B. COURSES IN COMPARATIVE LITERATURE XV. 60. Movements in Literature of the Nineteenth Century, 1832-1900.For graduate students only. Mj. Winter Quarter, Tu. and Th., 4:00-6:00, PROFESSOR LOVETT. XIV, 262. Seminar: Das Englische Drama in Deutschland im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert.-Mj. Autumn Quarter, W., 4:00-6:00, PROFESSOR CUTTING. C. COURSES IN GENERAL LITERATURE 1. Masterpieces of World Literature.-An Introduction to General Reading, so far as that reading is literary. Additional work will be set for those desiring graduate credit. Mj. Spring Quarter, 11:00, PROFESSOR MOULTON. 3B. Homer and Ancient Tragedy for English Readers.-A Rapid Reading course in Greek Epic and Tragedy, centering around the topic of the Trojan War. Additional reading will be assigned to graduate students. M. Summer Quarter, First Term, 10:30, PROFESSOR MOULTON. 7. The Story of Faust.-Goethe's Faust (in English), in comparison with the treatment of the same story in English and Spanish literatures, and in music. Mj. Spring Quarter, 9:30, PROFESSOR MOULTON. VIII, 32. Hebrew Poetry and Poetics.-Mj. Winter Quarter, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SMITH. VIII, 64. The Psalter (in English).-M. Summer Quarter, First Term, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR WILLETT. VIII, 65. The Book of Job.-M. Summer Quarter, Second Term, AssoCIATE PROFESSOR WILLETT. VIII, 76. The Literature of the Prophets.—Mj. Summer Quarter, AssoCIATE PROFESSOR WILLETT. VIII, 80. Beginnings of Old Testament Literature and History.-Mj. Summer and Autumn Quarters, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SMITH. VIII, 81. The Priestly Element in the Old Testament.-Mj. Winter Quarter, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR SMITH. VIII, 84. The Origin, Growth, and Character of the Prophetic Books.— Mj. Spring Quarter, 8:30, PROFESSOR PRICE. IX, 2. Introduction to the New Testament History. - Mj. Autumn Quarter, AssoOCIATE PROFESSOR VOTAW. IX, 46. Jewish Literature of New Testament Times. Mj. Spring Quarter, ASSOCIATE PROFESSor Votaw. X, 13. History of Sanskrit Literature.—Mj. DR. CLARK. XI, 46. History of Greek Literature.-Mj. Summer Quarter, PROFESSOR MISENER. XII, 26. Latin Elegy.-Mj. Spring Quarter, 12:00, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRESCOTT. XII, 31, 32. The Latin Epic.-2M. Summer Quarter, First and Second Terms, 9:00, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRESCOTT. XII, 33. The Latin Pastoral.-Autumn Quarter, 12:00, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PRESCOTT. XV, 87. The History of the Novel. From the Renaissance to the present day. Mj. Winter Quarter, 2:00, PROFESSOR HERRICK. XV, 60. Movements in Literature of the Nineteenth Century, 1832-1900. -For graduate students only. Mj. Winter Quarter, Tu. and Th., 4:00-6:00, PROFESSOR Lovett. XV, 96. Contemporary Poetry.-A study of the living and recent poets of England, France, Spain, Germany, etc. Among the poets to be considered are: Francis Thompson, John Davidson, Alfred Noyes, Stephen Phillips, K. F. Meyer, Liliencron, Sully-Prudhomme, François Coppée, Paul Verlaine, etc. Mj. Winter Quarter, 3:00, PROFESSOR LOVETT AND ASSISTANT PROFESSORS WALLACE AND SCHÜTZE. XVII. THE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION ELIAKIM HASTINGS MOORE, PH.D., LL.D., Sc.D., Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematics. OSKAR BOLZA, PH.D., Professor of Mathematics. GEORGE WILLIAM MYERS, PH.D., Professor of the Teaching of Mathematics and Astronomy, the School of Education. GILBERT AMES BLISS, PH.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics. WILLIAM HOOVER, PH.D., Non-Resident University Extension Assistant ARTHUR CONSTANT LUNN, PH.D., Instructor in Applied Mathematics. JAMES BYRNIE SHAW, SC.D., Professor of Mathematics, James Millikin University (Summer Quarter, 1909). OLIVER DIMON KELLOGG, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of Missouri (Summer Quarter, 1909). FELLOWS, 1909-10 THOMAS BUCK, S.B. LLOYD LYNE DINES, A.M. EGBERT J. MILES, A.B. ARTHUR DUNN PITCHER, A.M. ROYAL ROSS SHUMWAY, A.B. MARION BALLANTYNE WHITE, A.M. GENERAL STATEMENT The regular Junior College courses are: courses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 18, 19, and 20. Students of the College of Science and of the College of Arts are required to take course 1. Students who expect to specialize in Mathematics, Astronomy, or Physics should confer with the instructors in Mathematics in planning their courses. They should take courses 1, 2, 3, 18, 19, and 20. It is possible, however, for students of exceptional ability in Mathematics to pass from course 2 to course 18, if course 3 is taken at the same time as course 18. Students who desire to have at least a glimpse beyond the elements of Mathematics should elect courses 3 and 15. The following courses introductory to the higher Mathematics are intended both (1) for students making Mathematics their principal subject, and (2) for those making Mathematics their secondary subject, in particular for students of Astronomy and Physics: (A) †Differential and integral Calculus (3Mj); (B) † Solid Analytics; Advanced Limits and Series (3Mj); (C); †Analytic Mechanics (2 Mj); Theoretical Mechanics; Vector Analysis; Theory of the Potential; (D) †Advanced Calculus, including Differential Equations, Definite Integrals, Fourier Series, elements of Elliptic Integrals (3 Mj); † elements of the Theory of Functions; (E) Synthetic Projective Geometry; Analytic Projective Geometry; Differential Geometry (2 Mj); (F) Theory of Numbers; Theory of Invariants; selected chapters of Algebra; theory of Substitutions with applications to Algebraic Equations; Quaternions. Groups (A)-(F) indicate six sequences of courses running through the usual academic year from October to June. These sequences vary slightly from year to year: the courses marked (†) are given annually, and the other courses usually once in two years. The undergraduate student who wishes to specialize in Mathematics should take the courses of group (A) as Junior College electives, those of (B) his first Senior College year, and those of (C) and (D) in his second Senior College year. The courses of groups (A)-(F) and the special courses in the higher Mathematics are intended to give the graduate student a comprehensive view of modern Mathematics, to develop him to scientific maturity, and to enable him to follow, without further guidance, the scientific movement of the day in Mathematics, and, if possible, to take an active part in it by creative research. The special and research courses vary from year to year. They may be classified, in general, as relating to (a) Algebra and Arithmetic; (b) Analysis; (c) Geometry; (d) Mechanics and Applied Mathematics; and (e) the Foundations and Interrelations of the Mathematical Disciplines as purely abstract deductive systems. Attention is called to courses of type (d) offered by the Departments of Astronomy and Physics. The proper arrangement of courses is a matter of extreme importance, and the best arrangement for any student depends on his previous mathematical studies, and should be determined by conference with some member of the Department. The courses of the Summer Quarter are designed to meet the needs of those college men and others wishing to study advanced Mathematics, who are able to spend only the summer in residence. The courses of a series of four summer quarters will be arranged so as to give a wide view of modern Mathematics. Scholarship examinations.-The competitive examinations for the Senior College Scholarship and the Graduate Scholarship in Mathematics (pp. 124, 131) are held each Spring Quarter at times and places announced in the Weekly Calendar. Prospective candidates should confer with the Departmental Examiner in Mathematics. Files of papers set at previous Scholarship Examinations are accessible in the Departmental Library. Candidates for the Senior College Scholarship will be examined on courses 1, 2, and 3; those for the Graduate Scholarship on courses 26, 27, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, and 39. Models. A collection of Brill's models: plaster and thread models of quadric surfaces, plaster models of cubic and Kummer's quartic surfaces, models of cyclides and surfaces of constant positive and negative curvature, and thread models of three-dimensional projections of four-dimensional regular bodies. MATHEMATICAL CLUBS The Departmental Club meets regularly for the review of memoirs and books, and for the presentation of results of research. The club is conducted by the members of the faculties of Mathematics and Mathematical Astron. omy. Graduate students of the departments are expected to attend and otherwise to participate in the meetings of the club. The Junior Mathematical Club, with weekly meetings, is conducted by the graduate students of the departments. HIGHER DEGREES Master's degree.-Candidates for the Master's degree in Mathematics are expected to offer for examination the subjects covered by the courses of groups (A)-(D), and two majors selected from (E)-(F), or the equivalents of these subjects, and to present a satisfactory thesis on an assigned topic closely related to one of these subjects. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy.-Candidates for the Doctor's degree with Mathematics as secondary subject are expected to offer for examination the subjects covered by the courses of groups (A)-(D), or their equivalents. Candidates for the Doctor's degree with Mathematics as principal subject are expected (1) to offer for examination the subjects covered by fifteen majors of initial courses of groups (A)-(F), and by a considerable body of special courses, in each case presumably most closely related to the subject of the candidate's dissertation, and (2) to present a dissertation, in finished form, embodying valuable results of mathematical inquiry. The subject of the dissertation may be a topic of pure or applied mathematics or of the history, philosophy, or pedagogy of mathematics. PREPARATION FOR TEACHING Courses in the history and the teaching of Elementary Mathematics — Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, Calculus, Mechanics-are offered by this Department and the School of Education. These courses embody the conviction that elementary students need to have their mathematics made, not easier, but more perfectly intelligible and attractive. To this end it is believed that teachers should more generally appreciate and utilize in instruction the unity of mathematics, as made up of various closely interrelated parts, and the character of Mathematics, as an ideal science developed by abstraction from various more concrete domains. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION JUNIOR COLLEGE COURSES o. Solid Geometry.-An elementary course based upon Entrance Algebra and Plane Geometry. [Not given in 1909-10.] NOTE. Students from accredited preparatory schools may present themselves for examination in this subject at the University for college credit. 1. Plane Trigonometry.-Mj. Summer Quarter, PROFESSOR SHAW; Autumn Quarter, 4 sections, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR YOUNG, DR. LUNN, and Winter Quarter, 2 sections, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR BLISS AND DR. LUNN; Spring Quarter, DR. Lunn and 2. College Algebra.-Prerequisite: course 1. Mj. Summer Quarter, PROFESSOR SHAW; Autumn Quarter, AssOCIATE PROFESSOR YOUNG; Winter Quarter, 2 sections, ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS SLAUGHT AND YOUNG; Spring Quarter, AsSOCIATE PROFESSOR BLISS. 3. Analytic Geometry.-Elements of Plane Analytics, including the Geometry of the conic sections, with an introduction to Solid Analytics. Prerequisite: courses 1, 2. Mj. Summer Quarter, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR KELLOGG; Autumn Quarter, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR YOUNG; Winter Quarter, DR. MACMILLAN; Spring Quarter, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR SLAUGHT. 4. Surveying.-Practical application of Plane Trigonometry, including work in the field with surveying instruments. Prerequisite: course 1. Mj. Spring Quarter, DR. MACMILLAN. 7. Elementary Mechanics.- Without the use of Calculus. Prerequisite: course 1. Mj. Winter Quarter, DR. LUNN. 15. Introductory Calculus.-The elementary fundamental principles, methods, and formulas of Differential and Integral Calculus will be carefully studied in connection with simple problems of Geometry and the physical sciences. This course is intended primarily for those who do not wish to take the longer course in Calculus (courses 18, 19, and 20). Prerequisite: courses 2 and 3. Mj. Spring Quarter, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR YOUNG. 18, 19, 20. Calculus, I, II, III.-The fundamental principles and processes of the Differential and Integral Calculus, with much use of graphical methods and with much attention to the solving of problems illustrating all phases of the theory and certain important applications to Geometry, Mechanics, and Physics. Prerequisite: courses 2 and 3 (course 3 may be taken simultaneously with course 18.) Three consecutive majors. Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters, 2 sections, ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS SLAUGHT AND BLISS. SENIOR COLLEGE COURSES 26. Differential Calculus.—A graphic study of rational algebraic functions and of certain simple irrational transcendental functions, yielding material for a geometric introduction to the fundamental notions and processes of the Calculus. Mj. Summer Quarter, DR. LUNn. 27. Integral Calculus.-A course aimed at a comprehension of the nature of integration and of its applications to Geometry and Physics; solution of numerous problems; use of table of integrals. Prerequisite: course 26. Mj. Summer Quarter, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR KELLOGG. 31. Solid Analytics.-Prerequisite: courses 3 and 15 or 18. Mj. Summer Quarter, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR DICKSON; Autumn Quarter, PROFESSOR BOI ZA. 32, 33. Advanced Algebra.-The complex number system (of ordinary Algebra); roots of unity; theory of equations; determinants; introduction to modern Algebra. Prerequisite: courses 3 and 15 or 18. Two consecutive majors. Winter and Spring Quarters, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Young. 35A, B, C. Limits and Series.--Critical theory of convergence of sequences and series of numbers. Sequences and series of functions; uniformity of convergence. Prerequisite: course 18. Three consecutive half majors. Autumn, Winter, and Spring Quarters, DR. LUNN. 35. Limits and Series.—Mj. Summer Quarter, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR YOUNG. 37, 38, 39. Advanced Calculus, I, II, III.-The fundamental principles and processes of the Calculus, including the theory of definite integrals, and differential equations, developed in organic relation with problems of Geometry, Mechanics, and Physics. Prerequisite for 37: courses 18, 19, and 20. Autumn Quarter, ASSOCIATE Professor SlaUGHT; Winter and Spring Quarters, PROFESSOR BOLZA. |