Slike strani

the arreft, as in itself illegal and oppreffive-and ordered the clerk to amend the rule which had been made, by adding, "That no officer in future fhould dare prefume to issue a fiat without

the confent of a Baron."

Thus ended one of the most important cafes that ever came before a court, and happy it is for the fubject, that the virtue, knowledge and independent ipirit of the Judges, inclined them to decide without partiality, fear, or affection, in favour of the liberty or the people.

N. B. We have already given in our January Magazine, p. 55. a fhort sketch of the proceedings in Michaelmas Term, but the Judges having decided this important caufe in Hilary Term this month, we have laid the whole before our Keaders at one view.

3] At the commiffion of Oyer and Terminer, Robert Jamefon was found guilty of the murder of James Kelly, in the fields near Chapelizod.

Same day, John Dignam was convicted of a rape on the body of Anne Hogan, to the fatisfaction of a crowded court, as the tranfaction was attended with the most horrid circumflances. 4.] This morning, between the hours of feven and eight in the morning, a fervant maid belonging to the family of his Grace the Duke of Rutland, together with a boy, were riding through the Phoenix Park on a fumpter cart, a footpad stopped them and prefenting a piftol to the woman's breail demansed her money; the gave him a guinea which the declared was all he had; the fellow then opened the cart to search for booty, and the better to do it, he laid he piftol out of his hand on the cart, which the woman inftantly feizing, fired it at the robber: the ball took place in his head, and stretched him on the ground, when in a few moments he expired. Our gatlant female however, unaccustomed to such a scene, when the locked down at the wretch in the convulfions of death, was lo terrified that the fainted, but recovering shortly was brought fately home. The unhappy wretch who paid his life for his crimes, proved to be a notorious offender of the name of O'Donnell, and it feems was the chief perfon concerned in the robbery of Mr. Rynd's houfe in Jervis-ttreet, for which robbery two of his accomplices are in gaol.

8.] The warrant for the execution of Robert Jamelon, convicted at the laft commiffion of the murder of James Kelly, itone-cutter, near Chapel-lzod, was received by the Sheriff of the county of Dublin. By order of Government he is gibbetted as near as pofiible to the ipot where he committed the murder.

The above atrocious offender could not have been convicted were it not for the laudable and fpirited activity of Lieutenant Stevenson, of the Raphoe battalion of Volunteers, who, at the fpecial inftance of the Bishop of that diocefe, went upwards of twenty miles in purfuit of him, and was lucky enough to find the watch of the unfortunate deceased upon him.

In the evening a number of disorderly fellows, chiefly penny-boys, armed with bludgeons, and fome even with pistols and fword, aflembled in Smithfield, and behaved in a molt riotous man ger. -Juftice Wilion and Mr. Jones, of Mannor-itect, endeavoured to reafon with them

on the illegality and impropriety of their conduct; but they were violently affaulted, and Mr. Jones received a dangerous wound on the head. Mr. Wilfon having efcaped to the barrack, brought the picquet guard, and juftice Reilly attended with the Pruffia-ftreet guaid, at whose approach the rioters difperfed.

9.] In the morning three foldiers belonging to the 61ft regiment, were committed to the New Prifon, charged with the robbery and murder of an hair-dreffer on the preceding night in Oxmantown-green. Some articles belonging to the deceafed were found in their poffeffion, to which, it is faid, the wife of the unfortunate man has abfolutely worn.

10.] At an early hour, fome villains broke into the houfe of Mr. Samuel Nefsfield, in James's-ftreet, and took from a desk therein a fum of money in ipecie, a bank note for 501. a few other papers of value, alio a watch, together with a number of shirts, sheets, and fome table linen.

Mr. Brownrigg has completed his furvey of the head level line intended for the Grand Canal, which confirms into a fact the extraordinary circumftances of a level being discovered of no less than 50 miles without a fingle fall, furmounting of which in the county of Weltmeath is a lake for its fupply, whole altitude is 43 feet higher than the furtace of the Canal, and containing a body of water, fufficiently abundant to replenish the Canal, though conftantly wrought for thice year, without fink ng 12 inches, tho in all that time not one drop of rain should fall.

13] His Grace the Duke of Rutland, attended by the Lord Chancellor, Judge, and King's Council, went in great Itate about three o'clock at noon, from the Cattle to the King's-Inns, where amid a vaft concourfe of people he laid the first ftone of the new "Four Courts. This building it is laid will be one of the most beautiful and commodious in Europe, and is expected to be compleated in about fix years.

Juft as his Grace had laid the ftone on Monday, a man who was nearly over him exclaimed, There's the foundation

Of much litigation.

This prophetic expreffion excited general laughter, and was received with great applaufe by the populace-how far it may prove true we leave pofterity to determine.

15.] This morning three villains stopped the mail cart near Naa, and carried off the bag of letters directed to Dublin.

16.] This morning, about two o'clock, the fhop windows of Mr. James Ranstoid, gunmaker of Grafton-fhiect, were broke open by two villains. The family being alarmed, a blunderbuis wa ducha ged from the houfe, and the watchman, whole ftand was nearly oppofite, called upon, yet the fellow were fuffered to ef cape, though the watchman might have collected his brethren and fecured them, as he had anfwered the call, and knew his affistance was required.

19.] This evening about fix o'clock, fourteen of the felons confined in Kilmainham gaul, bioke through the wall beneath the grated window under the entrance of the prifon, and though there

a centinel at the foot of the stone steps which
nd up to the entrance, escaped.--At this win-
w the friends of the prifoners generally attend
eve them refreshrnents, &c. &c. and appa-
rently for that purpose two women were oblerv-
et fitting the best part of the day there, but their
ign it feems was to cover the work of those
pracers. Among those who efcaped were two
convict under fentence of death; one of them
the noted Ferrally, the street robber.

Domestic Intelligence.

The next evening through the activity of Mr. MKinley, the gaoler of Kilmainham, two of the felons were retaken and conducted to their former dwelling.

The extenfive woollen manufactory of Abbeyville in France, having been curiorily mentioned in the papers fome time fince, a correspondent, who is always pleafed with fuch communications as have a tendency to excite an imitative (pirit his countrymen towards thole great objects which enrich and make a people relpectable and happy, has favoured us with an account thereof, which is as follows:-" The broad cloth they make is transported to Rome and other parts of aly. They work chiefly Spanish wool. The whole bufinef is conducted by M. Vanrobais and his nethew: his houfe is magniscent, and the patterre before it adorned with ftatues, &c. The wings behind the houle, which are about go feet long, are employed in the manufacture. There are elleries in feveral Rories; in one are men hearing off the nap, in another women and g picking off the knots, &c with nippers; in others the looms, one hundred and one, in those wings, befides what are in the town, there were 42 in one gallery: in another.the carders, men s one fide of the gallery, women on the other; in another the finishers, laying the nap with trahes; the flowers below. Where the looms e, the gallery is divided by a row of pillars, and in each of the intervals between the two pillars are placed two wheels and two reels, for ordering the wool and yarn. The fpinning is all done within he compafs of the town. He emplays in his house and in one town 6500 perfons. Other outwings there are employed in dying and sther parts of the work.Frames regularly ranged along the fides, which look like thofe for espaliers are for drying the cloth, all placed fo well and regular, that nothing of that great bafiness is offensive, but the structure of all the offices tend to ornament. The fituation is very advantageons, just by the river fide (the Somme) where veffels come up to the very gates," A Lift of fuch Perfens as appeared to be poffeffed of Bank Stock, of 20001. and upwards, on the 29th of March, 1786.

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Warden Flood,
Wm. Colvill,
Wm. Smyth,
Col. M. Tucker, 2000
John Folie,
George Godfrey
John White,
John Allen,
John Rivers,
Maj. J. Corneille, 7000
Nathaniel Card, 2000
John Cumming, 3100
Jer. D'Olier,
George Palmer,
Richard Hare,
Alex. Jaffray,.
Sir Nicholas
Lawless, Bt. 17,000
Val. Brown, 10,000
Charles Walker, 10,000
Al Armstrong,
Jofeph Hines,
Lord Lifmore, *
Amos Strettell,
His Grace the
Archbishop of
James Williams,
Thomas White, 2350
Mich. Sweetman, 3900
Abr. Wilkinfon, 2800
Jer. Vickers,
Rt. Hon. Theo.

Rt. Hon. Lord
Lifford, Lord

High Chan-





Thos. Keightley, 5000


Arthur Wolfe,



Mich. Cofgrave, 2000

Caleb Jenkin,


Luke White,
Geo. Maquay,
Thady Grehan,
William Skeys,




[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]



Matthew Ford,


Caflimer Dela

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]




Geo. Campbell,
John Donahoe,
Lawr. Johnston, 3000
Richard Nun,
H. Meredyth,
Patrick Bride,

Widow Francis







[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Gen. E. Massey,
James Potts,
Arthur Stanley,
Thos. Walker,
John Digby,
Francis Cahill,
Mrs. Mary Dar-
Robert Lea,
Dr. Hen. Quin, 6000 Richard Mercer, 3000
Lieut, General
Randal M'Don-
Step. Wybrants, 3000 | Alderman James
Hugh Howard, 4000 Hamilton,
John Wetherall, 5000 | Mrs. Hellen Cal-
Chrift Sherlock, 2000 len,
John Betagh, 2000 Godfrey Green,
J. Thos. Fofer, 3100 Michael O'Fla-
Maj. Jn. Glover, 2000
James Forde, 2000
James Lawler,
John Johnston,

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A correct Lift (in Numerical Order) of all the sol. Prizes and upwards, for the lat Nineteen Days, drawn in the English State Lottery for the Year 1785.

(Taken from Walker's Numerical Book, No 79, Dame-freet.)

(For the first twenty Day's Drawing, fee our Mag. for February, page 112.)

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