NAME Norton, Alice Peloubet, a w Packard, Wells Harrison, s Patrick, Marcia, a w sp Perkins, Zella, s MEDICAL STUDENTS Perrin, Fleming Allen, a Tingley, Claude Steele, s Trumbull, Harlan Leo, a Witt, Joshua Chitwood, s SUMMARY OF ATTENDANCE IN THE MEDICAL COURSES, 1908-9 Medical Students... Special Students taking Medical Courses.. Total in Medical Courses. MEN WOMEN TOTAL 240 47 287 2225 12 252 20 67 32 319 NAME THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Abbott, Grace Christine, a w sp Adsit, Marie Clifton, a w sp Alexander, Carlotta, s Alexander, Nellie Christina, s Allen, Bernice, a w Allen, Elizabeth, s Allin, Jessie, s Ames, Daisy Caryl, a w sp Ames, Florence Marie, a w sp Anderson, Alf Eynor, s Anderson, Edith May, s Anderson, Marie M., s Anderson, Notra Lucile, s Angus, Helen Baxter, a w sp Atkins, Bessie, s Atkinson, Florence, s Baker, Agnes Kingman, s Baker, Elizabeth Topliff, s Chicago Froebel Associa. tion Marshall c. Kansas Normal c. Ph.B. (u. of Chicago) Indianola, Ia. Kansas City, Mo. Huntington, W.Va. Bozeman, Mont. Middlebury, Ind. Chicago Bellingham, Wash. NAME Barnhill, Ethel Verbena, s COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Barns, Burton Amander, s Barnsback, Leddie Elizabeth, s Barron, Cora, s Barry, Irene Mary, s Barton, Annie Elizabeth, s Bass, Sarah Beulah, s Bass, Vera K., s Baugh, Lila, s Bayne, Rachel Woods, s Beatty, Mary West, s PREVIOUS INSTITUTION u. Preparatory s. '06 Michigan State Normals. Edwardsville hs. '98 Stout Kindergarten and Primary Training s. '03; Indiana Kindergarten and Primary Normal Training s. '04 Washington Normal s. '04 Woodland c. '04; Ouachita c. c. of Education Senior c. (u. of Chicago) Carlton c.; Texas State Baumgardner, John Wible, saw sp Illinois State Normal u. Lacon hs. '06 Sam Houston inst. HOME ADDRESS Nardin, Okla. Detroit, Mich. Edwardsville Eau Clare, Wis. Detroit, Mich. Jonesboro, Ark. Princeton Chicago Houston, Tex. Alliance, Neb. Lacon Bednar Christine, s Beggs, Leonora Jeanette, s Beifeld, Lillian Rosalie, a w sp Beilstein, Laura Lee, s Belford, Sue Ella, s Benedict, Nina, s Benham, Harriet Rose, 8 Benson, Mary Arlene, s Bentley, Loleta Alys, s Berg, Charlotte Ann, s Bergman, Helen Emelie, a w sp Berry, Idella Rettena, a w sp Bestor, Ruth Elmira, a w sp Bickell, Olive Forman, w sp Bittner, Walton Simon, a w sp Black, Jessie Elizabeth, a Black, Richard Victor, s Blackford, Pearl Louise, s Blackman, Leota, s A.B. (u. of Nebraska) '03 Iowa State Normal s. Hyde Park hs. '02 Louisville Girls hs.; Penn c. for Women A.B. (Industrial inst. and c.) '07 Baltimore hs.; Art Stu- s. '05 Kanawha, Ia. Louisville, Ky. Lexington, Miss. Louisville, Ky. Wabash, Ind. NAME Boston, Fannie Ellen, s Boyd, Annie Ramsey, s Boyd, Mattie Elizabeth, s Boyle, Cleo Grace, w sp Bradwell, Daisy, s Bramley, Grace Mabel, s COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Brecht, Mary Florence, s a w Breedlove, Cora Chadwick, s Brian, Lucile, s Brinkerhoff, Edna Aline, a w sp Brittan, Charles Wilder, s Brock, Cassie, 8 Brock, Mattie Blanche, s Brockman, Ida Belle, s Broening, Mary Lucia, s Brooks, Paul Philip Boliver, s Brown, Fannie Jarnagin, s Brown, George A., s Brown, Irene, s Brown, Laura Alfred, s Brown, Margaret Cruickshank, s Brown, Marie Spratt, s Brown, Mark Clegg, s Brown, Mary Thompson, w Buckingham, Lola May, s a w Burke, Raymond Hugh, s Hyde Park hs. '03 '05; S.B. (Baylor u.) Chicago Caledonia, Minn. Huntington, W.Va. Powell, Tex. Oxford, O. NAME Burks, Carrie Edith Mae, s Burns, Helen Rose, s Burton, Mabel Brooks, 8 Busenbark, Grace, a w sp COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Byers, Jessie Renault, a w sp Caldwell, Alberta, s Caldwell, Lee Lynton, s Campbell, Grace Philomena, s, Campbell, Jessie Catherine, s Campbell, Margaret, s Caperton, Helen, s Carlson, Minnie Rose, s Carlton, Clarence Clay, s Carpenter, Abbie Jane, a w sp Carter, Marcia Wood, s Catherwood, Naomi McCalla, a w Chace, Jessie May, a Chace, Wilda Erma, a HOME ADDRESS Edmond, Okla. Dayton, O. Springfield, Mo. Pasadena, Cal. Chicago Bayne City, Mich. Pine City, Minn. Ottawa, Kan. Manson, Ia. Elsbury, Mo. Manson, Ia. Shepardson c.; Denison u. Chicago Cleveland, O. Keswick, Ia. Kansas City, Mo. Kindergarten Department, Washington, D. C. Kalamazoo, Mich. Brentwood, Tenn. Cincinnati Conservatory Chicago PREVIOUS INSTITUTION Normal s., Edmond Dayton Normal s. (Burrow_c.) '96; Pd.B. (State Normal s., Chicago Free Kindergarten Association, '00 Dearborn sm. '99 Senior c., u. of Chicago Normal s., Moorhead, '04 Baker u. Allerton, Ia., hs. '01 Baird c., Clinton, Mo.; State Normal u., Normal, Ill. Simpson c. Hathaway-Brown s. A. B. (Drake u.) '02 Howard u. '02 Martin hs. '94 of Music Indiana State Normal s. mal s. '05 B.D. (Iowa State Normals.) '97 Ph.B. (Buchtel c.) '04 A.B. (Bellewood sm., Anchorage, Ky.) '01 A.B. (Roseland a., Bardstown) '00 S.B. (South Dakota State c.) '06 Pratt inst. '06 Delaware, O., hs. '04; Pratt inst., Art Department u. of Illinois Junior c. (u. of Chicago) Lawrence hs. '05 Cornell c. Cornell c. |