The library contains a good representation of standard and current botanical literature, to which constant additions are being made. Complete files of the more important serials have been secured, and nearly all current botanical journals are received through exchange or purchase. Special care will be taken to secure all necessary literature for research students. The Crerar and Newberry Libraries are easily accessible. The Botanical Gazette, a journal now in its forty-eighth volume, is the property of the University, and while in no sense an organ of the Department, it is the natural channel for the publication of much of its work. The Department has also begun a series of Contributions from the Hull Botanical Laboratory, 127 numbers of which have been published. The Botanical Club consists of the instructors and advanced students of the Department, who meet each week to review important current literature, to present the results of their own research, and to hear visiting botanists. The club is made an important means of supplementary training for the special student of Botany. In courses demanding the use of apparatus a laboratory fee of $2.50 is charged. This fee includes the use of microscope and reagents and plant material. In addition a breakage ticket is usually needed. The courses fall naturally into groups under the following classification: I. General and Introductory.- Courses 1, 2, and 3 are intended to give a general preparation for biological work in the field of Botany. Each course is complete in itself, but course 1 is a necessary introduction to either 2 or 3, and is the course to be selected by the general student who can give but a single quarter to the subject. For this reason course 1 is given each quarter except the Winter. Course 6 is intended to correct the tendency of students of morphology to know only laboratory material, and to be ignorant of live plants and their habitats. Courses 1, 2, 3, and 6 are especially recommended to teachers in the public schools. Courses 7, 8, and 9 constitute a series intended to give a thorough account of the principal groups of plants, their morphology, and a somewhat detailed outline of their classification. These courses may be taken in any sequence, although the subject develops most naturally if they are taken in the order of their numbering. They are required of all students who intend to do advanced work in the Department, and are adapted to all who desire a thorough elementary knowledge of plants. Unless all three are taken, course 1, or its equivalent, is prerequisite for any of them. Course 4 is required of all students who purpose entering any of the courses in Special Morphology. II. Special Morphology. The courses enumerated under this head (10-15) expand the work of courses 7, 8, and 9, and consider in detail the different groups of plants there studied. They are intended to furnish the training necessary for independent research in morphology. Courses 10, 12, and 13 make up a year's work, offered in alternate years with courses 11, 14, and 15. Courses 17 and 19 are for research students and demand familiarity with German and French. III. Physiology.-Courses 20-22 include work in the fundamental principles of Physiology and constitute a continuous course (though they may be elected separately and in any order) prerequisite to research work in Physiology. The laboratory observations in these courses sometimes require work at irregular and unusual hours which those electing them should be willing to give. Students should be able to read German readily, and must be acquainted with the fundamental principles of physics and inorganic chemistry. Physics 1, 2, 3, and Chemistry 1, 2, 3, 4 are highly desirable antecedents, and may in future be made prerequisites. IV. Ecology.-Courses 30, 32, and 34 constitute a series, but are independent of one another, and hence may be elected separately. The ability to read German is a decided advantage in all the courses in Ecology. V. Bacteriology. Students specializing in Botany are advised to take at least two majors of Bacteriology (courses 1B and 4.) VI. Teaching.-Students wishing to teach Botany in high schools are advised to take course 50, and at least two majors in the Department of Education. COURSES OF INSTRUCTION 1. Elementary Botany. A general introduction to Botany, including the important structures of plants as a foundation for the study of functions, the general classification of plants, and the evolution of the plant kingdom. Prerequisite to all other courses offered by the Department. No credit until the work of the quarter is complete. Lectures and laboratory. Laboratory fee, $2.50. Mj. Summer Quarter, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR CALDWELL AND MR. FULLER; Autumn and Spring Quarters, PROFESSOR COULTER AND Dr. PFEIFFER. 2. Elementary Plant Physiology.—A summary view of the general behavior of seed-plants. Especially designed for students not prepared for courses 20, 21, 22. No credit until work of quarter is complete. Lectures and laboratory. Prerequisite: course 1 or its equivalent. Laboratory fee, $2.50. Mj. Summer and Winter Quarters, PROFESSOR BARNES And Dr. CROCKER. 3. Elementary Ecology.-Plants in relation to their environment. Fieldwork in the greenhouses, parks, and vacant grounds near the University, with occasional laboratory exercises, and field-trips to the country. Prerequisite: course 1 or equivalent. Mj. Summer Quarter, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR ĈOWLES AND MR. FULLER. Mj. Spring Quarter, MR. FULLER. 4. Methods in Plant Histology.-Principles and methods of killing, fixing, imbedding, sectioning, staining, mounting, drawing, reconstructing, and use of microscope. This course is a necessary preparation for the courses in special morphology. Lectures and laboratory work. Prerequisite: course 1 or its equivalent. Laboratory fee, $2.50. DM. First Term, Summer Quarter, Mj. Spring Quarter, DR. LAND. 6. Classification of Pteridophytes and Spermatophytes.-This course is intended to familiarize the student with the leading natural groups of the higher plants, and the fundamental principles governing taxonomy, including a practical understanding of the rules of botanical nomenclature. During the season field excursions will supplement the laboratory work, and special attention will be given to a study of the local flora. Lectures, laboratory, and field-work. Prerequisite: course 1 or equivalent. Laboratory fee, $2.50. Mj. Summer and Spring Quarters, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR GREENMAN. 7. General Morphology of Thallophytes.-The thorough study of a series of Algae and Fungi forms the basis of lectures upon the morphology and classification of these groups. Special emphasis is placed upon such topics as evolution of sex, life-histories, lines of development, etc. Lectures and laboratory. Prerequisite: course 1 or equivalent. Laboratory fee, $2.50. Mj. Autumn Quarter, PROFESSOr Coulter anD ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CHAMBER LAIN. 8. General Morphology of Bryophytes and Pteridophytes.—A continuation of course 7. The topics especially elaborated and discussed are alternation of generations, evolution of the sporophyte, and heterospory. Lectures and laboratory. Prerequisite: course 1 or its equivalent. Laboratory fee, $2.50. Mj. Summer Quarter, DRS. LAND AND PFEIFFER. Winter Quarter, PROFESSOR COULTER AND DR. LAND. 9. General Morphology of Spermatophytes.-A continuation of courses 7 and 8. In this course special emphasis is placed upon the significance of the seed, simplification of the gametophyte, and genetic relations. Lectures and laboratory. Prerequisite: course 1 or equivalent, and course 8. Laboratory fee, $2.50. Mj. Spring Quarter, PROFESSOR Coulter and Dr. LAND. 10. Special Morphology of Algae.1-Critical studies of typical Algae, accompanied by lectures upon the morphology and relationships of the group. Lectures and laboratory. Prerequisite: courses 4 and 7. Laboratory fee, $2.50. DMj. Autumn Quarter, 1909, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CHAMBERLAIN. 11. Special Morphology of Fungi.-A study of the morphology and relationships of the fungi, including practice in the methods of growing and studying fungi in artificial cultures, and trips for collecting and recognizing these plants in the field. Lectures and laboratory work. Prerequisite: courses 4 and 7. Laboratory fee, $2.50. [May be given in Autumn Quarter, 1910.] 12. Special Morphology of Bryophytes. - Critical studies of typical liverworts and mosses, accompanied by lectures upon their morphology, relationships, and origin. Lectures and laboratory. Prerequisite: courses 4 and 8. Laboratory fee, $2.50. DMj. Winter Quarter, 1910, PROFESSOR BARNES AND DR. LAND. 13. Special Morphology of Pteridophytes. Similar in method and purpose to course 12, the lectures also discussing the relation of the group to spermatophytes. Lectures and laboratory. Prerequisite: courses 4 and 8. Laboratory fee, $2.50. DMj. Spring Quarter, 1910, PROFESSOR COULTER AND ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CHAMBERLAIN. 14. Special Morphology of Gymnosperms.-Critical studies of the gymnosperm types are made, and a course of lectures discusses the morphology, genetic relationships, and origin of the group, both ancient and modern. Lectures and laboratory. Prerequisite: courses 4 and 9. Laboratory fee, $2.50. DMj. Summer Quarter, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CHAMBERLAIN; Winter Quarter, 1911, PROFESSOR COULTER AND Assistant Professor CHAMBERLAIN. 15. Special Morphology of Angiosperms -A continuation of course 14, treating monocotyledons and dicotyledons. Lectures and laboratory. Laboratory fee, $2.50. DMj. Summer Quarter and Spring Quarter, 1911, PROFESSOR COULTER AND ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CHAMBERLAIN. 16. Seminar in History of Botany. This course is intended to develop a historical background for research students. Mj. or DMj. Autumn Quarter, PROFESSOR COULTER. [Not given in 1909–10.] 17. Cytology. This course deals with the structure and life-history of the plant cell. Special attention will be given to the bearing of cytology upon theories of heredity and evolution. Designed for research students. Lectures and laboratory. Prerequisite: course 4. Laboratory fee, $2.50. Mj. Summer and Winter Quarters, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CHAMBERLAIN. 19. Research in Morphology.-Only those students will be admitted to this work whose training in technique and special morphology enables them to be independent. Laboratory fee, $2.50. Mj. or DMj. Each quarter, 1 Courses 10, 12, 13 are offered in alternate years with courses 11, 14, 15. PROFESSORS Coulter and BARNES, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CHAMBERLAIN, AND DR. LAND. 20. Plant Physics.-This course is designed to acquaint the student with the plant processes which are essentially physical, such as maintenance of bodily form, turgor, absorption, movement of substances in the body, and transpiration. Lectures and laboratory. Prerequisite: course 2. Desirable antecedents: Physics, 1, 2, 3, 11; Botany, 3, 7, 8, 9. Laboratory fee, $2.50. Mj. or DMj. Autumn Quarter, PROFESSOR Barnes and Dr. CROCKER. 21. Plant Chemics.-A continuation of course 20, devoted to the study of metabolism, including the manufacture, digestion, and assimilation of foods; respiration; waste products. Lectures and laboratory. Prerequisite: course 2. Desirable antecedents: Chemistry, 1, 2, 3, 4; Botany, 20. Laboratory fee, $2.50. Mj. or DMj. Summer and Winter Quarter, PROFESSOR BARNES AND DR. CROCKER. 22. Growth and Movement.-A continuation of courses 20 and 21. The phenomena of growth and movement will be examined with especial reference to the influence of external agents upon them through irritability. Lectures and laboratory. Prerequisite: course 2. Desirable antecedents: courses 20, 21. Laboratory fee, $2.50. Mj. or DMj. Spring Quarter, DR. CROCKER. 29. Research in Physiology. Requires special training in physiology and the fundamental physics and chemistry. Registration only after consultation. Laboratory fee, $2.50. PROFESSOR BARNES AND DR. CROCKER. 30. Ecological Anatomy.-Plant tissues from the standpoint of origin and function; follows or runs parallel with course 3. Lectures and laboratory. Prerequisite: courses 1, 2, 3. Laboratory fee, $2.50. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR COWLES AND ASSISTANT. [Not given in 1909-10.] 32. Geographic Botany. This course presents regional and world problems in contrast to the local field problems treated in courses 3 and 34. Lecture or conference daily. Prerequisite: course 3, and preferably Historical Geology. DM. First Term, Summer Quarter, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR COWLES. 34. Physiographic Ecology. Origin, development, and death of the various plant associations, especially such as are found in the United States and Canada. Lectures and field work. Prerequisite: Botany 3, Geology 1, and preferably Geology 14. Mj. Summer Quarter, Assistant PROFESSOR COWLES AND MR. FULLER. 35. Forest Ecology.-The life, activities, and death of trees; the structure and rôle of their various organs. Trees in relation to climate, soil, and their organic environment. Silviculture and the economic ecology of trees. Forest succession and its causes. The great forest formations of the United States and Canada. Prerequisite: Botany 3. Mj. Autumn Quarter, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR COWLES. 36. Field Ecology.-Designed to supplement the local work in Ecology at the University. The whole time of the student will be required for the four weeks in the field; the remainder of the term (two weeks) may be devoted to the preparation of a report. M., DM., or 3M. for each term's work depending upon the quantity and quality of the work accomplished. Second Term, Summer Quarter, North Shore of Lake Superior. Winter Quarter, First Term in Southern Florida. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Cowles. 38. Seminar in Ecology.--This course is intermediate between courses 30-36 and research work. In general, the seminar work for each quarter will run parallel with the ecological course (30-34) given at the time. Mj. or DMj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR COWLES. 39. Research in Ecology. This course requires special training in Ecology, and in related lines of study, especially geology and plant physiology. Mj. or DMj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR COWLES. 49. Research in Taxonomy.-Requires special training in Taxonomy. Registration only after consultation. Work done in Herbarium of Field Museum of Natural History. Laboratory fee, $2.50. PROFESSOR COULTER AND ASSISTANT PROFESSOR GREENMAN. 50. Teaching Botany in High Schools.*-This course includes a consideration of the following topics: the function of science in education; the function of Botany in secondary education; the principles that determine the selection, organization, and use of botanical materials; outline of a course; inspection of high-school work in Botany. Mj. Spring and Summer Quarters, AsSOCIATE PROFESSOR CALDWELL. XXVIII. THE DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY AND OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION LUDWIG HEKTOEN, M.D., Professor of Pathology, and Head of the Department of Pathology and Bacteriology. †EDWIN OAKES JORDAN, PH.D., Professor of Bacteriology. HARRY GIDEON WELLS, PH.D., M.D., Associate Professor of Pathology. MARY HEFFERAN, PH.D., Assistant and Curator of the Bacteriological Museum. JAMES HERBERT MITCHELL, S.B., Research Assistant in Chemical Pathology. ALFRED CHARLES HICKS, Assistant in Bacteriology (Summer Quarter, 1909). EUGENE FRANKLIN MCCAMPBELL, S.B., Assistant in Pathology (Summer Quarter, 1909). HARRY LOUIS DALE, A.B., Laboratory Assistant in Bacteriology (Autumn Quarter, 1909; Spring Quarter, 1910). CHARLES-EDWARD AMORY WINSLOW, S.B., Assistant Professor of Bacteriology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Winter Quarter, 1910). FELLOWS, 1909-10 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN DAVIS, A.B. ROSWELL TALMADGE PETIT, S.B. INTRODUCTORY The courses offered by the Department include the required work in Pathology and Bacteriology in the curriculum of the first two years in the study of Medicine, as well as advanced courses arranged for those desiring a more extended knowledge of the subjects, and for those wishing to qualify themselves for research. *Course 4, Department CXII, School of Education. † On leave of absence. |