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Prime's Boat Life in Egypt; Miller's Testimony of
the Rocks, 119. Regulations for the Army of the United
States; Satires of Juvenal and Perseus; Waverley
Novels: Life-Pictures from a Pastor's Note-Book; An-
nals of Southern Methodism; Wells's Explorations and
Adventures in Honduras; Schaaf's Germany; The
Sultan and his People, 120. Brace's Norse-Folk, 263;
Edwards's Random Sketches of European Travel;
Beecher's Common Sense applied to Religion; The
Student's Gibbon; Fortunes of Glencore: Nothing
New; James's Leonora D'Orco; Thaddeus of Warsaw;
Scottish Chiefs; The Heiress of Greenhurst, 264. The
Professor; Virginia Illustrated; Lossing's History of
the United States; Prime's Tent-Life in the Holy
Land, 404; The Romany Rye; The Athelings; Hero-
ines of Methodism; Philosophy of Skepticism and Ul-
traism; Lamar's Verse Memorials; M'Leod's Life of
Mary Queen of Scots, 405. Married or Single; Bon-
LOVE AFTER MARRIAGE.........................................

96, 231





UNITED STATES.-The Chinese War, 116. The Cen-

tral American Treaty, 116. Negotiations with New

Granada, 116. Affairs in Utah, 116, 259, 401, 546.

Judge Drummond on Utah, 116. The Transatlantic

Telegraph, 116, 262, 403, 548, 686. The New York

Metropolitan Police Bill, 117, 402. The Dred Scott

Decision, 117, 261. Personal Liberty Bills in New

York, Maine, and Ohio, 117. Amendments to Massa-

chusetts Constitution, 117. Death of Parley Pratt, 259.

Kansas, 259, 401, 546, 686, 831. Governor Walker's

Proclamations, 260, 546, 831. New York Quarantine,

260. Municipal Difficulties in New York, 260, 401,

546. Religious Societies, 260. Fugitive Slaves in

Ohio, 260. Riot in Washington, 260. Pearls in New

Jersey, 261. California Public Debt, 261, 864. Obitu

aries: Joshua A. Spencer, A. P. Butler, Lieutenant

Strain, Judge Oakley, James Bell, 261; W. L. Marcy,

402; Douglas Jerrold, 403; J. C. Dobbin, Professor

Mitchell, Commodore Newton, 547; Béranger, 548;

Thomas J. Rusk, Rufus W. Griswold, 688; Lieutenant

Herndon, 831. Governor for Utah, 401. Topeka Leg-
islature, 401. Riots in New York, 402, 546. American
Convention at Louisville, 402. Southern Railroad
Convention, 402. Anniversary of the Battle of Bunk-
er's Hill, 402. Walker in New York, 402. Return of
Filibusters, 402, 546, 688. Foreign Emigration, 403.
Defalcation of Ohio State Treasurer, 403. Indian Hos-
tilities, 403, 688. Fires in the United States, 403.
Steamboat and Railroad Casualties, 403, 831. Diplo-
matic Appointments, 546. Minnesota Convention, 546,
686. City Government formed in Lawrence, 546. The
slaver N. Hand, 546. General Jackson's Snuff-Box,
546. Murder of a Policeman, 546. Mrs. Cunningham's
Baby, 547. Failure of the Atlantic Telegraph, 686.
The August Elections, 686, 834. Mr. Rollins on the
Slavery Question, 686. Constitution for Minnesota, 686.
Right of Expatriation, 687. Old Debt paid, 687. The
President's Letter to the Connecticut Clergymen, 687.
National Emancipation Convention, 687. American
Association for the Advancement of Science, 687. The
New School Presbyterian Church, 687. Colorado Ex-
pedition, 683. The Camel Experiment, 688. The Fi-
nancial Pressure, 830. Loss of the Central America,



EUROPE.-The Chinese War, 118. Lord Elgin, the

British Plenipotentiary, 118, 834. Search for Sir John

Franklin, 118, 548, 834. Dr. Rae, 118. The French

Emperor, 118, 688, 834. Neapolitan Torture, 118.

Queen's Speech, 262. The Princess Royal, 262. Art
Treasures at Manchester, 262. Disturbances in Spain,
262. Pardon to Hungarians, 262. Russia and Persia,
262. Greytown Bombardment, 403. Death of Jerrold,
403. The Oaths Bill, 547. Free Emigration of Afri-
cans, 547. The Transatlantic Telegraph, 548. Thack-
eray at Oxford, 548. The Cotton Memorial, 548. Mr.
Dickens and the Queen, 548. The Indian Mutiny,
518, 689, 834. The Parisian Elections, 548. Italian
Conspiracy, 548, 688. Death of Béranger, 548. Con-
spiracy against Napoleon, 548. Insurrection in Spain,
549. The Princes of Oude's Petition, 688. French
Refugees in England, 688. Trial of Italian Conspira-
tors in Paris, 688. The Completion of the Louvre,
683. The Danubian Principalities, 689. Baron Mac-
aulay, 834. Abolition in Holland, 834.


THE EAST.-Poisoning at Hong Kong, 118. Fight.
ing in Persia, 362. Massacre at Sarawak, 262. The
Chinese War, 262, 549, 689, 834. The Indian Mutiny,
548, 689, 834. The Danubian Principalities, C89.
in Tunis, 689. Russian Reverses in the Caucasus, 659.
Riot at Jerusalem, 689. Victories of General Hav-
elock, 834. The Americans in Siam, 834.

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