Slike strani



Adams, H. Topography of Florida, 71.
Agassiz, Professor L. Florida reef, 12, 68,
69; report on Florida and reefs, 145.
Alcatraz, 522, 523.

Alden, Lieutenant J. Account of Humboldt

and Trinidad bays, 520; Trinidad, Hum-
boldt, and San Diego bays, 528; death of
De Koven, 533; report on steamer Jeffer-
son, 538; hydrography of Western coast, 87.
Alden, H. O. Letter on telegraphic longi-

tudes, 462; thanks to, 29, 30.

Almy, Lieutenant J. J. Hydrography of sec-
tion III, 53, 55; letter on Fishing Battery
light, 482.

Appendix to report-list of contents, 161.
Appropriations, effect of, on progress of work,
7; for Western coast urged, 23; for light-
houses in section I, 43; for light-houses,
buoys, &c., law, 443.

Aransas Pass, 80; letters on lights at, 507.
Archives and library, 99.

Army officers on coast survey, 9; list of, 114.
Astronomical observations. Mount Pleasant,

32; Cape Small, 33; Philadelphia, 44;
Causten's, section III, 47; Portsmouth,
Virginia, 56; Charleston and Savannah, 64;
Western coast, 85.

Azimuths at Mount Pleasant, 32; Causten's,
section III, 47; Savannah, 64; list of, be-
tween stations, 162 to 442.


Bache, Professor A D. Astronomical obser-
vations at Mount Pleasant, Maine, 32; Ossi-
pee and Cape Small, 33; Causten's, section
III, 47; discussion of Cat Island tides, 74,
127; currents, 136.

Baker, Woods, office, 100.

Bartlett, Lieutenant W. A. Letter on Cape
Hancock, 519; report on California coast,
525; Columbia river commerce, 527; re-
marks on McArthur, 510; Hell Gate report,
(see list of errata,) 46, 553 to 558; Hum-
boldt Harbor light, 559.

Beacons recommended, list of, 460; examina-
tions for, law, 14.

Beacon ranges, New York harbor, 43, 471.
Beaufort. Topography, 58; hydrography, 59;
H. L. Whiting's report on, 482; lights, &c.,

Billingsgate shoal, 454.

Biloxi Bay, triangulations and topography of,

Block Island. Hydrography, 40.

Blunt, E. Hudson river triangulation, 44;
Chesapeake triangulation, 50.
Boca Grande, 72.

Bolles, C. P. Triangulation and topography,
Cape Fear, 157: Edisto triangulation, 65.
Bond, Professor W. C. Galvanic clock, 11;
connects coast survey with Nova Scotia
survey, 29; longitudes, 34, 35.

Boston Harbor, rock in, 31; beacons, &c.,
453; sailing-marks, &c., 469.

Bottom of sea, form of, off shore, section II, 42.
Boutelle, C. O. Reconnaissance, section I,
32; triangulation, section I, 36; observa-
tions at Savannah, 64.

Building for coast survey recommended, 92.

Buoys, examinations for, law, 14; list of those
recommended, 460.


Cape Cod, topography of, 38.

Cape Fear. Triangulation and topography, 57.
Cape Hancock, Columbia river. Description,
light, &c., 517.

Cape Small, observations at, 33.

Cat Island. Buoys, &c., 502; tides, 74, 127
to 136.

Causten's station, observations at, 47.

Cedar Keys, 489, 494; lights, 494; tides and
currents, 493.

Charleston. Large map of harbor, 63, 487;
hydrography, 66.

Chatham harbor, 28; topography, 38.
Clopper's bar, 504, 505.

Coast survey approved by geographical so-
cieties, 7.

Columbia river, 83, 85; commerce of, 527;
sailing directions, 530.

Computing department. Detailed account of
work done by each computer, 92.
Connecticut river. Hydrography of mouth, 45..
Coral reefs. Report by Agassiz, 153.
Core sound, 57.

Corwin, steamer, 88.

Cost of surveying by triangulation, &c., 7, 8.

Cox's ledge, survey of, 46.

Cram, Capt. T.J. Triangulation in section I, 36.
Craven, Lieut. T. A. Galveston and Aransas,
hydrography, 80, 81, 504, 505, 507.
Crystal river and bay, Florida, 491.
Currents. Section I, 41; mode of indicating
observations of, 136.

Cutts, R. D. Triangulation and topography
of Western coast, 85; Fort Point, Alcatraz,
522, 523; Farrallones, 524.


Davidson, G. Astronomical observations,
Western coast, 85.

Dean, G. W. Latitude observations, section I,
32; magnetic observations, 33; observations
at Causten's, 47.

Declination observations by Prof. Mitchel, 12.
De Koven, Passed Midshipman W., death of,
88, 533.

Directions for coast survey, 8.

Discoveries and new results of coast survey,

10; list of, 126.

Distances between stations, list of, 162 to 442.
Distribution of coast survey parties, list of,
108; of coast survey maps, 98.
Dorchester channel, buoys, &c., 471.
Drawing department, remarks on, 90; detail of
work by each member of, 94.


Edisto, hydrography and topography, 66.
Electro-magnetic recording, Prof. Mitchel, 137.
Electrotyping, remarks on, 91; list of plates
copied, 97; report on process, methods, re-
sults, laboratory, &c., 541 to 553.
Engraving department, remarks on, 90; de-
tails of work by each member of, 96.
Errata, list of, vii.

Estimate for 1852-'53. Section I, 23; sections
II, III, and IV, 24; V to IX, 25; Florida
reef, 26; Western coast 26.

Farrallones, 524.


Farley, J. Secondary triangulation, section
III, 50.

Florida. Reef, 12; appropriation for, urged,
22; estimate for 1852-53, 26; harbors,
reef, and tides, 68, 69; report on topogra-
phy of, Agassiz, 145; lights, &c., 457;
Gerdes' reconnaissance of, 488 to 494; rail-
road across, 493; survey of, 492.
Fishing Battery light-house, 481.
Fort Point, 522, 523.

Frying-pan shoals, light on, 59, 62.


Galvanic wave, velocity of, 48; report on wave
time by Walker, 476.

Galveston bay, survey of, 78; hydrography, 80;
lights proposed, 504, 505.

Geodetic method, practicable, where tried, 8;
remarks on, and elements used, 163.
Geographical positions. Remarks on list, 6,
14; list of, 162 to 442.

Gerdes, F. H. Reconnaissance and triangula-

tion of Florida, 70, 488; Cedar Keys light-
house examination, 73.

Gibbes, Prof. L. R. Charleston observations,

Gibson, Lt. A. A. Office duties, 90; sketches
of geographical positions, 94.
Gilbert, S. A. Triangulation of Biloxi Bay, 76.
Gloucester, Massachusetts, 37.

Glück, J. B. Topography Chatham, 28; Cape
Cod and Chatham topography, 38; beacon
range surveys, New York harbor, 45, 472;
topography of Patapsco, 51.
Gordon, W. W. Tidal discussions, 100.
Greenwell, W. E. Topography section VIII, 76.
Gulf stream. Soundings, 72; Agassiz on, 157.


Hassler, J. J. S. Triangulation Currituck
sound, 57.

Harrison, A. M. Topography Western coast,
86; letter on Point Pinos, 513; on Point
Loma, 515; Cape Hancock, 517.
Harvard Observatory, longitude of, 480.
Heights, measured and verified, 37.
Hein, S. Disbursing agent, 90; disburse-

ments, 100.

Hell Gate. Submarine blasting, 46; report
on, 553 to 558. (See list of errata.)
Hilgard, J. E. Magnetic observations, 34;
Florida triangulation, 70; charge of com-
puting department, 89.

Hodge, W. L. Letter to Prof. Bache, direct-
ing light-house examinations, law, 443.
Holmes's Hole. Lights, 466, 467.

Horn Island pass. Sailing directions, 503.
Hudson river triangulation, 44.

Humboldt harbor, 84, 87, 520, 528.

Humphreys, Capt. A. A. Brevet recommend-
ed, 18.

Hunt, Lieut. E. B. Charge engraving depart-
ment, 89, 96.

Hydraulic printing press, 92.

Hydrography in section I, 39; section II, 45;
section III, 53; section IV, 58; section
V, 66; section VI, Florida, 71, 72; section
VIII, 77; section IX, 80: Western coast,

Hydrographic. List of notices, 13; list of
sketches in report, 12; list of parties, 108;
officers and vessels, list of, 115, 118, 122.


Instrument-making and repairs, 99.


Jefferson, steamer, loss of, 88; correspond-
ence on loss, &c., 533 to 541.
Jenkins, Lieutenant T. A. Light-house exam-
inations, section II, 44; Hatteras inlet,
Frying-pan shoals, Cape Fear river, and
deep-sea soundings, 59; lights, &c., near
New York, 475; report on steamer Jeffer-
son, 533.
Johnson, W. M. Topography in section III, 52.


Kendall, Professor E. O. Observations for
coast survey, 44, 45.

Key West. Survey of, 72.
King, T. B. San Francisco rocks, 531, 532.


Lake Pontchartrain. Milneburg harbor, 75.
Land Office surveys, 7.

Latitude. Mount Pleasant, 32; Cape Small,
33; Causten's, 47; Savannah, 64; Western
coast, 85; list of latitudes of stations, 162
to 442.

Law appropriating for light-houses and organ-
izing Light-house Board, 443, 446.
Lay, Captain G. W. Special duty, 100.
Library of coast survey, 99.

Light-houses, buoys, beacons, &c. Appropri-
ations, section I, 30; section II, 43; exam-
inations, &c., section II, 44; section III, 55;
section IV, 62; section VI, 73; section IX,
81; Western coast, 84; list of light-house
examinations made by coast survey, 451;
law directing examinations, 14, 443; where
made, 15; law appropriating for, 443; Light-
house Board, 446; list of light-houses re-
commended, 460; list of light-house sketches
in report, 13.


Lieutenant J. Alden, 520, 528, 558.
Lieutenant J. J. Almy, 482.

Professor A. D. Bache, 453, 463, 464, 466,
468, 471, 474, 481, 485, 486, 495, 504,
507, 512, 513, 515, 517, 522.
Lieutenant W. A. Bartlett, 519, 526, 559.
Assistant R. D. Cutts, 523.
Lieutenant T. A. M. Craven, 505.
Mr. A. M. Harrison, 513, 515, 517.
W. L. Hodge, 443.

Lieutenant J. N. Maffitt, 455, 485, 486.
Lieutenant C. H. McBlair, 453, 467, 469.
Lieutenant C. P. Patterson, 499, 502.
Lieutenant J. Rodgers, 457, 496, 499.
Lieutenant S. Swartwout, 455.
Lieutenant M. Woodhull, 463, 465.

Army officers on coast survey, 114.

Coast survey parties, distribution of, 108.
Coast survey vessels, 115, 118.
Contents of appendix, 101.

Discoveries and developments of coast sur-
vey, 126.

Errata in report, vi.

Geographical positions, 162.

Light-house examinations by coast survey,


Light-houses recommended, 460.
Light-house sketches in report, 13.
Maps engraved, 160.

Maps engraving, 161.

Naval engineers on coast survey, 121.
Naval officers on coast survey, 115, 118.
Plates electrotyped, 97.

Results of coast survey, 123.
Sketches engraved, 161.
Sketches engraving, 162.
Longfellow, A. W. Topography, Newbury-
port, 39.
Longitudes. Observations and computations,
11; by chronometers. moon culminations,
and telegraph, Walker and Bond, 34; Hud-
son, Ohio, 46; Harvard Observatory, 50;
Charleston and Savannah, 46; Portsmouth,
Va., 56; New Orleans, 76; Cambridge and
Halifax, 462; list of longitudes of stations,
162 to 442; methods used in obtaining, 164;
from Greenwich, 164; report by Walker
on, 480.

Longstreth, M. F., formula by, 49.


Maffitt, Lieut. J. N. Rock in Boston harbor,
31; hydrography of Beaufort, 58; Charles-
ton, N. Edisto, and Savannah, 66, 67; Cape
Fear and New river, 59; lights, &c., sec-
tions IV and V, 455; of Beaufort, 485; of
Cape Fear, 486.

Magnetic observations. Maine stations, 33,
34; Causten's, section III, 47; Western
coast, 85.

Manchester, Mass., 38.

Maps, list of, engraved, 160; in engraver's
hands, 161; distributed and sold, 98.
Mathiot, G. Electrotype report, 541 to 553.
Mc Arthur, Lieut. W. P., tribute to, 82; pro-
ceedings of meeting, 509; sailing directions
Columbia river, 530.

Mc Blair, Lieut. C. H. Light-house examina-
tions section I, 30, 31; hydrography Nan-
tucket, Muskeget, 39; off Gay Head, Well-
fleet, 40; letter on lights, &c., section I,
453; Holmes's Hole, 467; Boston harbor,
469, 471.

McMurtrie. Views Western coast, 87.
Meteorological register at stations in Maine,
33, 34; Causten's, 50.

Mississippi delta, 75, 77, 78.

Mitchel, Prof O. M. Report on electro-mag-
netic recording of N. P. distances, 137.
Mitchell, William. Observations at Nantucket,

Mobile bay, 75; hydrography, 77; Patterson's
report on buoys, beacons, &c., 499.
Mode of surveying, 163.

Moon culminations, computations, 49.
Mount Pleasant, Me. Azimuths, latitude, 32;
longitude, magnetic observations, 33.
Murray, Lieut. F. K. Cominands Jefferson
when lost, 88; report on loss of, 534; orders
survey of, 537; reports on fitness of, 540.
Murphy, H. C. Orthography of names, sec-
tion II, 46.

Muskeget channel, 39.

Musquito inlet, 72, 73; Rodgers' reports, 495,
496; Prof. Bache's, 495.


Nantucket Shoals, 10, 39, 40; beacon on, 453.
Navy officers on coast survey, 9; list of, 115,
118; engineers, 121, 122.
Newburyport. Topography, 39; hydrography,


New York harbor. Beacon ranges, Flynn's
Knoll, &c., 43, 471, 472, 474, 476.
No-man's-land channel, 40.

N. Edisto. Sailing directions, 488.
Nova Scotia. Survey connexion, 29.


Observations, publishing, recommended, 22.
Occultations. Prof. E. O. Kendall, 44.
Office. Summary of work, 22, 89; organiza-
tion, 89.

Officers, army, employed on coast survey, 9; | Rodgers, Lieutenant J. Florida tides, 69; Key

[blocks in formation]

Parties of coast survey, distribution of, 108.
Pass Christian, 75; hydrography, 77.
Patapsco. Topography, 51.

Patterson, Lieut. C. P. Gulf coast lights, &c.,
75; Mobile beacons and buoys, 499; Cat and
Ship islands do. buoys, 502.
Pendleton, Prof. Off-shore angles, 45; com-
putations, 49, 100.

Plan of coast survey organization, 3, 4, 6, 8;
law directing it, 9.

Pleasonton, S. Light-houses appropriated for,

Point Conception, 83, 85; light, 512; latitude
and longitude, 512.

Point Loma. Description, light, 515.
Point Pinos light, description, 513.
Pond Island, Me., light, 463.
Portsmouth. Hydrography, 42.

Pourtales, L. F. Longitude Portsmouth, Va.,
56; signals and triangulation Florida reef,

Powell, H., aids Jefferson's crew, 88.
Powow hill, height of, 37.

Prince, Major H. Reconnaissance section III,
50; Pamplico, 57.

Printing department. Printing done, 98.
Progress. Appropriations influence, 7; now
equals three-eighths of the whole work, 8.
Publishing, plan of, 5; observations, 22; maps,


Rebecca shoals, 69, 73, 74; light or beacon,

Reconnaissance. Section I, Boutelle, Prince,
31; section III, 50; section IV, 56; section
VI, 69.

Red Fish Bar, 506.
Refraction, lateral, 70.
REPORTS, (scientific)—

Prof. Bache on Cat Island tides, 127 to 136.
Prof. Bache on current charts, 136, 137.
Prof. Mitchel. Electro-magnetic record-
ing, 137 to 145.

Prof. Agassiz on Florida reefs, 145 to 160.
Computing department. List of geographi-
cal positions, 162 to 442.

SC. Walker on galvanic wave time, 476 to

S. C. Walker on longitudes, 480, 481.
G. Mathiot on electrotyping, 541 to 553.
Results of coast survey, table of, 123 to 125.

West, hydrography; Boca Grande, Mus-
quito inlet, 72; signals for pilots, 73, 497;
letter on Florida lights, 457; on Musquito
inlet, 495, 496; Rebecca shoals, 499.
Rockport, Massachusetts, 38.

Rush, Lieutenant R. H. Drawing department,
89, 94.


Sale of maps urged, 91, 99.

Salem Harbor. Hydrography, 40.

San Diego bay, 83, 87; description, sailing
directions, 528.

Sandy Hook, 45.

San Francisco, &c., 84; topography, Alcatraz,
Fort Point, Yerby Buena, Mare Island, 85,
522; sunken rocks in harbor, 531, 532.
Sands, Lieutenant B. F. Hydrography section
III, 54; section VIII, 75, 77.

Savannah. Observations for latitude, longi-
tude, and azimuth, 64; topography and hy-
drography, 66.

Saxton, J. Charge of instrument-making, 89.
Scientific. See reports.
Screw-pile signals, 70.
Sea-horse reef, 73.

Sections. Summary of work in section I, 18;
II, 19; III, 19; IV to XI, 20. Work done
in the year, section I, 27; II, 42; III, 47 ;
IV, 55; V, 62; VI, 67; VIII, 74; IX, 78;
X and XI, 81. Limits of sections, 16, 17,

Seib, J. Topography of Chesapeake, 51.
Ship channel, Florida reef, 154.
Ship island. Buoys, 502.

Shovelful shoals. Light-boat, 464, 455.
Signals on Florida reef, 70, 71; Rodgers' pi-
lot signals, 73, 497.

Sketches, preparation of, 91; list of, in report,
106; list of, engraved, 161; engraving, 162.
Snow, C. B. Librarian, &c., 99.
Sow-and-pigs light, 453.

Stations, preservation of, Texas, 79; how
marked, 165; list of their latitudes, longi-
tudes, azimuths, and distances, 162 to 442.
Statistics of work, 10; of coast survey results,
123 to 125.

Steamer Jefferson, loss of, 17, 88, 533 to 541;
Corwin, 88.

Stevens, Major I. I. Assistant in charge of of-
fice, 6, 89; inspection, section I, 29; re-
marks on McArthur, 511.
Suwannee river and bay, 489.
Swartwout, Lieutenant S., 31; No-man's-land
channel, 40; off-shore soundings, 41; Cox's
ledge, 46; lights, &c., in section I, 455.


Telegraphic longitudes, 35.

Tides. Observations, 11; section I, 29, 41;
Cat island tides, 74; discussion of, by Prof.
Bache, 127; Mr. Schott, 94; tidal reductions,
99; discussions, 100; Galveston tides, 79.

Topography. Section I, 37; section III, 51, |
52; section IV, 58; section V, 66; section
VI, 71; section VIII, 76; section IX, 80;
western coast, 86; topographical descrip-
tion of Florida, Agassiz, 147.
Totten, Lieutenant James. Florida, 71.
Transits. Prefessor Kendall, 44.

Transportation of navy officers estimated for,

Trenholm, G. W. Letter on Charleston har-
bor chart, 487.

riangulation. Section I, 32, 36; section II,
44; section III, 50, 51; section IV, 57:
section V, 64, 65; section VI, 70; section
VIII, 76; section IX, 79; Western coast,
85; progress of triangulation, 17; method
of, 163.

Trinidad bay, 87, 521, 528.

Trowbridge, Lieutenant W. P. Triangulation
section I, 32; discussions, 100.

[blocks in formation]


Wainwright, S. A. Topography of Chesa-
peake, 52: Savannah river, 66.
Walker, S. C. Longitudes, 34; observations,
46; telegraphic, 48, 49; in section IV,
letter on telegraphic, 462; report on gal-
vanic wave time, 476; on longitudes, 480.
Wampler, J. M. Galveston topography, 70.
Wellfleet. Topography, 38; changes, 40.
Western coast. Plan of survey, reasons, 4, 5;
estimate for 1852-53, 26; operations on,
81, 83; lights, &c., on, 468.

Whiting, H. L. Topography Cape Ann, 37;
Sandy Hook resurvey, 45; Beaufort, 58,
Whiting, Lieutenant W. B.
examinations in office, 99.


Williams, J. S. Triangulation Galveston bay,

Wise, G. D. Topography section III, 52;
Edisto, 66.

Withlacoochee bay, 491.

Woodhull, Lieutenant M. Chatham harbor,
28, 41; Portsmouth, Newburyport, 42; tidal
observations section I, 41; light-house ex-
aminations, 44; off-shore soundings, 45;
mouth of Connecticut river, 45; Shovelful
shoals light-boat, 465; lights, &c., near New
York, 475.


Yulee, Prof. Computations, 49.

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