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tedious passage-took on board some already acclimated colonists, formerly of Maryland, and sailed for Cape Palmas, the place of their destination, where they arrived about the 18th February, 1834. Negotiations were at once opened for the purchase of territory, and with little comparative difficulty this was effected. A grant was made by the associated kings to the Maryland State Colonization Society of about 500 square miles of territory, reserving to themselves the right of remaining on the same, and inhabiting the towns and villages of which they were at that time possessed. On the 22d of February, a landing was effected, and formal possession taken of the country. The number of male adults capable of bearing arms comprising the new Colony was 23; these were colored men, taken promiscuously from that class of the population of Maryland. But a fraction of this number could read or write, were at all acquainted with the use of fire-arms, entirely ignorant of every thing appertaining to civil government, or even the ordinary business transactions of life, Within two hundred yards of the site selected for the erection of their temporary dwellings, was a native town containing some two thousand inhabitants, and of these were about three hundred men provided with and accustomed to the use of fire-arms in warfare after their fashion. Two hours notice would call to their aid four times that number from the same tribe residing in neighboring towns. The character of this people although not fierce and warlike, was turbulent and quarrelsome, not scrupling when occasion offered to commit the most atrocious, if not daring acts of piracy and robbery. But four years previous to this period the inhabitants of this very town had sallied out in their canoes, attacked and captured a British brigantine, steered her into their harbor, and dismantled her. She would have been entirely destroyed had not a vessel of war opportunely hove in sight. Such was the character and such the comparative numerical strength of the two classes of men now at once thrown into immediate contact. And it may not be irrelevant to notice the causes which preserved them from that collision, which it might be supposed would naturally arise from their mutu al position, both parties being so pregnant with the elements of discord, and neither possessed to any great degree of conservative moral power. That war and bloodshed was not the almost immediate consequence, perhaps affords a stronger argument in support of a belief in the special interposition of Divine Providence than is to be furnished by any incident of modern history. Still, however strong might have been the confidence in Divine protection, it served not to deter the agent from adopting all human means to preserve peace and harmony; without which all the hopes of the Colony must be sacrificed. The main reliance was placed upon reasoning and moral suasion. True, the first step was to put the Colony in the best possible state of defence, which their limited means would allow; but the natives were given to understand that the armament was strictly one of defence, and would be brought into service only in ease of aggression. They were made fully to understand that our object in planting the colony in their country was to improve their condition and character. They were made clearly to comprehend the meaning of political and commercial faith, and honesty, and were assured that the same would be observed in all intercourse with them, and would always be expected and exacted in return. It was impressed upon them that mutual good could only grow out of mutual faith, and that a breach thereof on either side would be productive of ill consequences to both parties. The demonstration of the real utility of these principles by all intercourse with them of what kind soever, although not adequate to prevent individual altercations, and petty strifes, and indul gence in their strong natural propensity to theft, has yet for a period of

seven years, continued to preserve the Colony on terms of fellowship with the surrounding tribes.

[blocks in formation]

Thus, this negro colony affords the second instance in modern times of the establishment of a civilized government in a barbarous land, in contact with, and embracing within its limits the aborigines of the country, without war and bloodshed. The first was furnished by William Penn it settling Pennsylvania, but with a people, and under circumstances affording no parallel to that of Maryland in Liberia.

Another distinctive characteristic of our Colony, and that which distinguishes it from all existing civil communities, is, the total exclusion of all ardent spirits from its borders, either as an article of domestic consumption or traffic.

This principle is incorporated into the very constitution of the government, and has been scrupulously carried out by every inhabitant, and I ain confident, were the question put to-morrow to the assembled colonists, "shall ardent spirits be admitted as an article of use, either with or without restriction, no hand would be raised save to smite the proposer. The Government itself is an organized temperance society, and as such, will remain until ultimately dissolved.

It is not my purpose to trace this Colony through all the varied and in teresting periods of its existence, or to speak of the dangers which from time to time have threatened its utter extinction, to enumerate the trials, the anxieties, hardships and privations, to which the expatriated American emigrant has necessarily been subjected, in a climate to which for centuries his race has not been accustomed, in a land the produce of whose soil he was entirely ignorant, in which the seed time and harvest to him were unknown, and where from his isolated situation and extreme poverty he was deprived of many of those luxuries which habit had rendered even necessaries of life. I will not attempt to tell you of the agonizing despondency which oft came over them during the long and arduous periods spent in erecting their dwellings, clearing the dense and matted wilderness, opening means of communication through marsh and jungle, and of the repeated failures which attended their attempts at an untried course of cultiva tion, the irksomeness and difficulty they necessarily experienced in forming themselves into an independent society and government, taking upon them selves not only individual, but political responsibility, and above all, of the self-control and forbearance manifested in refraining from retaliation for the frequent and irritating petty thefts, depredations and other annoyances of their less civilized neighbors. Of all these and the like topics much might be said, and much commendation given, still the one-half remains untold, and their merit rests unacknowledged. That they have struggled long and painfully, I bear them witness: that they have endured and overcome manfully, gloriously, the present state of the Colony affords triumphant evidence and to this I will for a few moments solicit your attention:

Maryland in Liberia now embraces an extent of territory of about one thousund square miles, extending on the sea-board about thirty-five miles, including near its northwestern boundary the important promontory called Cape Palmas. Geographically considered, this section of the coast is very important, as it constitutes the south-west rnmost point of the African continent, and is used as a landmark by seamen, in their voyages to the leeward coast, and in the India trade. It ranks next in this respect to the Capes of Good Hope and Verd. The territory is well watered, and the land rich and productive. It is gently undulating, sufficiently so to render it at once easily cultivated, and free from any extent of marshes. The and generally is well timbered, much better than is usual in tropical cli

mates, affording supplies amply sufficient for all purposes of house, shipbuilding and fencing. The natural indigenous products of the country furnish a greater variety of vegetables for food than can be procured by the inhabitants of this region, and they are produced to vastly greater extent in proportion to the land cultivated, than in any part of the temperate zone. Their vegetables are plantain, banana, yams, sweet potato, paw-paw, cassada, egg-plant, okre or gumbo, peas and beans in the greatest perfection; and many species, with the use and qualities of which we are here entirely unacquainted. Rice is the principal grain, and is cultivated to great extent for exportation. Indian corn yields a ready, sure and abundant crop. Cotton, coffee, and the sugar cane, can be cultivated to the greatest perfection. Their domestic animals are bullocks, sheep, goats, swine, fowls, ducks, guinea hens, and pigeons. Asses have been introduced into the Colony as beasts of burden. The first settlement was effected on the point of the Cape, and the town called Harper: from this a well graded carriage road, called the Maryland avenue, extends near five miles into the interior; on each side of which are located the five acre lots of colonists. These are surrounded by a hedge and ditch, inside of which may be a row or two of the broad-leaved banana of the most beautiful pea-green. The principal part of the land is filled with sweet potatoes and cassada, the latter, a dark green plant of about five feet in height; here and there a few orange or lime trees, filled with beautiful yellow fruit. Where the climate is ever of an agrecable temperature, even in a state of nudity, and the soil so very productive, it may reasonably be supposed the inhabitants must be physically a comfortable, if not a happy being.

Previous to the settlement of the Colony a constitution was formed as the basis of its fature government. The principal points of which were extracted from some of the charters of the original States, particularly that of Rhode Island. Nearly the same rights were guaranteed to the inhabitants of the new Colony, as are enjoyed by the citizens of our territories, previous to their admission to the Union. The Colonization Society only reserving of all the officers of the Colony, the right of appointing the Governor, he, of course, being bound to administer such laws as they may enact, not infringing upon the rights guaranteed to the citizens by the constitution. A full code of laws, free from the forms and technicalities of the profession, was drawn up by a legel gentleman of the first eminence, and sent out for their use.

For the past five years the chief executive officer of the Colony, with the title of Governor, has been a colored man. He is a native of Jamaica, was educated at Bowdoin college, in the State of Maine, and stood high in his class, particularly as a Belles-lettre scholar. He is a man of learning, prudence, and profound sagacity, modest and yet dignified in his deportment-he is admirably well adapted to the important and responsible station which he has filled for five years, with so much credit to himself and advantage to the Colony. The colonial physician is also a colored man, received his degree at Dartmouth college, New Hampshire, and was decidedly the best anatomist in his class. He had resided in Liberia some ten years ere he commenced the study of medicine.

The Governor has the power of appointing only his secretary, storekeeper, and justice of the peace; all other officers are elected by the people. They consist of a body of three selectmen, whose duty it is to provide for the poor, to set loafers and vagabonds to work, cause public nuisances to be removed, and to act generally as conservators of the public morals for the township; a committee on new emigrants, to see to their location, and that they receive proper provision, medical attendance, nursing, &c.;

highway surveyors, to see that the roads are kept in order; measurer of lumber, sheriff, constables and registers of deeds, wills, &c. Their military organization is also very perfect and efficient. Two volunteer companies, well officered, the whole under the command of a major. All these offices, so far as my knowledge extends, have been filled by men well fitted to perform the duties of the same, and in no instance has any one failed to do his best to sustain the honor and dignity of the Government. There are two schools constantly in operation in the Colony; one supported by an association of ladies of Baltimore, by whom has been erected a fine stone edifice, which at once does credit to their liberality and bonor to the Colony. The other is supported by the Society. They are loca ted near each extremity of the settlement, so that an opportunity is offered for all children of suitable age. Their attendance is very general and uniform; and I hesitate not to say, that there is not a village in Maryland, if in New England, of but five hundred inhabitants, where there are fewer children without a knowledge of the elements of education than in the town of Harper.

Independent of the mission stations there are two churches in the Colony, a Methodist and Baptist; and of the whole number of colonists of proper age, there is not one-tenth but what are members of some church.

They are decidedly a moral and religious people. There are three very important mission stations within the limits of the town of Harper; viz. the Presbyterian, the Methodist and Episcopalian, employing in all, ineluding the dependencies, about twelve white missionaries, and perhaps twice that number of colored teachers. Although these missions were established specially for the benefit and conversion of the native inhabitants, still they readily and willingly instruct the more advanced colonists in the higher branches of education, and fit them to act as teachers, clerks, &c.

The most important and beneficial results are expected from these mission stations, in addition to the advantage the colonists may receive by their instruction. Through their influence and exertions it is hoped the natives will be induced to embrace christianity and adopt the modes and habits of civilized life, to which results too the example of the colonists (a kind of medium and connecting link between the white missionary and the natives) will greatly contribute. This once effected, intermarriage between the two people will be the natural consequence, and a change thereby commenced which it may reasonably be hoped will speedily extend to tribes far remote. The two undertakings will go hand in hand, and derive from each other mutual aid and support. I have thus endeavored to give you the outlines of the character and circumstances of the Maryland emigrant to Liberia. You have seen him after enduring sickness, trials and hardships incident to his change of climate and entrance on a new state of responsible existence, quietly settled side by side with his sable brethren, in the land of his fathers, in a climate to which he is adapted by his peculiar physical formation. You have seen him the independent master of the soil, digging from its bowels his healthful and daily sustenance, sitting under his own vine and fig tree, with none to molest or make him afraid. You have seen him the temperate and pious father of well instructed progeny, the man of authority dignified with the badge of civil and military honor, a supporter and pillar of his own free Government. You have seen him in all eircumstances and in all relations which give him a title and elaim to the rank of man, and I ask you not to acknowledge in him an improvement or change, but I ask, can you recognise in him the same obsequious, stupid slave that goes with the the ox to his tail, and is possessed of no thought or hope beyond the attainment of

what would gratify his physical passions and desires? I hesitate not to say, that barring all chance of strife, bloodshed and disorganization of gov ernment, were the whole colored population of the United States set free tomorrow, and still remain in contact with the white population, one cen tury would not effect so material a change in the character and being of the slave as has been wrought by a seven years' residence in the Colony of Maryland in Liberia.

The change that has been effected in the native African, although less apparent and diffieult of elucidation, is still not the less material or beneficial. Some prominent individuals it is true have entirely changed and stand in stronger relief before their fellows, perhaps, than any of the colonits, as specimens of the material influence exerted upon them by the combination of the Colonization and missionary movement. Many conversions to christianity have occurred, and a very large number is constantly in attendance on the mission schools. Some two or three native youths are employed as teachers of separate schools in the country. Sundry christian marriages have been solemnized, and polygamy will doubtless be renounced by all the pupils of the various missions. The main instigator and leader of the attack on the British vessel before noted, is now a reformed and civilized man, reads both the English and his native language well, interprets for one of the missionaries, and frequently officiates at the desk in his absence. Independent of all these important and more obvious reformations, there is apparent to one well acquainted with their habits and customs, a gradual improvement pervading the whole community. Their peculiar associations have less power and influence, their doctors and fetish men are less frequently consulted, the terrible ordeal by which persons suspected of withcraft are tried to prove their innocence by drinking a decoction of a poisonous vegetable, is not insisted upon so firmly as heretofore-the King has appointed justices to sit with those of the Colony in trials affecting the interests of the colonists and natives, and constables to assist in arresting offenders, both in his own and the neigh boring towns-in fact their every institution and custom is becoming more or less tinctured with and influenced by those of civilized man, and they are rapidly becoming a new, a regenerated people.

That the operations of the Maryland State Colonization Society have been attended with beneficial results desired by its founders, I believe the foregoing brief detail of facts abundantly proves. So far as the effect in> tended to be produced upon the American emigrant and the native tenant of the soil, the success has far exceeded the most sanguine anticipations of its warmest advocates.

That it has not thus far effected any material change in the mass of our colored population, or relieved our apprehensions of the future, I readily acknowledge; nor were such results to be hoped in so short a period. Colonization was never proposed as a decisive and immediate remedy for our great social evil, but as the only palliative which could ultimately afford any relief. A much longer time, toil, perseverance and additional means are requisite. The Colony must be maintained and preserved in a condition to receive our colored population when the time of their removal shall arrive. Less than this would be injustice to a long suffering and much injured race; more cannot be done.

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