Quarterly Bulletin, Količina 13

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Louisiana State Board of Health., 1922

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Stran 157 - ... Pfeiffer bacillus is the true cause, which is not the case. We are as much in the dark as ever regarding the microbial cause of influenza. The mixed vaccines directed against pneumonic complications offer more hope of being of some slight benefit, although some recent carefully controlled experiments by Dr. GW McCoy, Director of the Hygienic Laboratory of the US Public Health Service, fail to show any protective value for either type of vaccine. The Hygienic Laboratory of the California State...
Stran 50 - Oxygen will replace carbon monoxide in combination with hemoglobin whenever the proportion of oxygen in the lungs is overwhelmingly greater. Therefore : 1. Administer oxygen as quickly as possible, and in as pure form as is obtainable, preferably from a cylinder of oxygen through an 'inhaler mask. 2. Remove patient from atmosphere containing carbon monoxide. 3. If breathing is feeble, at once start artificial respiration by the prone posture method. 4. Keep the victim flat, quiet and warm. 5. Afterwards...
Stran 157 - July 1st, and carried out during the months of July, August and the first two weeks of September.
Stran 157 - We believed that after one or two years of such observations we should have had evidence of convincing value as to the protection guaranteed by a negative Schick test due either to natural antitoxic immunity or to the response to the toxin-antitoxin injections. Now, at the end of two years, we actually have such an index completed. The 90,000 tested children and the 90,000 control children have been gathered about equally from the schools of the different boroughs ; they were collected by the groups...
Stran 157 - In the United States, well-vaccinated communities show low smallpox rates — Maryland with one-tenth case per thousand population; New York with one-fortieth per thousand, and the District of Columbia with 0.14 per thousand. Poorly vaccinated States tell another story: Oregon with 1.45; Washington with 1.72; and Kansas with 2.0 per thousand population. Some communities wait till an epidemic breaks out and then rush to vaccinate. These stop the disease — after it has caused many deaths and has...
Stran 157 - In these institutions diphtheria has not developed in any child who has received three injections. Eighty per cent. of those who received three inoculations have developed sufficient antitoxin within three months to prevent the positive Schick reaction. Fifty per cent, of the remainder developed antitoxic immunity sufficient to give the negative Schick test before the end of the first year. The remainder received then or later a second series of injections, and all of these concerning whom we have...
Stran 157 - ... interest we are fortunate if this is obtained from one-fourth of them. The preparatory work being finished and the date for the test being determined, we send to the school the circulars and consent slips to be taken by the children to their homes.
Stran 157 - A very important point is the enlistment of the interest of the principal of a school. As a rule Dr. IH Goldberger, of the bureau of educational hygiene of the department of education, first prepares the way by obtaining permission for us to do the work in the school. According to the borough in which the school is situated, Dr. Zingher, Dr.
Stran 157 - Schick of the intracutaneous neutralization test to detect antitoxic immunity, gave a simple means of testing for antitoxic immunity before and after the injections. Practical Application of Diphtheria Toxin-Antitoxin in Man. Von Behring, on May 8th, 1913, reported the early results of the injections of neutralized toxin in a small number of persons. Most of them received one or two doses. Before...
Stran 157 - A saitsfactory answer to this question required that immunizations be carried out in institutions where the children would be under observation for a number of years. A few suitable institutions were immediately sought for and obtained by Dr.

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