CONDITIONS OF ADMISSION ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATE DEPARTMENT 1. The presentation to the University Examiner of a diploma of graduation from a reputable college entitles the applicant to register in the Graduate School. 2. If, however, the applicant desires to come into candidacy for the Master's or Doctor's degree in the University of Chicago, it must be ascertained whether the Bachelor's degree received from another institution, and represented by the diploma, is the equal to the Bachelor's degree of the University of Chicago. This is ascertained by submitting to the University Examiner a transcript of the undergraduate work done by the applicant for the Bachelor's degree which he has already received. If it be found that this work is less in value than that required for the Bachelor's degree in the University of Chicago, the applicant is required to satisfy the requirements for the Chicago degree. 3. This adjustment of undergraduate credits in order to make sure that the Bachelor's degree taken elsewhere is the equivalent of the Chicago degree, includes the presentation of satisfactory evidence that the collegeentrance requirements have also been satisfied. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Students wishing to enter the two-year course leading to a certificate only are required to satisfy the regular requirements for admission to the Junior College of the University of Chicago. Preparation for admission to the Junior College is expected to cover a period of four years in a first-class high school or institution of similar grade. Details with regard to the number of units required can be ascertained by addressing Examiner Frank J. Miller, Room 8A, Cobb Lecture Hall. Students registering for the advanced course in the College of Education which leads to the degree of Ed.B., must give evidence that they have completed two years of preliminary college work, either in the College of Education, or in the Junior Colleges of the University, or in some equivalent course at an accepted institution. Credentials for work of the latter sort should be submitted to the University Examiner, Room 8A, Cobb Lecture Hall. A certificate of vaccination is required of each entering student. This certificate is to be given to the Dean at the time of registration. GRADUATION AND DIPLOMA 1. A student must have been registered as a candidate for a certificate, or degree, and pursuing courses prescribed by the College at least three quarters before graduation from the College of Education. 2. No candidate will receive a diploma, certificate, or degree from the College of Education until the Faculty is convinced of his ability to teach successfully in some specified grade, department, or school, and has completed all other requirements for non-credit courses. ADMISSION TO THE HIGH SCHOOL AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Conditions of admission to these schools can be learned on application at the offices of these schools. THE UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL The University High School consists of the Chicago Manual Training School, established by the Commercial Club of Chicago, March 23, 1882, and the South Side Academy, founded in 1892. The first-named school was incorporated with the University of Chicago in 1897, the latter in 1901. In 1903 the two schools were combined to form the University High School and were transferred to the new buildings in Scammon Court, forming a part of the group of schools known as the School of Education. The school year is divided into four quarters of about twelve weeks each. The majority of students are expected to spend but three quarters of the year in study. The courses are arranged to cover the Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters, and students in attendance during these quarters (i.e., October to June inclusive) are advised to take their vacation during the Summer Quarter. The courses of the Summer Quarter are, in the main, the same as those offered in the remaining quarters. The arrangements of the courses, however, is considerably different. In most of the studies two recitations are held daily, and students are restricted to fewer subjects. A special circular describing the work, is published during the Spring Quarter, and may be had on application. THE COURSES OF STUDY The courses of study offered by the High School are arranged to include, as far as possible, all subjects that may fairly belong to a secondary school curriculum. They provide a systematic and practical training for the students whose formal education ends with the work of the school, and also an adequate preparation for any college or technical school in the country. A considerable portion of the work is elective. The choice of studies is determined, in part, by the needs and future pursuits of the pupil; in part, by the natural sequence of the studies themselves. The wide range of electives makes it possible for the student to exercise a large degree of choice. This choice, however, is subject to the approval of the Deans. THE UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The University Elementary School includes kindergarten and eight grades. For the purpose of supervision, the school is divided into three general sections. The first includes the first, second, and third grades; the second includes the fourth and fifth grades; the third section includes the three highest grades in the school. Each of the grades is in charge of a critic teacher, and each of the sections is in charge of a general teacher, whose function it is to supervise all of the grades in that section, and to co-operate in the work of instruction in such a way that individual children who are either behind the regular class, or in advance of the regular class, may receive special instruction. This system makes it possible to combine the advantages of class instruction with the advantages of individual instruction, and it insures to each child as rapid promotion as his attainments justify, for the general teacher will see to it that whenever a child is prepared to advance from one grade to the next, he shall be so advanced. The members of the Faculty of the College of Education and also the members of the Graduate Department of Education, participate in the formulation of the course of study and the general plans for the conduct of this school. The practiceteaching which is carried on by students of the College, is under the immediate supervision of the grade teacher, and of one of the members of the Graduate Department whose special function it is to deal with the problem of educational methods. STUDENT SERVICE A limited number of students are admitted to remunerated service as messengers, library assistants, Deans' clerks, typewriters, stenographers, etc. 1. Qualifications.-One quarter of previous residence for which fees were paid in full; satisfactory standing in studies; dependence on such support for continuance of college course. 2. Remuneration.-Rates are fixed by the President and the Business Manager. As a rule, twenty cents per hour is allowed for service. For such service the student will receive a voucher which, when presented to the Registrar within twenty days of issue, will be accepted in payment of two-thirds of the tuition fees for the quarter. NOTE.-Students who do not give satisfactory service will forfeit all remuneration. Absences are charged against students from the opening of the quarter until the time that the voucher is presented and the tuition settled, as in the case of any other mode of payment. THE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION HARRY PRATT JUDSON, President of the University. WALTER A. PAYNE, Secretary of the Lecture-Study Department. HERVEY FOSTER MALLORY, Secretary of the Correspondence-Study Department. GEORGIA LOUISE CHAMBERLIN, Secretary of the Reading and Library Department in the American Institute of Sacred Literature. ZELLA ALLEN DIXSON, Associate Librarian. CHAIRMEN OF SECTION COMMITTEES: RICHARD GREEN MOULTON, General Literature. ERNEST DEWITT BURTON, Sacred Literature. FRANCIS WAYLAND SHEPARDSON, Historical and Social Sciences. GEORGE WILLIAM MYERS, Education. THE FACULTY THE LECTURE STUDY DEPARTMENT RICHARD GREEN MOULTON, PH.D., Professor and Head of the Department of General Literature. JOHN MERLE COULTER, PH.D., Professor and Head of the Department of Botany. NATHANIEL BUTLER, A.M.., LL.D., Professor of Education. BENJAMIN TERRY, PH.D., LL.D., Professor of Mediaeval and English History. WILLIAM DARNALL MACCLINTOCK, A.M., Professor of English Literature. IRA MAURICE PRICE, PH.D., LL.D., Professor of the Semitic Languages and Literatures. HENRY MORSE-STEPHENS, A.M., Professor of History, University of California; Professorial Lecturer in History. SHAILER MATHEWS, A.M., D.D., Professor of Historical and Comparative Theology and Head of the Department of Systematic Theology. THEODORE GERALD SOARES, PH.D., D.D., Professor of Homiletics and Religious Education and Head of the Department of Practical Theology. GRAHAM TAYLOR, D.D., LL.D., Professor in the Chicago Theological Seminary; Professorial Lecturer in Sociology. WILLIAM NORMAN GUTHRIE, A.M., Professorial Lecturer in General Literature. TOYOKICHI IYENAGA, PH.D., Professorial Lecturer in Political Science. ALBERT HARRIS TOLMAN, PH.D., Associate Professor of English Literature. HERBERT LOCKWOOD WILLETT, PH.D., Associate Professor of the Semitic Languages and Literatures. JEROME HALL RAYMOND, PH.D., Associate Professor of Sociology. PERCY HOLMES BOYNTON, A.M., Assistant Professor of English. W. M. R. FRENCH, A.B., Lecturer in Art. JENKIN LLOYD JONES, Lecturer in English. HORACE SPENCER FISKE, A.M., Lecturer in English Literature. GLENN DILLARD GUNN, Lecturer in Music. Jane Addams, A.B., Lecturer in Sociology. KATHARINE E. DOPP, PH.D., Lecturer in Education. ARTHUR EUGENE BESTOR, A.B., Lecturer in Political Science. DAVID BEATON, A.M., Lecturer in General Literature. LESLIE WILLIS SPRAGUE, D.D., Lecturer in General Literature. THE CORRESPONDENCE-STUDY DEPARTMENT CHARLES RICHMOND HENDERSON, PH.D., D.D., Professor of Sociology and Head of the Department of Ecclesiastical Sociology. SAMUEL WENDELL WILLISTON, M.D., PH.D., Professor of Paleontology. JAMES LAURENCE LAUGHLIN, PH.D., Professor and Head of the Department of Political Economy. NATHANIEL BUTLER, A.M., D.D., LL.D., Professor of Education. ERNEST DEWITT BURTON, D.D., Professor and Head of the Department of New Testament Literature and Interpretation. CHARLES REID BARNES, PH.D., Professor of Plant Physiology. PAUL SHOREY, PH.D., LL.D., Professor and Head of the Department of the Greek Language and Literature. IRA MAURICE PRICE, PH.D., LL.D., Professor of the Old Testament Language and Literature. FRANK JUSTUS MILLER, PH.D., Professor of Latin. MARION TALBOT, A.M., LL.D., Professor of Household Administration; Dean of Women. ELIAKIM HASTINGS MOORE, PH.D., LL.D., Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematics. SHAILER MATHEWS, A.M., D.D., Professor and Head of the Department of Systematic Theology; Dean of the Divinity School. |