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one year of continuous work for the general student. These courses, so far as possible, should be taken in the Junior Colleges and in order.

The courses offered in the Senior Colleges are divided into five groups and are arranged as follows:

Group A. Ancient Oriental and Classical History, from the beginning of civilization in Egypt and western Asia, to the age of the Antonines.

Group B. The Development of Mediaeval Europe, from the decline of the ancient classical civilization to the end of the Renaissance.

Group C. The History of Modern Europe, from the Reformation to the close of the nineteenth century.

Group D. The Constitutional and Political History of England. Group E. The Constitutional and Political History of the United States.

In the Graduate School, full liberty is allowed in the choice of subjects. Special courses are offered upon topics connected with Mediaeval, Modern European, English, and American History. In general, these subjects will be varied from year to year in regularly recurring series.

For advanced students, special seminar courses are conducted each quarter for the double purpose of introducing the student to the methods of historical research and also for the investigation of unsettled or disputed questions.

The Historical Club, a voluntary organization of instructors and students, meets fortnightly for the reading and discussion of papers and the review of books and journals.

In addition to the general requirements for obtaining advanced degrees, the following special requirements are announced. For convenience, five subdivisions of the field of history are recognized in the work of the Department: (a) Ancient History, including Oriental and Classical History; (b) Mediaeval History; (c) Modern European History, including contemporary English History; (d) English and American History; (e) American History and Modern European History.

1. The candidate for the Doctor's degree in History will be expected to pass an examination not only upon the courses which he may have taken in the Graduate School, but also upon the general field of History. But the main stress of the examination will fall upon that one of the five subdivisions within which the topic of the thesis submitted lies.

2. In selecting a secondary subject for examination, the utmost liberty in the choice of a department is allowed. In each case the department concerned will determine the amount to be submitted.

3. In cases where History is chosen as a secondary subject, the candidate may submit for examination any one of the five subdivisions mentioned above. 4. In all cases, the candidate shall also have completed courses 1 and 2 of the department of Political Economy, courses 11 and 25 of the Department of Political Science, and course 72 of the Department of Sociology.

5. For the Master's degree at least one year's work in the Graduate School shall be submitted for examination. The candidate is advised to present one of the five periods suggested above as the basis of his examination.

6. The candidate, in all cases where History is presented, either as a principal subject or a secondary subject for the Doctor's degree, shall, in addition

to the general requirements in French and German, be expected to have such knowledge of the language or languages in which the chief sources of the main period submitted are found, as shall enable him to use such sources independently.

7. In all cases candidates are advised to call upon their respective examiners a month before the proposed examination, and definitely inform each of the work done, and of the topics which it is proposed to submit for examination.

8. Candidates for the Master's degree should select a subject early in the course and hand in a type-written copy at least two months before their examinations.






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4. The History of Antiquity to the Fall of the Persian Empire.-Mj. Summer and Winter Quarters, 2:00, PROFESSOR BREASTED.

5. The History of Greece to the Death of Alexander.-An outline study of the development of the political and social life of the Greek people. Mj. Summer Quarter, 9:00; Winter Quarter, 9:30; ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BONNER 6. The History of Rome to the Death of Constantine.-Of a character similar to that of course 5. Mj. Spring Quarter, 11:00, DR. WALKER.


7. The Dark Ages, 180 A. D. to 814. A. D.—The imperial monarchy; the reforms of Diocletian and Constantine; the rise of the Christian church and the papacy; the barbaric migrations to the formation of the Romano-Frankish empire. Mj. Autumn Quarter, 12:00, AssoCIATE PROFESSOR THOMPSON.

8. The Feudal Age, 814 to 1250.-The break-up of the Frankish empire and the formation of feudal Europe; the conflict between the Church and the secular power; mediaeval institutions and society; the crusades; the development of commerce; the rise of the universities. Mj. Winter Quarter, 12:00, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR THOMPSON.

9. The Age of Renaissance, 1250 to 1500.—The rise of national monarchy; pre-Reformation movement; the influences of exploration, discovery, and invention. Mi. Spring Quarter, 12:00, AssoCIATE PROFESSOR THOMPSON.


10. The Period of the Reformation and the Wars of Religion, 1500 to 1648.-Mj. Autumn Quarter, 8:30, DR. HARVEY.

II. Europe in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.-Mj. Winter Quarter, 8:30, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR SCHEVILL.

12. The French Revolution and the Napoleonic Era.-Mj. Spring Quarter, 8:30, AsSOCIATE PROFESSOR SCHEVill.

13. Europe in the Nineteenth Century.-Mj. Summer Quarter, 8:00, AsSISTANT PROFESSOS WARREN.


14. The Constitutional and Political History of England to the Reign of Edward I.-Recommended for students in the pre-legal year preparatory to entering the Law School. Mj. Autumn Quarter, 11:00, PROFESSOR TERRY. 15. The Constitutional and Political History of England from the Reign of Edward I to the Revolution of 1688.-Recommended for students in the pre-legal year preparatory to entering the Law School. Mj. Winter Quarter, 11:00, PROFESSOR TERRY.

16. The Constitutional and Political History of England in the Nineteenth Century.—PROFESSOR TERRY. [Not given in 1909–10.]

16B. The Constitutional and Political History of England in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Mj. Spring Quarter, 11:00; PROFESSOR TERRY.


18. History of the United States to the Election of Thomas Jefferson. -Recommended for students in the pre-legal year preparatory to entering the Law School. Mj. Autumn Quarter, 8:30, AsSOCIATE PROFESSOR SHEPARDSON.

19. History of the United States from 1801 to 1850.-Recommended for students in the pre-legal year preparatory to entering the Law School. Mj. Winter Quarter, 8:30, AssOCIATE PROFESSOR SHEPARDSON.

20. History of the United States since 1850.—Mj. Spring Quarter, 8: 30, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR SHEPARDSON.


27. Historiography and Historical Bibliography.-Lectures supplemented by an examination of the most important collections of sources and of the bibliographical tools most needed in historical investigation. Mj. Autumn Quarter, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR THOMPSON.

28. Historical Criticism.-A study of the principles of historical investigation, with some reference to the auxiliary sciences and their uses. Lectures will be supplemented by practical exercises with documents to exemplify the problems of criticism. Mj. Winter Quarter, AsSOCIATE


30. Introduction to the Study of Mediaeval and Modern History.—The interpretation of history, the law of progress, the essential elements of modern civilization, the factors of progress, the city, the imperial idea, the Roman law, the church, feudalism, the nation, representative government, democracy. A graduate course; open to advanced undergraduates. PROFESSOR TERRY. [Not given in 1909–10.1

31, 32. The History of Civilization in Europe during the First Five Centuries of the Christian Era.-Part I (31). The Roman Empire.-General view of the empire at the death of Augustus; the political constitution; economic and social organization; the causes and progress of decline; political history from the death of Marcus Aurelius to the death of Theodosius the Great. PROFESSOR TERRY. [Not given in 1909-10.]

Part II (32). The Expansion of the Germans over Western Europe.Life and institutions of the early Germans; emigration and final settlement in Central and Western Europe; political history of the empire in the fifth century; the founding of the several barbaric kingdoms; new aspects of civilization at the opening of the sixth century. PROFESSOR TERRY. [Not given in 1909-10.]

33. The History of Civilization in Britain from the Fifth to the Eleventh Centuries.-Roman Britain in the early fifth century; the Teutonic occupation; the Anglo-Saxons; rivalry of early kings; rise of Wessex and the establishment of the old English monarchy; decline of the monarchy; development of institutions; achievements of the Anglo-Saxons. PROFESSOR TERRY. [Not given in 1909-10.]

36. The Early Middle Ages.-Later Roman and Early German institutions; growth of the civil power of the church and the rise of the papacy; the fusion of Roman, German, and ecclesiastical elements; Justinian and the imperial reaction. AssoCIATE PROFESSOR THOMPSON. [Not given in 1909-10.]

37. The Early Middle Ages.-The rise of the Franks; relations of the Franks, the Lombards, and the papacy; Charlemagne and the organization of Latin and German Europe. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR THOMPSON. [Not given in 1909-10.]

38. The Early Middle Ages.-The_breaking up of the Frankish empire and the feudal organization of western Europe; the invasions of the Northmen. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR THOMPSON.

Courses 36-38 are advanced courses involving constant references to the sources and critical analysis of leading historians. [Not given in 1909–10.]

41, 42, 43. Feudal Europe.--A survey of feudal institutions; the structure of society; the rise of town life; the work of the mediaeval church; the development of national monarchy, especially in France; economic and intellectual conditions in Western Europe in the time of the Crusades. The course will be based largely on the reading of selected sources in whole or in part, supplemented by lectures, discussions, and by special research on the part of the student. Luchaire's Manuel des Institutions Françaises is recommended as a guide. AsSOCIATE PROFESSOR THOMPSON. [Not given in 1909-10.]

44. The Mediaeval Church.-Mj. Winter Quarter, 2:00, Dr. Walker. 48. The Antecedents of the Reformation.-Mj. Spring Quarter, 2:00, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SPERRY. See Church History 18A.

51. Origin and History of the Cities of Tuscany.-The feudal settlement of Tuscany; quarrel for possession between pope and emperor; the centers of trade and the communal spirit; the early constitutions and commercial rivalries; the primacy of Florence. The class will spend part of the time in examining diplomas, bulls, constitutions, etc.; a reading knowledge of Latin required. Lectures, interpretation of documents, and reports by students. Professor SchevILL. [Not given in 1909–10.]

52. The Intellectual History of Italy in the Renaissance. The instructor will examine the thought of the Middle Ages and analyze the forces which disrupted it. A study will be made of the work of Dante, Petrarch, and the humanists, together with the effect of the new thought upon state, church, society, commerce, science, and the universities. Lectures supplemented by reports prepared by the students. PROFESSOR SCHEVILL. [Not given in 1909-10.]

53, 54. A History of Civilization in Europe from the Early Middle Ages to Recent Times.-The development of political principles; the rise of the universities; the growth of educational systems; the history of art and literature. Lectures, reports, and study of documents by the class. 2Mjs. Winter and Spring Quarters, 4:00, PROFESSOR SCHEVILL.

55. The Later Course of the Reformation -The Reformation in Switzerland, France, the Low Countries, Scandinavia; the Catholic Reform. Mj. Autumn Quarter, 2:00, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SPERRY.

61. Introduction to the Study of English History.-Sources and literature of English history; importance of English institutions; principles of progress; development of constitutional monarchy; the awakening of the nation; the struggle for religious and political liberty; the expansion of the empire; the growth of the democracy. Open to undergraduates who have completed an elementary course in English history. PROFESSOR TERRY.

[Not given in 1909-10.]

62. The Founding of the English State.-The development of early English institutions from the earliest times to the reign of Edward I. PROFESSOR TERRY. [Not given in 1909-10.]

63. The Establishment of the English Constitutional_Monarchy.-The development of the parliamentary and judicial systems of England from the thirteenth to the seventeenth century. PROFESSOR TERRY. [Not given in 1909-10.]

64. The History of England in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century. The growth of the democracy; parliamentary reform; the development of local self-government; the Eastern Question; the constitution of the British empire. PROFESSOR TERRY. [Not given in 1909-10.]

65. The Constitutional History of England, 1558 to 1625.-[Not given in 1909–10].

66. The Constitutional History of England, 1625 to 1660. [Not given in 1909-10.]

67. The Constitutional History of England, 1660 to 1702. Mj. Winter Quarter, 12:00, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR WArren.

68. The Constitutional History of England, 1702 to 1760. Mj. Spring Quarter, 12:00, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR WARREN.

Courses 67 and 68 deal primarily with the constitutional history of England, but make frequent reference to the religious, social, and economic history of the period. Constant use will be made of documentary material, especially of the documents in Robertson's Select Statutes, Cases, and Documents to Illustrate English Constitutionol History, 1660-1832.

69. The Constitutional History of England, 1760 to 1832. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR WARREN. [Not given in 1909–10.

71. The Rise of Prussia. The growth of Brandenburg and its reigning house; its service in raising a bulwark against the Slavs; its relation to the Reformation and to German culture; its gradual detachment from the Empire; its reorganization under the Great Elector. Especial emphasis will be placed on the period from the Thirty Years' War to the accession of Frederick the Great (1648-1740). PROFESSOR SCHEVILL. [Not given in 1909-10.]

72. The Rise of Prussia (continued).-The defeat of Austria by Frederick; his administration, diplomacy, economic system, and personality; the decline of Prussia under Frederick's successors, the overthrow in 1806, the rejuvenation inaugurated by Stein. These two courses will be conducted by lectures and by reading and interpretation of original documents. PROFESSOR SCHEVILL. [Not given in 1909-10.]

75. The French Revolution.-The study of the ancien régime is followed by the history of the reign of Louis XVI, the meeting of the States General, the triumph of the Revolution, and the making of a constitution. Lectures and reports. PROFESSOR SCHEVILL. [Not given in 1909-10.]

76. The French Revolution (continued).—The rise of republicanism and the overthrow of the monarchy, the revolutionary wars, the triumph of the radicals and the Reign of Terror, the reaction of Thermidor and the establishment of the Directory (1795). Based on a study of documents by the class. PROFESSOR SCHEVILL. [Not given in 1909-10.]

78. The Last Three Centuries.-The most important events, the significant ideas, the turning-points of modern history. Primarily for graduates. Open to teachers without degrees. Mj. Summer Quarter, 1909, 2:30, PROFESSOR SHOTWELL.

79. Problems in Nineteenth-Century History.-Studies from the documents. An advanced graduate course. The hours of meeting can be

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