Fellow in Pathology, Rush Medical College, 1900; Fellow and Assistant in Pathology, ibid., 1901; Associate in Pathology, University of Chicago, 1901-2; Instructor, ibid., 1903-4 Student in Berlin, 1904-5; Assistant Professor of Pathology, University of Chicago, 1904-9; Dean in Medical Work. ibid., 1904-; Pathologist to the Cook County Hospital, 1906-; Associate Professor of Pathology, University of Chicago, 1909—. JOSEPH EDWARD RAYCROFT, A.B., M.D., Associate Professor of Physical Culture, and Examining Physician; Supervisor of the Teaching of Hygiene and Physical Education, and School Physician, the School of Education. Director, Physical Culture, Worcester Academy, 1888-92; Instructor, Chautauqua School of Physical Culture, 1889-92; Director, Physical Culture, Eagle Lake Assembly, 1895; Assistant in Physical Culture, University of Chicago, 1892-6; A.B., ibid., 1896; Head of Snell House, ibid., 1896-9; M.D., Rush Medical College, 1899; Assistant in Diseases of Chest, Throat, and Nose, ibid., 1899-1904; Instructor in Physical Culture, University of Chicago, 1896-1904; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1904-7; Associate Professor, ibid., 1908—. SOLOMON HENRY CLARK, PH.B., Associate Professor of Public Speaking. Lecturer, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 1886-7; Lecturer, McMaster College, 1890; Lecturer, Trinity University, 1888-92; Reader in Elocution, University of Chicago, 1892-4; Instructor, ibid., 1894-7; Ph.B., ibid., 1897; Assistant Professor of Public Speaking, ibid., 1897-1901; Associate Professor, ibid., 1901-. GILBERT AMES BLISS; PH.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics. S.B., University of Chicago, 1897; S.M., ibid., 1898; Ph.D., ibid., 1900; Fellow, ibid., 18991900 Instructor in Mathematics, University of Minnesota, 1900-2; Student, University of Göttingen, 1902-3; Associate in Mathematics, University of Chicago, 1903-4; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, University of Missouri, 1904-5; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Princeton University, 1905-8; Associate Editor, Annals of Mathematics, 1906-; Associate Editor, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 1908-; Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Chicago, 1908-. WILLIAM HARVEY EMMONS, PH.D., Associate Professor of Economic Geology and Mineralogy. A.B., Central College, 1897: Instructor in Mathematics, Northwest Missouri College, 1898; Harden College, 1899; Student, University of Chicago, 1901; Fellow in Geology, ibid., 1902; Research Assistant in Geology, ibid., 1903; United States Geological Survey, 1904-9; Assistant Professor of Economic Geology, University of Chicago, 1908; Associate Professor, ibid., 1909—. WALDEMAR KOCH, PH.D., Associate Professor of Pharmacology. S.B., Harvard University, 1898; Ph.D., ibid., 1900; Assistant in Physiology, Harvard Medical School, 1900-1; Assistant in Pharmacology, University of Chicago, 1901-3; Assistant Professor of Pharmacology and Physiological Chemistry, University of Missouri, 1903-6; Assistant Professor of Physiological Chemistry, University of Chicago, 1907-8; Associate Professor of Pharmacology, ibid., 1908-. ANTON JULIUS Carlson, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Physiology. S.B., Augustana College, 1898; A.M., ibid., 1899; Student, Leland Stanford Jr. University, 1899-1902; Ph.D., ibid., 1902; Assistant in Physiology, ibid., 1902-3; Research Assistant of the Carnegie Institution, 1903-4; Associate in Physiology, University of Chicago, 1904-5; Assistant Professor of Physiology, ibid., 1904-9; Associate Professor, ibid., 1909-. LEON CARROLL MARSHALL, A.M., Associate Professor of Political Economy; Dean of the College of Commerce and Administration. A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1900; A.B., Harvard University, 1901; A.M., ibid., 1902; Henry Lee Memorial Fellow in Economics, ibid., 1902-3; Assistant, ibid., 1902-3; Professor of Economics, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1903-7; Assistant Professor of Political Economy, University of Chicago, 1907-8; Associate Professor, ibid., 1908-; Dean of the College of Commerce and Administration, ibid., 1909-, WALTER FENno Dearborn, PH.D., Associate Professor of Education. A.B., Wesleyan University, 1900; A.M., ibid., 1903; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1905; Graduate Student, Wesleyan University, 1900-1; Vice-Principal, Middletown, Conn., High School, 1901-3; Fellow of Teachers' College, Columbia University, 1903-5; Student, University of Göttingen, 1904; Instructor in Education, University of Wisconsin, 1905-7; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1907-9; Associate Professor of Education, University of Chicago, 1909 SAMUEL CHESter Parker, A.M., Associate Professor of Education. A.B., University of Cincinnati, 1901; Graduate Student, ibid., 1901-2; University of Chicago, Summer Quarters, 1902-3; Teachers College, Columbia University, 1902-3; A.M., ibid., 1903; Fellow in Education, ibid., 1906-7; Professor of Education, Miami University, 1903-9; Associate Professor of Education, University of Chicago, 1909-. EMILY JANE RICE, PH.B., Associate Professor of the Teaching of History, the College of Education. Graduate, Oswego Normal School, 1872; Teacher in State Normal School, Johnson, Vt., 1873; Cook County Normal School, 1873-96; Head of Department of History, Chicago Normal School, 1896-9; Student in Europe, 1899-1900; Head of Department of History, Chicago Institute, 1900-1; Associate Professor of the Teaching of History, the College of Education, University of Chicago, 1901-; Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1903. ZONIA BABER, S.B., Associate Professor of the Teaching of Geography and Geology, the College of Education. Graduate Student in Geography, Cook County Normal School, 1886; Principal, Hillman Street School, Youngstown, O., 1886-8; Critic Teacher, Cook County Normal School, 1886-9; Head of Department of Geography, ibid., 1889-96; Chicago Normal School, 1896-9; Travel and Study in the Orient, 1899-1900; Chicago Institute, 1900-1; Associate Professor of the Teaching of Geography and Geology, the College of Education, University of Chicago, 1901-; S.B., University of Chicago, 1904. MARTHA FLEMING, Associate Professor of the Teaching of Speech, Reading, Oral Reading, and Dramatic Art, the College of Education. Graduate, State Normal University, 1872; taught, Hyde Park public schools, 1872-6; Peoria County Normal School, 1876-9; Chicago public schools, 1879-83; Clara Conway Institute, Memphis, Tenn., 1883-8; Lake Forest University, Chicago Kindergarten College, 1891-6; Appointed Assistant in the University of Chicago, 1896; Chicago Normal School, 1896-9; Student of Dramatic Art in England, France, Germany, and Italy. 1899-1900; taught, Chicago Institute, 1900-1; Associate Professor of the Teaching of Speech, Oral Reading, and Dramatic Art, the College of Education, University of Chicago, 1901-. WILLIAM F. E. GURLEY, Associate Curator in Paleontology. State Geologist, Illinois, 1893-7; Associate Curator in Paleontology, University of Chicago, 1900-. HANS M. SCHMIDT-WARTENBERG, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Germanic Philology.† Universities of Jena, Berlin, and Strassburg, 1881-5; State Examination, Strassburg, 1885; Teacher of German, Hoboken Academy, N. J., 1886-7; Acting Professor of Modern Languages, University of North Carolina, Spring Term, 1887; Fellow Cornell University, 1887-8; Ph.D., ibid., 1888; Professor of Latin and German, University of Deseret (University of Utah), 1888-90; Professor of Modern Languages, University of South Dakota, 1890-1; Professor of Modern Languages, University of Mississippi, 1891-3; Instructor in German, University of Chicago, 1893-4; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1894-; Secretary Central Division of the Modern Language Association of America, 1895-1900; Member of the Editorial Committee, Modern Language Association of America (Germanic Department), 1896-1901; Correspondirendes Mitglied der Lettisch-Litterarischen Gesellschaft, 1897. PAUL OSKAR KERN, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Germanic Philology.* Abiturientenexamen, Berlin, 1877; University of Berlin, 1877-80; Tutor in England, 1881; Student in Berlin, 1882-4; Teacher of Languages, Princeton, Ill., High School, 1887; Student in Paris (Sorbonne and Collège de France), 1888-9; Teacher of French, Chicago High School, 1889-95; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1892; Honorary Fellow in German, ibid., 1893-4; Fellow, ibid., 1894-5; Associate, ibid., 1895-6; Ph.D., ibid., 1897; Instructor in Germanic Philology, ibid., 1896-1902; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1902–8. FREDERIC JAMES GURNEY, A.B., D.B., Assistant Recorder. A.B., University of Michigan, 1880; D.B., Baptist Union Theological Seminary, 1883; Instructor, American Institute of Hebrew, 1882-6; Instructor in the English New Testament, Baptist Union Theological Seminary, 1884-5; Examiner's Clerk, University of Chicago, 1893-9; Assistant to the Recorder, ibid., 1899-1906; Assistant Recorder, ibid., 1906-. OLOF HEDEEN, A.B., Assistant Professor (in the Swedish Theological Seminary) of Practical Theology and Exegesis. A.B., University of Upsala, Sweden, 1882; Private Instructor in German and the Natural Sciences, College of Östersund, 1877, and in Latin and German, Upsala, 1882-3; Student, University of Upsala, 1882-3; S.M. Candidatus, Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod, 1885; Pastor, Manchester, N. H., 1885-90; Pastor, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1890-6; Assistant Professor (in the Swedish Theological Seminary) of Practical Theology and Exegesis, University of Chicago, 1896-. † Absent on leave. *Deceased. ALICE PELOUBET NORTON, A.M., Assistant Professor of Household Administration. A.B., Smith College, 1882; A.M., ibid., 1897; Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1895-7; Graduate, Boston Normal School of Household Arts, 1896; Teacher, Brookline, Mass., High School, and Supervisor of Grammar School Work, 1896-1900; Chicago Institute, 1900-1; Lecturer, Hartford School of Sociology, 1894; Lecturer on Home Sanitation, Lasell Seminary, 1893-9; Lecturer, Y. W. C. A. School of Domestic Science, Boston, 1895-1900; Lecturer, Boston Cooking School, 1898-1900; Director of Chautauqua School of Domestic Science, 1899-1905; Assistant Professor of Household Administration, University of Chicago, 1901-. THEODORE LEE NEFF, PH.D., Assistant Professor of French. Ph.B., De Pauw University, 1883; A.M., ibid., 1886; Student in France and Germany, 1884-6; Instructor and Associate Professor of Modern Languages, De Pauw University, 1886-90; Instructor and Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, State University of Iowa, 1890-94; Graduate Student in Romance Languages, University of Chicago, 1893-6; Senior Fellow, ibid., 1894-6; Ph.D., ibid., 1896; Associate in Romance Languages, ibid., 1896-7; Instructor, ibid., 1897-1908; in Europe, 1899-1900; Assistant Professor of French, University of Chicago, 1908-. GEORGE CARTer Howland, A.M., Assistant Professor of Italian Philology. Valparaiso, Ind. A.B., Northern Indiana Normal, 1885; Principal of Public Schools, 1885-7; Teacher of Sciences and Mathematics, Hayward Collegiate Institute, Fairfield, Ill., 1887-9; admitted to Illinois Bar, 1889: Principal of High School, Santa Ana, Cal., 1889-91; A.B., Harvard University, 1893; A.M.. University of Chicago, 1894; Ph.D., ibid., 1898; Graduate Scholar and University Extension Lecturer in Sociology and Political Economy, ibid., 1894-5; Assistant in Sociology, ibid., 1895-6; Secretary of the University Extension Class-study Department, ibid., 1896-1900; Dean in University College, ibid., 1898-1900; Instructor in Sociology, ibid., 1896-1902; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1902-; Secretary Illinois Educational Commission, 1908-. DAVID JUDSON LINGLE, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Physiology. S.B., University of Chicago, 1885; Assistant in Science, Beloit College, 1886-7; Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins University, 1887-9; Assistant Professor of Biology, Tulane University, 1889-90; Graduate Student, Johns Hopkins University, 1890-1; Fellow in Biology, ibid., 1891-2; Ph.D., ibid., 1892; Reader in Biology, University of Chicago, 1892-3; Assistant in Physiology, ibid., 1893-4; Instructor, ibid., 1894-1904; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1904-. JOHN GORDON WILSON, A.M., M.B., C.M., Assistant Professor of Anatomy.† A.M., Edinburgh University, 1885; M.B., C.M., ibid., 1889; Post-Graduate Study in Vienna and Berlin, 1890-1; Surgeon, Bellahouston Dispensary, Glasgow, 1895-7; Dispensary Surgeon, Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow, 1898-1900; Fellow in Anatomy, University of Chicago, 1902; Associate in Anatomy, ibid., 1903; Instructor in Anatomy, ibid., 1903-6; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1906-8. ELIZABETH WALLACE, S.B., Assistant Professor of French Literature; Head of Beecher House; Dean of the Junior College of Literature (Women). S.B., Wellesley College, 1886; Teacher of History, 1887-9; Graduate Student, University of Minnesota, 1889-92; Fellow in History, University of Chicago, 1892-3; Docent and Reader in Spanish and Latin-American Institutions, ibid., 1893-5; Dean of Women, Knox College, 1895-6; Traveling Fellow in Romance Languages, University of Chicago, 1896-7; Élève titulaire de l'École des Hautes Études, University of Paris, 1897; Associate in Romance Languages, University of Chicago, 1897-9; in Paris, 1901-2; Instructor in French Literature, University of Chicago, 1899-1905; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1905-; Officier d'Académie, 1905; Dean of the Junior College of Literature (Women), University of Chicago, 1905—. MARTIN SCHÜTZE, PH.D., Assistant Professor of German Literature. Graduate, Gymnasium of Güstrow, Germany, 1886; Student, University of Freiburg in Baden, 1886; University of Rostock. 1887; Passed Civil Service Examination in Law, 1889; Professor of German, Beaver College, Beaver, Pa., 1894-5; Instructor in German, Beaver, Pa., High School, ibid., 1896; Fellow in Germanics, University of Pennsylvania, 1897-9; Ph.D., ibid., 1899; Senior Fellow, ibid., 1899-1900; Instructor in German, Northwestern University, 1900-1; Associate in German. University of Chicago, 1901-3; In. structor, ibid., 1903-7; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1907—. † Resigned. CHARLES JOSEPH CHAMBERLAIN, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Botany. A.B., Oberlin College, 1888; Principal of Crookston, Minn., High School, 1889-93; A.M., Oberlin College, 1893; Student, University of Chicago, 1893-6; Laboratory Assistant in Botany, ibid., 1896; Ph.D., ibid., 1897; Assistant, ibid., 1897-9; Associate, ibid., 18991901; Instructor, ibid., 1901-7; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1908-; Research at Bonn, Germany, 1901-2; Member of the Botanical Society of America, Association Interna tionale des Botanistes, Die Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft; Editor of Current Botanical Literature, Journal of Applied Microscopy, 1899-1903; American Editor of Cytology, Botanisches Centralblatt, 1902-. ERIC SANDELL, D.B., D.D., Assistant Professor (in the Swedish Theological Seminary) of Church History and Homiletics. Student, Baptist Union Theological Seminary, 1881-4; Pastor, Chicago, 1884-7; Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics, Central Bible Seminary, Stromsburg, Neb., 1887-8; D.B., Baptist Union Theological Seminary, 1888; Professor in the Swedish Department, ibid., 1888-92; Assistant Professor, Swedish Theological Seminary, University of Chicago, 1892-5; Pastor, Minneapolis, Minn., 1895-9; Pastor, Chicago, 18991905; D.D., Bethany College, Lindsburg, Kan., 1902; Preaching and lecturing, 1905-7; Assistant Professor of Church History and Homiletics, Swedish Theological Seminary, University of Chicago, 1907-. SOPHONISBA PRESTON BRECKINRIDGE, PH.D., J.D., Assistant Professor of Household Administration; Assistant Dean of Women; Dean of the Junior College of Arts (Women). S.B., Wellesley College, 1888; Instructor in Mathematics, High School, Washington, D. C., 1888-90; Ph.M., University of Chicago, 1897; Fellow in Political Science, ibid., 18971901; Assistant to the Dean of Women, ibid., 1899-1902; Ph.D., ibid., 1901; Assistant Dean of Women, ibid., 1902-; Docent in Political Science, ibid., 1902-4; J.D., ibid., 1904; Instructor in Household Administration, ibid., 1904-9; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1909-. JOHN PAUL GOODE, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Geography. S.B., University of Minnesota, 1889; Professor of Natural Science, State Normal School, Moorhead, Minn., 1889-98; Graduate Student, Harvard University, summer, 1894; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, summer, 1895; Instructor in Physiography, University of Minnesota, summer, 1896; Fellow in Geology, University of Chicago, 1896-7; Instructor in Physiography and Meteorology, ibid., Summer Quarters, 1897-1900, 1902; Graduate Student, ibid., 1898-9; Professor of Physical Science and Geography, Eastern Illinois State Normal School, Charleston, Ill., 1899-1901; Graduate Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1900-1; Ph.D., ibid., 1901; Instructor in Geography, ibid., 1901-3; Associate Editor, Journal of Geography; Assistant Professor of Geography, University of Chicago, 1903—. EDWARD SCRIBNER AMES, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Philosophy. A.B., Drake University, 1889; A.M., ibid., 1891; D.B., Yale University, 1892; Graduate EDGAR JOHNSON GOODSPEED, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Biblical and A.B., Colgate University, 1890; Instructor in Greek and Latin, St. John's Military School, Ossining, N. Y., 1890-2; Instructor in Greek and Latin, Chicago Academy, 1892-3; Graduate Student in Semitics, University of Chicago, 1892-7; Fellow, ibid., 1893-5; Secretary to the President, ibid., 1896-7; Instructor in Biblical Literature and Latin, Kenwood Institute, Chicago, Ill., 1897-9; Secretary of the Correspondence-Study Department, University of Chicago, 1898-; Assistant, ibid., 1898-1900; Associate, ibid., 1900-2; Instructor, ibid., 1902-8; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1908-. ROBERT JOHNSON BONNER, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Greek. A.B., University of Toronto, 1890; Fellow in Latin, ibid., 1891-3; Graduate of Ontario Law School and Member of Ontario Bar, 1894; Classical Master, Collegiate Institute, Collingwood, Ont., 1895-9; Fellow in Greek, University of Chicago, 1899-1900; Professor of Latin, John B. Stetson University, 1900-3; Assistant in Greek, University of Chicago, 1903-4: Ph.D., ibid., 1904; Assistant in Greek and Latin, University College, ibid., 1904-5; Associate in Greek, University of Chicago, 1905-6; Instructor, ibid., 1906-8; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1908-, JOHN CUMMINGS, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Political Economy. A.B., Harvard University, 1891; A.M., ibid., 1892; Senior Fellow in Political Economy, University of Chicago, 1893-4; Ph.D., ibid., 1894; Instructor in Economics, Harvard University, 1894-1900; Assistant Professor of Political Economy, University of Chicago, 1903-; Dean in University College, ibid., 1904-5. NEWMAN MILLER, PH.B., Director of the University Press. Ph.B., Albion College, 1893; Graduate Student in Political Science, University of Chicago, 1894-96; Instructor and Secretary of the Correspondence-Study Department, University Extension Division, ibid., 1896-8; Manager Recorder Press, Albion, Mich., 1898-1900; Director of the University Press, University of Chicago, 1900-. WILLIAM VAUGHN MOODY, A.M., Assistant Professor of English and Rhetoric.t A.B., Harvard University, 1893; A.M., ibid., 1894; Assistant in English, ibid., and in Radcliffe College, 1894-5; Instructor in English and Rhetoric, University of Chicago, 1895-1901; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1901-8. FREDRIC MASOn Blanchard, A.M., Assistant Professor of Public Speaking. Ph.B., Oberlin College, 1893; A.M., ibid., 1897; Graduate, Emerson College of Oratory, 1896; Instructor, ibid., 1896-7; Instructor in Public Speaking, University of Chicago, 1897-1902; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1902-. HENRY CHANDLER COWLES, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Plant Ecology. A.B., Oberlin College, 1893; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1898; Graduate Student, ibid., 1894; Professor of Natural Sciences, Gates College, 1894-5; Special Field Assistant, United States Geological Survey, Summer, 1895; Fellow in Geology, University of Chicago, 1895-6; Fellow in Botany, ibid.,1896-7; Laboratory Assistant, ibid., 1897-8; Assistant, ibid., 1898-1901; Associate, ibid., 1901-2; Instructor, ibid., 1902-7; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1907-. ROBERT FRANKLIN HOXIE, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Political Economy. Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1893; Fellow, ibid., 1893-6; Acting Professor of Political Economy, Cornell College, Iowa, 1897-8; Instructor in Economics, Washington University, 1898-1901; Acting Professor of Political Economy and Political Science, Washington and Lee University, 1901-2; Fellow, University of Chicago, 1903; Instructor in Economics, Cornell University, 1903-6; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1905; Instructor in Political Economy, ibid., 1906-8; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1908 JOHN MERLIN POWIS SMITH, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Old Testament Language and Literature. A.B., Des Moines College, 1893; Instructor in Greek, Des Moines College Academy, 1891-2; Instructor in Greek, Cedar Valley Seminary, Osage, lowa, 1893-5; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1895-7; Fellow, ibid., 1897-9; Ph.D., ibid., 1899; Editorial Secretary to President William R. Harper, 1899-1906; Docent in Semitic Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago, 1899-1901; Assistant, ibid., 1901-2; Associate, ibid., 1902–5; Instructor, ibid., 1905-8; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1908-—. JESSE MORE GREENMAN, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Botany. A.B., University of Pennsylvania, 1893; Graduate School, ibid., 1893-4; Assistant, Gray Herbarium, Harvard University, 1894-9: S.M., Harvard University, 1899; John Thornton Kirkland Fellow, ibid., 1899-1901; Ph.D., University of Berlin, 1901; Assistant in Gray Herbarium and Instructor in Botany, Harvard University, 1902-5; Assistant Curator of Botany, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 1905-; Assistant Professor of Botany, University of Chicago, 1908-. SHIRLEY JACKSON CASE, D.B., PH.D., Assistant Professor of New Testament Interpretation. A.B., Acadia University, 1893; A.M., ibid., 1896; D.B., Yale University, 1904; Ph.D., ibid., 1906; Teacher of Mathematics, St. Martin's Seminary, 1893-5; Teacher of Mathematics and Greek, Horton Collegiate Academy, 1895-7; Teacher of Greek, New Hampton Literary Institution, 1897-1901; Instructor in New Testament Greek, Yale University. 1905-6; Professor of the History and Philosophy of Religion, Cobb Divinity School, 1906-8; Assistant Professor of New Testament Interpretation, University of Chicago, 1908—. GEORGE BREED Zug, A.B., Assistant Professor of the History of Art. A.B., Amherst College, 1893; Graduate Student, Harvard University, 1893-4; University of Berlin, winter, 1894-5; Paris, 1899-1900; American School at Rome, and University of Rome, winters, 1901-3; Instructor in the History of Art, University of Chicago, 1903-8; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1908-. † Resigned. |