XVI. GENERAL LITERATURE 1. German Literature (in English). Mj. DR. VON NOÉ. 2. Goethe's Life and Works. Mj. Dr. Kueffner. 3. Milton and Dante. Mj. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR TROOP. 4. Studies in Recent Drama. Mj. MRS. MAUDE RADFord Warren and MISS BROWN. XVII. MATHEMATICS ELEMENTARY 1. Complete Arithmetic. Mj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. ACADEMY 2. Elementary Algebra.—(A and B). DMj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. 3. Plane Geometry. DMj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. 4. Solid Geometry. Mj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. COLLEGE 5. Plane Trigonometry by the Laboratory Method. Mj. AsSOCIATE PROFESSOR DICKSON. 6. Plane Trigonometry. Mj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. 7. Spherical Trigonometry (Informal). M. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. 8. College Algebra. Mj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. 9. Plane Analytic Geometry. Mj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. 10. Solid Analytical Geometry (Informal). Mj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. II. Calculus (Culture Course). Mj. AssoCIATE PROFESSOR SLAUGHT AND MR. STOUT. 12. Calculus. DMj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. 13. Advanced Calculus (Informal). DMj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. 14. Analytical Mechanics. Mj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. 15. Elements of Theories of Probability and of Least Squares. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 16. The Theory of Errors. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 17. Advanced Theory of Equations (Informal). DMj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. 18. Differential Equations (Informal). DMj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. 19. Projective Geometry (Informal). Mj. PROFESSOR MOORE. 20. Introduction to Analysis (Informal). DMj. PROFESSOR Moore. GRADUATE 21. History of the Science of Mathematics. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 22. History of the Teaching of Elementary and Secondary Mathematics. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 23. Advanced Analytical Geometry (Informal). DMj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR HOOVER. 24. Differential Equations (Informal). DMj. HOOVER. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR 25. Spherical Harmonics. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 26. Theory of Functions of a Real Variable (Informal). DMj. PROFESSOR MOORE. 27. Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable (Informal). DMj. PROFESSOR MOORE. 28. Elliptic Functions (Informal). DMj. PROFESSOR MOORE. 29. Algebra (Informal). DMj. PROFESSOR MOORE. 30. A Theory of Numbers (Informal). Mj. PROFESSOR MOORE. SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 31. Review Course in Mathematics for the Elementary School. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 32. Pedagogy of Mathematics of the Elementary Schools. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS, AND MR. BRESLICH. 33. The Teaching of Secondary Mathematics. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 34. The Psychology of Number. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 35. The Mathematics of History, Geography, Nature-Study, and Constructive Work for Elementary Schools. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 36. Mathematics for Teachers and Students of Commercial Geography and Industrial History. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS and MR. BRESLICH. 37. Mathematics for Teachers of Handicraft. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 38. Mathematics for Teachers and Students of Home Economics. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 39. Astronomy for High-School Teachers. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 40. Plane Trigonometry and Surveying with Surveyor's Tape and Extemporized Apparatus. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 41. Surveying and Plane Trigonometry Taught Simultaneously. Mj or DMJ. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 42. The Teaching of College Algebra, Trigonometry, and Analytics. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRESLICH. 43. The Teaching of Differential and Integral Calculus. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS and MR. BRESLICH. XVIII. ASTRONOMY 1. Descriptive Astronomy (Informal). Mj. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR MOULTON AND DR. MACMILLAN. 2. The History of Astronomy. Mj. PROFESSOR MYERS AND MR. BRES LICH. 3. Celestial Mechanics (Informal). DMj. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR MOULTON AND DR. MACMILLAN. XIX. PHYSICS 1. Elementary Physics.-(A) Mechanics, Sound, and Heat. Mj. (B) Electricity, Magnetism, and Light. Mj. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR MILLIKAN AND MR. MOORE. XX. CHEMISTRY 1. General Inorganic Chemistry.-(A and B.) DMj. PROFESSOR ALEXANDER SMITH AND MR. MENZIES. 2. Qualitative Analysis.—(A, B, and C.) 3 Mj. PROFESSOR STIEGLITZ, 3. Economic Geology. Mj. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR EMMONS. XXI A. GEOGRAPHY 1. General Geography. Mj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BArrows. 2. Influence of Geography on American History. Mj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR BARROWS. XXII. ZOOLOGY 1. General Zoology. Mj. DR. SHELFORD. 2. General Morphology and Natural History of the Invertebrates.—(A) Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata, Platyhelminthes, Nemathelminthes, and Echinodermata. Mj. (B) Mollusca, Annulata, and Anthropoda. Mj. DR. SHELFORD. 3. Advanced Animal Ecology(Informal). Mj. DR. SHELford. 4. General Morphology of the Vertebrates. Mj. PROFESSOR WILLISTON. 5. Studies of Birds. Mj. DR. STRONG. 6. Mammalian Anatomy (Informal). Mj. PROFESSOR WILListon. XXIV. PHYSIOLOGY 1. Introductory Physiology (A and B). Mj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR LINGLE. XXVII. BOTANY 1. General Morphology of the Algae and Fungi. Mj. Assistant ProFESSOR CHAMBERLAIN. 2. General Morphology of the Bryophytes and Pteridophytes. Mj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CHAMBERLAIN. 3. General Morphology of the Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. Mj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CHAMBERLAIN. 4. Elementary Plant Physiology. Mj. PROFESSOR BARNES AND DR. CROCKER. 5. Elementary Plant Ecology. Mj. AssISTANT PROFESSOR COWLES AND MR. FULLER. 6. Ecological Plant Anatomy. Mj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR COWLES AND MR. FULLER. 7. Field Ecology (Informal). Mj. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR COWLES. 8. Elementary Forestry. Mj. DR. HOWE. 9. Elementary Plant Anatomy. Mj. DR. LAND. 10. Methods in Plant Histology. Mj. DR. LAND. XXVIII. PATHOLOGY AND BACTERIOLOGY ACADEMY 1. General Bacteriology and the Relation of Bacteria Yeasts and Molds to the Household, Dairy, Industries, and Agriculture. Mj. DR. HEINEMANN. COLLEGE 2. Bacteriological Methods. Mj. DR. HEINEMANN. 3. Advanced Bacteriology. Mj. DR. HEINEMANN. XLI. OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE AND INTERPRETATION XLII. NEW TESTAMENT LITERATURE AND INTERPRETATION XLIV. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY 1. Outline Course in Systematic Theology. Mj. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR G. B. SMITH. 2. Christian Ethics. Mj. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR G. B. SMITH. 3. Apologetics. Mj. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR G. B. SMITH. 4. The Theological Significance of Leading Movements of Thought in the Nineteenth Century (Informal). DMj. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR G. B. SMITH. XLV. CHURCH HISTORY 1. Outlines of Church History. Mj. DR. GATES. 2. The Protestant Reformation. Mj. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR MONCRIEF. XLVI. PRACTICAL THEOLOGY 1. The Art of Preaching. Mj. PROFESSOR SOARES. 2. Survey Course in Religious Education. Mj. PROFESSOR Soares and MR. EVANS. NATURAL SCIENCE THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION 1. Elementary Field-Work. Mj. MR. I. B. MEYERS. 2. Advanced Field-Work. Mj. MR. I. B. MEYERS. 3. School Gardening and Elementary Agriculture. Mj. MR. FULLER. 4. Nature Study according to Seasons. Mj. MR. I. B. MEYERS. DRAWING A. Machine Drawing.-(1) Freehand Drawing. Mj. (2) Mechanical Drawing. Mj. (3) Constructive Drawing. Mj. (4) Machine Details. Mj. (5) Gear Construction. Mj. (6) Shop Drawing. Mj. MR. FERSON. B. Architectural Drawing.--(1) Freehand Drawing. Mj. (2) Mechanical Drawing. Mj. (3) Constructive Drawing. Mj. (4) Architectural Details. Mj. (5) Architectural Design. Mj. (6) Pictorial Architecture. Mj. MR. FERSON. C. Descriptive Geometry.-(1) Mechanical Drawing. Mj. (2) Constructive Drawing. Mj. (3) Theoretical Graphics. Mj. (4) Practical Graphics. Mj. MR. FERSON. 1. Joinery. Mj. 2. Wood-Turning. Mj. 3. Pattern-Making. Mj. 4. Cabinet-Making. Mj. WOOD WORK MUSIC 1. Outline History of Music. MR. JONES. LIBRARY SCIENCE 1. Technical Methods of Library Science. Mj. MISS ROBERTSON. VII. THE ENGLISH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY IB. English Composition and Rhetoric. Mj. 2B. Homiletics. Mj. 3B Outline of Systematic Theology. Mj. 4B. New Testament Times in Palestine. Mj. III. THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF SACRED LITERATURE 1. For Lecture-Study Courses see Departments XLI and XLII, pp. 453, 454. 2. For Correspondence-Study Courses see Departments XLI to XLV, p. 165. 3. Courses in Reading and Library Work. a) Professional Reading Courses. 1. The Historical and Literary Origin of the Pentateuch. 2. Old Testament Prophecy. 3. The Origin and Growth of the Hebrew Psalter. 4. The Life of Jesus the Christ. 5. The Apostolic Age. 6. The Problems Connected with the Gospel of John. 7. Christianity and Social Problems. 8. The Preparation of Sermons. 9. The Teaching of Jesus. 10. The History of Israel. 11. The Wisdom Literature. 12. The Teaching of the Apostles. 13. The Post-Apostolic Era. 14. The Psychology of Religion and Its Bearing upon Religious Education. 15. World Evangelization: Its Progress and Problems. 16. Modern Phases of Theological Thought. 17. Constructive Theories of Modern Scholarship concerning the Bible, the Church, and Religion. 18. The Character of Jesus in the Light of Modern Scholarship. b) Reading Courses, in Religious Education. 1. The Bible and Religious Education. 2. The Bible and the World. 3. Religious Education in the Home. c) Elementary Study Courses. 1. The Life of Christ. 2. The Foreshadowings of the Christ. |