Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, Music and the Drama. No. 3196. SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1889. ROYAL INSTITUTION of GREAT BRITAIN, MISS CHREIMAN'S INSTITUTION of Albemarle-street, Piccadilly, W. Professor ERNST PAUER will THIS DAY (SATURDAY). January 25th, at Three o'clock, begin a Course of FOUR LECTURES on The CHARACTER of the GREAT COMPOSERS and the CHARACTERISTICS of their WORKS.' (With Illustrations on the Pianoforte.) Subscription to this Course, Half-a-Guinea. To all the Courses in the Season, Two Guineas. ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY, 22, Albemarle street, W. MONDAY, January 28th. Prof. A. BAIN, LL.D., will read a Paper on 'The Empiricist Position.' ROYAL SOCIETY of PAINTERS in WATER COLOURS. ELECTION of ASSOCIATES.-The day appointed for receiving works by Candidates is MONDAY, February 25th, and the day of Election THURSDAY, 28th. ALFRED D. FRIPP, Secretary. ROYAL SOCIETY of PAINTER-ETCHERS. The EXHIBITION for 1889 will be held in the Gallery of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours, 54. Pall Mall East, and will be opened on THURSDAY, 7th March. The Receiving Day is SATURDAY, 2nd March. The Election of Associates previous to this Exhibition will take place on WEDNESDAY, 20th February. Candidates for the Degree of Associate must make their application not later than 13th February, by letter addressed to the HONORARY SECRETARY, 46, Parliament-street, Westminster, with one or more Specimens of their original work for Inspection by the Council. GROSVENOR GALLERY, SECOND SERIES OF A CENTURY of BRITISH ART, INCLUDING a SMALL COLLECTION of PASTELS CONSTABLE, GAINSBOROUGH, TURNER, REYNOLDS, Admission ONE SHILLING, from Ten to Six. THE WAGNER SOCIETY (Founded in 1883) President-The EARL of DYSART. The arrangements for the Season are: a. A RECITAL of 'TRISTAN and ISOLDE' in its entirety, by eminent Artists, at the Portman Rooms, on JANUARY 25th, 31st, FEBRUARY 4th JACQUES. 6. LECTURES by Messrs. PRAGER, ASHTON ELLIS, PARKER, and A GENTLEMAN resident in Sydney (N.S.W.) is desirous of arranging with Daily Paper as FORTNIGHTLY or MONTHLY COLONIAL CORRESPONDENT.-Address W. A., Highgate-road, Walsall. PARTNER WANTED with 2,000l. to 3,000l. for HIGH-CLASS BUSINESS, similar to "Mr. Barnes of New York." Large profits in a few months.-Address W., 51, Woburn-place, Russellsquare, W.C. PARTNER REQUIRED, with Capital, to develope Smart WEEKLY NEWSPAPER in large West of England Town. Excellent prospects, but more Cash required. Every investigation offered to bend fide inquirer.-Address Mr. W., at Hayward's, High-street, Bristol. INVESTMENT.-LITERARY and ARTISTIC. A SHARE is available in a high-class ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE, offering if desired share in management and literary or artistic occupation -For particulars address DIRECTOR, 1, St. Swithin'slane, London, B.C. HIGH-CLASS well-established WEEKLY NEWSPAPER is now being formed into a small COMPANY. Capital, 1.500%. An Investor of 2501. can secure a Salaried Position on the Staff.-Address by letter AJAX, 4, Adelaide-street, Strand, W.C. AUTHORSHIP. Reliable Opinions obtained; Advice given as to Publishing; Translations undertaken; Searches made, and Excerpts taken at British Museum, Record Office, &C-LYDDON & Co, 64, Chancery-lane, London, W.C. GREEK HISTORY and ARCHEOLOGY. LECTURES by TALFOURD ELY, MA F.S.A., at 73, Parliament Hill-road, Hampstead, at 3.30 PM. on THURSDAY, February 7th, and Five Following Thursdays. Fee, 11. 18.-Apply by letter. NGLISH LANGUAGE and LITERATURE, continues her Courses of Lectures, Readings, and Lessons in Schools and elsewhere, to Private Pupils and Teachers.-143, King Henry's-road, London, N W. COURSES of LECTURES for LADIES on ECONOMICS and HISTORY will be given by Miss C E. COLLET, MA., and Miss L. MACDONALD, M.A., at Westbourne Park Institute, Porchester-road, W. SIX LECTURES on the WAGES QUESTION, by C. B COLLET, M.A., on TUESDAY. Feb uary 5th, and Following TUESDAYS, at 3.30 P.M. SIX LECTURES on the ROMAN EMPIRE, from AUGUSTUS to JUSTINIAN, bo L MACDONALD. M.A., on FRIDAY, February 8th, and Following FRIDAYS, at 3.30 P.M. Fee for each Course, 11. 18. Single Lectures, 48. Special arrangements for Schools. Apply by letter to THE PRINCIPAL, College Hall, Byng-place, WC. LAUSANNE.- AUSANNE.- Miss ANDREAE offers comfortable Special care of delicate Giris. PHYSICAL CULTURE and REMEDIAL TRAINING. Portman Rooms, W. Branches-Town Hall, Kensington; Queen's Gate Hall, South Kensington; Upper Norwood, &c.; and School and Family Classes. For Hygienic Training by Educational and Recreative Exercises, Singing, Elocution. Dancing. &c. NEXT TERM will commence JANUARY 30th. IN Fräulein BAUMANN'S HOME, Cassel, North Germany, there will be a few VACANCIES at Easter, 1899. All the comforts of home combined with every advantage in instruction can be offered. Good references in England and Germany. ROYAL INDIAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Cooper's-hill. Staines. The COURSE of STUDY is arranged to fit an Engineer for Employment in Europe, India, or the Colonies. About Fifty Students will be admitted in September, 1889. For Competition the Secretary of State will offer Ten Appointments in the Indian Public Works Department, and Two in the Indian Telegraph Department.-For particulars apply to the SECRETARY, at the College. MR. W. J. CRAIG, M.A., late Assistant Examiner, London University, and W. G. LAX, M.A. LL M., WOOLWICH FURTHER. Dec., 1887. Mr. L. J. Kershaw (First). | June, 1888. Mr. W. E. Manser. SANDHURST FURTHER. Dec., 1888. Mr. A. J. M. Higginson. Sept., 1888. Lieut. H H. Harington and Lieut. C. H. B. Higginson. 1887. Mr. F. F. Rogers. Mr. H. H Harington. 1888. Mr. W. Moorat. PRICE REGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPER MISS ETHEL DICKENS'S TYPE-WRITING OFFICE, 26, Wellington-street, Strand (over the Office of All the Year Round). MSS. copied. Price List on application. AUTHORS' MS., PLAYS, &c., TYPE-WRITTEN. Dictation received by swift operators. Shorthand writers sent out. Terms moderate -MisS MCLACHLAN, Manageress of Type-Writing Department, Metropolitan School of Shorthand, 27, Chancery-lane, W.C. TYPE-WRITER. AUTHORS MSS., Plays, Re views, Lectures, Legal or other Articles, COPIED with accuracy and despatch. Terms moderate. Duplicate Copies -Address E. TIGAR, 27, Maitland Park-road, Haverstock-hill, N. W. Established 1884. TO AUTHORS, ACTORS, PUBLISHERS, and Others. MSS. carefully and correctly COPIED by TYPE-WRITER. Terms moderate -Apply to MISS ADAMS, 29, Bonham-road Brixton, 8. W. TYPE-WRITER COPIES by SPECIALISTS, experienced in Authors' Manuscript, and accustomed to Authors' Proofs. One kind of machine only is adapted to work of this kind. Shorthand Writers sent out. Terms moderate.-LYDDON & Co., 64, Chancery-lane, London, W.C. TYPE-WRITING, in best style, at 1d. per folio. Shorthand Notes taken. References to Authors.-MISS GLADDING, 1, Loughborough-road, Brixton, 8. W. THE REPARATION of PAINTINGS, or 1888. Mr. R. M. Dowie. " Mr. W. A. Gillam, Mr. G. E. Alt. INDIAN CIVIL SERVICE. June, 1888. Mr. L. J. Kershaw and Mr C. A. E. Oldham. ARMY PRELIMINARY. 1887. Mr. R. H K Butler. 1888. Messrs. W. W. Muir, R. H. Blake, A. H. Martin, D. Bellew, R. M. Phillips, A. C. Hobson. C W. O. Lane, H. Arthur. THEINCIMPERIAL COLLEGE, SINCLAIR-ROAD, WEST KENSINGTON PARK. Under the Patronage of H.S H. the DUKE of TECK, the DUKE of WELLINGTON, Field Marshal Sir PATRICK GRANT, Field Marshal LORD WILLIAM PAULET, General Sir DONALD STEWART, Bart., &c. Military Superintendent-Col. W. W. KNOLLYS, P.S C. F.R.G.S., Principal-R. H. THOMPSON, M.A. F.R.G.S. F. C. Chisho'm, A. F. Dalzel, C. D Field, Lieut. F. N. Jones, Lieut. G. K. M. Mathew Lannowe, J. A. Rogers. THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE was OPENED for the first time in SEPTEMBER, 1887, and the average number of students up to the present has been under 12, the percentage of success has consequently been very high. Pupils of Mr. R. H. Thompson, before the opening of the College, obtaining among other distinctions 2nd place for Woolwich. and 6th place for Sandhurst. Gentlemen are RECEIVED to PREPARE for Sandhurst, Woolwich, Indian Civil Service, Militia (Qualifying and Competitive). &c. Small Classes ensuring individual attention and moderate terms. NB Work for forthcoming Examinations now in progress. For further particulars apply to the SECRETARY. SCHOLARSHIPS. THE IMPERIAL COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS for the year 1888 were awarded to J. A. Rogers, L. T. Hay, C. D. Field, and E W. B. Green-the last two being equal One free education Scholarship is awarded in every class. Conditions on application. THE ENGIRTON GOVERNESS and SCHOOL AGENCY.-Madame AUBERT introduces English and Foreign Resident and Daily Governesses (Finishing, Junior, Nursery), Class, Music. Art, and Visiting Teachers Companions, &c Schools recommended -MADAME AUBERT'S GOVERNESS LIST. published weekly, price 3d; by post 3d. Interviews eleven to four, Saturdays to one.166, Regent-street, W. ST. THOMAS'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL, Albert Embankment, London, S.E. TWO ENTRANCE SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIPS, of 125 Guineas and 60l. respectively, open to all first-year Students, will be offered for Competition in September, 1889. SPECIAL CLASSES are held throughout the year for the Preliminary Scientific and Intermediate M.B. Examination of the University of London, and may be joined at any time. Entries may be made to Lectures or to Hospital Practice, and Special Arrangements are made for Students entering in their second or subsequent years; also for Dental Students and for qualified Practitioners. Prospectuses and all particulars may be obtained from the Medical Secretary, MR. GEORGE RENDLE. E. NETTLESHIP, Dean. WORK necessary to their PRESERVATION, effected with every regard to the safest and most cautious treatment, by M. R. THOMPSON, Studio, 41, George-street, Portman-square, W. THE AUTOTYPE FINE-ART GALLERY, 74, NEW OXFORD-STREET, LONDON, W.C. The GREAT MASTERS. Represented by choice Examples from the most celebrated Galleries of Europe. The NATIONAL GALLERY, LONDON. Two Hundred and Seventy Paintings reproduced in Autotype; also, by the gracious permission of H.M. the Queen, Selections from the Royal Galleries of Windsor and Buckingham Palace. AUTOTYPE REPRODUCTIONS of MODERN PAINTINGS from the Salon, the Luxembourg, and the Royal Academy. The GREAT BRITISH PORTRAITISTS (Reynolds, Lawrence, Gainsborough, Romney, Hoppner, Morland, &c.), from choice Proofs in the British Museum. The LIBER STUDIORUM. Facsimiled in Autotype from fine states lent by the Rev. Stopford Brooke, M.A. The ART of FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI. One hundred Examples, with Notes and Memoir, by Louis Fagan, Esq. The GOOD SHEPHERD; CHRIST and PETER. Autotypes of Two noble Drawings by Frederic Shields. ANCIENT ATHENS. Twenty-five large Autotypes from Negatives by W. J. Stillman, Esq., issued by authority of the Hellenic Society. Prospectus on application. The INDUSTRIAL ARTS of PEACE and WAR. Autotypes from the Cartoons for the Frescoes in South Kensington Museum by SIR FREDERIC LEIGHTON, P.R.A. The AUTOTYPE PROCESS applied to Photographic Engraving on Copper. Portraits from Paintings by Pettie, R.A, Ouless, R.A, Holl, R.A.; Specimens of Copies of Drawings, Etchings, &c. and Examples of Auto-gravure Reproduction of Photographs from Art Objects, from Life, and from Nature, can be seen at the AUTOTYPE GALLERY, Estimates and particulars on application. The AUTOTYPE COMPANY, 74, New Oxford-street, W.C. PRESS CUTTING AGENCY, 359, STRAND. Newspaper Cuttings on all Subjects, Literary, Artistic, Political from the Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, and Reviews of the World, Statistics, Files searched, Special Information, and all Press Work; Translations and Reporting.-ROMEIKE & CURTICE'S only address in England, 359. Strand, London, W.C. Telegraph Romeike, London. Telephone 2662 NEWSPAPER, &c., PRINTING and PUBLISH ING.-M+88rs, KING, SELL & RAILTON, I.D.. High-Class Printers and Publishers, 12, Gourh-square, and 4, Bolt-court, Fleet-street, B.C., are prepared to undertake the PRINTING and PUBLISHING of first-class NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, BOOKS, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, PROSPECTUSES, ARTICLES of ASSOCIATION, MINUTES of EVI DENCE, &c., in the best style. Their Offices are fitted with the latest improvements in Machinery, the most modern English and Foreign Type, and they employ none but first-class workmen. Facilities are offered upon the Premises for Private Editorial and Advertising Offices. Arrangements can also be made to undertake the Advertising Department. ESTABLISHED 1820. WERTHEIMER, LEA & CO., ENGLISH and FOREIGN PRINTERS, Books, Magazines, Newspapers, and Works for Learned Societies C. MITCHELL & CO., Agents for the Sale and Purchase of Newspaper Properties, undertake Valuations for Probate or Purchase, Investigations, and Audit of Accounts, &c. Card of Terms on application. 12 and 13, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, B.O. MR. A. M. BURGHES, AUTHOR'S AGENT and ACCOUNTANT. Advice given as to the best mode of Publishing. Publishers' Estimates examined on behalf of Authors. Transfer of Literary Property carefully conducted. Safe Opinions obtained. Twenty years' experience. Highest references. Consultations free. 14, Paternoster-row, E.C. TURNER and RUSKIN. - A NEW CATALOGUE of SCARCE PRINTS (chronologically arranged), DRAWINGS, and BOOKS by J. M. W. TURNER, RA., Professor RUSKIN, and others. With an Introductory Notice, and an unpublished Mezzotint Engraving by Wm. C. Ward, after a Sketch by J. M. W. Turner, R.A. Price 1s. post free.-WM. WARD, 2, Church-terrace, Richmond, Surrey. ELVEY, E LLIS & Dealers in Old and Rare Books. FOREIGN BOOKS and PERIODICALS promptly supplied on moderate terms. ANCIENT and MODERN BOOKS. DEMAN, Bookseller, 14, Rue d'Arenberg, Bruxelles, Belgium. Periodical Catalogues, with prices marked, sent free and post paid on application. AUTOGRAPHS and HISTORICAL DOCU MENTS -NEW CATALOGUE, No. 29, post free, containing nearly 1,000 Autograph Letters, including Dickens, Thackeray, Carlyle, Burns, Boswell, Dr. Johnson, &c -a remarkable Correspondence of James Francis Edward Stuart-an Original Manuscript. 141 pages, of William Cowper-an important Autograph Letter from Martin Luther to Dr Brück-and many others of special literary and historical interest. -THE ARCHIVIST and AUTOGRAPH REVIEW, No. 4, now ready, post free 7d.. contains Reports of recent Auction Sales of AutographsDetails of the Stuart Exhibition-The Signatures of Bonaparte at various periods (illustrated by F. G. Netherclift)-The Story of the Byron and Shelley Forgeries-Unpublished Letter and Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge-and miscellaneous information of interest to Autograph and MSS. Collectors. S. J. DAVEY, 45, Great Russell street, * Autograph Letters and Manuscripts Purchased or Exchanged. ROBERT BURNS. - AUTOGRAPH LETTER, two pages, on single leaf 4to, referring, inter alia, to Two PoemsSongs that had Cost me some Pains, Tried Yesterday by a Jury of Literati. Dated March 8,1787. Offers requested.--Address S. S. B., 25, Newington-green, London, N. MEMORY. LOISETTE'S SYSTEM is "original and of great value." This was testified by D. GREENLEAF For Prospectuses (with opinion of the late Mr. Proctor), apply Sales by Auction The Valuable Library of the late ALEXANDER USSELL POLLOCK, Esq., of Greenhill, Paisley. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellington street, Strand, W.C., on MONDAY, January 28, and Five Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, the Valuable Library of the late ALEXANDER RUSSELL POLLOCK, Esq., of Greenhill, Paisley comprising Important Works by Scottish Writers or relating to Scotland-Publications of the Abbotsford, Bannatyne, Maitland, Roxburghend other Literary Clubs-Valuable Works on Genealogy, Bibilography, the Fine Arts, &c.-Remarkable Trials and Peerage Cases-First and other Early and Kare Editions of Popular Authors-Standard Books in General English and Foreign Literature-Portraits-Topographical Prints, &c. May be viewed. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of six stamps. Valuable Books and Manuscripts, including the Library of the late R. D. DYNELEY, Esq., of Bramhope, Yorkshire; the Collection of Books relating to Devonshire and Cornwall formed by the Rev. R. H. BARNES, Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral; and other Properties, MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C., on MONDAY, February 4, and Five Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, valuable BOOKS and MANUSCRIPTS, consisting of the LIBRARY of the late R. D. DYNELEY, Esq., of Bramhope, Yorkshire; the Collection of Books relating to Devon and Cornwall formed by the Rev. R. H. BARNES, Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral; and other Properties, the whole comprising important Works in the various Branches of English and Foreign Literature, including Audubon's Birds of America-Nash's History of Worcestershire-a Collection of Original Manuscripts relating to the Town of Sandwich-Surtees and Raine's Durham, Large Paper-Hasted's Kent, folio-Smith's History of Virginia Bewick's Birds and Quadrupeds, and other Works illustrated by the same-Whitaker and Thoresby Leeds Homeri Ilias, Gr., first edition W. Penn's Account of the Province of Pennsylvania-Fraser's Chiefs of Colqunoun. and Red Book of Menteith-Rare Books relating to America-First Editions of the Works of Dickens, Thackeray, L Hunt. Browning, Tennyson, Ruskin, and other Popular Authors-Autograph Letters-Engravings, &c. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of six stamps. A choice Collection of Books from the Library of a Nobleman, and a Selection from the Library of an Amateur. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C., on TUESDAY, February 12, and Two Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, a valuable and choice COLLECTION of BOOKS, from the Library of a NOBLEMAN, mostly in fine old French morocco bindings; a selection from the LIBRARY of an AMATEUR; and a few Beautiful Books from the Library of a Collector and other private sources; including Stockdale Edition of Esop's Fables, uncutAshmole's Order of the Garter, Large Paper, 1672-Bewick's Birds and Supplements, first editions, Large Paper, uncut, 1797-1804-1821-Boccace Decamerone, 5 vols. with the rare Estampes Galantes, 1757-Decamerone, 3 vols. Large Paper, Stothard's proof plates. 1825-Books of CostumesHeures à l'Usage de Constâces, printed on vellum, 1508-Heures à l'Usage de Rome, 1514 - La Borde's Chansons, original edition, in splendid binding, 1773-La Fontaine (Fermier Généraux edition), 2 vols. and several other rare editions- ditions-Margaret de Valois, Contes et Nouvelles, 2 vols. 1698, and Heptameron, 3 vols. 1780-1-Milton's Paradise Lost. first edition, 1669 Metamorphoses d'Ovide, brilliant impressions of the beautiful plates, 1767-Paradyse of Dainty Devises, first edition, unique, 1576-large Collection of Retif de la Bretone's Works in fine condition-Les Nuits de Paris, 16 vols. complete-also Works illustrated by George Cruikshank, Rowlandson, Crowquill, Phiz, &c. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of four stamps. The Hopetoun House Library, the Property of the Right Hon. the Earl of HOPETOUN. WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 18, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C, on MONDAY, February 25, and Three Following Days, atl o'clock precisely, the Valuable LIBRARY of the Right Hon. the Eari of HOPETOUN, removed from Hopetoun House, comprising Works of great rarity; including a fine Copy of the famous Mazarin or Gutenberg Latin Bible the first bock printed with movable metal type-a Copy of Balbi Catholicon, printed in 1460 by Gutenberg-the Editio Princeps of Virgilii Opera, printed in 1469 at Rome, and one of the rarest books in existence, and many other rare Editiones Principes printed in the fifteenth century-Aulus Gellius, a beautiful specimen of Clovis Eve's binding in the Grolier style-choice Copies of Works printed by Aldus (including first Virgil and first and second Petrarca, printed on vellum), Stephanus Colinæus, Elzevir, and other eminent typographers-splendid Books of Engravings-rare old Law Books printed in the fifteenth century-scarce Editions of Dante, Boccaccio, Petrarca, Ariosto, and TassoHoubraken's Heads on Large Paper-Perrault, Hommes Illustres, with brilliant portraits-British and Stafford Galleries, exquisitely coloured plates mounted on cardboard-Chippendale's Cabinet-maker's Director -Statuts de l'Ordre de S. Michel, printed on vellum, with arms of Henry II. and device of Diane de Poictiers-Polifilo, first Aldine Edition, and several important Manuscripts, illuminated and historical, including a most valuable Collection of Scottish State Papers - Early Latin Classics, Ugolini Musica, with autograph of the famous F. Gaffori, author of several works on music, &c. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of eight stamps. Miscellaneous Books in General Literature, Engravings after the Old Masters, Etchings, &c. MESSRS. HODGSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their Rooms. 115. Chancery-lane, W.C., on WEDNESDAY, January 30, and Following Dav, at 1 o'clock, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, comprising Spenser's Works, folio, 1679-Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493Heywoode's History of Women-Manuscript List of Naval Officers, 1666 to 1746-Parry's Three Voyages and North Pole, 6 vols -Alison's Burope. 20 vols -Strickland's Queens of England, 8 vols.-Dodsley's Old Plays, 13 vols. Specimens of German Romance, 3 vols -Works of Dickens, Thackeray, Lytton, Lever, and other English Novelists Two Water-Colour Drawings of St. John's, Newfoundland-Ancient and Modern Prints, after Claude Hollar, and Coypel-a Selection of Prints suitable for Book Illustrations-Busts of Shakespere and Milton, &c. To be viewed, and Catalogues had. FRIDAY NEXT.-Scientific and Miscellaneous Property. MR. C. STEVENS will SELL NUMISMATISTS, 2, GRACECHURCH STREET, LONDON, B.C., The Oldest Coin Dealers in London. Fine and Rare Coins, Medals, &c., Bought or Exchanged. at his Great Rooms, 38, King-street, Covent-garden, on FRIDAY NEXT, February 1, at half-past 12 o'clock precisely, PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS, consisting of Cameras and Lenses by first class MakersStudio and other Stands, Rolline Presses, Dry Plates. &c. - Microscopes and Slides-Telescopes-Expensive Dynamo-Electric Lamps and BellsChemical and Galvanic Appliances-Books-Furniture-Magic Lanterns and Slides Opera and Race Glasses-and the usual Miscellaneous Property. On view the day prior from 2 till 5 and morning of Sale, and Catalogues had. Books of Prints, Picture Galleries, Works on the Fine Arts, MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King street, St. James's-square, on TUESDAY, May be viewed, and Catalogues had. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on Japanese Enamels May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. Ancient and Modern Pictures, the Property of a Gentleman, deceased. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on SATURDAY, February 2, at 1 o'clock precisely, ANCIENT and MODERN PICTURES including a small COLLECTION, the Property of a GENTLEMAN, deceased; and others from different private sources, including Fourteen Works of E. J. Niemann, and Examples of R. Beavis F. Lee Bridell H. Keokkoek B. w. Leader, A.R.A. J. T. Lucas A. Ludovici J. H. S. Mann H. O'Neil, A.R.A. S. R. Percy P. F. Poole, R.A. L. J. Pott R. Redgrave, R.A. B. West, P.RA. Also Works of E. Bréton, E. Castan, E. Courboin. J. B. Klombeck and E. Verbceckhoven, L. Meixuer, A. Neumans, J. Noel, and others of the Continental School; and a few Pictures by the Old Masters. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. The Collection of Pictures and Drawings of the late DOYNE C. BELL, Esq., F.S.A. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & AWOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on TUESDAY, February 5, at 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executors), the COLLECTION of PICTURES and DRAWINGS of DOYNE C. BELL, Esq. F.S.A., deceased, late Secretary to H.M.'s Privy Purse, comprising Historical and Theatrical Portraits-numerous Copies of Celebrated Portraits by G. P. Harding-Water-Colour Drawings and Engravings. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had. Service of Plate, the Property of a Lady, deceased. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on THURSDAY, February 7, at 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executors), a SERVICE of PLATE, the Property of a LADY, deceased, comprising WaitersTea and Coffee Pots- Bread-basket - Candlesticks-and about twenty dozen Forks and Spoons-silver gilt Dessert Forks and Spoons, &c. Porcelain and Decorative Objects, the Property of a Lady, deceased. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Roems, King-street, St. James's-square, on FRIDAY, February 8, at 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executors), PORCELAIN and DECORATIVE OBJECTS, the Property of a LADY, deceased, comprising Sèvres Vases-a pair of Celadon Green Vases of Oriental Porcelain, mounted with ormolu English and Oriental ServicesBronzes-Clocks-Candelabra-Marble Busts, &c. Ancient and Modern Pictures, the Property of a Lady, deceased, MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on SATURDAY, February 9, at 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executors), a small COLLECTION of ANCIENT and MODERN PICTURES, the Property of a LADY, deceased, including the Portrait of a Lady, by Sir Joshua Reynolds-Works of B Van der Helst, Rembrandt, S. de Vlieger, S. Ruysdael, Van Huysum-Drawings by G. Barret and W. Hunt-and a few Pictures of the Belgian School. Library of Scottish Literature, &c., removed from MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester square, WC., on WEDNESDAY, January 30, and Two Following Days, at ten minutes past 1 o'clock precisely, a LIBRARY of VALUABLE BOOKS, removed from Greenock, N.B., consisting of a number of Valuable Works in Scottish Topography, Poetry, Antiquities, Genealogy, Ecclesiastical and Political History-Privately printed Reprints-a large number of Books on Angling, and General Modern History, Memoirs, Voyages and Travels. Science, Poetry, and Fiction, amongst which will be found. Burns's Poems, First Edition-Stirling's Artists of Spain-Galerie du Musée de France-Borrow's Works-Kay's Scottish Portraits-Esop in Italian, 1479-Daniell's Great Britain-Watts's Dictionary of Chemistry -Dalyell's Remarkable Animals of Scotland, and other Works-Sibbald's Works on Scotland - Scott's Border Antiquities-Adamson's Muses Welcome-Zachary Boyd's Works-Leighton's Clyde Views, india proofs - Watts's Bibliotheca Britannica-Paton's Modern Athenians -Early Popular Poetry of Scotland-Barbour's Bruce-Greville's Scottish Cryptogamic Fiora-Morris's British Birds-Couch's British Fishes -Percy's Metallurgy-Thackeray's Works-Skene's Celtic ScotlandWilson's Prehistoric Scotland-Ortus Sanitatis, 1517-Ruskin's Arrows of the Chase-Billing's Baronial Antiquities-Analecta Scotica, &c. Catalogues on receipt of two stamps. Collection of Pictures and Engravings. MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square, W.C, on TUESDAY, February 5, and Following Day, at ten minutes past 1 o'clock precisely, a small COLLECTION of PAINTINGS in OILS and WATER COLOURS-Drawings in the Portfolio-and a number of Engravings, chiefly of the English and French Schools-Modern Proofs, Etchings, &c. Catalogues on receipt of two stamps. Library of a Dublin Classical Scholar-Small Library of MESSRS, PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square, W.C., on WEDNESDAY. February 13 and Following Days, at ten minutes past 1 o'clock precisely, a COLLECTION of BOOKS in all the Various Branches of Literature. English and Foreign-Scarce Old English Books and Tracts-Privately Printed Books on Heraldry, Family History, &c.Topographical Works-Valuable Standard Books, &c. Catalogues in preparation. LIVERPOOL-Objects of Antiquarian interest, Etruscan Pottery and Sepulchral Glass, Lowestoft Ware, Portrait Paintings, Library of Books, &c. MESSRS. BRANCH & LEETE will SELL by AUCTION (by order of the Executors of the late STUDLEY MARTIN, Esq.), on MONDAY and TUESDAY NEXT, the 28th and 29th Instant, at 11 o'clock each Day, in the Hanover Rooms, Liverpool, the ART and ANTIQUARIAN OBJECTS, Library of Books, Pictures, and other Effects, including-BOOKS: Froissart and Monstrelet's Chronicles -Monfaucon's Antiquities-Waverley Novels, Cadell's Edition-Piranesi's Works - Stark's Eastern Coast-Daniell's Voyage round Great Britain and to India-Aikin's Manchester-Lodge's Portraits-Worlidge's Gems - Roscoe's Works - Hamilton's Vases - Topographical Works-Howitt's British Sportsman-Rogers's Poems and Italy-Meteyard's Life of Wedgwood-Folio of Gibson's Drawings and EtchingsMemoirs of the Kit-Cat Club-London Cries. &c. PICTURES: chiefly Portraits, King Charles I. and Queen Henrietta, by Vandyck-King William IIL-King Charles II.-Queen Henrietta Maria-Lord Burleigh -Queen Elizabeth-Henry VIII.-Dr. Johnson, from the Collection of the Bishop of Ely-Sir E. Walpole-Lady Digby-Lady Smith, by or attributed to the Old Masters-The Madonna del Foligno, after Raffaelle, ascribed to Garofolo, and others. Catalogues can be had at Messrs. BRANCH & LEETE's Offices, Hanoverstreet, Liverpool. WALTER SCOTT. Frontispiece. From a Print in the possession of Mrs. James T. Fields. WALTER SCOTT AT WORK. E H. Woodruff. With an Introduction by Andrew D White. Illustrations from Drawings of Abbotsford, made for the Magazine by W. L. Taylor; and with Facsimiles from the Proof Sheets of Peveril of the Peak,' with Scott's and Ballantyne's Marginal Notes, in the possession of Andrew D. White, Esq. A SONG of PLEASURE. Maybury Fleming. TO J. S. D. Christopher B. Cranch. The MASTER of BALLANTRAE. IV. Robert Louis Stevenson. (Begun in November, 1888. To be continued.) Illustrated by William Hole. The PICTURESQUE QUALITY of HOLLAND. Interiors and Bric-àbrac. George Hitchcock. Illustrations from Drawings by the Author. The PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT of WOMEN. D. A. Sargent, M.D. (Dr. Sargent's third Article on Physical Training.) With Charts and Tables. OLD VAUXHALL GARDENS. Austin Dobson. Illustrations from Prints collected by the Author. SNOW. Anne R. Aldrich. The EMERGENCY MEN. George H. Jessop. Iilustrations by C. D. Gibson. PHOTOGRAPHING the BIG-HORN. Frederick H. Chapin. Full-Page Illustration from an Instantaneous Photograph made by Mr. Chapin in July, 1887, on Table Mountain, Colorado. SOME GREEK PORTRAITS. Thomas Sergeant Perry. Illustrations from Photographs from the Collection of Græco-Egyptian Portraits recently discovered near Fayoum, Egypt. A LYRIC of LYRICS, Richard Henry Stoddard. A FAMILY TREE. Brander Matthews. FRENCH TRAITS-The ART INSTINCT. W. C. Brownell. The COMPETITIVE ELEMENT in MODERN LIFE. Henry C. Potter, D D., Bishop of New York. Frederick Warne & Co. 15, Bedford-street, Strand. Now ready, price One Shilling, THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, for FEBRUARY. Contents. A WINTER COURTSHIP. Sarah Orne Jewett. UNDER WHICH KING? Harriet Waters Preston. The SPIRIT of AMERICAN POLITICS as SHOWN in the LATE ELECTION. Charles Worcester Clark. The GIFT of FERNSEED. Harry Perry Robinson. ADDRESS to the ASSEMBLY at the OPENING of the PLAYERS' CLUB in NEW YORK. T. W. Parsons. The NEW TALKING-MACHINES. Philip G. Hubert, jun. LETTERS of FELIX MENDELSSOHN. ANCIENT ROME in the LIGHT of RECENT DISCOVERIES. ILLINOIS LIFE in FICTION. Eggleston's The Graysons-Kirkland's The McVeys. The CONTRIBUTORS' CLUB. A Theory as to Disparity-Italian Nicknames-A Question in Ethical Geography. The GUACHO'S HEAD. II. The DAPHNE ("Popular Flowers" Series). REMBRANDT'S PORTRIT of an OLD LADY ("National Gallery Pictures" Series). A HOPELESS DAWN. Frank Bramley. EDINBURGH MERCHANT COMPANY'S SCHOOLS. III. ("Schools, Private and Public" Series). ILLUSTRATED REVIEWS of BOOKS. The HISTORY of a CLOD of EARTH. III. NOTICE.-MSS. and Drawings for the Prize Story and Prize Drawing Competitions mustreach the Editor not later than the 31st of JANUARY. W. Kent & Co. 23, Paternoster-row, E.C. TERM BEGINS AGAIN. CURIOUS COURT CUSTOMS in AUSTRIA. OUR SPIRES and SPIRELETS. TRUSTS and SYNDICATES. TRAPPING TIGERS. INDISCRIMINATE CHARITY. OVERLAND to INDIA in 1789 and 1889. From a CANADIAN BANK CLERK'S NOTE-BOOK. The FORTH BRIDGE and the NOVEMBER GALES. JEREMY YORK. "SPOT" and "FUTURES." An OLD CHAPTER RARELY READ. IRON in ITS RELATIONS to LIFE. A BEGGING LETTER. In the CITY of the GOLDEN GATE. SWEARING in at HIGHGATE. The MONTH: -Science and Arts. CHAMBERS' JOURNAL for FEBRUARY. W. & R. Chambers, London and Edinburgh. EAU de COLOGNE and its HISTORY. By E. Brewer. The WOODGATHERER. By Frank E. Cox. A COLONY THAT FAILED. MUSICAL TASTE. By T. F. Thiselton Dyer, M.A. The FEEDING of LONDON. Part II. By W. J. Gordon. Tinned Meats or Eggs. Poultry and Game. Fish. Illustrated by Gordon Browne. The HANDWRITING OF OUR KINGS and QUEENS. Part II. Henry V-Henry VI. By W. J. Hardy, F.S.A The END of the VOYAGE. By J. Maclaren Cobban. TRADE SCHOOLS. By F. M. Holmes. HOW WE SEE, HEAR, and SPEAK. The Ear - Deafness. Loss of Voice, &c. By Dr. Alfred Schofield. VARIETIES, &c. SIXPENCE MONTHLY. SUNDAY AT HOME For FEBRUARY contains The DALRYMPLES. By Agnes Giberne. The STORY of the MALAGASY BIBLE. By the Rev. William E. Cousins. NON-JURING PRIESTS UNDER "The TERROR," By Richard Heath. HENRY RICHARD, MP. By the Rev. D. Burford Hooke. PHILIP MELANCHTHON. By James Macaulay, M.D. WITH the DEAF and DUMB CHINA: Past and Present. By the Rev. John Ross. OUR BOY. By E. Nesbit. ROMANISM in AMERICA By Dr. Aubrey. WHAT THINK YE of CHRIST? By the late Rev. R. Demaus. IRISH SACRED LITERATURE and ART. I. some Early Irish Books By the Rev. Richard Lovett, M.A. In FLOOD TIME. By Mary Rowles Jarvis. The ROYAL LAW. By Charlotte Mason. A BRAVE LITTLE SISTER. By L. Maingav. THINGS NEW and OLD. TALKS about TEXTS. WHICH WAY? By Alexander Michie. MONTHLY RELIGIOUS RECORDS. Tinted Frontispiece-The DAY of TROUBLE. A New Volume commenced with JANUARY Part. SIXPENCE MONTHLY.-ONE PENNY WEEKLY. London: 56, Paternoster-row; BLACKIE'S SCIENCE TEXT-BOOKS. Adapted to the Requirements of the Examinations of the Science and Art Deportment. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, Theo retical and Practical. With a Course of Chemical Analysis and a Series of Examples in Chemical Arithmetic. By Prof. A. HUMBOLDT SEXTON. Fcap. 8vo. cloth, 28. 6d. [Just published. OUTLINES of NATURAL PHILOSOPHY: a Text-Book of Elementary Physic. By Prof. EVERETT. Enlarged Edition. Cloth, 4s. "A book of great merit; it possesses all the systematic arrangement and lucidity of the author's former publications."-Athenæum. EARTH KNOWLEDGE: a Text-Book of Physiography. By W. J. HARRISON and H. R. WAKEFIELD. Part I. Elementary, 18. 6d.; Part II. Advanced, 28. "Carefully compiled, and the grouping of facts and the general arrangement will cause the volume to take a very useful place."-Schoolmaster. ELEMENTARY TEXT-BOOK of DYNAMICS and HYDROSTATICS. By R. H. PINKERTON, Β.Α. (Oxon). Cloth, 38. 6d. "The fundamental units are thoroughly well explained, and, which is saying a great deal, they are used consistently throughout. In fact, from a mathematical point of view the book leaves nothing to be desired."-Nature. An ELEMENTARY TEXT-BOOK of PHYSIOLOGY. By J. M'GREGOR-ROBERTSON, M.A. M.B. Cloth, 48. "A good system of arrangement and clear expressive exposition distinguish this book. The definitions of terms are remarkably lucid and exact, a matter of the highest importance in a work of this kind. The woodcuts and explanatory diagrams are numerous and good." Saturday Review. London: BLACKIE & SON, 49 and 50, Old Bailey. MESSRS. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS' PUBLICATIONS. L. B. WALFORD'S NEW NOVEL. At all Libraries, A STIFF-NECKED GENERATION. By L. B. WALFORD, Author of 'Troublesome Daughters,' 'Mr. Sinith: a Part of his Life, Pauline.' Cousins, The Baby's Grandmother,' &c. 3 vols. post 8vo. 25s. 6d. This day is published, THE SECOND DIVISIONAL VOLUME. BOOK of the FARM. Detailing the Labours of the Farmer, Farm Steward, Ploughman, Shepherd, Hedger, Farm Labourer, Field-Worker, and Cattle-Man. Fourth Edition, Revised, and in great part Rewritten, by JAMES MACDONALD. of the 'Farming World,' &c. Assisted by many of the leading Agricultural Authorities of the Day. Illustrated with numerous Portraits of Animals and Engravings of Implements, &c. Now ready, DIVISIONS I. and II., price 10s. 6d. each. To be completed in Six Divisional Volumes, strongly bound in cloth. At all Libraries, LADY BLUEBEARD: a Novel. Ey the Author of 'Zit and Xoe.' 2 vols. crown 8vo. 178. "There is cleverness enough in Lady Bluebeard 'to supply Mr. Mudie's whole shop for a year; cleverness of all sorts, wit and humour and tenderness, some vivid descriptions of Eastern life, manners, and scenery, considerable knowledge of books, and some of human nature. It might perhaps be described as a miniature picture of life, tempered with epigrams."-World. "Full of intellectual sweetmeats, it will be sufficient to interest the most hypochondriacal of mortals. Even such a one will not be able to avoid a hearty laugh at the human foibles of various kinds which are here exposed."-Academy. "It sparkles with epigram, and is overflowing with genuine humour." John Bull. ""Lady Bluebeard' is a brilliant tour de force."-Athenæum. PROFESSOR J. S. BLACKIE'S NEW WORK. This day is published, MESSRS. LONGMANS & CO.'S LIST. LADY BRASSEY'S LAST JOURNALS. On January 30, royal 8vo. price ONE GUINEA, THE LAST VOYAGE, TO INDIA AND AUSTRALIA, IN THE "SUNBEAM." By the late LADY BRASSEY. With Charts and Maps, and 40 Illustrations in Monotone (20 Full Page), and nearly 200 Illustrations in the Text from Drawings by R. T. PRITCHETT. PHYSICAL REALISM: being an Analytical Philosophy from the Physical Objects of Science to the Physical Data of Sense. By THOMAS CASE, Fellow and Senior Tutor C.C.C. Oxford. 8vo. 158. "Mr. Case has here placed before the public a theory which is in many respects strikingly new and in all conscientiously worked out...... We desire to say that this book is one that ought to be read, and the theory, as here presented, must be considered by all serious students of these matters."-Saturday Review. LETTERS on LITERATURE. By Andrew Lang. Crown 8vo. 68. 6d. TIMES and DAYS: being Essays in Romance and History. Fcap. 8vo. 58. FIELD and HEDGEROW: being the Last Essays of Richard JEFFERIES. Collected by his WIDOW. Crown 8vo. 68. *** A few Copies will be printed on Large Paper, with an Etched Portrait of Richard Jefferies. Price through all Booksellers. DEDUCTIVE LOGIC. By St. George Stock. (Printed at the Clarendon Press) Fcap. 8vo. 38. 6d. GRAPHICS; or the Art of Calculation by Drawing Lines, applied especially to Mechanical Engineering. By ROBERT H. SMITH, Professor of Engineering. Mason Science College, Birmingham. Part I. Text, with separate Atlas of Plates-Arithmetic, Algebra, Trigonometry, Vector and Locor Addition, Machine Kinematics, and Statics of Flat and Solid Structures. 8vo. 15s. COLLOQUIES on PREACHING. By Henry Twells, M.A., Honorary Canon of Peterborough. Crown 8vo. 58. SCOTTISH SONG: its Wealth, A TEXT-BOOK of ELEMENTARY BIOLOGY. By R. J. SOCIAL PROGRESS: an Essay. By Daniel Greenleaf THOMPSON, Author of A System of Psychology,' &c. 8vo. 78. 6d. CIVILIZATION and PROGRESS. CROZIER. New and Cheaper Edition. 8vo. 5s. By John Beattie "The book of a very able man...... The testimony which we are compelled to give to the high ability of this ambitious work is completely impartial...... Full of original criticism...... Great literary faculty...... A book tar less superficial than Mr. Buckle's."-Spectator. NEW NOVEL S. A DANGEROUS CATSPAW: a Story. By David Christie MURRAY and HENRY MURRAY. 1 8vo 6s. "As clever a tale of the kind as has ever been written...... Mr. Murray has never produced a more interesting book than this." Scotsman. GEORGE ELIOT'S LIFE and A NINE MEN'S MORRICE: Stories Collected and Re WORKS. Cabinet Edition. Complete in 24 Volumes, crown 8vo. "A delightful edition of George Eliot's Works.... In size, type, and paper everything that could be wished."-Athenaнт. NOVELS BY GEORGE ELIOT. Cheaper Edition in Uniform Binding. Crown 8vo. with Illustrations. Sold separately. ADAM BEDE. 3s. 6d. - The MILL on the FLOSS. 33. 6d.-FELIX HOLT, the RADICAL. 3s. 6d.-SCENES of CLERICAL LIFE. 35.-SILAS MARNER. 2s. 6d.ROMOLA. 3s. 6d.-DANIEL DERONDA. 78. 6d.MIDDLEMARCH. 78. 6d. LIFE. Cheap Edition. In 1 vol. 78. 6d. GEORGE ELIOT'S MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS. The SPANISH GYPSY. A Poem. New Edition. Crown The LEGEND of JUBAL, and other Poems, Old and New. IMPRESSIONS of THEOPHRASTUS SUCH. New Edition. ESSAYS and LEAVES from a NOTE-BOOK. New Edition. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, Edinburgh and London. collected. By WALTER HERRIES POLLOCK. 1 vol. crown 8vo. 68. The GREAT WAR SYNDICATE. By Frank R. Stockton, SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO.'S LIST. NEWEST NOVELS. WHAT FILLS OUR HOSPITALS? 1. QUEEN ANNE'S HOSPITAL: its Senators and Sufferers. By A. T. Schofield, M.D., Author of 'Travels in the Interior,' &c. 10s. 6d. Tracing the close connexion between the Public-House and the Hospital. 2. JOHN NEWBOLD'S ORDEAL. By Thos. Pinkerton. 2 vols. NEW BOOK BY ANDREW LANG AND PAUL SYLVESTER. The DEAD LEMAN. By Andrew Lang and Paul SYLVESTER. Tastefully bound, 68. Large-Paper Edition (50 Copies), only 2 still available. LOVE of MONEY, the ROOT of all EVIL. By Alec. FEARON. 6s. "Very interesting. The basis of the tale is a farmhouse tragedy, which really occurred some thirty years ago."-Academy. "ONE of the FORTY." By A. Daudet. Translated by Dr. A. W. VERRALL and MARGARET VERRALL. 68. "The style is admirable, the observation close, the satire keen."-Times. "As a picture of Parisian manners it is exquisite. Will rank amongst the highest works of a writer whom many consider to be the foremost living novelist."-Scots Observer. NEW SENSATIONAL STORY, DEDICATED TO WILKIE COLLINS. piece by Wm. Parkinson. 6s. GHOST'S GLOOM. By J. G. Holmes. With a Frontis NOW COMPLETE IN ONE VOL. 568 pp. double columns, large 8vo. cloth neat, 7s. 6d. WYNN: a Romance. 3s. 6d. THE LAST OF MAYNE REID'S POSTHUMOUS WORKS. GWEN AN IMPORTANT NEW POEM. The CYCLOPÆDIA of EDUCATION. By a large The PAGEANT of LIFE: an Epic of Man in Four Books. Number of Eminent Educational Specialists. "The appearance of the 'Cyclopædia of Education' is, or ought to be, a most important event in the growth of our educational literature, and teachers who take my advice will avail themselves of its cheapness. It is likely to be unrivalled in belonging to the nineteenth century."-R. H. QUICK in Journal of Education. "Will be little less then essential in the school reference library."-School Board Chronicle. "Very valuable."-British Weekly. The Staff of Writers includes, amongst many other Eminent Educational Specialists, the following Names : The LITTLE CYCLOPÆDIA of COMMON THINGS. By Bir GEORGE W. COX, Bart. M.A. Sixth Edition. Fully illustrated. Thick 8vo. cloth, gilt, 7s. 6d. "For handy reference and information on subjects of common interest, is to be preferred to the big encyclopædias. You get an explanation, for example, concerning the raw materials and products of manufacture, the practical applications of science, and the main facts of natural history, chemistry, and most other departments of knowledge, within brief compass. The numerous illustrations are often a material help in clearing away difficulties and misapprehensions that widely prevail...... Remarkably cheap."-Scotsman. The DOG: its Management and Diseases. Py Professor J. WOODROFFE HILL. Illustrated. Revised Edition, brought up to date. Thick 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. "We know of no work where the information is more complete. This excellent treatise."-Pall Mall Gazette. DR. PALEY'S LAST WORK. By GEORGE BARLOW. 6s. "A new poet has arisen among us; an indisputable poet, forcible, graceful, earnest, courageous; having something of real interest and great moment to say, and knowing how to express his strong, bold thoughts, in words of extraordinary power and Ines of real beauty." Daily Telegraph. "Very many of the single lyrics are full of beauty and rich in music. That Mr. Barlow is a genuine, and often a very sweet singer it were vain to deny."Pall Mall. "The poem, as a poem, may stand beside Paradise Lost' and Byron's 'Cain' more human than the first, more tender than the second." - Metropolitan. "By a master of passionate and picturesque verse. His command of imagery, the force and fire of his ideas, and the vigour of his style are unmistakable."-Light. "Has made its mark, and is bound to create a deep and lasting impression. By a true poet and a deep thinker."-Birmingham Mail. "Many of the lyrics and ballads are particularly bright and good."-Academy. "There is no part of it which lacks interest. His sympathies are true, and his dreams have wings. Original, tender, graceful."-To-day. "Of undoubted power, and quite exceptional poetic merit."-Post. NEW SPECULATIONS ON FOURTH DIMENSIONAL SPACE, A NEW ERA of THOUGHT. By C. Howard Hinton M.A. 4s. 6d. Also, SCIENTIFIC ROMANCES (Series 11.), each 1s. 1. EDUCATION of the IMAGINATION. 2. MANY DIMENSIONS. Beries I. contains: -What is the Fourth Dimension?-The Persian King-A Picture of our Universe-Casting out the Self-A Plane World. Each 18.; or in 1 vol. cloth, 68. AN INTRODUCTION TO 'FLATLAND.' ANOTHER WORLD; or, the Fourth Dimension. By A. T. SCHOFIELD, M.A. 28. 6d. "It is 'Flatland' popularized. The analogy between the world to come and space of four dimensions is brought out in a very fascinating way, and those who read Mr. Schofield will be sure to read Flatland'as a sequel."-Graphic. A HIGHLY IMPORTANT WORK ON CO-OPERATION IN ENGLAND. ENGLISH ASSOCIATIONS of WORKING MEN. By Dr. BAERNREITHER. English Edition, with Additional Matter by the Author, and a Preface by J. M. LUDLOW, Chief Registrar of Friendly Societies. Thick 8vo. 158. "Many volumes have been written by German economists on English social subjects. but none of them can be compared with the present work..... Pregnant with thought and insight. A work dealing in a masterly manner with a specially English subject."-Spectator. THEAL'S HISTORY OF SOUTH AFRICA.-Each 158. 8vo. FRAGMENTS of the GREEK COMIC POETS. With HISTORY of SOUTH AFRICA, 1486-1691. By G. MCCALL THEAL, of Cape Colonial Service. With Maps. HISTORY of SOUTH AFRICA, 1691-1795. By G. MCCALL THEAL, of Cape Colonial Service. With Maps. HISTORY of the BOERS. By G. McCall Theal, of Cape Colonial Service. Second Edition. With Maps. "Mr. Theal has unquestionable qualifications for the task he has undertaken."-Spectator. "Succinct and comprehensive, and his opinions are perfectly free and unbiassed. He has done his work with consummate tact and delicacy." - Whitehall Review. "A monument of industry, and a valuable contribution."-Globe. The NATURE of HARMONY and METRE. By Moritz HAUPTMANN. Translated and Edited by W. E. HEATHCOTE, M.A., late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. 8vo. 158. "Has long been recognized as an authority." -Post. "A standard work, in which a philosophic explanation of the forms of music is attempted." - Encyclopædia Britannica. IS MARRIAGE a FAILURE? Reprinted from the FLOWERS and FLOWER-LORE. By Rev. Bilderic Correspondence in the Daily Telegraph. Edited by HARRY QUILTER. Containing, in addition to the Correspondence-A Preface and Analysis, by the Editor-A Paper on the Philosophy of Marriage, by Mrs. Lynn Linton-Digest of the Law of Marriage and Divorce throughout the World, by H. A. Smith, Barrister-at-Law. FRIEND, F.L.S. Illustrated. Third Edition, 8vo. cloth extra, gilt top, 78. 6d. "A full study of a very fascinating subject, forming a perfect treasury of curious and out-of-the-way flower learning. Altogether the work is an important and exhaustive one, and occupies a place of its own."-Times. THE CONTEMPORARY PULPIT LIBRARY.-Vols. I., II., and III., each elegantly printed and bound, gilt top, 2s. 6d. 1. Canon LIDDON: SERMONS (15). | 2. Bishop MAGEE: SERMONS (16). | 3. Archd. FARRAR: SERMONS (19). Of Canon LIDDON'S Volume the Spectator said :-" For splendour of exposition, for fervour of feeling, for delicacy of insight, and for strength of reason, this volume might SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO. Paternoster-square, E.C. claim comparison with the greatest English sermons of any age." |