Title. Indian Affairs, reports of Superintendents, &c.—Continued Pt. Vol. Doc. Page. 65. ....do. Oregon Superintendency. 66. Letter of Commissioners Gaines, Skinner 00 00 00 00 2222 2222NNA มวลมมวล 484 486 488 493 498 504 511 615 517 520 525 526 532 536 540 541 542 559 560 563 Title. Pt. Vol. Doc. Page. Indians, Chickasaw, letter from Secretary of the Treasury in rela- Illinois, report of surveyor general of. Iowa, northern boundary of.. Kossuth and Captain Long, message from President of the United L. Lawson, D., Surgeon General, report of.. Lands, Symmes purchase of, unsold... Light-house establishment, estimates for the fiscal year ending general expenses of light-houses, light June 30, 1853..... recapitulation... list of contracts for. report on. system of. Light-house Board, report of.. Life boats, letter from the Secretary of the Treasury upon the subject of.. Lopez expedition, message from the President of the United States in relation to. 66 67 93 5 43 55 88 114 Louisiana, relative to the salary of the district judge of the Western 12 116 M.. Maryland, report of the Secretary of the Treasury in relation to money advanced by the State of.. Marine hospital, statement of the fund of. Mail steamers, letter from the Secretary of the Navy in reference to.." Mail service between the United States and foreign countries. cemetery near the city of... Mexican indemnity, message from the President of the United States in relation to..... same, transmitting correspondence relative to.. Medical and Hospital Department, list of contracts with... Message of the President of the United States at the commence ment of the session.... 33440 5 Message, proclamation upon the apprehended invasion of Cuba...... acting Secretary of State to Commodore Parker... Commodore Parker to Mr. Webster. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Title. Pt. Vol. Doc. Page. Intervention of France and England. Message, memorandum of a conversation between the Acting Secretary of State and the charge d'affaires of Great Britain. Mr. Crampton to Mr. Webster.... Mr. Crittenden to M. De Sartiges. M. De Sartiges to Mr. Crittenden Mr. Webster to M. De Sartiges.... President's proclamation in relation to the insurrection in Commercial intercourse between the United States and the British North American provinces. Message, Sir H. Bulwer to Mr. Webster.. Mr. Derrick to Sir H. Bulwer.. Sir H. Bulwer to Mr. Webster. Oregon boundary. Message, Mr. Crampton to Mr. Buchanan... Annual report of the Secretary of War.. LIST OF PAPERS ACCOMPANYING THE SAME. Message, Secretary of War to General Smith... report of Colonel S. Cooper.... report of Lieutenant Colonel Hardee. Secretary of War to Colonel Sumner. report of Colonel John Monroe .. letter of Governor Calhoun to the Secretary of War. report of General Smith.... 92 104 105 letter of Professor Page.. report of James P. Espy. estimate for Secretary's office.. report of the bureau of construction. report of the bureau of ordnance... report of the bureau of navy yards and docks... report of the bureau of medicine, &c. statement of appropriations Annual report of the Postmaster General. Annual report of the Secretary of Interior Report of the Commissioner General Land Office ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS. public lands sold... similar statement for the last half of fiscal year advertised for sale since 30th November, 1850 estimates for surveying department. Report of the Superintendent of Coast Survey. Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs.. Message in relation to claims upon Portugal Military Academy, estimates for Mint, United States, report of directors of. 22222 22222 22222 41 57 76 58 60 64 67 69 150 162 354 378 393 401 406 412 417 489 3 Mint at San Francisco, from Secretary of Treasury in relation to Navy, Secretary of, estimates for the department and the bureaus |