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and resumed mercantile business in the town of Worcester. Here, the late Mr. Waldo completed his education in his father's counting-house, and on arriving at age, became his partner in business, and afterwards succeeded to the property and the management of this extensive import ing and trading concern. With what scrupulous integrity his business was conducted for more than forty years; with what considerations of regard to his customers, and of accommodation to the wants and interests of the public, he directed his arrangements, his eminent success and the undoubting and unabating confidence of the community, through this long period of time, will bear witness. And, when at last he retired from an active participation in commerce and trade, his punctuality and precision, his justice and liberality, his personal attention and courtesy of mauner, were remembered and referred to, as a model and example for instruction and encouragement to the young, and for imitation by all.

"More than twenty years have now elapsed, since this distinguished merchant voluntarily relinquished to younger men, whose character he had assisted to form, and whose worthiness he approved, the enjoyment of his mercantile establish ment, and the influence of his personal patronage. But in retiring from the cares of business, he did not yield to indolence and indulgence. His counting-room continued to be his chosen and daily resort for informal and free communication and intercourse with his acquaintance and friends, for attention to the management of his ample property, and for the occupation of his time in reading, and the bestowment of his interest and thoughts upon the welfare of others. The regularity of his habit in passing the street, to and from this accustomed place, was indeed so great as almost to mark the precision of the diurnal hour. In whatever affected the peace and good order of society, and the prosperity and happiness of his county, he ever took a lively concern. His interest in all well directed efforts for the promotion of the moral and social condition of the ignorant and the destitute of his fellow men, was active and efficient, and his benefactions and charities were munificent and free, as they were discriminating and unostentatious. Numerous are the objects of public benevolence, which have cause to rejoice in the fullness of his bounty;—and manymore than the world will ever know-are the hearts of private sufferers, who are, unconsciously, his debtors, for the relief and comfort which they will never have opportunity to acknowledge. The prayers and the blessings of the poor did, indeed, follow him; but who shall speak of the

deeds of kindness which an habitual charity was continually, silently and secretly, dispensing to those whose delicacy and sensitiveness would permit no utterance to their destitution?

"In the progress, rapid growth, and assured prosperity of the town of his residence, to which his early industry and enterprise in business, and his attention, advice, and use of wealth, in riper years, had so largely contributed, Mr. Waldo, to the latest day of his life, felt and expessed, in an especial manner, the liveliest interest. The Temple for Public Worship, which his liberality erected;-the cemetery grounds, the bestowment of his bounty, where, in the fragrance of nature, in beautiful congruity with the untainted simplicity, sincerity and consistency of his character, now repose his mortal remains, are among the visible memorials which speak to the heart, of his sympathy with the highest concerns of all.

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Nor was the sphere of his influence and usefulness confined to the limits, ample as they were, of his own personal considerations and desires. Although always unpretending himself, whbly unambitious of public honors, and retiring and shrinking, as it were, from the unenviable notoriety of mere popular favor, yet, such was the public regard for his patriotism and practical wisdom, his integrity, firmness, and fidelity to every obligation of duty, that, in one of the darkest periods of the Republic, during the war, in 1814, he was sought out, to take part, and give directions to one of the most fearfully momentous measures of the time. Whatever was then thought, or may now be deemed the occasion, or the fitness of that act of legislation, which gave the sanction of Massachusetts to the HARTFORD CONVENTION,the late Mr. Waldo but obeyed the injunctions of the Government, in receiving his appointment, as a member. No man entertained a loftier patriotism, a higher sense of the responsibility of public trusts, a deeper reverence for the Constitution, a firiner attachment to the confederated Union, and none had more at stake, in the peace, safety, and returning prosperity of the country. It is but justice to say, that the strongest objections to this questionable proceeding, and the liveliest apprehensions of its disastrous consequences, were, in a great degree, allayed, in the minds of its most strenuous opponents, by confidence in the character of the men, to whom, happily, was committed its direction and control. Indeed, no higher tribute could be paid to their virtue, than was rendered, at the time, by a venerable, experienced and distinguished statesman, of stern Republican principles, (the elder Gov. Lincoln,) who, when informed of the names of the selected Delegates to the Convention,

exclaimed with fervency, Thank Heaven! then all is safe. With such men as George Cabot and Daniel Waldo, nil erit detrimenti Reipublicæ ;'-no harm can come to the Republic.

"As a proof how well sustained, by the community in which he lived, was this sentiment of trust and confidence towards Mr. Waldo, he was, afterwards, in the year 1816, elected by his fellow citizens of the county of Worcester, to a seat in the Senate of Massachusetts, and again re-elected in the two following years. His characteristic punctuality and fidelity, here, also, distinguished the discharge of the duties of his station, and made him one of the most useful and justly esteemed members of that body. The love of domestic quiet and enjoyment, and his earnest desire for retirement, in 1819, resisted the wishes of his friends for his longer continuance in public office, and he respectfully, but resolutely, declined a renomination."

The name of WALDO is intimately associated with many of the religious and charitable institutions of the country. There

||will be a more appropriate occasion and place, in which to treat of the personal participation of our departed friend, in this connexion. Deeply imbued with religious faith, and feelingly impressed with a sense of all Christian obligation, in the liberality of a cultivated and enlightened mind, he devised things liberally, and with a view to extended good. He looked far beyond sect or party, and strove to learn from the instruction of his great teacher and master, how to regard duty to the whole race of his fellow men, and the aim of his life was its faithful and acceptable perform

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[From the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser.] New York Family for Liberia. NEW YORK, Oct. 24, 1845. As there is an expedition for Liberia fitting out from Baltimore and Norfolk, by the American Colonization Society, to sail in a few days with a goodly number of emigrants and also several missionaries for their different stations, making it of much interest to the friends of African colonization, I feel it a privilege to make a remark or two respecting a family which left this city yesterday morning via railroad for Baltimore, to join the ship "Roancke, Captain Hanna," bound to Monrovia, Liberia. The family consists of Mr. Sheldon and wife, each about 50 years of age, Mr. Lowry and wife, each about 25 years of age, son-in-law and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon, and three fine, plump, bright-eyed, clean-faced, promising children, the eldest 5 years of age, all of them just as black as Mr. Lowry and his wife, (no mixed blood there,) who, with their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon, are of the pure African jet black.

They were all well clad in good, substantial garments, and not out at the elbows, knees or heels, and not slipshod. They are from Medina, Orleans county, N. Y. They are farmers, and the women are good scholars. Lowry can write; I saw him sign a receipt for some money handed him to defray expenses on the way. Upon being asked what or who induced them to go to Liberia, they said they had read and obtained the necessary information-particularly the

letter of George Seymour (one of Governor Robert's Council) to his former mistress in Connecticut, a daughter of Anson G. Phelps, Esq., the well known friend of the African, and President of the New York State Colonization Society, which letter you as well as many other editors published some time since. They say they are going into a new wilderness country, and mean to apply the axe to the root of the tree and make themselves good homes, and I think they will do it. Lowry appears to be a shrewd, energetic man. Mr. Sheldon has the appearance of a good substantial farmer, not unlike our good New England or Western New York farmers, and I have no doubt they will give a "good report of the land," and be the In addition to all I have said, Mr. and Mrs. means of inducing many others to follow. S. are Methodist professors, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Presbyterian professors of the religion of Jesus Christ, and have their credentials of being in good and regular standing in the church of which they are members. If we could add 100 such families to this, well might the sons of Ham begin to "stretch forth their hands unto God." I could say much more in behalf of this family, but I should occupy too much


your paper, and will close by saying that I have seen several letters from persons of respectability in Medina which fully confirm all that I have said, and are at your service for a perusal.


Our late Expedition for Liberia.

they might go and improve their condition and their children's in Liberia.

THE fine ship Roanoke, of Baltimore, || have voluntarily set their servants free that chartered by this Society for the purpose, sailed from Norfolk, Va., for Monrovia, Liberia, on the 5th of November, with one hundred and eighty-seven emigrants and a large supply of provisions, goods, &c.

Of these emigrants, one hundred and six are from King George County, Va., liberated by the will of the late Nathaniel H. Hooe ten were from Prince William County, Va., liberated by the Rev. John Towles: five were from Petersburg, liberated by the Rev. Mr. Gibson: seventeen were from Essex County, of whom ten were liberated by the will of the late Edward Rowzee, five by Miss Harriet F. C. Rowzee, and one by the heirs of Edward Rowzee: eleven were from Frederic County, Va., liberated by Moncure Robinson, Esq., of Philadelphia: fourteen were from Shepherdstown and vicinity, Va., some of whom were free, and others were liberated for the purpose of allowing them to accompany their friends to Liberia: thirteen were from Halifax, N. C., liberated by the will of Thomas W. Lassiter: two were from Fredericksburg, Va., liberated by the will of the late William Bridges of Stafford County, Va., one was a free man from Petersburg, Va.: one, also free, from Charleston, S. C., and seven from Medina, Orange County, N. Y.

Many of them were persons of much more than ordinary fitness for citizens of Liberia. Many of them could read and write, and had been accustomed to taking care of themselves and their interests, and were industrious and prudent. Great liberality has been shown by the masters who

The whole company were well supplied with provisions, &c., for the passage and for six months after they arrive in the colony. Nearly the whole of this was done at the expense of the Society; only two of them having paid the full price. Many of them could pay nothing at all; and for others only a part was paid.

On their arrival in Liberia, we furnish them houses to live in for six months, give them a piece of land for their own, supply them with medicine and medical attendance when they are sick, and with all things necessary for their comfort during their acclimation. This gives them a fair chance for health and happiness.

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Upwards of seventy who had applied to go in the Roanoke, were left behind. Some of them found they could not get ready in time. Legal difficulties were thrown in the way of others. One family would not go because the husband and father had not been able to raise money to buy himself. While for some, we could not afford to pay the expenses, at the present time.

We are now making arrangements to send an expedition from New Orleans, to sail in January, with emigrants from Kentucky, Tennessee and other Southwestern states. Those of our friends living in those states will do us a favor by notifying any persons who contemplate going to Africa, of the proposed vessel.

Our friends will also perceive the necessity under which we are for an increase of the means of sending out emigrants.

Liberia and the British--Dr. Hodgkin's Letter.

In another column will be found a letter || letting him speak for himself and for his from Dr. Hodgkin, of London, relating to our Liberia affairs. He seems to think that we have not fairly represented England in the matter. Perhaps this may be the fact. At any rate we are glad of the opportunity of

country on the subject. He is a gentleman of high character, of enlarged benevolence, and of comprehensive knowledge. We are happy in being able to let our readers see the sentiments which he entertains on a sub

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ject in which they are so much interest- her to be tried as a slaver in the court at Sierra Leone? What propriety is there in their detaining her there several months, under pretense that some important witnesses are absent? Why do they not at once avow the real ground on which she was seized, and stand by it with all its consequences?

They will not fail to remark one thing in his letter, viz: that he says nothing at all leading us to suppose that the "John Seys" was seized on the ground that she was suspected of being a slaver. What propriety, therefore, was there in sending

To our friends and Patrons.

OUR readers are aware how anxious we have been to secure the balance of the territory lying between Cape Mount and Cape Palmas, and how earnestly we have begged for $20,000 to purchase it. We have now the pleasure of informing our friends and patrons, that in Kentucky $5,000 have been subscribed towards this object: and also that thirteen gentlemen in other states

have each pledged us $1,000 toward the $15,000 subscription. These sums are all conditional on our making up the whole amount. Two names more are wanting! Two persons have it now in their power to secure to us $20,000! We entreat those whom the Lord has blessed with the good things of this life to think of this urgent call.

[From the Louisville Democrat.] Kentucky in Africa.

AT a meeting of citizens in the 1st || 2. Resolved, That as this plan of Presbyterian church on Thursday evening, the 2d inst., to consult upon the best measures to advance the cause of colonization, Mr. W. Richardson was chosen chairman, and W. F. Bullock, Esq., secretary.

Mr. Cowan, the agent of the colonization society, gave a full statement of his agency in this state in reference to the plan of Kentucky to have a colony of her own in Liberia; and of his success in raising funds to purchase 40 miles square of territory in that country; whereupon the following resolutions were offered and passed unanimously:

1. Resolved, That the plan of having territory within the bounds of Liberia, on the western coast of Africa, to be called Kentucky, that our free colored population may have a country to emigrate to, and enjoy their freedom under an administration of their own color, meets with our cordial approbation.

having a colony of Kentucky Africans planted within the bounds of the Commonwealth of Liberia, has originated in a benevolent regard for their interests, civil, social and moral, it is, in our judgment, the duty of our free colored population to inform themselves of the privileges and advantages they will enjoy by citizenship in Kentucky in Africa, and we would council them to emigrate there.

3. Resolved, That as $700 is now needed ($165 having been raised in the city) to fill up the subscription of $5,000, the sum required to purchase the territory, it is highly important that this city and the county of Jefferson should raise this sum, and thereby show to their fellow citizens in different parts of the state, who have contributed to this object, that we are interested in carrying out this good and great enterprise.

4. Resolved, That Messrs. Beattie, Glover, Ranney, Bucklin, Bayless,

Pettit, J. S. Morris, Throgmorton, J. S. Lithgow, J. Rust and D. M'Allister, be a committee to render to Mr. Cowan such assistance as he shall need to raise funds for the cause in this city.

5. Resolved, That the proceedings

of this meeting be signed by the
Chairman and Secretary, and be
published in the different papers in
the city.

W. F. BULLOCK, Sec'y.

Items of Intelligence.

On the 17th May, at Marshall, a young || man about twenty-one years of age, by the name of Frank Butler, in company with several others who were diving for oysters in the Junk river, was struck by a shark. He survived only long enough to come up to the surface, and tell that he was hurt. A comrade pulled him into their canoe when he expired.

THE two seamen landed here by captain Lideel's sloop (English) are both dead. One cut his throat a few evenings ago in a paroxysm of mania polu it is said, and the other died of the fever.

THE British coaxed ten of the settlers to go to Jamaica two or three years ago, and one of them writes back to his friends in Liberia " You who have your thatched


houses, make yourselves happy, and try to rear your colony in the fear of God, and improve your societies: for this is the most abominable place I ever saw. By the help of the Lord I hope to reach home some day. This is a miserable and adulterous hole."

A Boa Constrictor was captured near Old Field settlement, Messurado river, the stomach of which contained a full grown deer, horns and all. The natives were preparing to feast upon his snakeship, the carcass of which they described as "big hog meat."

A boat belonging to the Water Witch by some means went on shore a few days ago at Little Bassa, and was knocked to pieces. She had been in chase of a slaver.

Receipts of the American Colonization Society,
From the 22d October, to the 22d November, 1845.

By Rev. A. M. Cowan :—(dona-
tions reported in gross in last
No. of the Repository.)
Scott Co.-Rev. F. G. Strahan...
Harrison Co.-G. H. Perrin, $50,
E. F. Easton, $10, Jo. Carr,
$5, Theo. Walker, $3, Jo-
seph Wasson, $2...
Bourbon Co.-John King, $20,
John H Jones, and Wm. Jones,
each $5.....
Fayette Co.-Samuel Laird, $100,
R. Pindell, Edward Oldham,
Col. Robert Innes, each $30 to
constitute themselves life mem-
bers, Solomon Vanmeter, $20,
Isaac C. Vanmeter, $15, John
W. Overturn, $5, Charles Pat-
rick, $1.....

Madison Co.-H. T. Terrill....
Garrard Co.-Moses Collier....
Lincon Co.-Rev. S. S. McRoberts.
Boyle Co.-John R. Ford, M. G.
Youce, each $20, R. Montgom-
ery, and James L. Crawford,
each $10, F. S. Read, Wm. W.

5 00

70 00

30 00

231 00

20 00
5 00

5 00

McDowell, Willis Grimes, and
A. D. Meyers, each $5..
Shelby Co.-John Crawford, L. W.
Duprey, John Robinson, Mrs.
R. Beattie, Mrs. Jane J. Lo-
gan, each $5.....
Covington-J. M. Preston, $30 to
constitute himself a life mem-
ber, R. S. Brush, Wm. Ernst,
M. M. Benton, A. L. Z. Grier,
Jno. K. McNuckle, H. J.Grees-
back,each $5, Go.C.Tarwin, $1.
Louisville-John L. Martin, $30
to constitute himself a life mem-
ber, Abraham Hite, and D. B.
Allen, each $20, Willis Ranney,
Wm. F. Pettit, James Speed,
Prentis & Weissinger, William
Richardson, Dr. Sam'l B. Rich-
ardson, Wm. E. Glover, W. H.
Field, Wm. Miller, George C.
Gwathney, Rev. E. P. Hum-
phry, Samuel Messick, Mrs.
W. L. Breckenridge, Mrs. Am-
anda Hall, Miss Mary Hall, Mrs.
McFarland, Mrs. Eliza Cassa-
dey, Miss Mary Ann McNutt,

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