SEC. 2. Constitution.-The various Boards shall consist of the following members: a) The President. b) Eight members, appointed annually by the Board of Trustees on the nomination of the President. c) Administrative officers in charge of any of the activities controlled by Boards are ex-officio members of the appropriate Boards. d) Editors-in-chief of departmental journals are ex-officio members of the Board of the University Press. e) Library advisers of group libraries and the Director of the Press are ex-officio members of the Board of Libraries and Laboratories. f) The Director of the Press is ex-officio a member of the Board of Museums. g) All persons giving medical instruction who are above the rank of assistant and are appointed for more than one year are ex-officio members of the Medical Board. h) The Chairman of the Section Committees, the Secretaries, and the Visitors are ex-officio members of the Board of University Extension. i) Departmental Examiners and Departmental Delegates are ex-officio members of the Board of University Relations. j) The President and Secretary of each chapter in the Christian Union, the President, Secretary, and Head Resident of the University Settlement, and the Director of the University Choir are ex-officio members of the Board of the Christian Union. k) The Secretary to the President, the Secretaries of the Young Men's Christian Association and of the Young Women's Christian League, and the Superintendent of the Employment Bureau are ex-officio members of the Board of Student Employment. 1) One representative from each department in the Colleges of Arts, Literature, and Science shall be appointed annually to the Board of Recommendations by the Board of Trustees on the nomination of the President. SEC. 3. Special Provisions. a) The Board of University Relations meets in two sections, the first for the consider. ation of relations with institutions of university and college grade, and the second for the consideration of relations with institutions of secondary grade. SEC. 4. Jurisdiction and Powers. a) Each University Board shall have legislative and administrative power in regard to those matters for the direction and control of which it is constituted. b) Each University Board shall report all actions to the Senate and the General Board. c) Any action of a University Board may be altered or reversed by the Senate. d) Any action of a University Board, chiefly administrative in character, may be altered or reversed by the General Board. e) Each Board concerned shall be given an opportunity to be heard by the Senate or General Board, through representatives appointed by it for that purpose, before final action is taken under c) or d), preceding. The operation of Board actions may, however, be suspended meanwhile, in the discretion of the Senate or General Board. ARTICLE XI THE UNIVERSITY CONGREGATION SECTION 1. Constitution.-The Congregation shall consist of such persons of the following classes as have been duly registered. a) Officers of administration and instruction of the rank of instructor and above. b) Doctors of Philosophy of the University. c) Representatives of the Doctors of Law (J.D.) and Bachelors of Laws of the University; of the Bachelors of Divinity of the University of three years standing; of the Masters of Arts, Philosophy, and Science of the University of five years standing; of the Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, and Science of the University of ten years standing-under the following conditions, viz: not more than five from the Doctors of Law and Bachelors of Laws; from the Bachelors of Divinity; from the Masters of Arts, Philosophy and Science; and not more than ten from the Bachelors of Arts, Philosophy, and Science, shall be elected yearly for a term of ten years by their respective alumni associations, each association having power to fill vacancies as they occur. d) Such others as may be recommended by the Senate and elected by the Congregation to honorary membership-provided that not more than five honorary members may be elected yearly. e) Registration is effected when the member has recorded his name on the official roll of the Congregation kept by the Recorder. SEC. 2. Officers, Meetings, and Functions.-A Vice-President, Treasurer, and Marshal are elected annually. At least one stated meeting is held annually, and the Congregation may be convened at other times according to such regulations as it may prescribe or at the call of the President. It may consider actions of all Ruling Bodies, and may make recommendations. ARTICLE XII AMENDMENTS Amendments to this Statute may be recommended to the Board of Trustees in either of the following ways: a) Amendments may be recommended to the Senate by any Ruling Body, or the Senate itself may propose them. An opportunity shall then be given to any other Ruling Bodies affected also to make recommendations upon the matter to the Senate. By a majority vote the Senate may recommend the proposed amendments to the Board of Trustees for adoption. Should the Senate be adverse, any Faculty may still have the matter presented to the Board of Trustees by a two-thirds vote (a majority of the voting members of the Faculty in residence being present), in which case there shall be laid before the Board of Trustees a report stating the recommendations of all Ruling Bodies and the adverse action of the Senate, with the reasons for each. b) Upon call of the President, or at the request of the Senate, or of any two Faculties, or of any one Faculty by a two-thirds vote, a joint meeting shall be held of all Faculties at which amendments may be recommended directly to the Board of Trustees. The Senate or any Faculty may dissent from these recommendations and may present to the Board of Trustees a statement containing the reasons therefor. 15. The Academic Year is divided into four quarters. The Summer Quarter is divided into two terms. The year begins with the first day of the Summer Quarter. The Autumn Quarter begins about October first and continues until shortly before Christmas. The Winter Quarter begins about January second and continues eleven to twelve weeks. The Spring Quarter begins approximately a week after the end of the Winter Quarter, and continues eleven to twelve weeks. The Summer Quarter begins immediately after the Spring Quarter and continues about eleven weeks. There is a recess of about a month between the Summer and Autumn Quarters. 16. Work and vacation credit of instructors.-Each resident instructor gives instruction thirty-six weeks of the year, ten hours a week or its equivalent. The instructor takes his vacation in any one of the four quarters, according as it may be arranged, or he may take two vacations of six weeks each at different periods of the year. For every quarter or term in a year he may teach, in addition to the number of hours required, he receives, according as it may be arranged by the President, either an extra full prorata vacation or an extra two-thirds pro-rata salary, payable monthly during such vacation period. In case of resignation or death, vacation credit thus earned is paid on the basis of two-thirds pro-rata salary. With reference to vacation credit the following limitations are to be observed: 1) No obligation against the University for extra vacation credit shall be created except by vote of the Board of Trustees, on recommendation of the President, in each individual case. 2) As a rule no member of the Faculty may acquire at a given time more than nine months extra vacation credit. 3) No member of the Faculty lower in rank than an Associate shall be entitled to obtain extra vacation credit. 17. Convocation.-A quarterly Convocation is held during the last week of each quarter. At this Convocation degrees are conferred upon students who have completed their courses of study. 18. Classification of courses.-Courses of instruction in the University are classified as majors and minors. The minor calls for four or five hours of classroom work, or its equivalent, each week for six weeks; the major, for four or five hours of classroom work, or its equivalent, each week for twelve weeks. A minor calling for eight to ten hours of classroom work, or its equivalent, each week, is called a double minor; a major calling for eight to ten hours of classroom work, or its equivalent, each week, is called a double major. The regular work of a student during each quarter is three majors or their equivalent. 19. Non-resident work.-In substituting non-resident work for resident work, the following are the conditions: a) The non-resident student is required to matriculate in the University, and, before receiving any degree, to spend one year of the time required for it in residence. b) Non-resident work done under the direction of the University Extension Division of the University of Chicago, when duly completed and reported, will be accepted as meeting the requirement for the Bachelor's degree to the maximum amount of eighteen majors, provided such credit be conditioned upon at least one year of satisfactory work in residence. c) Non-resident work for an advanced degree will be accepted for not more than one-third of the total requirement for such degree. The candidate will be required to pass the first year of his graduate study in residence at the University, unless he is able to satisfy the head of the department in which his particular work is to be done that he can do the introductory work in a satisfactory manner when not in attendance. d) The non-resident work for advanced degrees must be performed under the general direction of the head of the department. e) The examination for credit on a non-resident course must be passed at the University of Chicago, or, if elsewhere, under supervision approved by the University. f) The final examination for advanced degrees must be passed at the University of Chicago. 20. Divisions and Student Councils.-The students of the Senior Colleges are classified in divisions, according to the number of major credits on the University records. The students of the Junior Colleges are subdivided into college groups, four for men and four for women. From these senior divisions and junior colleges student representatives are chosen to form Senior and Junior Councils. These councils serve as the executive committees of the students, consider any matters referred to them by the Faculty and report upon the same, and superintend any meetings or celebrations of the students of the Senior and Junior Colleges respectively. The councilors act in connection with the Faculty officers of each division. 21. Fellowships.-The Fellowships of the University are assigned solely on the ground of proficiency already attained in a given department. The Fellow is expected to give one-sixth of his time to some service in connection with the University. He is not permitted while holding a fellowship to do work of any kind for which he receives remuneration, without the permission of the President. 22. Chapel service and public worship.—A daily chapel service is held on week days. Attendance is required one day in each week from students in the Colleges. 23. Cap and gown.-The official cap and gown are worn by the instructors and students of the University on appropriate public occasions. 24. Degrees.-The degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Philosophy, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Education, Master of Arts, Master of Philosophy, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy, Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Divinity, Bachelor of Laws, and Doctor of Law (J.D.), are conferred upon the recommendation of the several Faculties. Candidates for degrees are recommended only after a residence at the University of at least one year. The (honorary) degrees of Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Music, and Doctor of Laws are conferred upon the recommendation of appropriate departments or schools confirmed by a four-fifths vote of the University Senate. These degrees are granted only for specific achievements in such fields as scholarship, discovery, or administration. At the Convocation ceremony the President recites the specific ground upon which these degrees are conferred, and the recipients are present in person. 25. Titles and Certificates.-The title of Associate is conferred upon students who complete the work of the Junior Colleges, in accordance with the regulations of the Faculty of the Colleges; and the two years certificate of the College of Education is conferred upon students who complete that amount of work according to the regulations of the Faculty of the College of Education. 26. University bills.—(a) The tuition fee is $40 a quarter, except in the Law School where it is $50, and in the Medical Courses where it is $60. Students taking half work or less pay one-half the fee. College students taking more than three courses pay $15 for each course thus added. The matriculation fee, examination fee (on entrance), and special examination fee are each $5. The graduating fee is $10. Laboratory fees depend upon the nature of the course. (b) All University bills are due and payable in advance, on the first day of the quarter. Registration is not complete until bills for the quarter are paid, and accordingly no student with unpaid bills is entitled to attend a University exercise. 27. Official documents.-The official documents of the University are: (a) the Weekly Calendar; (b) the University Record; (c) the Annual Register; (d) the Announcements, Bulletins, and Circulars of Information; (e) the Quarterly Time Schedules; and (f) the President's Report. 28. All rules, regulations, and statutes, heretofore adopted, inconsistent with these statutes, are hereby repealed. GENERAL ORGANIZATION OF THE UNIVERSITY The University is organized into six distinct Divisions: I, Schools and Colleges; II, Extension; III, Libraries, Laboratories, and Museums; IV, Press; V, Relations; VI, Physical Culture and Athletics. The Schools at present organized are: the Graduate School of Arts and Literature; the Ogden (Graduate) School of Science; the Divinity School, the Law School; the Medical Courses (in co-operation with Rush Medical College); and the School of Education. The Colleges at present organized are: the Colleges of Arts, of Literature, of Science, of Philosophy, of Commerce and Administration; the College of Education; University College; the College of Religious and Social Science. The College of Education is the professional department of the School of Education, of which the University High School and the University Elementary School are also parts. The Extension Division directs, by lectures and correspondence courses, the work of students who are unable to attend the exercises held at the University. Under the third Division are included: the General Library and all Departmental Libraries; the general museums and all special museums. The Press Division has charge of all printing and publication for the University, and of the purchase and distribution of books and supplies. The Division of University Relations is charged with the supervision of matters pertaining to the institutions in affiliation or co-operation with the University. The Division of Physical Culture and Athletics is charged with the provision of required courses in physical culture and the direction of athletics. OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION HARRY PRATT JUDSON, President of the University. ALONZO KETCHAM PARKER, Recorder.. CHARLES RICHMOND HENDERSON, Chaplain. THOMAS WAKEFIELD GOODSPEED, Registrar. WALLACE HECKMAN, Counsel and Business Manager. TREVOR ARNETT, Auditor. David Allan Robertson, Secretary to the President. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES GEORGE EDGAR VINCENT, Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Literature, and Science. ALBION WOODBURY SMALL, Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Literature. ROLLIN D. SALISBURY, Dean of the Ogden (Graduate) School of Science. MARION TALBOT, Dean of Women. |