Slike strani


Vincent, Bertha Idell, s

A.B. (u. of Michigan) '99. German

Vineyard, Anna, s

S.B. (u. of Mississippi) '98. Zoology

Viol, Charles Herman, s

S.B. (Purdue u.) '07. Chemistry, Mathematics

Vittum, Merle Watson, s

A.B. (Illinois c.) '07. Mathematics

Voigt, Gilbert Paul, s

A.B. (Newberry c.) '03. English

Vondersaar, Lulu Caroline, s
A.B. (Indiana u.)


Vondracek, Olga Olive, s

Ph.B. (u. of Chicago) '08. English, Latin

Wagner, Charles Albertus, s

A.B. (u. of Kansas) '98. Sociology, Education

Wahlberg, Karl William, a w sp

A.B. (Augustana c.) '07. Anatomy

Walbridge, Mabel Harriet, s

[ocr errors]

A.B. (McGill u.) '97; A.M. (Cornell u.) '06. Physics, Mathematics

Walker, Byrd Cassell, s

A.B. (Mississippi c.) '05. Mathematics

Walker, Helen Margaret, s

Ph.B. (u. of Chicago) '02; L.B. (Oberlin c.) '02. German

Walker, Laura Jean, s

A.B. (Indiana u.) '98. English

Walker, Robert Bradford, s

A.B. (u. of Mississippi) '04. Psychology

Walker, Samuel Powell, s

A.B. (u. of Mississippi) '93. Greek, Latin

Walker, Seth Stetson, a sp

A.B. (Stetson u.) '07; S.B. (u. of Chicago) '07. Chemistry

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Wall, Lucile, s

[ocr errors]

A.B. (u. of Nashville) '01. Chemistry

Wallace, Sarah Agnes, s

Ph.B. (u. of Chicago) '02. History, English

Walls, William Alfred, s

A.B. (Mt. Union c.) '07. Physics, Chemistry

Wander, Paul, a w sp

Ph.B. (u. of Chicago) '08. Sociology, Philosophy

Ward, David Archibald, sp

S.B. (Rio Grande c.) '04. Philosophy, Education

Ward, William Philips, s

A.B. (Western Reserve u.) '06. Romance

Warman, Aaron Stanley, s

A.B. (Kenyon c.) '06. Zoology, Geology

Warner, Grace May, s

A.B. (Vassar c.) '97. Latin, Greek

Warren, Edna Marcia, a w

S.B. (Iowa c.) '08. Mathematics

Waters, Elizabeth Agnes, s

S.B. (u. of Chicago) '85. German

Watkins, Richard Henry, s

A.B. (Hampden-Sidney c.) '05. Education

Watson, Caroline May, s

S.B. (u. of Michigan) '93. Botany

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Montreal, Can.

Columbus, Miss.

Saginaw, Mich.

Frankfort, Ind.

Carthage, Miss.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

S.B. (Alabama Polytechnic inst.) '97; S.M. (Ibid.) '98. English

Webster, Edgar Huidekoper, s

A.M. (Atlanta u.) '97; S.B. (u. of Chicago) '05. Geology, Chemistry

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Kellyton, Ala.

Auburn, Ala.

Atlanta, Ga.



West Alexandria, O.

Mishawaka, Ind.



Waterloo, Ia.

Oshkosh, Wis.


A.B. (u. of Michigan) '08. Anatomy

Memphis, Tenn.

A.B. (u. of Chicago) '07. Romance

West, Victor J., a w sp


Ph.B. (u. of Chicago) '05. Political Science, Political Economy (fel.)

[blocks in formation]

A.B. (Indiana u.) '96; A.M. (Ibid.) '07. Mathematics, Astronomy

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Nashville, Tenn.

Annapolis, Md.

Kalamazoo, Mich.

Ph.B. (u. of Michigan) '93; A.M. (u. of Wisconsin) '06. Mathematics

White, Orris Otto, s

A.B. (Butler c.) '06; A.B. (u. of Chicago) '06. English

Whitenton, Robert Oscar, sa w sp

A.B. (u. of Nashville) '06. Zoology, Botany, Chemistry


Edinburgh, Ind.

Humboldt, Tenn.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Wilkie, Clara Bertha Morgan, 8

A.B. (Emporia c.) '94; A.M. (Ibid.) '97. Greek, Latin, German

Wilkins, Eliza Gregory, w sp

A.M. (Wellesley c.) '04. Greek, Latin

Wilkinson, Mary Stanclyffe, s

A.B. (u. of Illinois) '07. English, Latin

Williams, Catherine Mary, s

A.B. (Southwestern u.) '02. Latin, Greek

Williams, Guy Yandall, sp

[ocr errors]

A.B. (u. of Oklahoma) '06. Chemistry, Physics

Williams, Helen Milliant, s a

A.B. (Wellesley c.) '06. English, Sociology

Williams, Horace Blake, s a w

[ocr errors]

A.B. (Northwestern u.) '03; A.M. (Ibid.) '05. Philosophy

Williams, Jesse Raymond, s

[ocr errors]

Emporia, Kan.

Willimantic, Conn.

Ionia, Mich.


Norman, Okla.

Worcester, Mass.

- Chicago

Van Buren, Ark.

A.B. (u. of Missouri) '05; S.B. (Ibid.) '05. Education, Philosophy, Psychology

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

A.B. (West Virginia u.) '07. English, Education

Wilson, William B., s

[ocr errors]

S.B. (Ottawa u.) '95; S.M. (Ibid.) '98. Botany

Wilson, William Louis, s

S.B. (Northwestern u.) '92; S.M. (Ibid.) '73. Pathology

Wilson, William Oscar, s

S.B. (u. of Arkansas) '04. Mathematics

Winans, Clarence Henry, s

A.B. (Wooster u.) '99. Sociology, Political Economy

Winslow, Charles Spaulding, s

A.B. (Northwestern u.) '98; A.M. (Ibid.) '99. Philosophy

Wise, Helen West, s

A.B. (c. of Emporia) '98; A.M. (Ibid.) '01. English

Witler, Charles Edgar, s

· Chicago

Saundersville, Tenn.

Iola, Kan.

Richmond, Ind.

Seattle, Wash.

St. Louis, Mo.

Central City, W. Va.

A.B. (Northwestern u.) '97; A.M. (Washington u.) '04. Philosophy

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Woodard, Exean, s

A.B. (Ohio Wesleyan u.) '06. Latin, English, German Woodbury, Mary Emma, s

Ph.B. (u. of Chicago) '07. English

Woodford, Pearl Alice, a w

Ph.B. (Morningside c.) '03. English Woods, Edwin Owen, 8 a w sp

S.B. (u. of Nashville) '06. Physiology Woodyatt, Rollin Turner, a w

S.B. (u. of Chicago) '06. Chemistry Woolfolk, Ada Swallow, 8

S.B. (Wellesley c.) '91. English, Latin

Work, John Wesley, s

A.B. (Fisk u.) '95; A.M. (Ibid.) '97. History

Wright, Alexander Holland, 8

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Nashville, Tenn.

New Concord, O.

A.B. (Washington and Jefferson c.); A.M. (Ibid.). Chemistry, Zoology

Wright, Anna Elizabeth, w sp

A.B. (u. of Missouri) '05. English

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Norborne, Mo.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

I. Doctors of Philosophy pursuing special courses..
II. Students admitted to candidacy for higher degrees..
III. Students not yet admitted to candidacy for higher degrees...

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NOTE-The italic capital letters A, L, 8, C, following immediately each student's name, indicate respectively the Colleges of Arts, of Literature, of Science, and of Commerce and Administration; the italic small letters indicate the quarters in residence: summer, autumn, winter, spring.

Junior, Graduate, etc., indicate classification in the University of Chicago before admission to the Senior Colleges.

Taking pre-medical work.




Abbot, Grace Mary Robertson, L Junior (u. of Chicago)


[blocks in formation]

Admiral, Virginia Harrington, L Junior (u. of Chicago)


a w sp

[blocks in formation]


Badenoch, Benjamin Harrison, L Junior (u. of Chicago)

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