Volunteer and Assistant in Royal Astrophysical Observatory, Potsdam, 1891-2; Assistant Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Observatory, Dartmouth College, 1892-5; Professor of Astronomy, ibid., 1895-8; Non-Resident Instructor in Astronomy, ibid., 1898-1902; Professor of Astrophysics, University of Chicago, 1898-; Director of the Yerkes Observatory, ibid., 1905—; Editor of the Astrophysical Journal. CARL DARLING BUCK, PH.D., Professor and Head of the Department of Sanskrit and Indo-European Comparative Philology. A.B., Yale University, 1886; Member of American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 1887-8, 1888-9; Ph.D., Yale University. 1889; Student in German Universities, chiefly in Leipzig, 1889-92; Assistant Professor of Sanskrit and Indo-European Comparative Philology, University of Chicago, 1892-4; Associate Professor, ibid., 1894-1900; Professor, ibid. 1900-3; Head of the Department of Sanskrit and Indo-European Comparative Philology, ibid., 1903—. ALEXANDER SMITH, PH.D., Professor of Chemistry and Director of General and Physical Chemistry; Dean in the Junior Colleges. S.B., University of Edinburgh, 1886; Ph.D., University of Munich, 1889; Assistant in Chemistry, University of Edinburgh. 1889-90; Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Wabash College, 1890-4; Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Chicago, 1894-8; Associate Professor, ibid., 1898-1903; Dean in the Junior Colleges, ibid., 1900-; Professor and Director of General and Physical Chemistry, ibid., 1903-. JULIUS STIEGLITZ, PH.D., Professor of Chemistry and Director of Analytical Chemistry. Abiturienten Examen, Realgymnasium, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1886; A.M. and Ph.D., University of Berlin, 1889; University Scholar, Clark University. 1890; Chemical Labora tory, Detroit, Mich., 1890-2; Docent in Chemistry, University of Chicago, 1892-3; Assistant, ibid.,1893-4; Instructor in Chemistry, ibid., 1894-7; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1897-1902; Associate Professor, ibid., 1902-5; Professor, ibid., 1905-. Member Council on Chemistry and Pharmacy, American Medical Association, 1905-; Hitchcock Lecturer, University of California, 1909. EDWARD EMERSON BARNARD, A.M., Sc.D., Professor of Practical Astronomy, and Astronomer in the Yerkes Observatory. Graduate School of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University, 1887; A.M. (honoris causa), University of the Pacific, 1889; Sc.D., Vanderbilt University, 1893; in charge of Observatory, ibid., 1883-7; Astronomer in the Lick Observatory, 1887-95; Professor of Practical Astronomy, University of Chicago, 1895-. JULIAN WILLIAM MACK, LL.B., Professor of Law. LL.B., Harvard University, 1887; Parker Fellowship, ibid., 1887-90; Student, Universities of Berlin and Leipzig, 1887-90; admitted to Ohio State and Federal Bar, 1890; practiced law, Chicago, November, 1890-; admitted to Supreme Court of United States Bar, 1896; Professor of Law, Northwestern University, 1895-1902; Professor of Law, University of Chicago, 1902-; Judge of Circuit Court, Cook Co., Ill., 1903—. AMOS ALONZO STAGG, A.B., Professor and Director of the Division of Physical Culture. A.B., Yale University, 1888; Instructor in the Practice and Theory of Training, International Y. M. C. A. Training School, Springfield, Mass., 1891; Director of Athletics, Northfield College Students' Conference, summers, 1889-91; Director of Athletics, Lake Geneva College Students' Conference, 1889-91; Associate Professor and Director of the Division of Physical Culture, University of Chicago, 1892-1900; Professor and Director of Physical Culture, ibid., 1900-. JAMES HENRY BREASTED, PH.D., Professor of Egyptology and Oriental History; Director of Haskell Oriental Museum. A.B., Northwestern College, 1888; Chicago Theological Seminary, 1889-90; Graduate Student, Yale University, 1890-1; A.M., ibid., 1891; Non-resident Fellow, University of Chicago, 1892-4; University of Berlin and Royal Museum, 1891-4; A.M. and Ph.D., University of Berlin, 1894; collecting for the University of Chicago in Egypt, 1894-5; Assistant in Egyptology. University of Chicago, 1894-6; Assistant Director of Haskell Oriental Museum, ibid., 1895-1901; Instructor in Egyptology and Semitic Languages, ibid., 1896-8; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1898-1902; Thomas Museum Lectureship, Richmond College, 1898; Honorary D.B., Chicago Theological Seminary, 1898; Collaborator on Egyptian Lexicon of Royal Academies of Germany, at Berlin, 1899-1900; on Mission to the Oriental Museums of Europe, for the Egyptian Lexicon Commission. 1900-1; Director of Haskell Oriental Museum, University of Chicago, 1901-; Associate Professor of Egyptology and Semitic Languages, ibid., 1902-5; Director of the Egyptian Expedition of the University of Chicago, 1903-; Professor of Egyptology and Oriental History, ibid., 1905-; Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Berlin, 1907. GEORGE WILLIAM MYERS, PH.D., Professor of the Teaching of Mathematics and Astronomy, the College of Education. B.L., University of Illinois, 1888; M.L., ibid., 1891; Ph.D., Ludwig Maximilians Universität zu München, 1896; Instructor in Mathematics, University of Illinois, 1888-90; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, ibid., 1890-5; Associate Professor of Mathematics, ibid., 1895-6; Associate Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics, and Director of Observatory, ibid., 1895-7; Professor of Astronomy and Applied Mathematics, and Director of Observatory. ibid., 1897-1900; Head of Astronomy and Mathematics, Chicago Institute, 1900-1; Life Member Astronomische Gesellschaft; Member American Mathematical Society; Société Belge d'Astronomie; Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science; Member Astronomical and Astrophysical Society of America; Member Circolo Matematico di Palermo; Hon. Member Sociedad Astronomica de Mexico; Hon. Member Scandinavian Technical Society of Chicago; Mathematical Editor School Science and Mathematics; Editor School of Education Mathematical Manuals and Texts; Professor of the Teaching of Mathematics and Astronomy, and Mathematical Supervisor, School of Education, University of Chicago, 1901-. EDWIN OAKES JORDAN, PH.D., Professor of Bacteriology. S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1888; Chief Assistant Biologist to the Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1888-90; Lecturer on Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1889-90; Fellow in Morphology, Clark University, 1890-2; Ph.D., Clark University, 1892; Associate in Anatomy, University of Chicago, 1892-3; Instructor, ibid., 1893-5; Assistant Professor of Bacteriology, ibid., 1895-1900; Student, Pasteur Institute, Paris, 1896; Associate Professor of Bacteriology, ibid., 1900-7; Editor, Journal of Infectious Diseases, Chicago, 1904-; Chief of Serum Division, Memorial Institute for Infectious Diseases, Chicago, 1905-; Professor of Bacteriology, University of Chicago, 1907-. ROSCOE POUND, PH.D., Professor of Law. A.B., University of Nebraska, 1888; A.M., ibid., 1889; PH.D., ibid., 1897; Student, Harvard Law School, 1889-90; practiced law, Lincoln, Neb., 1890-99; Assistant Professor of Law, University of Nebraska, 1899-1903; Commissioner of Nebraska Supreme Court, 1901-3; Dean of Law Department, University of Nebraska, 1903-7; Professor of Law, Northwestern University, 1907-9; University of Chicago Law School, Summer Quarter, 1908; Professor of Law, ibid., 1909-. ROBERT RUSSELL BENSLEY, A.B., M.B., Professor of Anatomy. A.B., University of Toronto, 1889; Demonstrator of Histology, ibid., 1891-2; M.B., ibid., 1892; Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, 1892; Assistant Demonstrator of Biology, University of Toronto, 1892-9; Demonstrator of Biology, ibid., 1899-1901; Assistant Professor of Anatomy, University of Chicago, 1901-5; Associate Professor, ibid., 1905-7; Professor, ibid., 1907-. FERDINAND SCHEVILL, PH.D., Professor of Modern History. A.B., Yale University, 1889; Ph.D., University of Freiburg, 1892; Assistant in History and German, University of Chicago, 1892-3; Associate in History, ibid., 1893-5; Instructor. ibid., 1895-9: Assistant Professor, ibid., 1899-1904; Associate Professor, ibid., 1904-9; Professor of Modern History, ibid., 1909—. GEORGE ELLERY HALE, S.B., Sc.D., LL.D., Non-Resident Professor of Astrophysics. Pasadena, Cal. Harvard College Observatory, 1889-90; S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1890; Director of the Kenwood Astrophysical Observatory, 1890-6; Lecturer in Astrophysics, Beloit College, 1893-1904; University of Berlin, 1893-4: Sc.D. (Honorary), Western University of Pennsylvania, 1897, Yale University, 1905, Victoria University of Manchester, 1907; Associate Professor of Astrophysics, University of Chicago, 1892-7; Director of the Yerkes Observatory, ibid., 1895-1905; Professor of Astrophysics, ibid., 1897-; JointEditor of the Astrophysical Journal: LL.D.. Beloit College, 1904; Director of the Solar Observatory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Mt. Wilson, Cal., 1905—. JAMES ROWLAND ANGELL, A.M., Professor and Head of the Department of Psychology; Director of the Psychological Laboratory; Dean of the Senior Colleges. A.B., University of Michigan, 1890; A.M., ibid., 1891; Graduate Student, Harvard University, 1891-2; Universities of Berlin and Halle, 1892-3; Instructor in Experimental Psychology, University of Minnesota, 1893-4; Assistant Professor of Experimental Psychology, University of Chicago, 1894-1901; Associate Professor, ibid., 1901-4; Professor and Director of the Psychological Laboratory, ibid., 1904-; Head of the Department of Psychology, ibid., 1905-; President of the American Psychological Association, 1906; Dean of the Senior Colleges, University of Chicago, 1908—. ROBERT HERRICK, A.B., Professor of English. A.B., Harvard University, 1890; Instructor in Rhetoric, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1890-3; Instructor in Rhetoric, University of Chicago, 1893-5; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1895-1901; Associate Professor, ibid., 1901-5; Professor of English, ibid., 1905—. ADDISON WEBSTER MOORE, PH.D., Professor of Philosophy. A.B., De Pauw University, 1890; A.M., ibid., 1893; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1898; Principal, Marion (Ind.) High School, 1892-3; Instructor in English, De Pauw University, 1892-3; Sage Scholar, Cornell University, 1893-4; Fellow in Philosophy, University of Chicago. 1894-5; Assistant in Philosophy, University of Chicago, 1895-7; Associate, ibid., 1897-8; Instructor, ibid., 1898-1902; Assistant Professor of Philosophy, ibid., 1902-4; Associate Professor, ibid., 1904-9; Professor, ibid., 1909—. THEODORE GERALD SOARES, PH.D., D.D., Professor of Homiletics and Religious Education and Head of the Department of Practical Theology. A.B., University of Minnesota, 1891; Fellow in History, ibid., 1891-2; A.M., ibid., 1892; Fellow in Comparative Religion, University of Chicago, 1892-4; Ph.D., ibid., 1894; D.B., ibid., 1897; D.D., Knox College, 1901; Pastor, Rockford, Ill., 1894-9, Galesburg, Ill., 18991902, Oak Park, Ill., 1902-5; University Extension Lecturer in Biblical Literature, University of Chicago, 1899-1905; Professor of Homiletics, ibid., 1906-8; Professor of Homiletics and Religious Education, ibid., 1908-; Head of the Department of Practical Theology, ibid., 1909. FRANK RATTRAY LILLIE, PH.D., Professor of Embryology; Assistant Curator of the Zoological Museum. A.B., University of Toronto, 1891; Fellow, Clark University, 1891-2; Fellow in Zoology, University of Chicago, 1892-3; Reader, ibid., 1893-4; Instructor in Zoology, University of Michigan, 1894-9; Professor of Biology, John P. Girard Chair of Natural History, Vassar College, 1899-1900; Head of Department of Embryology, Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, 1893-1907; Assistant Director, ibid., 1900-1908; Director, ibid., 1908-; Assistant Professor of Zoology and Embryology, University of Chicago, 1900-2; Assistant Curator of the Zoological Museum, ibid., 1902-; Associate Professor, ibid., 1902-7; Professor, ibid., 1907-; Managing Editor, Biological Bulletin; Associate Editor, Journal of Experimental Zoology and Journal of Morphology. CHARLES JUDSON HERRICK, PH.D., Professor of Neurology. S.B., University of Cincinnati, 1891; Instructor in Natural Science, Granville Academy, 1891-2; Professor of Natural Sciences, Ottawa University, Kan., 1892-3; Instructor in Biology, Denison University, 1893-6; S.M.. ibid., 1895; University Scholar in Biology, Columbia University, 1896-7; Assistant Professor of Zoology, Denison University, 1897-8; Professor, ibid., 1898-1907; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1900; Associate in Comparative Neurology, Pathological Institute of the New York State Commission in Lunacy, 1897-1901; Managing Editor, Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology, 1894-; Professor of Neurology, University of Chicago, 1907-. ALBERT PRESCOTT MATHEWS, PH.D., Professor of Physiological Chemistry. S.B., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1892: Assistant in Biology, ibid., 1892-3; Fellow in Biology, Columbia University, 1893-5; Student in Cambridge, England, and Marburg, Germany, 1895-7; Occupant of Columbia University Table, Naples Zoological Station, 1896; Honorary Fellow, Columbia University, 1897-8; Ph.D., ibid., 1898; Assistant in Physiology, Harvard Medical School; Instructor in Physiology, Tufts College Medical School. 1898-9; Assistant Professor of Physiology, ibid., 1899-1900; Instructor in Physiology, Harvard Medical School, 1900-1; Assistant Professor of Physiological Chemistry, University of Chicago, 1901-4; Associate Professor, ibid., 1904-5; Professor, ibid., 1905 ROBERT MORSS LOVETT, A.B., Professor of English; Dean of the Junior Colleges. A.B., Harvard University, 1892; Assistant in English, ibid., 1892-3; Appointed Instructor in English, ibid., 1893; Instructor in Rhetoric, University of Chicago, 1893-6; in Europe, 1896-8, 1901-2; Assistant Professor of English. University of Chicago, 1896-1904; Dean in the Junior Colleges, ibid., 1903-7; Associate Professor, ibid., 1904-9; Dean of the Junior Colleges, ibid., 1907-; Professor of English, ibid., 1909-. CLARKE BUTLER WHITTIER, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Law. A.B., Leland Stanford Jr. University, 1893; LL.B., Harvard University, 1896; practiced law, Los Angeles, Cal., 1895-6; Graduate Student, Leland Stanford Jr. University, 1896-7; Instructor in Law, ibid., 1897-9; Assistant Professor of Law, ibid., 1899-1900; Associate Professor, ibid., 1900-2; Professor of Law, University of Chicago, 1902-. JAMES PARKER HALL, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Law; Dean of the Law School. A.B., Cornell University, 1894; LL.B., Harvard University, 1897; practiced law, Buffalo, N. Y., 1897-1900; Lecturer on Constitutional Law and Real Property, Buffalo Law School, 1898-1900; Associate Professor of Law, Leland Stanford Jr. University, 1900-2; Professor of Law, University of Chicago, 1902-; Dean of the Law School, ibid., 1904-. CHARLES HUBBARD JUDD, PH.D., Professor and Head of the Department of Education; Director of the School of Education. A.B., Wesleyan University, 1894; Ph.D., University of Leipzig, 1896; A.M., Yale Uni versity, 1907; Instructor in Philosophy, Wesleyan University, 1896-8; Professor of Experimental Psychology, New York University, 1898-1901; Professor of Psycholoand Education, University of Cincinnati, 1901-2; Instructor in Psychology, Yale University, 1902-4; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1904-7; Professor and Director of the Psychological Laboratory, ibid., 1907-9; Editor Monograph Supplements of Psychological Review, 1905; Member Council of American Psychological Association, 1907-8; President American Psychological Association, 1909; Member Council of American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1909; Member Executive Committee of American Naturalist, 1909; Professor and Head of the Department of Education, and Director of the School of Education, University of Chicago, 1909-. WILLIAM ALBERT NITZE, PH.D., Professor and Head of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures. A.B., Johns Hopkins University, 1894; Ph.D., ibid., 1899; Lecturer in Romance Languages, Columbia University, 1899-1903; Associate Professor of Romance Languages, Amherst College, 1903-5; Professor, ibid., 1905-8: Professor of Romanic Languages, University of California, 1903-9; Professor and Head of the Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago, 1909-. WILLIAM EDWARD DODD, PH.D., Professor of American History. S.B., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1895; S.M., ibid., 1897; Instructor in History, ibid., 1895-7; Ph.D., University of Leipzig, 1900; Professor of History, Randolph Macon College, 1900-; University of North Carolina, Summer School, 1904; Professor of American History, University of Chicago, 1908-. WALTER SARGENT, Professor of Manual Training and Art in Relation to Education. Student, Massachusetts Normal Art School, 1891; Student, Academies of Colorassi and of Delecluse, Paris, 1894, 1900; State Supervisor of Manual Arts, Massachusetts, 1903; Director of Drawing and Manual Training, Boston, 1906; Professor of Education in Relation to Art and Manual Training, University of Chicago, 1909-. HARRY AUGUSTUS BIGELOW, A.B., LL.B., Professor of Law. A.B., Harvard University, 1896; LL.B., ibid., 1899; Instructor in Criminal Law, ibid., 1899-1900; practiced law, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, 1900-3; Assistant Professor of Law, University of Chicago, 1904-6; Associate Professor, ibid., 1906-9; Professor, ibid., 1909—. JAMES NEVINS HYDE, A.M., M.D., Professorial Lecturer on Dermatology. A.B., Yale University, 1861; A.M., ibid., 1864; M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1869; Ad eundem M.D., Rush Medical College, 1879; Assistant Surgeon, United States Navy, 1863-7; Passed Assistant Surgeon, United States Navy, 1867-9; Lecturer on Skin and Venereal Diseases, Rush Medical College, 1873-6; Professor of Dermatology, Medical Department of Northwestern University, 1876-8; Professor of Skin, Venereal, and GenitoUrinary Diseases, Rush Medical College, 1879-; President, American Dermatological Association, 1881, 1896; Member, International Congresses of Dermatology, 1889-1907; Professorial Lecturer on Dermatology, University of Chicago, 1902-; Secretary of the Council of Administration and of the Faculty of Rush Medical College; Corresponding Member of the French, 1900, the Berlin, 1903, and the Vienna, 1904, Dermatological Soci eties; Secretary for America of the Fifth International Dermatological Congress. ALONZO KETCHAM PARKER, D.D., Professorial Lecturer on Modern Missions in the Divinity School; University Recorder; and Head of Hitchcock House. A.B., University of Rochester, 1866; Graduate, Rochester Theological Seminary, 1870; Pastor, Amenia, N. Y., 1871-9; Pastor, Chicago, 1879-1901; D.D., Baptist Union Theo logical Seminary, 1885; Member Board of Trustees, University of Chicago, 1891-1901; Professorial Lecturer on Modern Missions, ibid., 1901-; University Recorder, ibid., 1901-; Head of Hitchcock House, ibid., 1902-9. HENRY VARNUm Freeman, A.M., Professorial Lecturer on Legal Ethics. A.B., Yale University, 1869; A.M., ibid., 1874; Judge of the Superior Court, Cook County, Ill., 1893; Presiding Justice of the Branch Appellate Court, First District of Illinois, 1898; Professorial Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence, Rush Medical College, 1898-; Professorial Lecturer on Legal Ethics, University of Chicago, 1902—. GRAHAM TAYLOR, D.D., L.L.D., Professorial Lecturer on Sociology. A.B., 1870, A.M., 1883, Rutgers College; D.D., ibid., 1888; LL.D., Illinois College, 1897; Professor of Social Economics, Chicago Theological Seminary; Professorial Lecturer on Sociology, University of Chicago, 1903-; Director Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy, 1903-. EPHRAIM FLETCHER INGALS, A.M., M.D., Professorial Lecturer on Medicine. M.D., Rush Medical College, 1871; A.M., (Old) University of Chicago, 1879; Assistant Professor of Materia Medica, Rush Medical College, 1871-3; Lecturer on Diseases of the Chest and Physical Diagnosis, ibid., Spring Course, 1874-83; Professor of Laryngology, ibid., 1883-90; Professor of Laryngology and Practice of Medicine, ibid., 1890-3; Professor of Laryngology, and Diseases of the Chest, ibid., 1893-8; Registrar, ibid., 1891-8; Professor of Laryngology and Rhinology, Chicago Polyclinic, 1890-; Professor of Diseases of the Throat and Chest, Northwestern Woman's Medical School, 1879-98; Professor of Diseases of the Chest, Throat, and Nose, and Comptroller, Rush Medical College, 1898-; Professorial Lecturer on Medicine, University of Chicago, 1901-; ex-President of American Laryngological Association; ex-President of Illinois State Medical Society; ex-President of American Climatological Association; ex-President Chicago Laryngological and Climatological Society. BENJAMIN ALLEN GREENE, A.B., D.D., Professorial Lecturer on Practical Theology. A.B., Brown University, 1872; D.D., ibid., 1893. Walter StanLEY HAINES, A.M., M.D., Professorial Lecturer on Toxicology. M.D., Chicago Medical College (Northwestern University Medical School), 1873; Professor of Chemistry, ibid., 1873; Student in Paris and London, 1875-6; Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology, Rush Medical College, 1876-85; Professor of Chemistry, Pharmacy, and Toxicology, ibid., 1885-1905; Professor of Chemistry, Materia Medica, and Toxicology, ibid., 1905-; A.M.. Monmouth College, 1881; Professorial Lecturer on Toxicology, University of Chicago, 1901-. CHARLES EDWARD KREMER, Professorial Lecturer on Admiralty Law. Admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, 1874; of Illinois, 1875; Supreme Court of the United States, 1883; Lecturer in Chicago College of Law on Maritime Law and Admiralty, 1893-; Professorial Lecturer on Admiralty Law, University of Chicago, 1902-. BAILEY WILLIS, M.E., C.E., Professorial Lecturer on Geology. M.E., Columbia School of Mines, 1878; C.E., ibid., 1879; Special Expert, Iron Ores, Tenth U.S. Census, 1879-81; Geologist, Northern Transcontinental Survey, 1881-4: Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey, 1884-; Editor, Geologic Atlas of the United States; Assistant to Director, U.S. Geological Survey, 1897-1902; Geologist in Charge of Division of Areal and Stratigraphic Geology, 1900-. JOHN KOREN, A.B., Professorial Lecturer on Statistics (Political Economy and Sociology.) A.B., Luther College, 1879; S.T.B., Concordia Seminary, 1882; Special Expert, United States Department of Labor Abroad, 1891; Expert Special Agent, United States Census Bureau; Professorial Lecturer on Statistics (Political Economy and Sociology), University of Chicago, 1909—. LORADO TAFT, Professorial Lecturer on the History of Art. Graduate, University of Illinois, 1879; Student, École des Beaux Arts, Paris, 1880-83; Instructor, Art Institute, Chicago, 1886-1907; Lecturer on Art, University Extension Division, University of Chicago, 1892-1900; Lecturer on the History of Sculpture, Art Institute, Chicago; Vice-President Municipal Art League, Chicago; Secretary Municipal Art Commission, Chicago; Member National Sculpture Society and Society of Western Artists; Professorial Lecturer on the History of Art, University of Chicago, 1909=. FRANK FREMONT REED, A.B., Professorial Lecturer on Copyright and Trade Marks. A.B., University of Michigan, 1880; admitted to Illinois bar, 1882; practiced law, Chicago, 1882; Lecturer on Trade Marks and Copyrights, University of Michigan Law School, 1894-; Professorial Lecturer on same, University of Chicago Law School, 1902-. JOHN MILTON DODSON, A.M., M.D., Professorial Lecturer on Medicine; Dean of Medical Students. A.B., University of Wisconsin, 1880; A.M. (in course), ibid., 1888; M.D., Rush Medical College, 1882; M.D., Jefferson Medical College, 1883; Lecturer on Anatomy and Demonstrator, Rush Medical College, 1889-93; Professor of Physiology and Demonstrator of Anatomy, ibid., 1893-4; Professor of Physiology and Histology, ibid., 1894-1900; Professor of Medicine (Pediatrics), ibid., 1900-; Junior Dean, ibid., 1898-9; Dean, ibid., 1899-; Professor of Diseases of Children, Northwestern University Woman's Medical School, 1893-7; Professorial Lecturer on Medicine, University of Chicago, 1901-; Dean of Medical Students, ibid., 1901-. JOHN CLARENCE WEBSTER, A.B., M.D., Professorial Lecturer on Obstetrics and Gynecology. A.B., Mt. Allison University College, New Brunswick, 1882; Bachelor of Medicine, Master in Surgery, Edinburgh University, 1888; M.D., ibid., 1891; M.R.C.P., ibid., 1892; F.R.C.P., ibid., 1893; F.R.S., ibid., 1895; post-graduate study in Leipzig, Berlin, Paris; First Assistant to Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Edinburgh University, 1890-6; Lecturer on Gynecology, McGill University, 1897-9; Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rush Medical College, 1899-; Professorial Lecturer on Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Chicago, 1902—. |