CONTENTS OF APPENDIX. No. 1. Distribution of the parties of the coast survey upon the coast of the United States, during the surveying seasons, in different parts of the coast, from November, 1850, to November, 1851. No. 2. List of army officers on coast survey duty, September 1, 1851. No. 3. List of navy officers on coast survey duty, March 1, 1851. No. 3, bis. List of navy officers on coast survey duty, September 1, 1851. No. 4. List of navy engineers on coast survey duty, March 1, 1851. No. 4, bis. List of navy engineers on coast survey duty, September 1, 1851. No. 5. Results of the coast survey at different periods from 1844 to 1851. No. 6. List of coast survey discoveries and developments. No. 7. Notes on a discussion of tidal observations made in connexion with the coast survey at Cat island, in the Gulf of Mexico, by Professor A. D. Bache, Superintendent of the Coast Survey. No. 8. Method used in the coast survey of showing the results of current observations, by Professor A. D. Bache. No. 9. Report of Professor O. M. Mitchel, director of the Cincinnati observatory, to the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, on a new method of recording differences of north polar distances or declination by electro-magnetism. No. 10. Extracts from the report of Professor Agassiz to the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, on the examination of the Florida reefs, keys, and coast. No. 11. List of coast survey maps, sketches and preliminary charts, engraved and engraving. No. 12. List of geographical positions determined by the Coast Survey. No. 13. Letter of the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating to the Superintendent of the Coast Survey the act of Congress requiring examinations to be made in relation to light-houses, light-boats, beacons, buoys, &c. No. 14. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, applying for information in regard to the light-house matters referred to in the act of Congress. No. 14, bis. Letters from the Secretary of the Treasury to the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, communicating reports from the Fifth Auditor in relation to light-house matters referred to in the act of Congress. No. 15. Table showing the results of examinations for sites of lighthouses, beacons, buoys, &c., referred to the Superintendent of the Coast Survey by the Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with the acts of Congress. No. 16. Letter of the Superintendent to the chiefs of hydrographic parties in the coast survey, enclosing a communication of the secretary of the Light-house Board asking for suggestions for the improvement and extension of the present light-house establishment; and extracts from their replies. No. 17. Table of light-houses, beacons, buoys, &c., recommended by chiefs of hydrographic parties of the coast survey, for which no appropriations have been made. No. 18. Letter of Sears C. Walker, esq., assistant in the coast survey, to the Superintendent, communicating an arrangement with the president of the Maine Telegraph Company to determine the difference in longitude of Cambridge and Halifax. No. 19. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating the result of an examination, by Lieutenant Commanding M. Woodhull, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey, into the necessity for certain aids to navigation on the coast of Maine, in accordance with the act of Congress and instructions of the Treasury Department. No. 20. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating, with his approval, the recommendation of Lieutenant Commanding M. Woodhull, United States navy, assistant in the United States coast survey, to place a light-boat on Shovelful shoals. No. 21. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating a report of Lieutenant Commanding C. H. McBlair, United States navy, assistant in the United States coast survey, on the erection of "bug" or harbor lights at Holmes' Hole, Martha's Vineyard. No. 22. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, recommending certain aids to navigation required by act of Congress and instructions of the Treasury Depart ment. No. 23. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, on ranges in New York harbor, with extracts from the report of assistant J. B. Glück. No. 24. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, recommending certain aids to navigation on the coast of New York and New Jersey required by act of Congress and instructions of the Treasury Department; and communicating the report of Lieutenants Commanding Jenkins and Woodhull. No. 25. Report of Sears C. Walker, esq., assistant in the coast survey, communicating the measures of wave-time made from 1849 to 1851. No. 26. Abstract of reports on longitudes by Sears C. Walker, esq., assistant in the coast survey, to the Superintendent. No. 27. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, recommending a light-house at Fishing Battery, in Chesapeake bay; and report of examinations by Lieutenant Commanding J. J. Almy, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey. No. 28. Extract from the report of Henry L. Whiting, esq., assistant in the coast survey, to the Superintendent, on the survey of Beaufort, North Carolina. No. 29. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating a report of Lieutenant Commanding J. N. Maffitt, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey, upon the necessity for certain aids to navigation in Beaufort harbor, North Carolina. No. 30. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating a report of Lieutenant Commanding J. N. Maffitt, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey, on the necessity for a light-house on the Upper Jettee, Cape Fear river. No. 30, bis. Letter from the president of the Chamber of Commerce, of Charleston, South Carolina, to the Superintendent of the United States coast survey, requesting a tracing of the chart of Charleston harbor. No. 30, tris. Report of the Superintendent of the United States coast survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating sailing directions for the entrance into North Edisto harbor, by Lieutenant Commanding J. N. Maffitt, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey. No. 31. Report of F. H. Gerdes, esq., assistant in the coast survey, to the Superintendent, on the reconnaissance of the coast of Florida, from the Suwannee river to the St. Martin's reef. No. 32. Extracts from the report of Lieutenant Commanding John Rodgers, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey, to the Superintendent, of a reconnaissance of Mosquito inlet. No. 33. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, in regard to the expediency of placing buoys in Mosquito inlet, Florida; and transmitting the report of Lieutenant Commanding John Rodgers, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey. No. 34. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, upon the necessity for a light-house or permanent beacon on the Rebecca shoal, between the Tortugas and Marquesas, coast of Florida. No. 35. Report of Lieutenant Commanding C. P. Patterson, United States navy, to the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, on buoys and beacons for entrances to Mobile bay. No. 36. Report of Lieutenant Commanding C. P. Patterson, United States navy, to the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, on buoys for Cat and Ship Island harbors. No. 37. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to James E. Saunders, esq., of Mobile, communicating sailing directions for Horn Island Pass. No. 38. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, on light-houses in Galveston bay. No. 39. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, recommending a light-boat and buoys at Aransas Pass; and transmitting the report of the examination by Lieutenant Commanding T. A. M. Craven, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey. No. 40. Tribute of respect to the memory of Lieutenant Commanding W. P. McArthur, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey.. No. 41. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, showing the most suitable site for a lighthouse at Point Conception, California. No. 41, bis. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, on the latitude and longitude of Point Conception, California. No. 42. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating a report of A. M. Harrison, esq., sub-assistant in the coast survey, on a site for a light-house on Point Pinos, near Monterey, California. No. 43. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, recommending a light-house at Point Loma, near San Diego, California; with the report of sub-assistant A. M. Harrison on the same. No. 44. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the report of sub-assistant A. M. Harrison, of a survey of Cape Hancock or Disappointment for the location of a light-house. No. 45. Extracts from a letter of Lieutenant Commanding James Alden, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey, to the Superintendent, relating to Humboldt harbor and Trinidad bay, California. No. 46. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting the report of R. D. Cutts, esq., assistant in the coast survey, with sketches of his survey of Fort Point, at the entrance of San Francisco bay, and of Alcatraz or Bird island, within the bay, proposed as sites for light-houses. No. 47. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, correcting important errors in the positions of the Farallones and Point Lobos, entrance to San Francisco bay. No. 48. Report of Lieutenant W. A. Bartlett, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey, to the Superintendent, on the general character of the coast of California. No. 49. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating a letter from Lieutenant W. A. Bartlett, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey, relating to the commerce of Columbia river. No. 50. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating information relating to Trinidad, Humboldt, and San Diego bays. No. 51. Sailing directions for entering the Columbia river as far as the harbor of Astoria, by Lieutenant Commanding Wm. P. McArthur, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey. No. 52. Correspondence of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey with the Secretary of the Treasury, in relation to two sunken rocks in the harbor of San Francisco, reported by the collector of that port. No. 53. Report of Lieutenant Commanding James Alden, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey, to the Superintendent, of the death of Passed Midshipman William De Koven, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey, on the 31st of May, 1851. No. 54. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, communicating the loss of the steamer Jefferson on the coast of Patagonia, with documents relative thereto. No. 55. Report to the assistant in charge of the Coast Survey office, on the electrotyping operations of the Coast Survey, by George Mathiot, electrotypist. No. 56. Report of Lieutenant Commanding W. A. Bartlett, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey, to the Superintendent, of the examinations of the reefs in Hell Gate channel, and changes produced by blasting. No. 57. Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury, upon an examination in reference to a lighthouse at Humboldt harbor, California, made by Lieutenant Commanding James Alden, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey. No. 57, bis. Letter of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Hon. Joseph Grinnell, of the Committee on Commerce, House of Representatives, communicating a report of Lieutenant W. A. Bartlett, United States navy, assistant in the coast survey, on the importance of a light-house at Humboldt harbor. |