resources. effervescent absurdity in which Mr. Wyndham is unequalled. In John Mildmay all, however, is grave-portentously grave it may almost be said. No effort is made to lighten it. Mr. Wyndham shows the man preserving a stolid appearance, but in reality consumed with secret grief. The fight with the swindler, whom he ultimately unmasks, is earnest and sustained, since his whole happiness and honour are at stake. In his reconcilement with his wife he shows genuine command of emotion. That much of the information he obtains is by listening is, of course, the author's fault. Mr. Wyndham makes the character as stirring and as sympathetic as it can well become. Miss Mary Moore is quite suited to the pretty and vaporous Mrs. Mildmay. Mr. Blakeley is exuberantly, and perhaps redundantly comic as Mr. Potter, who could not possibly be the brother of Mrs. Sternhold; and Mr. Herbert Standing is disappointingly weak and ill at ease as Captain Hawksley, a character quite within his Still Waters Run Deep' is well mounted. Its reception was enthusiastic. With a full conviction of the merits of her drama of Tares,' produced in January, 1888, at an afternoon representation at the Prince of Wales's Theatre, Mrs. Oscar Beringer has taken the Opéra Comique for the purpose of setting it fairly as a regular entertainment before the public. So far as regards the first night's verdict her confidence has been justified. The applause was constant and loud, and had moreover the ring of sincerity. There is no reason why success should not be continuous. Such faults as still impede the action are principally intellectual and capable of correction; there are some stirring and effective scenes, and the only obstacle to enjoyment is due to a kind of mental perplexity which the piece, altered as it has been, still creates rather than to any deficiency in interest. When the first act has been quickened, the whole, the action of which is comprised within a fortnight, will prove stimulating. Some difficulty is experienced in supposing that a young maiden, the daughter of a clergyman, will compromise her fair fame by adopting the illegitimate daughter whom her lover has had by a rival. When this is surmounted the whole progresses easily enough, and the scenes brought about when the real mother comes to claim the child from the putative mother, whose chief joy it has become, are genuinely powerful and dramatic. As the interpretation and the mounting are alike excellent, there is something more than a chance that Mrs. Beringer will prevail against a tide of ill fortune which somewhat intermittently has set in against the house. Mr. Forbes Robertson, his original character of the hero, acts it with much directness, manliness, and force; Miss Kate Rorke, replacing Miss Janet Achurch, plays the heroine with tenderness and grace, and shows great pathos; Miss Gertrude Kingston renders effectively a disagreeable character, played originally by Miss Sophie Eyre; and other actors are, as a rule, fitted to their respective parts. who resumes Petit Théâtre des Enfants. By Mrs. Hugh Bell. (Longmans & Co.) - Twelve fables or stories are here converted into diminutive plays for from two to six children. One of the subjects SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON & CO.'S treated is 'Le Saucisson,' better known as the 'Three Wishes.' Others deal with childish wrangles or other elementary matters, the whole serving an educational purpose. Bramatic Gossip. NEW BOOKS. NOW READY, A HISTORY OF FRENCH PAINTING. From its Earliest to its Latest Practice, including an Account of the French Academy of Painting, its Salons, Schools of Instruction, and Regulations. By C. H. STRANAHAN. With Reproductions of Sixteen Representative Paintings. 1 vol. royal 8vo. cloth extra, ONE GUINEA. ELEMENTARY HISTORY of ART: A WONDERFULLY varied programme is promised by Mr. Mayer at the Royalty next week. Mdlle. Reichemberg, MM. Coquelin (cadet), Boucher, Duflos, Leloir, and Charpentier of the Comédie Française, and Mdlle. Malvau of the Gymnase, are engaged, and will appear in 'Les Demoiselles de St. Cyr' of the elder Dumas, and a large number of one and two act pieces. M. Coquelin and Malle. Reichemberg will also deliver monologues. The following week will see the company of the Théâtre Libre, who will appear in 'La Mort du Duc d'Enghien' of M. Léon Henrique and ELEMENTARY HISTORY of ART: 'Jacques d'Amour,' extracted by the same author from a novel of M. Zola. DURING the closing days of last and the whole of the present week the part of Macbeth, owing to a throat attack of Mr. Irving, was played at the Lyceum by Mr. Hermann Vezin. ARCHITECTURE and SCULPTURE. By N. D'ANVERS, Author of 'Life of Raphael D'Urbino,' &c. Third Edition, with Introduction by Prof. ROGER SMITH, and a Biographical Index. Illustrated with 200 Engravings and a Coloured Frontispiece. Handsomely bound in cloth, 58. PAINTING. By N. D'ANVERS. Third Edition, Revised and Enlarged. By FRANK CUNDALL, joint Editor of "Illustrated Biographies of Great Artists." Illustrated with 170 Engravings, and a Frontispiece printed in Tints, and containing a Biographical Index of 820 Painters. Handsomely bound in cloth, 6s. ** The two Books are also published in one volume with gilt top edges, 10s. 6d.; in half-morocco, gilt edges, specially adapted for Prizes, at 12s. NEW BOOKS AT ALL THE LIBRARIES. SECOND EDITION now ready. MR. AND MRS. KENDAL'S farewell season previous to their departure for America will, it is supposed, take place at the Court Theatre. A new comedy by Mr. Sydney Grundy will be TENT LIFE in TIGER LAND: produced by them at Nottingham in the course of next month. A NEW play, to be produced in the country in the spring, has been written by Messrs. Manville Fenn and J. H. Darnley for Miss Laura Villiers. 'THE BEGUM'S DIAMONDS,' a three-act comedy by Mr. J. P. Hurst, produced on Tuesday afternoon at the Avenue Theatre, is a workmanlike and fairly stimulating play. Presenting scenes in which a wife, who is, in fact, shielding her husband, seems to be betraying him, it gives rise to some strong situations and fierce and effective antagonisms. These were well inter being Twelve Years' Sporting Reminiscences of a Pioneer Planter in an Indian Frontier District. By the Hon. JAMES INGLIS, Minister for Public Instruction, Sydney, N.S. W. ("Maori"), Author of Our New Zealand Cousins,' &c. 1 vol. royal 8vo. with numerous Coloured Illustrations, cloth, 188. ""Tent Life,' &c., is the best book of hunting adventures we have seen for many a long day. Imagine Allan Quatermain in real life, and you have Mr. Inglis. His stories of what he and his friends actually did in the jungles of an Indian frontier district outdo in graphic power and exciting adventure anything that Mr. Rider Haggard has imagined." Pall Mall Gazette. KAIPARA; or, Experiences of a Settler in North New Zealand. Written and Illustrated by P. W. BARLOW. Crown 8vo. cloth, 68. "What Mr. Barlow says about sport in Kaipara, New Zealand forests, Kauri gum, and the labouring-man an settler, is altogether to the point and well worth reading. His story of the pious man's cow, with its spirited sketch, and the two drawings of a county council meeting and a gum digger's holiday are decidedly humorous."-Saturday Review. NEW AND CHEAPER EDITION. preted by Messrs. Yorke Stephens and Lewis Waller and Miss Florence West. Some comic business, not too closely linked to the main The OLD HOUSE at SANDWICH. interest, but diverting, was humorously rendered by Messrs. Eric Lewis, W. F. Hawtrey, and Sidney Brough, and Misses Norreys and Vanbrugh. WHILE the censure in Paris is relaxed so far By JOSEPH HATTON, Author of 'Three Recruits,' &c. "It is impossible to miss the fascination of interest, of stirring change and novelty, of lifelike incident, of exciting adventure in Mr. Hatton's singularly vivid novel."-Daily Telegraph. as regards questions of morality, it is still found The LIFE of DELIA BACON: in necessary in respect of political questions. Leave to play at the Gymnase 'L'Officier Bleu' has been refused for fear its performance should be distasteful to the Czar. SOME time ago we announced that the inhabitants of Brixlegg, in the Lower Inn Valley, had decided to represent next summer a new Passion play. We now hear that they are making great preparations to outshine their older rivals of Oberammergau, and that they even contemplate illuminating the Biblical scenes by electric light. MISS MARION LEA will shortly produce at a matinée a new version of 'Mademoiselle de Belle-Isle,' adapted by Mr. H. Osborne Buckle, and entitled 'The Duke's Boast.' MRS. LANGTRY has appeared this week at New York as Lady Macbeth. The New York press speaks warmly of her performance. We regret to hear of the sudden death of Dr. Karl Elze. M. A. CHOLER, the collaborateur of many celebrated authors of comedies and vaudevilles for the Palais Royal, Variétés, &c., has died at the age of sixty-seven, after a long illness. THE Moliériste is going to conclude its present series with its hundred and twentieth number, to be issued on the 1st of March. After that M. Monval intends to suspend for a time the publication of his celebrated periodical, which is dear to all lovers of Molière. TO CORRESPONDENTS. -С. Т.-Т. М.-J. N.-С. К. Т.J. H. O.-G. T.-received. No notice can be taken of anonymous communications. cluding LETTERS from EMERSON, HAWTHORNE, and CARLYLE. With a Steel Portrait. 1 vol. crown 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. LAND and WORK: an Examination into the Depression of the Agricultural, Manufacturing, and Commercial Industries of the United Kingdom. With a Proposal for the Union of the Agricultural Interest. By WARNEFORD MOFFATT. Crown 8vo. cloth, 58. "A well-meant attempt to solve the question of agricultural and commercial depression."-Spectator. "Mr. Moffatt's essay is a clear and intelligent contribution to the discussion of a so many lives depend." Morning Post. which the welfare of question on tions drawn by J. F. Raffaelli. DACOTA. P. F. McClure. Fifteen Illustrations from Photographs by Butterfield, Butler, &c. BULB GARDENS INDOORS. John Habberton. Six Illustrations drawn by W. H. Gibson. A RUSSIAN VILLAGE: an Artist's Sketch. Vassili Verestchagin. Three Illustrations drawn by Vassili Verestchagin. NORWAY and its PEOPLE. First Paper. Björnstjerne Björnson. Fourteen Illustrations drawn by 'T. de Thulstrup and H. W. Ranger. SCOTCH SONGS. Amélie Rives. JUPITER LIGHTS: a Novel. Part II. Constance Fenimore Woolson. The TRAINING of CHILDREN'S VOICES in PUBLIC SCHOOLS. E. C. Curtis. TO WHOM THIS MAY COME: a Story. Edward Bellamy. NEPAUL, the LAND of the GOORKHAS. Henry Ballantine. Fifteen Illustrations from Photographs and Drawings by C. Graham. WARD & DOWNEY'S NEW LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. A NEW WORK OF FICTION BY THE AUTHOR OF 'MOLLY BAWN.' By the Author of ' A Modern Circe,' 'Marvel,' &c. 3 vols. The AUSTRALIAN in LONDON and AMERICA. By J. F. HOGAN. 68. "This unique and valuable contribution to our Colonial literature......A book of thoughtful ideas on London people and London institutions." European Mail. [In February. New Three-Volume Novels at the Libraries. MONICA. By E. Everett-Green, Author of 'Torwood's [This day. ONE for the OTHER: Stories of French Life. By Trust,' &c. ESMÉ STUART. RED HUGH'S CAPTIVITY. A Picture of Ireland, Social TOILERS of BABYLON. By B. L. Farjeon. and Political, in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. By STANDISH O'GRADY. [Just ready. The EYES of the THAMES. By Arthur T. Pask. 6s. [This day. The STORY of THOMAS CARLYLE. By A. S. Arnold. 68. "A book of great interest and a valuable contribution to the study of the life of a remarkable man." - John Bull. "The writer is well acquainted with the facts of Carlyle's career, and presents them concisely, clearly, and with freshness of style and view."-Globe. DUST and DIAMONDS. By Thomas Purnell. 6s. "If there is any dust in the book it is literary gold-dust."-Globe. "Mr. Farjeon writes the history of Nancie Manners and his other personages with a simple, thoroughgoing realism that is essentially artistic...... This powerfully written story is especially adapted to create a lasting interest." Morning Post. "The best of Mr. Farjeon's books up to now. The characters are original, the plot well constructed and worked out...... The humour is unforced and the pathos natural."-Punch. MISS HILDRETH. By A. de Grasse Stevens. "A very fresh, bright novel, full of new and strange situations." - Vanity Fair. The POWER of the HAND. By Mrs. Notley, Author of 'Olive Varcoe.' "A veritable romance, and a very good one...... The mysteries, both natural and supernatural, are extremely well managed...... The descriptions of nature are admirable."-Vanity Fair. New One-Volume Novels. PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE. By F. L. C. King. GLORINDA. By Anna Bowman Dodd, Author of 38. 6d. 'Cathederal Days, &c. 58. F. PIGOT. 68. [This day. "A religious universal history, with a Scripture-science geological narrative prefixed......Told with clearness and general straightforwardness..... The STRANGEST JOURNEY of MY LIFE. handy and serviceable little volume." - Scottish Leader. OPERATIC TALES. By Major-General Chesney. 6s. By JOHN BROWN and LARRY LOHENGRIN: a Tale with Two Heroes. By WILLIAM WESTALL. 58. The ORIGIN of PLUM-PUDDING; and other Fairy The LAND of the HIBISCUS BLOSSOM. By Hume Tales. By FRANK HUDSON. With Illustrations by Gordon Browne. 58. "An amusing book of fairy stories, with capital illustrations in colour." "The drawings are excessively comical." -—Times. Standard. ARM-CHAIR ESSAYS. By the Author of 'Three-Cornered Essays.' 3s. 6d. "A close observer of men and manners." - Manchester Examiner. LITTLE PEOPLE and their HOMES in MEADOWS, an interest in natural history." -Scotsman. STORIES of the GREAT SCIENTISTS. By Henrietta The MODERATE MAN; and other Verses. By Edwin "A new Irish humourist is revealed in Mr. Hamilton." - Spectator. "A strongly interesting plot, in which occult science plays an important part."-Scotsman. IGNORANT ESSAYS. Second Edition. By R. Dowling. SCHOOL BOARD ESSAYS, By Emanuel Kink. "Their affectation of dogmatism is delicious, and the quaint air of complete veracity with which the most preposterous proportion is stated is mirth provoking in the extreme."-County Gentleman. The VOYAGE of the ARK. By F. M. Allen. 1s. "Rich, racy, riotous humour."-Truth. "Very diverting, with that rollicking spirit of laughter like the laughter of Rabelais."-Melbourne Argus. "The idea has an originality worthy of Dean Swift."-Irish Times. DEVLIN the BARBER. By B. L. Farjeon. 1s. "The strongest bit of fiction which has been presented to the public for many a day."- Vanity Fair. WARD & DOWNEY, 12, York-street, Covent-garden, London. Asia. Africa, North America. Scotland. South America. Ireland. Australia. Palestine. +Davies' Manual of the History of England, from the Death of Edward the Confessor to the Death of King John (1066–1216). Fcap. 8vo. cloth 20 New Zealand. England and Wales. Wanderings of the Israelites. +Davies' Manual of the History of England, from the Accession of Henry III. to the Death of Richard III. (1216-1485). Fcap. 8vo. cl. 20 *Davies' Manual of the History of England, from the Accession of James I. Hughes' Class-Book of Physical Geography, with Diagrams and Examina tions. Crown 8vo. cloth Geography of the British Colonies and Foreign Possessions. By the Rev. 20 36 36 26 10 8. d. Others in preparation. 36 36 10 .. 30 for Examinations. By T. W. PIPER. Crown 8vo. cloth Martin's Elements of Euclid, containing the First Six Books, chiefly from the Text of Dr. Simson, with a Selection of Geometrical Problems for Solution, to which are added the Parts of the Eleventh and Twelfth Books which are usually read at the Universities. Crown 8vo. cloth 36 Martin's Elements of Euclid, Books I. and II., with a Selection of 16 Morris's Class-Book of Inorganic Chemistry, with Tables of Chemical ... ... 30 16 20 60 26 26 Philips' Grammar School Atlas No. 1, for Preparatory Classes. 15 fullcoloured Maps. Crown 8vo. 03 ... Philips' Grammar School Atlas No. 2, for Junior Classes, 30 fullcoloured Maps. Crown 8vo. 06 Philips' Cambridge Outline Atlas for Junior or Senior Students. Containing 06 ... ... Philips' Oxford Outline Atlas for Junior or Senior Students. Containing England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland, British Isles, Italy, Austria, Europe, Asia, India, and Canada 16. 10 London: GEORGE PHILIP & SON, 32, Fleet-street. Liverpool: Atlas Buildis, 45 to 51, South Castle-street. * Special Subjects for Cambridge Local, Christmas, 1889. + Special Subjects for Oxford Local, June, 1889. MISS BRADDON'S NOVELS. 129 MISS BRADDON'S LATEST CHAPMAN & HALL'S NOVEL. NEW BOOKS. Cheap Uniform Edition, price 28. picture boards; The HISTORY of ANCIENT 28. 6d. cloth gilt, Messrs. SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & Co. have the pleasure to announce that they have become sole authorized Publishers for Miss Braddon's THE FATAL Novels, both for those issued in the past and for those to be published in the future. They will be able to supply the Trade, whether wholesale or export, on the same terms as heretofore. Miss Braddon's Novels are always in print: they can be supplied, in quantities, however large, at short notice. THREE. THE LATEST NOVEL. By the AUTHOR of 'LADY AUDLEY'S SECRET,' VIXEN, MOHAWKS,' &c. Opinions of the Press. "The plot is full and not a little intricate; but it is woven by a practised band, with a skilll not simply born of writing many stories. As for the incidents, they are generally fresh and natural. The time has long gone by when Miss Braddon could be laughed at for an excess of sensationalism. There is nothing of the kind in her last novel, which is a really able romance, woven out of the lives of men and women such as we meet and know in the world around us." -Atheneum. ""The Fatal Three' is little short of wonderful." Whitehall Review. "Miss Braddon's power of fascinating by fiction is as intense in her new story as ever it was."-Scotsman. "Few of Miss Braddon's books have shown her rare and "In 'The Fatal Three' Miss Braddon's skill in novel con- "Miss Braddon's new novel, 'The Fatal Three,' will command "A new story from the pen of Miss Braddon is always CIVILIZATION: a Handbook based upon M. Gustave MADAME DE STAËL: her Friends and her Influence in Politics and Literature. By THROUGH the HEART of ASIA, OVER the PAMIR to INDIA. By GABRIEL "For the sixth time M. Bonvalot entered the city of Timour in the midwinter of 1886 Here he met an old acquaintance, General Karalkoff, and, bent on going to India by some road, he consults the General. ....The suggestion, therefore, came from the Russians, who have an interest in proving the practicability of routes over the 'roof of the world.' To the General, also, was due the transit of the travellers from Samarcand to Marghilan, the residence of the Governor of Ferghana, who is an old acquaintance, and very ready to do what he can for us. Indred throughout, as was natural, the Russian was eager to facilitate the enterprise of the Frenchman. The volume is a valuable contribution to our knowledge of Central Asia."-Spectator. "The book is clever, while the authoress, as always, keeps WITH the CAMEL CORPS UP her main interest well in hand."-Daily Telegraph. "The story is interesting from cover to cover, and it is "Miss Braddon's versatile brain and pen show no sign of "A very interesting story." - Illustrated London News. "'Tis a singularly interesting and powerful story, very original in construction. It is, indeed, refreshing to come across a book so vigorous in conception and so admirable in workmanship as 'The Fatal Three.' "-Manchester Examiner. "Praise as usual is due to Miss Braddon's constructive skill. Here is the art of Miss Braddon's story, but the accessories are as picturesque as usual."-Times. At all Libraries, DAVENANT. By VIOLET FANE, Author of 'Sophy,' 'Denzil Place,' &c. 3 vols. "No one can be dull who has a novel by Miss Braddon in hand. The STORY of HELEN The most tiresome journey is beguiled, and the most wearisome illness is brightened, by any one of her books." "Miss Braddon is the Queen of the circulating libraries." - World. London: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & Co.; and all Booksellers, &c. "A plot which for brightness and verre leaves nothing to be desired.** St James's Gazette. "Helen Davenant's story is full of amusement, and not without material for reflection." - World. "Interesting in a high degree, and told with a simplicity and power that at once attract attention and hold it to the end."-Scotsman. London: CHAPMAN & HALL, Limited. WALTER SCOTT'S LIST. WORKS OF COUNT TOLSTOÏ. Mr. WALTER SCOTT has the pleasure to announce that he is now publishing in Monthly Volumes a series of translations of works of the eminent Russian novelist, Count Lyof N. Tolstoï. The English reading public will be introduced to an entirely new series of works by one who is probably the greatest living master of fiction in Europe, and one upon whose personality and opinions -social, ethical, and religious-a unique attention is concentrated. To those unfamiliar with the charm of Russian fiction, and especially with the works of Count Tolstoï, these volumes will come as a new revelation of power. CLARENDON PRESS A NEW SCHOOL LATIN DICTIONARY. A LATIN DICTIONARY for SCHOOLS. By This is not an abridgment of the larger Work, but an indepen- Just published, 2 vols. 8vo. 11. 168, TOWNLEYANA. Recensuit ERNESTUS MAASS. SECOND EDITION, ENLARGED AND REVISED. A RUSSIAN PROPRIETOR. SHAKESPEARE as a DRAMATIC ARTIST. This volume, which is representative of Count Tolstoï's literary activity between 1852 and 1859, serves as an introduction to those which follow. Besides its own interest, much of it has the interest of disguised autobiography; Prince Nekhliudof, the "Russian Proprietor," suggests the youthful figure of Count Tolstoï himself in one of his early experiences; Recollections of a Scorer' and 'Two Hussars' are regarded as reminiscent of Count Tolstoï's gambling days. Both must have been suggested by some such terrible experience as that told of the Count's gambling-debt in the Caucasus. 'Albert,' in its peculiar realism and pathos, is one of Count Tolstoï's most exquisite sketches, and a striking example of his literary method. This novel was pronounced by Turgenieff "the greatest work in Russian fiction." In it is presented, through the medium of one of the figures of the story, Olyénin, a phase in the evolution of Count Tolstoï's peculiar views, traceable through Pierre Bezűkhof in 'War and Peace,' and Levin, in 'Anna Karénina.' IVAN ILYITCH, AND OTHER STORIES. The contents of this volume have all come from Count Tolstoï's pen within the last four years. 'Ivan Ilyitch' is a sombre and terrible study of the insidious progress of disease, as well as a study in social philosophy. The remaining tales, revealing concretely the whole system of Count Tolstoï's philosophy, one of the most fascinating and remarkable products of thought of the latter half of the nineteenth century, were written as tracts for the people, and manifest Tolstoï's mastery of an art of narrative peculiar to himself. FEBRUARY VOLUME NOW READY. THE INVADERS, AND OTHER STORIES. In 'The Invaders' Count Tolstoi has drawn a picture of war with his wonted peculiar choice and precision of detail in dealing with this subject. 'Polikushka,' another of the stories of the volume, is a tale of peasant life, and one of the most popular Count Tolstoï has written. Crown 8vo. about 350 pp. each, cloth cover, 2s. 6d. per vol.; half-morocco, 5s. per vol. LATEST MONTHLY SHILLING VOLUMES. THE CAMELOT SERIES. The RAMBLER, The ADVENTURER, The IDLER. Essays of Dr. JOHNSON. With Introduction and Notes by STUART J. REID. ESSAYS of WILLIAM HAZLITT. Selected and Edited by FRANK CARR, Author of 'Characteristics of Leigh Hunt,' &c. Cloth, cut edges, 18.; cloth, uucut edges, 1s.; red roan, gilt edges, 38.; half-morocco, gilt top, antique (in a variety of new reproductions of old tints). THE CANTERBURY POETS. POEMS of GEORGE CRABBE. GREAT WRITERS. A Popular Illustration of the Principies of Scientific Criticism. NEW BOOK BY DR. HODGKIN. The DYNASTY of THEODOSIUS; or, Eighty Years' Struggle with the Barbarians. By THOMAS HODGKIN, **In this volume the Author describes in brief outline the leading UNPUBLISHED LETTERS OF DAVID HUME. Now ready, with a Facsimile of Hume's Handwriting, 8vo. cloth, 128. 61. "We have never seen a work better annotated or better edited, and SECOND EDITION OF DEAN BRADLEY'S 'LECTURES Just ready, Second Edition, crown 8vo. cloth, 78. 6d. COMMENCEMENT OF THE CARISBROOKE LIBRARY. NOW READY, Large crown 8vo. cloth, 2s. 6d.; Roxburghe binding, gilt top, 3s. 6d. VOLUME I. THE TALE OF A TUB, AND OTHER WORKS. By JONATHAN SWIFT. Edited by HENRY MORLEY, LL.D., Professor of English Literature at University College, London. THE CARISBROOKE LIBRARY. The UNIVERSAL LIBRARY, now completed in sixty-three cheap shilling volumes, has included English versions of the Iliad,' of all extant plays of the Greek tragedians, and of some plays of Aristophanes, LECTURES on the BOOK of JOB. Delivered of Sanskrit fables, and of Virgil's 'Eneid. It has in Westminster Abbey by the Very Rev. GEORGE GRANVILLE **Uniform with Lectures on Ecclesiastes." "This scholarly and yet most effective and popular book.... No one who takes up the volume is willing to lay it down till he gets to the end of it."-Spectator. Just published, with 11 Maps, crown 8vo. 58. A HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY of the **The Author's aim has been to give a description of the Colonies "It is something more than a text-book. To students, journalists, BY THE SAME AUTHOR. "The information is accurate and well arranged." Poll Mall Gazette. "A short treatise on the motives and methods of colonization in the NEW EDITION OF PROFESSOR JOWETT'S TRANSLATION Just published, medium 8vo. cloth, 128. 6d; half-roan, gilt top. 149. *** The Additions and Alterations, both in the Introduction and in BY THE SAME AUTHOR. followed the course of time with English versions of the most famous works of Dante, Boccaccio, Machiavelli, Rabelais, Cervantes, Molière, as recast by English dramatists, of Goethe's Faust, and of Schiller's Poems. It has given currency also to a series of the works of English writers, representative, as far as limits would allow, of our own literature, from Richard of Bury's 'Philobiblon' to Sheridan's Plays and Emerson's Essays. In the sequence of publication variety was aimed at, but in the choice of books to be republished there was always the unity of purpose that now allows the volumes to be arranged in historical order, illustrating some of the chief epochs of European literature, and especially of English literature, in the long course of time. The CARISBROOKE LIBRARY, now begun, will continue the work of its predecessor, with some changes of form and method. It will include books for which the volumes of the former series did not allow sufficient room. Sometimes in the "Universal Library" a large book-Hobbes's 'Leviathan,' for example - was packed into small type. In the "Carisbrooke Library" were will be no small type. The volumes will be larger; each of about four hundred and fifty pages. They will be handsome library volumes, printed with clear type upon good paper, at the price of half-a-crown, and they will be published in alternate months. In the "Universal Library" the editor's introduction to each volume was restricted to four pages, and there was no annotation. In the "Carisbrooke Library," with larger leisure and a two months' interval between the volumes, it will be possible for the editor to give more PLATO. The DIALOGUES. Translated into help towards the enjoyment of each book. There English, with Analyses and Introductions, by B. JOWETT, M.A. Vols. I. and II. demy 8vo. cloth, 218. ARISTOTLE. - The POLITICS. Translated Library mean the beginning of a new Library with into English, by B. JOWETT, M.A. With Introduction, Mar- 2 vole. demy 8vo cloth, 328. will be fuller introductions, and there will be notes. Since changes of method and form in the old change of name, a simple change is made from the universal to the particular; from the purpose to the one who purposes; from the wide world that yields THUCYDIDES. Translated into English, by fruitage for the mind, to the small spot of earth B. JOWETT, M.A. With Introduction, Marginal Analysis, Notes, COMPLETION OF MR. MONRO'S SCHOOL EDITION HOMER. ILIAD. Books XIII-XXIV. (For where, if God please, in shades of evening one fruitgatherer will find new leisure to unburthen himself of his little store, In the CARISBROOKE LIBRARY, as in the predecessor of which it is an extension, there will be order in disorder. Variety will be still aimed at in sequence of the volumes, while the choice of books to be issued will be still guided by the desire to bring home to Englishmen, without unfair exclusion of any form of earnest thought, as far as may be, some living knowledge of their literature along its ILIAD. Books I.-XII. (For whole extent, and of its relations with the wisdom and the wit of the surrounding world. "Mr. Monro's' Iliad' is the edition for English schools, and can be Second Edition, Revised and Corrected, extra fcap. 8vo. cloth, 69. HOMER. |