Slike strani

1st, That the governments of Colombia and Peru should authorize their plenipotentiaries, assembled on preparatory conferences at the Isthmus of Panama, to enter into direct correspondence with the ministers of state for the Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Guatimala, Chile, and Buenos Ayres, showing them the necessity for sending, without delay, plenipotentiaries for those republics to the general assembly.

2nd, That the plenipotentiaries of Colombia and Peru may have free liberty to choose whatever place on the Isthmus of Panama they may think the most eligible, from its salubrity, to hold their preparatory conferences.

3rd, That immediately the plenipotentiaries of Colombia, Peru, Mexico, and Guatimala, or even three of them, shall have assembled on the Isthmus, they shall be authorized to appoint in concert the day on which the general assembly shall be installed.

4th, That the general assembly of the confederated states shall also be at liberty to choose on what part of the Isthmus of Panama it may judge most proper, from its salubrity, to hold their sittings.

5th. That the plenipotentiaries of Colombia and Peru shall on no account absent themselves from the Isthmus of Panama after they shall have entered into the prefatory conferences, until the congress of the confederated states shall have been assembled, and have terminated its session.

I hope these propositions prove to you the lively interest taken by the republic of Colombia, in seeing the realization in our beautiful hemisphere of the great designs of divine Providence, which 1 fervently invoke to maintain you in its holy keeping.

[blocks in formation]

Note of the Government Council of the Republic of Peru, to the Executive Power of the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata.

Palace of the Government in Lima, May 2. To his Excellency the Minister of the province of Buenos Ayres, charged with the Executive Power of the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata.

My great and good Friend ;After fifteen years of sacrifices consecrated to the liberty of America, in order to obtain a system of mutual aid, which in peace and war might be the shield of our new destiny, it is time that the interests and relations which unite among themselves the American Republic, formerly belonging to Spain, should be put upon a basis that may, if possible, eternize the duration of their governments.

To establish that system and consolidate the power of that great political body belongs to the exercise of a sublime authority, which may direct the policy of our governments, whose influence may maintain the uniformity of its principles, and whose name alone may calm our tempests. So respectable an authority cannot exist except in an assembly of plenipo

tentiaries named by each of our republics, and united under the auspices of the victory obtained by our arms against the power of Spain.

Deeply imbued with these ideas, his excellency the liberator, as president of the republic of Colombia, invited in 1822 the governments of Mexico, Peru, and Chile, to form a confederation, and meet at the Isthmus of Panama, or some other part that would be eligible to several of us, in order to form an assembly of plenipotentiaries of each state, "which may serve us as a council in any great troubles, as a point of contact in common danger, as a faithful interpreter of public treaties when difficulties arise, and in short as an arbitrator of our differences."

tages are prodigiously augmented if we contemplate the picture presented by the political world, most particularly by the continent of Europe.

The meeting of the plenipotentiaries of Mexico, Colombia, and Peru, would be indefinitely postponed, if one of the contracting parties did not promote it, till the result of a new and special convention upon the time and place relative to that grand object should be known. The consideration of the difficulties and delays that may arise from the distance which separates us, joined to other grave motives bearing upon our common interest, determine me to take this step, with the view of promoting the immediate meeting of our plenipotentiaries, whilst the other governments are concluding those preliminaries which have already been arranged between us relative to the nomination and incorporation of the representatives.

With respect to the time of the installation of the assembly, I think that no difficulty will arise to prevent its meeting in six months from the date hereof, and

The government of Peru concluded, on the 6th of June of that year, a treaty of alliance and confederation with the plenipotentiaries of Colombia, by which both parties were to interpose their good offices with the governments of America formerly belonging to Spain, for them all to enter into a treaty for the meeting of a general assembly of the confederates. AI even flatter myself that the similar treaty was concluded with Mexico on the 3rd of October, 1823, by the envoy extraordinary of Colombia to that state; and there is great reason to hope that the other governments will be induced, in like manner, thus to follow their best interests.

To defer longer the general assembly of the plenipotentiaries of the republics, which are in fact already confederated, until the accession of the rest should be ascertained, would deprive us of the advantages which that assembly would produce from the moment of its installation. These advanVOL. LXVII.

ardent desire which animates all Americans to exalt the world of Columbus, will diminish the difficulties and delay which ministerial arrangements and the distance which separates the capital of each state from the central point of

union must occasion.

It appears to me that if the world had to elect a capital, the Isthmus of Panama would be pointed out for that august destiny, placed as it is in the centre of the globe, looking on the one side to Asia, and on the other to Africa and Europe. The Isthmus of Panama has been offered for that purpose K*

by the government of Colombia, rinth, compared with that of as settled by existing treaties. The Panama? Isthmus is at an equal distance from both extremities, and on that account may serve as a provisional place for the first assembly of the confederates.

Agreeing for my part with these considerations, I feel a great inclination to send the deputies of this republic to Panama as soon as I shall have the honour to receive the anxiously expected answer to that circular. Nothing certainly can better fulfil the ardent wish of my heart than the agreement, which I hope the confederated governments will come to in the realization of this august act of America.

If your excellency does not think proper to agree to it, I foresee immense delay and injury, particularly so, as at a time that the progress of the world is so much accelerated in its political march, it will assuredly be to our great damage.

In the first conferences between the plenipotentiaries, the residence of the assembly, and its powers, may be settled in a solemn manner by the majority, after which every thing may be arranged to our satisfaction.

The day that our plenipotentiaries shall first assemble, will be regarded as an immortal epoch in the diplomatic history of America. When, a hundred centuries hence, prosperity shall seek the origin of our political institutions, and record the treaties which consolidated our governments, the protocols of the Isthmus will be registered with veneration. There they will look for the plans of our first alliance, and will trace the march of our relations with the universe. What will then be the Isthmus of Co

God protect your Excellency. HIPOLITO UNANUE. JOSE MARIA DE PANDO. The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs,


Note of the Minister of Colombia, to the Colombian Chargé D'Affaires at Buenos Ayres.

REPUBLIC OF COLOMBIA. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

Palace of the Government, at the Capital of Bogota, March 6, 1825. To Señor Don Gregorio Funes, Envoy of the Republic of Colombia to the government of Buenos Ayres.

Sir, I have the honour to inform you, that on the 4th of last February government received the circular of his excellency the Liberator, charged with the dictatorial command of Peru, inviting that republic, our ally, to the meeting of the grand general assembly of the American states at the Isthmus of Panama, and to which it has consented by a special convention. His excellency the vice-president, equally impressed with the importance of that object, suggests the following points to facilitate its execution:

[The note then goes on to make the five propositions contained in the note from the Vice-president to the Liberator.]

Many and various are, in truth, the matters which will occupy the assembly of the American states. The first will be, to renew the great treaty of union, alliance, and perpetual confederacy, against Spain or any other power which might intend to conquer us.

2. That the plenipotentiaries should issue, in the name of their constituents, an able manifesto upon the justice of their cause, showing the paltry views of Spain, and our system of politics with respect to the other powers of christianity.

3. To come to a determination upon the islands of Porto Rico and Cuba, and of the propriety of combining the forces of all to free them from the Spanish yoke: and in case of coming to that resolution, the proportion of troops to be contributed by each state for the purpose; and if the island shall be amalgamated with any of the confederated states, or if they shall be left at liberty to choose a government for themselves.

4. To make or renew a treaty of commerce as allies or confede


5. To make a consular convention among all, which should clearly and distinctly lay down the functions and prerogatives of their respective consuls.

6. To take into consideration the means to give effect to the declarations of the president of the United States of America, in his message to the Congress last year, concerning the means to frustrate any ulterior design of colonization on this continent by the powers of Europe, and to resist all principles of interference in our domestic


7. To fix in concert those principles of the rights of nations which may bear discussion, and principally those which relate to two nations, when one is in a state of neutrality and the other in a state of war.

8. In short, to declare on what footing ought to be placed the political and commercial relations of those parts of our hemisphere, which, like the island of Santo Domingo or Hayti, are separated from their old government, and have not yet been recognized by any European or American power.

As the three last points equally concern the United States, considering them as neutrals, the government has thought proper to authorize our envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary at Washington, to invite them to send deputies to the projected assembly. I have hastened to take this step, hoping that the allies of the republic of Colombia will agree upon its utility. It will give our good, sincere, and illustrious friends (the United States) a proof of the confidence that may be reposed in us from our disinterested proceedings, and to the civilized world in general a testimony of our desire to avoid all objects of resentment and disgust, that might be occasioned by the state of war in which we find ourselves. Assure, therefore, the minister for foreign affairs, that the government of Colombia will feel a true pleasure in knowing that its views are perfectly in concert with those of the state of Buenos Ayres.

You will not lose a moment in communicating to me the resolution of that government, upon each one of the points contained in the present communication. In the mean time I have the honour to subscribe myself, &c.

· P. GUAL.


Don Jose Canterac, lieutenantgeneral of the royal armies of his Catholic majesty, being charged with the supreme command of Peru, in the absence of his excellency the vice king Don Jose La Serna, wounded and taken prisoner in the battle fought this day, after having taken the advice of the generals and chiefs, re-united after the bloody battle of Ayacucho, &c. &c., has thought it convenient to and to propose, regulate with the general of division, Antonio Jose de Sucre, commander-in-chief of the United Army of Peru, the conditions contained in the following articles :

1st. The territory garrisoned by the Spanish troops in Peru, as far as the Desaguora, shall be delivered to the United Liberating army, with the parks of artillery, chests, and all the military maga

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Those who will return to Spain will not carry arms against America during the war of the Independence; and no one will go into any part of America occupied by the Spanish armies.

3rd. Any individual belonging to the Spanish army, wishing to enlist in the army of Peru, will enjoy his former grade. Answer. Granted.

4th. No one shall be accountable for his former opinions, nor for his particular services in the king's cause, nor those known as smugglers: in this particular they will be entitled to the rights of all the articles of this treaty.

Answer. Granted: if by their conduct they do not disturb the public order, and if they conform to the laws.


Any inhabitant of Peru, either European or American, ecclesiastic or merchant, land-owner or workman, wishing to remove to another country, will be at liberty so to do by virtue of this convention, and to take with him his family and property; he will be protected by the state until his departure, and if he prefers to remain, he will be considered a Peruvian.

Answer. Granted: with regard to the inhabitants of the country to be delivered, and agreeably to the conditions mentioned in the preceding article.

6th. The state of Peru will also respect the property of the Spaniards who may be absent from the territory-they will be at liberty, for the period of three years, to dispose of their property, which will be considered in the

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