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CHARLES HENRY BEESON, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Latin.

A.B., Indiana University, 1893; A.M., ibid., 1895; Tutor in Latin, ibid., 1893-5; Instructor, ibid., 1895-6; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1896-7; Head Instructor in Latin and Greek, Peoria High School, 1897-1901; Fellow in Latin, University of Chicago, 1901-3; Student, University of Munich, 1903-5; Instructor in Latin, University of Chicago, 1906; Student, University of Munich, 1906-7; Ph.D., ibid., 1907; Instructor in Latin, University High School, 1907-8; Instructor in Latin, University of Chicago, 1908-9; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1909—.

WILLARD CLARK GORE, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology, the College of Education.

Ph.B., University of Michigan, 1894; Assistant in English, ibid., 1894-6; Ph.M., ibid., 1895; Principal, High School, Riverside, Ill., 1896-9; Professor of English Literature, Armour Institute of Technology, 1899-1900; Fellow in Philosophy, University of Chicago, 1900-1; Ph.D., ibid., 1901; Instructor in Psychology, Chicago Normal School, 1901-2; Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Chicago, 1902-.

NORMAN MACLEOD HARRIS, M.B., Assistant Professor of Bacteriology.

M.B., University of Toronto, 1894; M.R.C.S., England, and L.R.C.P., London, 1895; Demonstrator of Bacteriology, University of Toronto, 1896-7; Assistant in Pathology, Johns Hopkins University, 1897-8; Instructor in Bacteriology, ibid., 1898-1900; Associate in Bacteriology, ibid., 1900-3; Graduate Student, University of Berlin, 1901; Instructor in Bacteriology, University of Chicago, 1903-7; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1907-. HOWARD TAYLOR RICKETTS, A.B., M.D., Assistant Professor of Pathology.

A.B., University of Nebraska, 1894; M.D., Northwestern Medical College, 1897; Interne, Cook County Hospital, 1898-9; Fellow in Cutaneous Pathology, Rush Medical College, 1899-1901; Assistant in Dermatology, ibid., 1899-1901; Student in Germany, 1901-2; Associate in Pathology, University of Chicago, 1902-3; Instructor, ibid., 1903-7; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1907-.

BASIL COLEMAN HYATT HARVEY, A.B., M.B., Assistant Professor of Anatomy. A.B., University of Toronto, 1894; Graduate, Normal College of Nova Scotia, 1895; M.B., University of Toronto, 1898; Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, ibid., 1895-7; Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, 1898; Assistant in Anatomy, University of Chicago, 1901-2; Associate, ibid., 1902-4; Instructor, ibid., 1904-8; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1908-.

WALTER A. PAYNE, PH.B., Assistant Professor, and Secretary of the University Extension Lecture-Study Department.

Graduate, State Normal School, Kirksville, Mo., 1887; Principal,Public Schools, Dayton, Wash., 1888-93; Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1895; Graduate Scholar in Sociology, ibid., 1895-6; Secretary of Lecture-Study Department, University Extension Division, ibid., 1896 ; Instructor, ibid., 1898-1902; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1902—. SAMUEL ALEXAnder Matthews, M.D., Assistant Professor of Experimental Therapeutics.

M.D., University of Michigan, 1895; Graduate, Washington Academy (classical course), 1886; Principal, High School, Ainsworth, Ia., 1887-9; Student, University of Michigan, 1890-6; Assistant in Physiological Chemistry and Pharmacology, ibid., 1893-4; Member of Staff of Internal Medicine, University Hospital, ibid.. 1894-5; Assistant in, and Demonstrator of, Pharmacology, ibid., 1895-7; Docent in Physiology, University of Chicago, 1898-9; Physician to the American Salt Company, Belle Isle, La., 1900-2; Assistant in Pharmacology, University of Chicago, 1903-4; Associate, ibid., 1904-6; Librarian of Medical Department, John Crerar Library, Chicago, 1906-7; Assistant Professor of Experimental Therapeutics, University of Chicago, 1907-.

REGINALD CAMPBELL THOMPSON, M.A., F.R.G.S., Assistant Professor of Semitic Languages.†

Exhibitioner in Assyrian, Caius College, Cambridge, 1895; Stewart of Rannoch Hebrew Scholar, Cambridge, 1897; First Class Oriental (Semitic) Tripos, 1898; Assistant, Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British Museum, 1899-1905 (sent on expedition to Persia with Mr. L. W. King, M.A., to collate Behistun Inscription, 1904; conducted excavations at Nineveh, 1904-5); appointed Survey Department of Civil Service of AngloEgyptian Sûdan, 1906; Assistant Professor of Semitic Languages, University of Chicago, 1907-9.

PRESTON KYES, A.M., M.D., Assistant Professor of Experimental Pathology. A.B., Bowdoin College, 1896; A.M., ibid., 1900; M.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1900; Graduate Student, Harvard University, 1898; Fellow in the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 1902-5; Associate in Anatomy, University of Chicago, 1901-2; Instructor, ibid., 1902-4; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1904-6; Associate in the Memorial Institute for Infectious Diseases, 1904-; Assistant Professor of Experimental Pathology, University of Chicago, 1906—.

† Resigned.

HENRY GORDON GALE, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Physics; Dean of the Junior College of Arts (Men).

A.B., University of Chicago, 1896; Graduate Student, ibid., 1896-7; Fellow in Physics, ibid., 1897-9; Ph.D., ibid., 1899; Assistant in Physics, ibid., 1899-1900; Associate, ibid., 1900-2; Instructor, ibid., 1902-7; Physicist at the Solar Observatory of the Carnegie Institution, Mt. Wilson, Cal., 1906; Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Chicago, 1907-; Dean of the Junior College of Arts (Men), ibid., 1908-; Research Associate of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, Mt. Wilson, Cal., 1909.

HIRAM PARKER WILLIAMSON, A.M., Assistant Professor of French.

S.B., Middlebury College, 1896; A.M.. ibid., 1897; Instructor in French and German, Rugby School, Kenilworth, Ill., 1897-9; Graduate Student and Instructor in French in the John C. Green School of Science of Princeton University, 1899-1900; Assistant in Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Chicago, 1900-1; Associate in French Literature, ibid., 1901-2; Instructor in French, ibid., 1902-6; Assistant Professor of French, ibid., 1906-; Secrétaire de l'Alliance Française, 1906-7.

JOSEPH PARKER WARREN, PH.D., Assistant Professor of History.

A.B., Harvard University, 1896; A.M., ibid., 1897; Ph.D., ibid., 1902; Assistant in History and Government and Graduate Student, Harvard University, 1896-7, 1899-1900, 1901-2; Fellow in American History, University of Pennsylvania, 1897-8; Instructor in Government, Harvard Summer School, 1900, 1901, 1903; Instructor in History, Leland Stanford Jr. University, 1901; Instructor in History, University of Chicago, 1902-9; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1909-.

JAMES WEBER LINN, A.B., Assistant Professor of English; Dean of the Junior College of Literature (Men).

A.B., University of Chicago, 1897; Assistant in English, ibid., 1899-1900; Associate, ibid., 1900-2; Instructor, ibid., 1903-7; Assistant Editor Youth's Companion, 1907-8; Assistant Professor of English, University of Chicago, 1907-; Dean of the Junior College of Literature (Men), ibid., 1908—.

WALLACE WALTER ATWOOD, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Physiography and General Geology.

S.B., University of Chicago, 1897; Ph.D., ibid., 1903; Assistant Geologist, New Jersey Geological Survey, 1897; Assistant Geologist, Wisconsin Natural History Survey, 1898-9; Instructor in Physiography and Mathematics, Lewis Institute, 1897-9; Instructor in Physiography and Geology, Chicago Institute, 1900-1; Instructor in Teachers' College, University of Chicago, 1899; Instructor in Field Geology, ibid., summers, 1898, 1899; Fellow in Geology, ibid., 1899-1900; Assistant in Physiography, ibid., 1901-2; Associate, ibid., 1902-3; Instructor in Physiography and General Geology, ibid., 1903-8; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1908-; Assistant Geologist, United States Geological Survey, 1901-; Geologist, Illinois Geological Survey, 1906—.

EDITH FOSTER FLINT, PH.B., Assistant Professor of English.

Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1897; Graduate Student, ibid., 1897; Assistant in English, ibid., 1897-8; Associate, ibid., 1898-1900; Departmental Examiner in English, ibid., 18991900; Head of Kelly House, ibid., 1898-1900; Grade Teacher, Chicago Institute, 1900; Instructor in English, Correspondence-Study Department, University of Chicago, 1900-6; Instructor in English, ibid., 1906-9; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1909

TREVOR ARNETT, A.B., University Auditor.

A.B., University of Chicago, 1898; Fellow in Political Economy, ibid., 1899-1900; University Auditor, ibid., 1901-.

PERCY HOLMES BOYNTON, A.M., Assistant Professor of English.

A.B., Amherst College, 1897; A.M., Harvard University, 1898; Instructor in English, Smith Academy, St. Louis, 1898-1902; Reader in English, University of Chicago, 1902-3; Acting Assistant Professor of English, Washington University, Winter Quarter, 1903; Secretary of Instruction, Chautauqua Institution, 1903-; Associate in English, University of Chicago, 1903-5; Instructor, ibid., 1905-9; Assistant Professor of English, ibid., 1909-.

EARL EVELYN SPERRY, PH.D., Assistant Professor of History.

Ph.B., Syracuse University, 1898; Graduate Student, ibid., 1898-9; University Scholar in History, Columbia University, 1898-9; University Fellow in History, ibid., 1900-1; Auditor, Universities of Leipzig and Berlin, 1901-2; Ph.D., Columbia University, 1903; Instructor in History, Syracuse University, 1902-5; Associate Professor, ibid., 1905-8; Professor, ibid., 1908-9; Assistant Professor of History, University of Chicago, 1909-. HARVEY CARR, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology.

S.B., University of Colorado, 1901; S.M., ibid., 1902; Assistant in Psychology, ibid., 1900-2; Fellow in Psychology, University of Chicago, 1902-5; PH.D., ibid., 1905; Instructor, Houston, Tex., High School, 1905; Instructor in Psychology, Pratt Institute, 1906-8; Assistant Professor of Psychology, University of Chicago, 1908—.

WILLIAM LAWRENCE TOWER, S.B., Assistant Professor of Embryology.

S.B., University of Chicago, 1902; Assistant in Entomology, Massachusetts Department of Agriculture, 1893-4; Assistant in Zoology, Harvard College, 1895-6; Instructor in Zoology, Central High School, Akron, Ohio, 1897-8; Assistant in Zoology, Harvard University, 1898-1900; Radcliffe College, 1899-1900; Professor of Biology and Hoagland Professor of Physiology, Antioch College, 1900-1; Assistant in Embryology, University of Chicago, 1901-3; Associate, ibid., 1903-4; Instructor, ibid., 1904-7; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1907-. HARLAN H. BARROWS, S.B., Assistant Professor of General Geology and Geography.

S.B., University of Chicago, 1903; Graduate Student, ibid., 1903-6; Instructor in University College, ibid., 1903-7; Assistant in Geology, ibid., 1903-7; Instructor in Geology and Geography, ibid., 1907-8; Assistant Professor, ibid., 1908

GERTRUDE DUDLEY, Assistant Professor of Physical Culture.

Mt. Holyoke College, 1887-90; Anderson Normal School, 1894-6; Baron Posse Summer School, Boston, 1895; Assistant, Chautauqua School of Physical Education, 1896; Teacher of Gymnastics and Physiology, the Misses Mackie School, Newburgh, N. Y.. 1896-8; Emerson's Summer School, 1897; Instructor in Physical Culture, University of Chicago, 18981909; Dean of Women and Lecturer, School of Physical Education, Yale University, Summers, 1905, 1906, 1907; Assistant Professor of Physical Culture, University of Chicago,


LUANNA ROBERTSON, PH.D., Instructor in German; Head of Kelly House.† Ph.B., Wooster University, 1883; Principal of High School, Bellevue, Ohio, 1883-5; Student in Germany, 1885-6; Ph.D., Wooster University, 1890; Student in Berlin, 1891-2; Academy Associate, University of Chicago, 1892-4; Academy Instructor, ibid., 1894-1900; Instructor, South Side Academy, 1900-3; Instructor and Dean of Women, the University High School, University of Chicago, 1903--.

VICTOR EMANUEL HELLEBERG, A.B., LL.B., Instructor in Sociology.

A.B., Yale University, 1883; LL.B., University of Cincinnati, 1885; Student, ibid., 1905-6; Fellow, University of Chicago, 1906-8; Instructor in Sociology, ibid., 1908-9.

THOR ROTHSTEIN, A.B., M.L., Instructor in Neuropathology.

A.B., Sweden, 1884; Candidatus Medico-philosophicus, University of Lund, 1886; Assistant in Histology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, 1889-91: Candidatus Medicina, 1891; Retzius' prize, 1890 and 1892; Student in Kiel and Munich, 1892; Physician in cholera epidemic in Sweden, 1894; Resident Physician in Clinic for Nervous Diseases at Royal Seraphim Lazarett, Stockholm, 1895-6; In charge of Extraordinary Professorship in Anatomy and Histology, Stockholm, 1897; Licentiatus Medicina, 1897; Volunteer Research Assistant in Neuropathology, University of Chicago, 1903-6; Instructor, ibid., 1906-. CHRISTIAN JÖRGINIUS Olsen, Instructor (in the Dano-Norwegian Theological Seminary) in Homiletics, Church Polity, and Pastoral Duties.

Morgan Park. Private Divinity Course, Throndhjem, Norway, 1880; Student in the Baptist Union Theological Seminary, 1884-6; Pastor, Oconomowoc, Wis., 1885-8; Pastor, Eau Claire, Wis., 1888-94; Editor of Vægteren, the Dano-Norwegian Baptist paper, 1894-5; Instructor, the Dano-Norwegian Seminary, University of Chicago, 1895-.

CHARLES PORTER SMALL, M.D., University Physician; Head of Hitchcock House.

A.B., Colby University, 1886; A.M., ibid., 1889; M.D., Maine Medical School, 1889; House Surgeon, Maine General Hospital. 1889-90; Second Assistant Surgeon, National Soldiers' Home, Togus, Me., 1890-1; University Physician, University of Chicago, 1892—; Head of Hitchcock House, ibid., 1909-.

JOHN ADELBERT PARKHURST, S.M., Instructor in Practical Astronomy.

S.B., Rose Polytechnic Institute, 1886; Instructor in Mathematics. ibid., 1886-8; S.M.. ibid., 1897; A.B. (Honorary), Wheaton College, 1906; Astronomer, Private Observatory, Marengo, Ill., 1892-9; Volunteer Research Assistant, the Yerkes Observatory, University of Chicago, 1898, 1900; Assistant, ibid., 1901-3; Carnegie Investigator in Stellar Photometry, ibid., 1903-5; Instructor in Practical Astronomy, ibid., 1905STORRS BARROWS BARRETT, A.B., Secretary and Librarian of the Yerkes Observatory. Williams Bay, Wis.

A.B., University of Rochester, 1889; Principal, Middlebury Academy, Wyoming, N. Y., 1889-91; Teacher of Science, High School, Palmyra, N. Y., 1891-2; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1892-5; Fellow in Astrophysics, ibid., 1893-5; Secretary and Librarian of the Yerkes Observatory, ibid., 1900—.

↑ Absent on leave, 1908-9.

ELIZABETH HOPKINS DUNN, A.M., M.D., Instructor in Anatomy.

A.B., Iowa College, 1889; A.M., ibid., 1892; M.D., Northwestern University Woman's Medical School, 1894; Instructor in Physiology, ibid., 1901-2; Clinical Assistant in Nervous Diseases, ibid., 1898-1901; Assistant Professor of Nervous Diseases, ibid., 1901-2; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1898-1901; Clinical Assistant in Nervous and Mental Diseases, Rush Medical College, 1902-6; Associate in Medicine, ibid., 1906-; Technical Assistant in Neurology, University of Chicago, 1901-3; Research Assistant, ibid., 1903-6; Assistant in Anatomy, ibid., 1906-7; Associate, ibid., 1907-9; Instructor in Anatomy, ibid., 1909-.

CLARENCE ALMON TORREY, PH.B., Inspector of Departmental Libraries.

Ph.B., Cornell College, 1890; Principal of Schools, Mt. Vernon, Ia., 1890-2; Student, University of Chicago, 1892-3; Assistant Cataloguer, ibid., 1893-4; Associate in Library, ibid., 1900-3; Inspector of Departmental Libraries, ibid., 1894—.


A.B., Wellesley College, 1891; Teacher, Public Schools, Albion, N. Y., 1883-5; Instructor, Shepardson College, Granville, O., 1888-9; Librarian, Northfield Seminary, 1892; Librarian, State Normal School, Trenton, N. J., 1893-4; Graduate Student, University of the City of New York, 1896; Associate, University of Chicago, 1894-7; Instructor, ibid., 1896—. HENRY BURTON SHARMAN, PH.D., Instructor in New Testament History and Interpretation.

S.B., University of Toronto, 1891; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1906; Instructor in New Testament History and Interpretation, ibid., 1908-.

BROWN PUSEY, M.D., Instructor in Pathology of the Eye.t

M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1892; Post-Graduate Medical Work, New York City, 1892-3; Assistant Surgeon United States Navy, 1893-6; House Surgeon, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, 1896-7; worked in laboratories of Weigert (Frankfurt, a.M.) and Leber (Heidelberg) and in the clinics of Vienna, 1898-9; worked in clinics of Vienna and laboratory of Axenfeld, Freiburg i. B., 1904; Instructor in Pathology, University of Chicago, 1903-8.

GEORGE ELMER SHAMBAUGH, M.D., Instructor in Anatomy of the Ear, Nose, and Throat.

Ph.B., University of Iowa, 1892; M.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1895; Student, Universities of Berlin and Vienna, 1895-7; Lecturer in Otology, Chicago Policlinic, 1898-1900; Instructor in Laryngology, Woman's Medical College, 1898-1902; Assistant in Otology, Rush Medical College, 1900-4; Instructor, ibid., 1904-7; Assistant Aurist, Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago, 1902-8; Instructor in Anatomy of the Ear, Nose, and Throat, University of Chicago, 1902-; Assistant Professor of Otology, Rush Medical College, 1907-; Aurist, Presbyterian Hospital, 1908—.

ELLA ADAMS MOORE, PH.B., Extension Instructor in English.

A.B., De Pauw University,1892; Instructor in Latin, De Pauw University, 1892-3; Graduate Student in English, Cornell University, 1893-4; Graduate Student in English, University of Chicago, 1894-5: in Europe, 1897; Lecturer and Associate in English, Extension Division, University of Chicago, 1896-1903: in Europe, 1901-2, 1906-7; Instructor in English, Extension Division, University of Chicago, 1903—.

GEORGE LINNAEUS MARSH, PH.D., Extension Instructor in English.

A.B., Iowa College. 1892; admitted to Iowa Bar, 1895; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1898-9; A.M., ibid., 1899; Fellow in English, ibid., 1899-1901; Reader, Extension Division, ibid., 1901-2; Associate, ibid., 1902-4; Instructor, ibid., 1904-; Special Instructor, South Side Academy, Summer, 1899; Acting Assistant in English, Morgan Park Academy, Spring, 1900; Assistant in English, Armour Institute of Technology, 1901-2; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1903.

ADOLF CHARLES VON NOÉ, PH.D., Instructor in German Literature.

Abiturientenexamen, Imperial Gymnasium, Graz, Austria, 1893; Student, University of Graz, 1893-4; Assistant, ibid., 1895-7; Student, University of Göttingen, 1897-9; Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1900; A.B., ibid., 1900; Instructor in German and French, and University Extension Reader, Burlington, Ia., Institute, 1900-1; Instructor in German, Leland Stanford Jr. University, 1901-3; Fellow in German, University of Chicago, 1903-4; Assistant in German, ibid., 1904-5; Ph.D., ibid., 1905; Instructor in German, ibid., 1905-.

NELS SORENSON LAWDAHL, Instructor (in the Dano-Norwegian Theological Seminary) in Church History, History, and Greek. Morgan Park.

Student, Baptist Union Theological Seminary, 1890-2; Student, Divinity School, University of Chicago, 1892-4; Graduate, Dano-Norwegian Theological Seminary, ibid., 1894; Assistant, ibid., 1893; Pastor, Kasson, Minn., 1893-5; Student, University of Chicago, 1897, 1902, 1904; Instructor in the Dano-Norwegian Theological Seminary, ibid., 1905—.

† Resigned.

THOMAS BRUCE FREAS, A.B., Curator in Chemistry.

A.B., Leland Stanford Jr. University, 1896; Principal, High School, Hiawatha, Kan., 1896-7; Chemist, Western Electric Co., 1897-8; Laboratory Inspector, Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, 1898-1902: Superintendent Laboratory Supply Department. University of Chicago Press, 1902; Manager Western Branch of Ernst Leitz, 1903; Curator in Chemistry, University of Chicago, 1904-.

MARCUS WILSON JERNEGAN, PH.D., Instructor in History.

A.B., Brown University, 1896; Graduate Student, ibid., 1896-8; A.M., ibid., 1898; Instructor in History, Providence, R. I., High School, 1897-8; Principal, Edgartown, Mass., High School, 1899-1901; Fellow in History, University of Chicago, 1901-4; Assistant, ibid., 1902-4; Instructor in History, University High School, ibid., 1903-6; Ph.D., ibid., 1906; Student, London School of Economics and Political Science, 1907; Assistant, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Historical Research, 1907-8; Instructor in History, University of Chicago, 1908

CHESTER NATHAN GOULD, PH.D., Instructor in German.

A.B., University of Minnesota, 1896; Instructor in English and Latin, Southern Kansas Academy, 1896-8; Scholar in Rhetoric, University of Minnesota, 1898-9; Instructor in Rhetoric, ibid., 1899-1900; A.M., ibid., 1900; Student, University of Leipzig, 1901; Fellow in German, University of Chicago, 1901-2; Instructor in German, Purdue University, 1902-3; Student, University of Chicago, 1903-4; Instructor in German, Dartmouth College, 1904-8; Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1907; Instructor in German, ibid., 1908-. SUSAN HELEN BALLOU, PH.B., Instructor in Latin.

Ph.B., University of Chicago, 1897; Graduate Scholar in Latin, ibid., 1897-8; Assistant, ibid., 1898-1900; Associate, ibid., 1901-7; Traveling Fellow of the Association of Col legiate Alumne, and member of the American School of Classical Studies at Rome, 1901-2; Member of same, 1903-4; Carnegie Research Fellow in Latin Literature, ibid., 1905-6; Instructor in Latin, University of Chicago, 1907-.

REUBEN MYRON STRONG, PH.D., Instructor in Zoology.

A.B., Oberlin College, 1897; Instructor in Zoology and Physics, Lake Forest Academy, 1897-8; Graduate Student in Zoology, Harvard University, 1898-1901; A.M., Harvard University, 1899; Ph.D., ibid., 1901; Assistant in Botany and Physiography, Morgan Park Academy, 1901-2; Instructor in Biology, Haverford College, 1902-3; Carnegie Research Assistant, 1903-4; Associate in Zoology, University of Chicago, 1904-7; Instructor, ibid., 1907-.

PHILIP FOX, S.M., Instructor in Astrophysics.

S.B., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1897; Assistant in Graphics, ibid., 1897-8; Commandant and Teacher of Mathematics, St. John's Military School, Salina, Kan., 1899-1901; S.M., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1901; S.B., Dartmouth College, 1902; Assistant in Physics, ibid., 1902-3; Carnegie Research Assistant, Yerkes Observatory, University of Chicago, 1903-5; Student in Astronomy. University of Berlin, 1905-6; Instructor in Astrophysics, University of Chicago, 1907—.

WILLIAM PIERCE GORSUCH, A.B., Instructor in Public Speaking.

A.B., Knox College, 1898; Assistant in English, ibid., 1898; Tutor in Public Speaking, 1898-9; Instructor in Public Speaking, Duluth, Minn., High School, 1900; Assistant in Public Speaking, University of Chicago, 1900-2; Associate, ibid., 1902-3'; Instructor, ibid., 1903-.

ARTHUR CONSTANT LUNN, PH.D., Instructor in Applied Mathematics.

A.B., Lawrence University, 1898; A.M., University of Chicago, 1900; Graduate Student, ibid., 1898-9; Fellow in Astronomy, ibid., 1899-1901; Assistant, ibid., Summer Quarters, 1900, 1901; Ph.D., ibid., 1904; Instructor in Mathematics and Astronomy, Wesleyan University, Conn., 1901-2; Associate in Applied Mathematics, University of Chicago, 1902-3; Instructor, University High School, ibid., 1903-4; Instructor in Applied Mathematics, ibid., 1904-.

JULIAN PLEASANT BRETZ, PH.D., Instructor in History.†

A.B., William Jewell College, 1899; Instructor, William Jewell College Academy, 1897-9: Graduate Student, University of Chicago, 1902-6; Fellow in History, ibid., 1904-6; Ph.D., ibid., 1906; Associate in History, ibid., 1906-7; Instructor, ibid., 1907-8.

CURTIS HOWE WALKER, PH.D,, Instructor in History.

A.B., Yale University, 1899; Graduate Student, ibid., 1899-1903; Instructor, Amherst College, 1903-4; Graduate Student, Yale University, 1904-5; Ph.D., ibid., 1905; Instructor in History, ibid., 1905-9; Instructor in History, University of Chicago, 1909-.

ALBERT ELLSWORTH HILL, A.B., Instructor in English.

A.B., University of Chicago, 1899; Instructor in English, High School, Peoria, Ill., 18991900; Superintendent, City Schools, Lake Forest, Ill., 1900-4; Librarian of Modern Language Libraries, University of Chicago, 1904-; Assistant in English, ibid., 1905-7; Associate, ibid., 1907-9; Instructor, ibid., 1909-.

† Resigned.

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