxysms. Afterwards he said that he
hoped his sleep was the effect of opium taken some days be-
fore, which might not be worked off. We dined together-
the Doctor, Mr. Sastres, Mrs. Davis, and myself. He ate a
pretty good dinner with seeming appetite, but appearing
rather impatient; and being asked unnecessary and frivolous
questions, he said he often thought of Macbeth," Question
enrages him." He retired immediately after dinner, and we
soon went, at his desire (Mr. Sastres and myself), and sat
with him till tea. He said little, but dozed at times. At six
he ordered tea for us, and we went out to drink it with Mrs.
Davis; but the Doctor drank none. The Rev. Dr. Taylor,
of Ashbourne, came soon after; and Dr. Johnson desired
our attendance at prayers, which were read by Dr. Taylor.
Mr. Kyland came and sat some time with him: he thought
him much better. Mr. Sastres and I continued with him the
remainder of the evening, when he exhorted Mr. Sastres in
nearly these words: There is no one who has shown me
more attention than you have done, and it is now right you
should claim some attention from me.
You are a young

man, and are to struggle through life: you are in a profession
that I dare say you will exercise with great fidelity and
innocence; but let me exhort you always to think of my
situation, which must one day be yours: always remember
that life is short, and that eternity never ends! I say nothing
of your religion; for if you conscientiously keep to it, I have
little doubt but you may be saved; if you read the contro-
versy, I think we have the right on our side; but if you do
not read it, be not persuaded, from any worldly consider-
ation, to alter the religion in which you were educated:
change not, but from conviction of reason." He then most
strongly enforced the motives of virtue and piety from the
consideration of a future state of reward and punishment, and
concluded with "Remember all this, and God bless you!
Write down what I have said I think you are the third
person I have bid do this."5 Atten o'clock he dismissed us,
thanking us for a visit which he said could not have been very
pleasant to us.

Monday, Nov. 29. Called with my son [the Clergyman] about eleven: saw the Doctor, who said, "You must not now stay" but, as we were going away, he said, "I will get Mr. Hoole to come next Wednesday and read the Litany to me, and do you and Mrs. Hoole coine with him." He appeared very ill. Returning from the city I called again to inquire, and heard that Dr. Butter was with him. In the evening. about eight, called again, and just saw him; but did not stay, as Mr. Langton was with him on business. I met Sir Joshua Reynolds going away.

Tuesday, Nov. 30. — Called twice this morning, but did not see him: he was much the same. In the evening, between six and seven, went to his house: found there Mr. Langton, Mr. Sastres, and Mr. Ryland: the Doctor being asleep in the chamber, we went all to tea and coffee; when the Doctor came in to us rather cheerful, and entering said, “Dear gentlemen, how do you do?" He drank coffee, and, in the course of the conversation, said that he recollected a poem of his, made some years ago on a young gentleman coming of age. [p. 806.] He repeated the whole with great spirit:

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- defeat his own purpose to preserve his mind clear, as his 4 weakness might bring on paralytic complaints that might affect his mental powers. The Doctor, Mr. Windham said, heard him patiently; but when he had heard all, he desired to be troubled no more. He then took a most affectionate leave of Mr. Windham, who reported to us the issue of the conversation, for only Mr. Desmoulins was with them in the chamber. I did not see the Doctor that day, being fearful of disturbing him, and never conversed with him again. I came away about half past eleven with Mr. Windham.

Monday, Dec. 13. Went to Bolt Court at eleven o'clock in the morning; met a young lady coming down stairs from the Doctor, whom, upon inquiry, I found to be Miss Morris (a sister to Miss Morris, formerly on the stage). Mrs. Desmoulins told me that she had seen the Doctor; that by her desire he had been told she came to ask his blessing, and that he said, "God bless you!" I then went up into his chamber, and found him lying very composed

in a kind of doze: he spoke to nobody. Sir John Hawkins, Mr. Langton, Mrs. Gardiner, Rev. Mr. Strahan and Mrs. Strahan, Doctors Brocklesby and Butter, Mr. Steevens, and Mr. Nichols the printer, came; but no one chose to disturb him by speaking to him, and he seemed to take no notice of any person. While Mrs. Gardiner and I were there, before the rest came, he took a little warm milk in a cup, when he said something upon its not being properly given into his hand he breathed very regular, though short, and appeared to be mostly in a calm sleep or dozing. I left him in this state, and never more saw him alive. In the evening I supped with Mrs. Hoole and my son at Mr. Braithwaite's, and at night my servant brought me word that my dearest friend died that evening about seven o'clock: and next morning I went to the house, where I met Mr. Seward; we went together into the chamber, and there saw the most awful sight of Dr. Johnson laid out in his bed, without life! JOHN HOOLE.

No. VII.

An Extract from the Life of Dr. Pozz, in ten volumes folio, written by James Bozz, Esq.,
who flourished with him near fifty years.


Among the numerous parodies and jeux d'esprit which Mr. Boswell's work produced, this pleasantry from the pen of my old friend Mr. Alexander Chalmers, which appeared in the periodical publications of the day, is worth preserving; for it is not merely a good pleasantry, but a fair criticism of some of the lighter parts of the work. CROKER.

WE dined at the chop-house. Dr. Pozz was this day very Instructive. We talked of books. I mentioned the History of Tommy Trip. 1 said it was a great work. Pozz. "Yes, Sir, it is a great work; but, Sir, it is a great work relatively; it was a great work to you when you was a little boy but now, Sir, you are a great man, and Tommy Trip is a little boy." I felt somewhat hurt at this comparison, and I believe he perceived it; for, as he was squeezing a lemon, he said, "Never be affronted at a comparison. I have been compared to many things, but I never was affronted. No, Sir, if they would call me a dog, and you a canister tied to my tall, I would not be affronted."

Cheered by this kind mention of me, though in such a situation, I asked him what he thought of a friend of ours, who was always making comparisons. Pozz. "Sir, that fellow has a simile for every thing but himself. I knew him when he kept a shop: he then made money, Sir, and now he makes comparisons. Sir, he would say that you and I were two figs stuck together; two figs in adhesion, Sir; and then he would laugh." Bozz. "But have not some great writers determined that comparisons are now and then odious ?” Pozz." No, Sir, not odious in themselves, not odious as comparisons; the fellows who make them are odious. Whigs make comparisons."


We supped that evening at his house. I showed him some lines I had made upon a pair of breeches. Pozz. "Sir, the lines are good; but where could you find such a subject in your country?" Bozz." Therefore it is a proof of invention, which is a characteristic of poetry." Pozz. “Yes, Sir, but an invention which few of your countrymen can enjoy." I reflected afterwards on the depth of this remark: it affords a proof of that acuteness which he displayed in every branch of literature. I asked him if he approved of green spectacles? Porz. "As to green spectacles, Sir, the question seems to be this: if I wore green spectacles, it would be because they assisted vision, or because I liked them. Now, Sir, if a man tells me he does not like green spectacles, and that they hurt his eyes, I would not compel him to wear them. No, Sir, I would dissuade him." A few months after, I consulted him again on this subject, and he honoured me with a letter, in which he gives the same opinion. It will be found in its proper place, Vol. VI. p. 2789. I have thought much on this subject, and must confess that in such matters a man ought to be a free moral agent

Next day I left town, and was absent for six weeks, three days and seven hours, as I find by a memorandum in my journal. In this time I had only one letter from him, which

is as follows:

"To JAMES Bozz, Esq.

"DEAR SIR-My howels have been very had. Pray buy me some Turkey rhubarb, and bring with you a copy of your Four

Write to me soon, and write to me often. I am, dear Sir, yours, affectionately, SAM. POZZ."

It would have been unpardonable to hare omitted a letter like this, in which we see so much of his great and illumi

nated mind. On my return to town, we met again at the chop-house. We had much conversation to-day: his wit flashed like lightning: indeed, there is not one hour of my present life in which I do not profit by some of his valuable communications.

We talked of wind. I said I knew many persons much distressed with that complaint. Pozz. "Yes Sir, when confined, when pent up." I said I did not know that, but I questioned if the Romans ever knew it. Pozz. "Yes, Sir, the Romans knew it." Bozz. "Livy does not mention it." Pozz. No, Sir, Livy wrote History. Livy was not writing the Life of a Friend."



On medical subjects his knowledge was immense. told me of a friend of ours who had just been attacked by a most dreadful complaint: he had entirely lost the use of his limbs, so that he could neither stand nor walk, unless supported; his speech was quite gone; his eyes were much swollen, and every vein distended, yet his face was rather pale, and his extremities cold; his pulse beat 160 in a minute. I said, with tenderness, that I would go and see him; and, said 1, Sir, I will take Dr. Bolus with me." Pozz. Sir, don't go." I was startled, for I knew his compassionate heart, and earnestly asked why? Pozz. "Sir, you don't know his disorder." Bozz. "Pray what is it?" Pozz. "Sir, the man is dead drunk!" This explanation threw me into a violent fit of Laughter, in which he joined me, rolling about as he used to do when he enjoyed a joke; but he afterwards checked me. Pozz, "Sir, you ought not to laugh at what I said. Sir, he who laughs at what another man says, will soon learn to laugh at that other man. Sir, you should laugh only at your own jokes; you should laugh seldom."

We talked of a friend of ours who was a very violent polltician. I said I did not like his company. Pozz. "No, Sir, he is not healthy; he is sore, Sir; his mind is ulcerated; he has a political whitlow; Sir, you cannot touch him without giving him pain. Sir, I would not talk politics with that man; I would talk of cabbage and peas; Sir, I would ask him how he got his corn in, and whether his wife was with child; but I would not talk politics." Bozz. "But perhaps, Sir, he would talk of nothing else." Pozz, " Then, Sir, it is plain what he would do." On my very earnestly inquiring what that was, Dr. Pozz answered, Sir, he would let it


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I mentioned a tradesman who had latley setp his coach. Pozz. He is right, Sir; a man who would go on swimmingly cannot get too soon off his legs. That man keeps his coach. Now, Sir, a coach is better than a chaise, Sirit is better than a chariot." Bozz. "Why, Sir ?" Pozz. "Sir. it will hold more." I begged he would repeat this, that I might remember it, and he complied with great good humour, "Dr. Pozz," said 1. "you ought to keep a coach." Pozz. "Yes, Sir, Lought." Bozz. "But you do not, and that has often surprised me." Pozz. "Surprised you! There, Sir, is another prejudice of absurdity. Sir, you ought to be surprised at nothing. A man that has lived half your days ought to be above all surprise. Sir, it is a rule with me never to be surprised. It is mere ignorance; you cannot guess

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