Slike strani

Rev. Sirs, you do not know how much good you may effect by merely giving your people the opportunity of contributing to this object; but if you will throw the whole weight of your influence into the scale of Colonization, there is a moral certainty that glorious success will attend the combined effort. If five thousand congregations should contribute each only $10, it would amount to $50,000. Or if one thousand would contribute each $50, it would produce the same sum. Perhaps, respected gentlemen, you will never have the opportunity again of doing as much good by so easy an effort. Many little streams combined, swell into a large river; so a small contribution from all who approve the cause, will meet every exi gency. But we know that there are some and their number is increas ing-who will not be contented to give a small contribution. As they have the ability, so they have the heart, to give liberally. There is no enjoyment of wealth so sweet and so enduring as that which arises from using it in promoting benevolent objects. This is indeed the luxury of wealth, the only thing in which the rich man has any real superiority over the poor. What unfeigned pleasure must it afford to the early benefactors of the Colonization Society, to contemplate the success of an enterprise, pronounced by so many to be utopian, and reviled by others as wicked. and cruel. It is now too late to look back. We have in Liberia a Colo ny of five or six thousand persons, enjoying all the benefits of civil and religious society, as fully as they are enjoyed by any equal population on the globe. Shall we abandon them? Are we not morally bound to bring to a completion, what we have been enabled so auspiciously to commence?


We are kindly permitted to publish the following letter to Dr. LINDSLY, of this city, from Dr. DAY, who went to Liberia last year as physician to the Colony. Our readers will be glad to know that at the time it was written the health of the colonists was good, with the exception of bad colds, which usually prevail during the season of the Harmattan winds. These winds are cold, dry and absorbing, and may naturally be supposed to effect the system disagreeably,


DEAR DOCTOR,-You are already informed of our having arrived here on the 24th of November, after an extraordinary long passage of fifty-seven days. Notwithstanding the lateness in the month of November of our arrival, the rainy season had then scarcely closed; we had heavy showers almost every night and sometimes during the day, for weeks. These were followed by several severe thunder showers, when the air became settled for the dry season.

The universal green that met my eye on first stepping upon this land, the deep verdant richness of the impenetrable forest, gaily hung with festoons and columns of parasites, almost as numerous as the trees themselves, despite the dry season, still generally prevail, though the grass and her bage in every path and street in Monrovia, which is almost soilless, have

now a less lively hue, the grass is becoming parched and dry, the herbage drooping and yellow.

You, in common with every friend to Africa and the cause of African Missions, will be surprised and sorrowful on learning that two of the missionaries of the Baptist Board, who came out in the Hobart with me, have fallen victims already to the African fever. Mrs. FIELDING died on the 3d January, two days after the Hobart sailed, bearing letters from her to her anxious friends at home, telling them the incidents of her sea-faring hitherto, her safe disembarkation, comfortable situation, and pleasing prospects. She was a quick perceiver of the beautiful in nature, and more than her companions was delighted with the beauty and picturesque scenery of the country. She was much attracted by the endless variety of flowers, that everywhere grew along the paths, and by the river's side. Hers was a mind

"To go abroad rejoicing in the joy

Of beautiful and well created things,

To love the voice of waters and the sheen
Of silver fountains leaping to the sea;
To thrill with the rich melody of the birds
Living their life of music, to be glad

In the gay sunshine, recreant in the storm;

To see a beauty in the stirring leaf,

And find calm thoughts beneath the whispering tree;

To see and hear and breathe the evidence

Of Gon's deep wisdom in the natural world.”

But alas! too soon those eyes are closed; that heart which beat so waren with sympathy for the poor African, as to impel her to forsake brother and sister, friends and social life, to seek him under the shade of his own palm tree, shall throb no more with warm emotions of sympathy and love. Yet the fatal fever stays not here. Left to mourn the loss of se good a wife, grieving that she should not have been spared to smooth bis pillow in this land of strangers, and aid him in his Gospel work, and lamenting he would have to tread the toilsome path alone, the husband finds his path a short one, and his solitary labor soon over. It is supposed the sorrow for his wife hastened his death; he died on the 18th of the same month.

The destination of this band was the valley of the Niger, but as no opportunity offered of proceeding down the coast at that time, they were obliged to remain at Edina. It was esteemed fortunate by their friends that such was the case, as at Edina they would be among friends who could take care of them in sickness, and was considered to be a more healthy locality than any they proposed stopping at.

The survivors, Mr. and Mrs. CONSTANTINE, have had the fever and recovered. Three out of four of the emigrants and myself, have had slight attacks. I do not know the circumstances attending the illness, ner the violence of the attacks which carried off Mr. and Mrs. FIELDING.

I may advert to what I considera bad species of economy in any Mission ary Society. That of sending their missionary men and women to the mercy of a merciless climate, without the protection of a physician. The mission establishments at Cape Palmas and here, have each a physician. A christian physician could be as useful as any one of the family in the schools; and an educated physician could greatly aid the superior in the arduous task of reducing the native language to writing, in preparing books in the native and English languages for the press, and in every duty save the one of preaching; he might be equally valuable,, and accomplish

as much as the best of preachers. Therefore in sending a physician they would not only have a protection, so far as earthly means can be a protection, for the other members, but have an additional laborer in the field. Africa is a wide field and open to receive instruction. It is indeed too true, that the habits and associations of the adult native African are such that missionaries can hope to do but little with the old. They will hear the preacher when they can; they will even weep with him, and seem very much affected when he is affected, but when he is gone all is forgotten. But still they are even anxious that "America men" shall come among them and teach their little ones. When I was at Edina, BOB GRAY, whose name is well known to the friends of Colonization, at the request of the Governor, brought two girls and placed them at the Mission school.

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I have before expressed to you my very agreeable surprise at finding the Colony such as it is-embracing so many flourishing settlements, and having a people among whom you can recognise scarce a lineament of the American slave. Men here are men as you find them in other communities. Showing as they do a proper respect for themselves and you, you cannot remember your former prejudices, however strong they may have been, but meet them at once, without a reflection, on terms of perfect equality. But when you come to see them actively engaged in commercial enterprises, sending out and receiving ladened vessels of their own building, carrying on trade extensively, and making haste to get rich"-when you see them marching orderly to their ballot-boxes to elect their own representative Legislature-when you see them parade a fine military, armed and equipped at their own expense, and hear some of their old men tell of the wars in which they fought, and bravely repulsed the savage foe-learn their ardor and the extent to which they are engaging in agricultural pursuits— and then attend their Legislature, see their order, and dignity, hear their reports, their laws and their speeches,-I think, with me, you would be lost in attempting to believe these same men were once oppressed and broken spirited slaves. Who would not, under such circumstances, exclaim, "where is the talisman that has wrought this great and happy change? Give me to wave it over America till I see the shackles fall from her millions of most unfortunate colored population!" You have the talisman-the magic word is Colonization-Colonization has done it, and Colonization alone shall complete the work.

If I may be allowed a word respecting Abolitionists, let me express all due respect for the talents of their most gifted, and the good intentions of the mass. Yet in the ardent pursuit of their alledged favorite object, "the welfare of the African," they forget that any body, beside themselves, may have the same object as dearly at heart, and when they would frustrate the means adopted by every other person for the accomplishment of the same most desirable end, they display a zeal that is "a zeal without knowledge." And in their opposition to Colonization, and their attempts to baffle the plans and doings of the Society, they show a monomaniacal spirit, and viewing them as absolute maniacs upon this subject, I would kindly direct their attention to an "Asylum," Asylum," a very short visit to which will abate their madness, and return them healthy and sane to be a comfort to their friends as long as they may live. That "Asylum," sir, is Liberia-send as many Abolitionists as you are able-let them see and know for themselves.

You will probably have learned before this time the destruction of the baracoons at Gallinas river, and the abandonment of the slave traffic by the actor at New Cesters. By the suppression of the trade at these two points, we were too happy to inform you that from Sherbro to Whydah,

a distance of not less than 1500 miles, the coast was freed from that most accursed of all cursed trades. Since that time it is reported one of the slavers from Gallinas has established himself at a place called Mauna Rock, a short distance this side and a little inland, and is "making trade" in slaves. We are assured, however, he can remain there but a very short time, for some one of the English cruisers will cause his factory to be razed to the ground. No branch of the baleful Gallinas' Bohan Upas cap ever again take fast root in this part of Africa's scil.

The Legislature at their sitting in January, appointed commissioners to survey a route of communication between Monrovia and Marshall, and between the latter place and Bassa Cove. The object desired is a water carriage for canoes. This, if nothing be accomplished more than the survey, shows an anxiety on the part of the people for more easy means of intercommunication, and a desire to develope in their vicinity, the resources of this immense unknown continent.

I have alluded to agriculture: on this subject there is an increasing interest. This impulse has, in a measure, been given by the premiums offered by the Governor the last and the present years. It is not, however, all attributable to these. The people are beginning to see that the few only can grow rich by trade; the many must find their wealth in the soil, and they are tired, by one day's labor in a week, of drawing thence a bare subsistance. In December, near forty thousand coffee trees were living, the planting and growth of the year 1840. The number next year will prob ably exceed this. These all in a few years will become a source of profit to the owners, much larger in proportion than in any other coffee countryTo show you what calculations may be made, a colonist last year picked from one tree three bushels of berries, which it was found yielded four pounds dried coffee to the bushel. You may think this an extreme case; I grant it. But there are now bearing, numbers of trees, which will every one yield one bushel, and many of them two bushels of berries to the tree. Taking the smallest estimate of one bushel to each tree, what a happy con trast in Liberia's favor is this fruitful product compared with the West India plantations, where a thousand pounds from a thousand trees is esteemed a good crop. In addition to the growth of coffee, sugar cane wilk soon be cultivated to a considerable extent. From the cane grown last year, about two thousand pounds of very good sugar was made, and as much more in the form of syrup. Could we get cattle that would live here of sufficient strength for the plough, agriculture would advance rapidly, and every article that may become an export fairly tried.

As an interesting and by no means trifling proof of some of the statements I have made of the enterprise of the colonists, permit me in conclusion to state, that I forward this letter as far as Liverpool, by one of the citizen merchants, who goes there to purchase merchandise, and effect an arrangement with some mercantile house by which he shall be regularly supplied.

Most sincerely yours.
From your friend,

To H. LINDSLY, M. D., Washington, D. C.


NOTE-Dr. Dar furnishes us with a table of the state of the weather during the month of January and part of Febrary. During that time, the mean temperature be tween 9 o'clock. A. M., an1 9 o'clock P. M., was 974 degrees Fahrenheit. The thermom→ eter never fell below 68 degrees, nor rose above 84 degrees in the hall of the Government. House, which is open at each end, at one door receiving the land, and at the other the sea breeze. The lowest the barometer was in the same months was 29 degrees 82 minutes; the highest 30 degrees. The mean range for January was 29 degrees 88 minutes


Delivered at sundry meetings for the appointment of Delegates, holden in Washington and Cumberland Counties, by the General Agent of the Maryland State Colonization Society.

WHAT good the scheme of African Colonization is capable of effecting to the colored race, both the American emigrant and the native African, can be best shown by a brief history of the operations of the Society. Upon this subject, from my intimate connexion with the Colony since the period of its establishment, to the present time, I speak with confidence, and trust that I may obtain full credence for what is stated as fact at least.

It will be recollected by most of you conversant with the subject, that the American Colonization Society commenced its operations, and founded a settlement at Cape Messurado, on the West Coast of Africa, in the year 1822, through the agency of Dr. AYRES, subsequently agent of the Maryland State Colonization Society. This Colony suffered severely from the hostility of the natives, and the diseases peculiar to the climate, and was very often reduced to a state of extreme distress and suffering. It owes its preservation during the dark and stormy periods of its early existence, to the enthusiasm and firmness of ASHMUN, the WASHINGTON of Liberia, as a leader, but not less to the determined bravery and good conduct of the colonists. The expedition which established this Colony was fitted out in Baltimore, and a large proportion of the funds for the same furnished by the citizens of that city. Subsequently, various auxiliary Societies in aid of the American Colonization Society, were established and well supported in different parts of Maryland.

In 1828, the State of Maryland appropriated 1000 dollars per annum, specially for the purpose of transporting emigrants to Africa by the American Colonization Society. In 1831, the Maryland State Colonization Society was organized and chartered, to act as auxiliary to the Parent Society at Washington, with express stipulation, however, that her funds should be used under the direction of her own Board of Directors, and for the purpose of transporting and maintaining emigrants from the State of Maryland only. In the autumn of 1831, immediately subsequent to the Southampton massacre, the Legislature of the State feeling deeply the importance of definite and decisive action upon the subject, appropriated the sum of $200,000 to be expended in transporting the free colored population and manumitted slaves from the State, and making suitable provision for them in such places as they might be disposed to chose for a residence; and enacted such laws as was supposed would effect the object desired. Soon after this appropriation two vessels were despatched to Liberia with about 180 emigrants, under the direction of the Maryland State Colonization Society. Subsequently, for reasons which it is unnecessary to detail, it was resolved upon to establish a new and independent Colony, to be solely under the management and government of the Maryland State Colonization Society, and to which alone the Maryland emigrants should be sent. The autumn of 1833 was fixed upon as the time for the commencement of operations. Accordingly an agent was appointed, emigrants collected, a vessel chartered, and military stores, provisions, trade goods, instruments of husbandry and of the various mechanic arts, frame of a public building, and all that provident foresight could deem necessary in the formation of a small settlement in a barbarous and uncivilized country, were procured and put on board; and in November the vessel sailed from the port of Baltimore. She reached the Colony of Liberia in January, after a long and

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