THE PARIS ILLUSTRÉ, THE SCOTTISH ART REVIEW, FEBRUARY, ENGLISH EDITION, Has each week an exquisite Frontispiece of merit, fully equal to a Contains also two other Full-Page Illustrations in Colours, and many To be hai at all Bookstalls and of all Newsagents and Booksellers. Now ready, super-royal 8vo. nearly 2,000 pages, cloth gilt, 38s. BURKE'S PEERAGE, BARONETAGE, and KNIGHTAGE for 1889. ENGLISH WAYFARING LIFE in the MIDDLE AGES. By J. J. JUSSERAND. Fine Edition, limited to 65 on Copres, 50 only being for Sale, printed London: T Fisher Unwin, 26, Paternoster-square, E C. contains Special Article on SCENIC ASPECTS of the LYCEUM Price One Shilling. WATER SUPPLY and SEWAGE: Short Notes for Non-Technical Readers. By Prof. MILLS, D.Sc. F.R.S. London: Gurney & Jackson. Now ready (80th year of publication), THE BRITISH IMPERIAL CALENDAR and CIVIL SERVICE LIST for 1989. Price 5s.; with Index of Now ready, price 6d. MR. JOHN FRANCIS of the 'ATHEN ÆUM' on the PLAN of SIR ROWLAND HILL. By PATRICK FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. THE 'CLERGY LIST' FOR 1889. The CLERGY LIST' for 1889 has been carefully corrected up to the hour of going to press, and the official information received from the Diocesan Secretaries checked by postal communication with every Clergyman. Bosworth's Clerical Guide' has also been incorporated, and the best features of the two books combined and rearranged. H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. This day, with Portrait, 1 vol. 8vo. 128. THE SPEECHES AND ADDRESSES OF DURING TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, 1863-1888. This work is, in substance, the public and official life of the Prince during the past quarter of a century narrated by himself. It is well known that His Royal Highness is a good speaker, but it will surprise many to learn the number and diversity of subjects on which he has spoken, and of the public affairs in which he has taken part during the past twentyfive years. ANDRÉ CORNELIS. Translated from the French by Mrs. CASHEL HOEY. "An excellent mystery. The plot keeps the interest always keen. It is a most powerful study of the simple passion of a thirst for vengeance."-Scotsman. London: SPENCER BLACKETT, Successor to J. & R. MAXWELL, 35, St. Bride-street, E.C. Volume XVIII. of "The STORY of the NATIONS."-Just ready, PHŒNICIA. By Rev. Canon Rawlinson. Maps and Illustrations. Large crown 8vo, cloth, 58.; gilt edges, 5s. 6d. Will be published next week, INDIAN LIFE: Social and Religious. By John Campbell Oman, Professor of The CENTURY MAGAZINE for February will contain an Illustrated ST. NICHOLAS MAGAZINE for February contains an interesting Sketch of London: T. FISHER UNWIN, 26, Paternoster-square, E.C. GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING, "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are foating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." - Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. SMITH, ELDER & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS. HOLIDAY PAPERS. Second Series. By the Rev. Harry Jones, Author of East and West London,' &c. POPULAR EDITION OF MATTHEW ARNOLD'S CULTURE AND ANARCHY.' CULTURE and ANARCHY: an Essay in Political and Social Criticism. By MATTHEW ARNOLD. NEW and UNIFORM EDITION of the COMPLETE WORKS of ROBERT BROWNING. To be comprised in 16 monthly vols. crown 8vo. 5s. each. This Edition will contain 3 Portraits of Mr. Browning and a few Illustrations. Vol. X., The RING and the Book, Books IX. to XII., with a Portrait of Guido Franceschini, is ready this day. POCKET EDITION of the LIFE and WORKS of CHARLOTTE, EMILY, and ANNE BRONTE. To be completed in 7 monthly vols. each containing a Frontispiece, bound in half-cloth, with cut or uncut edges, 1s. 6d. per vol. Vol. IV., The PROFESSOR and POEMS, by CHARLOTTE BRONTE; and POEMS by her SISTERS and FATHER, is ready this day. A DREAM-ALPHABET; and other Poems. By Meta Orred, Author of In the Gloaming,' &c. Crown 8vo. 58. ROBERT ELSMERE. By Mrs. Humphry Ward, Author of 'Miss Bretherton,' &c. Cabinet Edition. 2 vols. small 8vo. 12s. ** Also the POPULAR EDITION, 1 vol, crown 8vo. 68. NEW VOLUME OF THE DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY.' Just published, 15s. in cloth; half-morocco, marbled edges, 20s. Vol. XVII. (EDWARD-ERSKINE), royal 8vo. of the DICTIONARY of NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY. Edited by Leslie STEPHEN. *** Vol. XVIII. will be issued on March 26, and further Volumes at intervals of Three Months. In the press, THIRD EDITION, crown 8vo. The STRUCTURE and DISTRIBUTION of 'CORAL REEFS.' By CHARLES DARWIN, M.A. F.R.S. F.G.S. With an Introduction by Prof. T. G. BONNEY, D.Sc. F.R.S. F.G.S. ، NEW EDITION OF SIR SPENSER ST. JOHN'S HAYTI.' In the press, SECOND EDITION, REVISED, with a Map, large crown 8vo. 78. 6d. HAYTI; or, the Black Republic. By Sir Spenser St. John, to Mexico. NEW NOVELS IN THE PRESS. [In February. THROUGH LOVE to LIFE: a Novel. By Gillan Vase. 3 vols. "The CORNHILL is the most interesting of English magazines." - Vanity Fair. NOTICE. - The FEBRUARY NUMBER of the CORNHILL WORKS BY ELIZABETH POEMS by ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING. Fourteenth Edition. 5 vols. With AURORA LEIGH. With Portrait A SELECTION from the POETRY Of FIRST SERIES, Thirteenth Edition. Crown Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. POEMS by ELIZABETH BARRETT WORKS BY LESLIE STEPHEN. HOURS in a LIBRARY. First Series. HOURS in a LIBRARY, Second Series. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. 98. A HISTORY of ENGLISH THOUGHT The SCIENCE of ETHICS: an Essay LIFE of HENRY FAWCETT. Fourth WORKS BY THE LATE IRISH ESSAYS and Others. Crown 8vo. 78. 6d. Contents: The Incompatibles - An Unregarded Irish Grievance-Ecce, Convertimur ad Gentes-The Future of Liberalism-A Speech at Eton-The French Play in London Copyright Prefaces to s LAST ESSAYS on CHURCH and RELIGION. Crown 8vo. with a Preface, 78. MIXED ESSAYS. Second Edition. ON the STUDY of CELTIC LITERA TURE. 8vo. 8s. 6d. LITERATURE and DOGMA: an GOD and the BIBLE: a Sequel to ST. PAUL and PROTESTANTISM with other Essays. Popular Edition, with a New Preface. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. Contents:-St. Paul and Protestantism-Puritanism and the Church of England-Modern Dissent-A Comment on Christmas. PASSAGES from the PROSE At all Booksellers' and Newsagents, price SIXPENCE. London: SMITH, ELDER & CO. 15, Waterloo-place. Editorial Communications should be addressed to "The Editor"-Advertisements and Business Letters to "The Publisher"-at the Office, 22, Took's-court. Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, E.C. Printed by John C. FRANCIS, Athenæum Press, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, E.C.; and Published by the said JOHN C. FRANCIS at 22, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane E.C. Agents for ScOTLAND, Messrs. Bell & Bradfute and Mr. John Menzies, Edinburgh.-Saturday, January 26 1899. Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, Music and the Drama. No. 3197. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1889. GOVERNMENT GRANT of 4,000l, for the PRO SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH.-Applications for the year to be considered at the Annual Meeting of the Government Grant Committee must be forwarded to the SECRETARIES, Royal Society, Bring on House, London, W., marked "Government Grant," before rch 1st, and must be written upon Printed Forms, which may be ained of the Assistant Secretary. SIR JOHN SOANE'S MUSEUM, 13, Lincoln's Inn-fields. ANTIQUITIES, PICTURES, and SCULPTURE. Open free from 11 to 5 on TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS in FEBRUARY and MARCH, and on TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS in APRIL, MAY, JUNE, JULY, and AUGUST. Cards for Private Days and for Students to be obtained of the CURATOR, the Museum. BRITISH ARCHEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. The FIFTH MEETING of the SESSION will be held at 33, Sack v lie-street, Piccadilly, W., on WEDNESDAY NEXT, February Suh Chair to be taken at 8 P.M. Antiquities will be exhibited, including Ancient Seals and Drawings of Cornish Crosses. The fostowing Paper will be read : The Original Records of the Erection of the Steeple to St. Antholin's Church, Londen, by Sir Christopher Wren,' by Major H. A. JOSEPH, W. DE GRAY BIRCH, F.S.A.) Honorary B. P. LOFTUS BROCK, F.S. A. Secretaries. THE SHORTHAND SOCIETY.-Monthly Meeting. WEDNESDAY, February 6, at 8 P.M., at 55, ChanceryLane (First Floor). Paper by Miss M. P. ELLIS, Modern Transcribing Machines' EDWARD POCKNELL, Hon. Sec. 54, Imperial Buildings, Ludgate-circus, E.C. ROYAL SOCIETY of PAINTERS in WATER COLOURS-ELECTION of ASSOCIATES.-The day appointed Our receiving works by Candidates is MONDAY, February 25th, and the day of Election THURSDAY, 28th. ALFRED D. FRIPP, Secretary. ROYAL SOCIETY of PAINTER-ETCHERS. The EXHIBITION for 1889 will be held in the Gallery of the Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours, 54, Pall Mall East, and will be pened on THURSDAY, 7th March. The Receiving Day is SATURDAY, 2nd March. The Election of Associates previous to this Exhibition will take place on WEDNESDAY, 20th February. Candidates for the Degree of Associate must make their application not later than 13th February, by letter addressed to the HONORARY SECRETARY, 46, Parliament-street, Westminster, with one or more Specimens of their original work for inspection by the Council. GROSVENOR GALLERY, SECOND SERIES OF A CENTURY OF BRITISHTIART, INCLUDING SMALL COLLECTION of PASTELS Admission ONE SHILLING, from Ten to Six. MANCHESTER MUSEUM, OWENS COLLEGE. The Tracees of the MUSEUM are prepared to appoint a KEEPER of The MUSEUM at a stipend of 2501. per annum. He will have charge, under the control of a Committee, of the Collections of Natural History, including the Collections of Zoology, Botany, Geology, and Mineralogy. A full statement of the details of the duties of the Office may be obtained on application to the Registrar. Applications, with testimonials, must be forwarded under cover to the REGISTRAR, on or before February 28th. HENRY WM. HOLDER, M.A., Registrar. THE ADVERTISER, who has had 25 years' Experience, seeks an ENGAGEMENT as LIBRARIAN or DEPUTY In a Public Library or Institution. Exceptional references. -Address A. N. H., Holmes & Son, Paternoster-row, London, E.C. IBRARY.-Advertiser can PLAN and ARRANGE a good PRIVATE LIBRARY in an original manner, combining beauty with utility. Full particulars by addressing LIBRIS, at Hilburs 's Advertisement Office, 99, Strand, London, W.C. AS LIBRARIAN, ASSISTANT or in similar capacity. Advertiser (25) seeks an ENGAGEMENT. Experience in the Wholesale Book Trade, and Seven Years in a leading Publishing House in Paternoster-row. Highest references and testimonials given.Address H. B. D., care of Messrs. Bowles & Cross, Lambeth-hill, E.C. WANTED, EDITOR for GUIDE-BOOK WORK, Continental and English. Previous experience and a knowledge of the English Railway Systems necessary. Apply to J. S. B., 23, Old Baley. E C. A LADY, with some literary experience, wishes for an ENGAGEMENT as SUB-EDITOR of a MAGAZINE, or as Bader to a Publisher.-Q., Snellgrove's Library, High-street, Kensington, W. A as to BOOKSELLER or PUBLISHER with a view to PARTNERSHIP or taking the whole, either at home or abroad. Many years' experience. Bucedient references. Small capital at disposal. Address ALPHA, Holmes & Son, Paternoster-row, London BC. A BARRISTER of the Middle Temple, a prac tised Leader-Writer, Book Reviewer, and Resident Correspondent, seeks EMPLOYMENT at HOME. Moderate terms. Address LEX, Box 604, Nell's Advertising Offices, London. A GENTLEMAN, accustomed to Literary Study and Production, desires to REVIEW BOOKS for a High-Class Journal, or to Assist Publisher in Reading MSS.-Address C. E. H., 2, Denzil-avenue, Southampton. LONDON LETTER.-A Gentleman, residing in London, and intimately connected with Parliamentary and Political Life, is prepared to SUPPLY a WEEKLY LETTER to a High-Class Newspaper. The Writer has exceptional facilities for obtaining exclusive and reliable information about Political, Social, and Religious Movements. Apply, in the first instance, to ARUNDELL, care of Adams & Francis, 59, Fleet-street, E.C. GRADUATE in ENGLISH HONOURS, London (Twenty), desires FIRST ENGAGEMENT on NEWSPAPER to ACQUIRE KNOWLEDGE of all PRESS WORK, including Printing. Good Shorthand. Moderate salary.-C. WATNEY, 61, Kidbrook Parkroad, Blackheath, London, - CARICATURES. Wanted for a Weekly Paper style. Good likenesses essential. Send specimen (which will be returned) to A. B., Box 829, Willing's Advertising Offices, 125, Strand, W.C. LITERARY and ARTISTIC INVESTMENT.-A SHARE (900l.) is available in a high-class ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE. For particulars address DIRECTOR, 1, St. Swithin's-lane, London, B.C. TO PUBLISHERS.-AUTHOR desires to POSE OF COPYRIGHT and PLANT of attractive and useful BOOK, which has been fairly successful, and well reviewed by the leading journals.-R., Kelly's Library, 2, Vigo-street, W. A HEAD MASTER is WANTED for the MADRAS COLLEGE, St. Andrews. He must be a Graduate of some University of the United Kingdom. He will have a yearly fixed salary of 250, with a house and capitation grant of 5s. per pupil. The College is a Secondary School with an Elementary Department attached to it.Applications, with fifteen copies of testimonials, to be sent to Messrs S. and CS. GRACE. St. Andrews, Secretaries to the Governors, before 16th February, 1889. ENGLISH LANGUAGE and LITERATURE, COMPOSITION and ELOCUTION. - Miss LOUISA DREWRY continues her Courses of Lectures, Readings, and Lessons in Schools and elsewhere, to Private Pupils and Teachers.-143, King Henry's-road, London, N. W. COURSES of LECTURES for LADIES on ECONOMICS and HISTORY will be given by Miss C. E. COLLET, MA., and Miss L. MACDONALD, M.A., at Westbourne Park Institute, Porchester-road, W. SIX LECTURES on the WAGES QUESTION, by C. E. COLLET, Μ.Α., on TUESDAY, February 5th, and Following TUESDAYS, at 3 30 г.м. SIX LECTURES on the ROMAN EMPIRE, from AUGUSTUS to JUSTINIAN, by L. MACDONALD, M.A., on FRIDAY, February 8th, and Following FRIDAYS, at 3.30 Р.М. Fee for each Course, 11. 18. Single Lectures, 4s. Special arrangements for Schools. Apply by letter to THE PRINCIPAL, College Hall, Byng-place, W.C. BIOLOGY (UNIVERSITY of LONDON CURRI CULUM)-STUDENTS can enter at ANY TIME to the LECTURES and PRACTICAL CLASSES in preparation for the Prelim. Sci. Exam. and Intermed. Science Exam. under Professor LANKESTER and Mr. OLIVER, at University College, London. SPECIAL COURSES begin in the First Week of October, Last Week of January, Last Week of March, and First Week of May. Students desiring to join should communicate with Prof. LANKESTER, at the College, at least a week in advance of entry, or with the SECRETARY, University College, London. ROYAL B. SHADWELL, Hon. Sec. OYAL INDIAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE, fit an Engineer for Employment in Europe, India, or the Colonies. About Fifty Students will be admitted in September, 1889. For Competition the Secretary of State will offer Ten Appointments in the Indian Public Works Department, and Two in the Indian Telegraph Department. For particulars apply to the SECRETART, at the College. MR. W. J. CRAIG, M.A., late Assistant Examiner, London University, and W. G. LAX, M.A. LL M., PRICE REGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPER PARIS. The ATHENEUM can be obtained on SATURDAY at the GALIGNANI LIBRARY, 224, Rue de Rivoli. MESSRS. PAUL & DOMINIC COLNAGHI & CO., of 13 and 14. Pall Mall East, Picture Dealers, Printsellers, and Publishers to Her Majesty the Queen (owing to facts that have been brought to their knowledge) desire to state that they are not and never have been commercially connected with any other person of the same name, and that their only address is, as it always has been, 13 and 14, Pall Mall East. THE LATE Mr. LAURENCE OLIPHANT. In view of a proposed BIOGRAPHY of Mr. OLIPHANT, his Representatives will be glad to receive any LETTERS or other LITERARY MATERIAL which might be useful in the preparation of such a Work. All communications, which will be carefully preserved and returned if desired, may be addressed to Messrs. WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, Publishers, 45, George-street, Edinburgh. THE LATE CHARLES DICKENS. WANTED, by a Gentleman who is Collecting Materials to enlarge and extra illustrate Forster's Life of Charles Dickens, any LETTERS, Portraits, or Mementos given by him to any of the persons mentioned in the same Book. Also any Playbills of First Nights of Pieces founded on his Novels, or Bills of his Readings, Amateur Performances, &c. -Apply to Mr. A. JACKSON, 221, Great Portland-street, London. MR. W. P. FRITH, R.A., has VACANCIES at his new Studios for PUPILS, to whom he proposes to impart a sound Art Education. A LADIES CLASS for Painting from the Living Model twice a week. Address Ashenhurst, Sydenham-rise. OTTO SCHOLDERER'S SCHOOL of ART. Mr. OTTO SCHOLDERER'S SCHOOL of ART, at 6, BEDFORDGARDENS, W., is NOW OPEN from 10 A M. to 4 P M. daily (Saturdays excepted), to Students in Oil Painting, Pastel Drawing, or Black and White. Terms for instruction, Three Guineas for One Month; Seven Guineas for Three Months. For further particulars apply to Mr. SCHOLDERER, at his Studio, 6, Bedford-gardens, Kensington w. GOVERNESS and TUTORS' AGENCY. SSES, AGENCY for GOVERNESSES, TUTORS, AMANUENSES, and COMPANIONS, English and Foreign. Apply for particulars, Mrs. DOSSETOR, The Library, Old Bedford House, Streatham, S. W. THE GIRTON GOVERNESS and SCHOOL AGENCY.-Madame AUBERT introduces English and Foreign Resident and Daily Governesses (Finishing, Junior, Nursery), Class, Music, Art, and Visiting Teachers. Companions, &c Schools recommended.-MADAME AUBERT'S GOVERNESS LIST. published weekly, price 3d; by post. 34d. Interviews eleven to four, Saturdays to one.166, Regent-street, W. TYPE-WRITING and GENERAL COPYING OFFICE. Ground Floor, 128, Strand, W.C. Established 1884. Sole Proprietor, Mrs. MARSHALL Large Staff of experienced Copyists. Highest testimonials from eminent Dramatic Authors and others. TYPE-WRITING. - MSS., Legal Documents, Specifications, Plays (Prompt Books and Parts), Copied with speed and accuracy. DICTATIONS taken in SHORTHAND or TYPE-WRITING. Pupils Taught. Terms moderate -MISSES E. B. and I. FARRAN, 34, Southampton-street, Strand. AUTHORS' MS., PLAYS, &c., TYPE-WRITTEN. Dictation received by swift operators. Shorthand writers sent out. Terms moderate - MISS MCLACHLAN, Manageress of Type-Writing Department, Metropolitan School of Shorthand, 27, Chancery-lane, Ww.C. SHORTHAND and TYPE-WRITING.-English and Foreign MSS. Copied. French and German Translations made. Lectures and Sermons Reported. Highest t stimonials from eminent physicians and scientific men.-Miss LETHBRIDGE, 11, Oxford Circusavenue (opposite Great Portland-street). TYPE-WRITER. AUTHORS MSS., Plays, Re views, Lectures, Legal or other Articles, COPIED with accuracy and despatch. Terms moderate. Duplicate Copies. Address E. TIGAR, 27, Maitland Park-road, Haverstock-hill, N. W. Established 1884. TYPE-WRITING. AUTHORS' MSS., SERMONS, road, Aston, Birmingham. Lowest rates. WINTLE, 316, Victoria TYPE-WRITING, in best style, at 1d. per folio. Shorthand Notes taken. References to Authors. Miss GLADDING, 1, Loughborough-road, Brixton, 8.W. PRESS CUTTING AGENCY, 359, STRAND. Newspaper Cuttings on all Subjects, Literary, Artistic, Political, from the Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, and Reviews of the World, Statistics, Files searched, Special Information, and all Press Work; Translations and Reporting.-ROMEIKE & CURTICE'S only address in England, 359. Strand, London, W.C. Telegraph Romeike, London. Telephone 2662 C. MITCHELL & CO., Agents for the Sale and Purchase of Newspaper Properties, undertake Valuations for Probate or Purchase, Investigations, and Audit of Accounts, &c. Card of Terms on application. 12 and 18, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, E.C. MR. A. M. BURGHES, AUTHOR'S AGENT and ACCOUNTANT. Advice given as to the best mode of PublishIng. Publishers' Estimates examined on behalf of Authors. Transfer of Literary Property carefully conducted. Safe Opinions obtained. Twenty years' experience. Highest references. Consultations free. la, Paternoster-row, E.C. PRINTING and PUBLISHING. - Messrs BIGGS & DEBENHAM (late Charles & Co.) are prepared to undertake Printing of all kinds. Estimates will be supplied for the Printing and, if required, Publishing of Books, Newspapers, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Circulars, &c. Authors' MSS, examined. Address 189 and 140 Salisbury-court, London, E.C. JOURNALISM. - An old-established firm of Printers and Publishers, having facilities and a Competent Editor and Manager at their disposal, would be glad to UNDERTAKE the entire arrangements for Ponting and Publishing a Daily, Weekly, or Monthly Newspaper or Magazine of good standing-Address PRINTER, care of Adams & Francis, Advertising Agents 59, Fleet-street, E C. NEWSPAPER, &c., PRINTING and PUBLISH ING.-M. sars. KING, SELL & RALTON, LD., High-Class Printers and Publishers, 12. Gough-square, and 4. Bolt-court, Fleet-street, E.C, are prepared to undertake the PRINTING and PUBLISHING of first-class NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, BOOKS, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, PROSPECTUSES, ARTICLES of ASSOCIATION, MINUTES of EVIDENCE, &c., in the best style. Their Offices are fitted with the latest improvements in Machinery, the most modern English and Foreign Type, and they employ none but first-class workmen Facilities are offered upon the Premises for Private Editorial and Advertising Offices. Arrangements can also be made to undertake the Advertising Department. SWIFT & CO., Music, Letterpress, and Litho graphic Printers. Newton-street, High Holborn, W.C. All kinds of Machining expeditiously done in the best style at moderate charges. Now ready, post free, HINTS to AUTHORS preparing Works for the Press, with Specimens of Types, Initial Letters, Instructions how to Correct for the Press, &c. London: T. Pettit & Co., Printers and Publishers (srecialité for High-Class Typography, Reprints, and Old Style work), 22 and 23, Frith-street, Shaftesbury-avenue, W. Estimates and terms for Publishing on application. Established over Half a Century. To H.M. the Queen and the Royal Family. THE REPARATION of PAINTINGS, or any WORK necessary to their PRESERVATION, effected with every regard to the safest and most cautious treatment, by M. R. THOMPSON, Studio, 41, George-street, Portman-square, W. рнотоGRAVURE. Reproductions of Paintings, Drawings, and Photographs, made by ANNAN & SWAN, are printed direct on the paper with suitable margins, any size up to Demy, 22 inches by 17 inches. This process is noted for its excellence in COPIES OF ANCIENT MANUSCRIPTS; and is employed by the Trustees of the British Museum, the Paleographical, Numismatical, Antiquarian, and other Learned Societies, and by the Leading Publishers. Among the WORK RECENTLY DONE may be cited Wyon's 'Great Seals of England'; Dr. Crookshank's 'Micro-Photographs of Bacteria'; 'Famous Monuments of Central India,' for Sir Lepel Griffin, K.C.S.I.; 'Facsimiles of Early Italian Engravings, for the Trustees of the British Museum; The Palæographical Society's Fasciculus for 1888'; 'Illustrations for the Journal of the Hellenic Society'; Lindt's' New Guinea,' &c. For specimens, prices, and full particulars, apply to the MANAGER, AUTOTYPE FINE-ART GALLERY, 74, New Oxford-street, London, W.C. AUTO-GRAVUR E. ANCIENT and MODERN BOOKS.-DEMAN, Bookseller. 14, Rue d'Arenberg, Bruxelles, Belgium Catalogues, with prices marked, sent free and post paid on application. BOOKBUYERS' ENCYCLICAL. - FEBRUARY CATALOGUE of ANCIENT and MODERN BOOKS now ready. Sent free by C. J. BROWN. Moorhead, Sheffield -Full value per return of post for Par. els of Books sent carriage paid. DOUGLAS & FOULIS' CATALOGUE of SURPLUS LIBRARY BOOKS (52 pages) past free to any address. This List contains upwards of 2000 Works in General Literature, and over 1,000 Recent Novels in good condition, and off red at greatly reduced prices.-DOUGLAS & FOULIS, Librarians, 9, Castle-street, Edinburgh. TURNER and RUSKIN. - A NEW CATALOGUE of SCARCE PRINTS (chronologically arranged), DRAWINGS, and BOOKS by JMW. TURNER, RA.. Professor RUSKIN, and others. With an Introductory Notice, and an unpublished Mezzotint Engraving by Wm. C. Ward, after a Sketch by J. M. W. Turner. R A. Price 1s. post free. - WM. WARD, 2, Church-terrace, Richmond, Surrey. Ready to-day, WALTER T. SPENCER'S BOOK CATALOGUE, No. 20, consisting of about 1,300 items of a very interesting nature, including a very fine (if not unique) Collection of the early Caricatures of Thomas has Rowlandson-Charles Dickens's Village Coquettes, 1836 Sunday under Three Heads, 1836, Pickwick Papers Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, &c. in monthly parts-W. M. Thackeray's The Snob, 18:9, Comte Tales, 1841, Vanity Fair, in parts-a charming Selection of Books illustrated by George Cruikshank-First Editions of the Works of R. L. Stevenson, Austin Dobson, Lord Byron. Matthew Arnold (including Empedocles on Etna)-Charles Lever's Harry Lorrequer, One of Them, &c, in monthly parts-a few interesting Books on the Alpine District, including a complete Set of the Alpine Journal, &c. On FEBRUARY 14th will be issued CATALOGUE No. 21, being the FIFTH PORTION of a Collection of Antiquarian Books, Tracts, &c. Post free from WALTER T. SPENCER, LOWE, NEW-STREET, BIRMINGHAM, offers Gentleman's Magazine, choice uniform half-russia set, 212 vols. 40l, cost 150/-Lodge's Portraits, elegant set in full purple morocco, 91. 10s., cost 351-8 C Hall's own set of the Art Journal, complete from 1838 το 1885, 36/-Complete Set of Punch, choice half new morocco, 251. -Original 48 vols Scott, new, ha'f-calf, 71 78., cost 281.-Naturalist's Library, 42 vols. 31. 178.-Hawthorne's Complete Works, choice edition, with etchings. 12 thick vols, new, 31.-Piumptre's History of Pantheism, new, 4s 6d. Parcels or Libraries of Books purchased. Catalogues gratis. Registered telegraphic address, Books," Birmingham CHARLES LOWE'S Book shop. New-street, Birmingham. FOR SALE, the TIMES Newspaper from Feb ruary 10, 1852, to December 31, 1889. A few numbers missing Apply to P., care of Messrs. Barnicott & Son, Taunton. RELICS of ROBERT BURNS. - For 1,000l., "The HAILL CONTENTS of BURNS' COTTAGE near ALLOWAY KIRK," as sold by Public Process, September, 1843.-For particulars address No. 972, Keith & Co., Edinburgh. CHARLOTTE BRONTE. TO BE SOLD, several SOUVENIRS taken from Haworth Church before late restoration, viz., Altar and Rails (very old), Poor Box (Grimshaw's initials upon it), Tablet with Lord's Praver (very old). Authenticity guaranteed.Address M, 46, Primrose Hill-road, N.W. MEMORY. LOISETTE'S SYSTEM is "original and of great value." This was testified by D. GREENLEAF THOMPSON ('A System of Psychology, Longmans), Dr. WM. A. HAMMOND, and others. First Lecture at 3, on MONDAY; at 8, TUESDAY. Private or postal lessons at any time. For Prospectus, Prof. A. LOISETTE, 37, New Oxford-street, London. SPINK & NUMISMATISTS, SON, 2, GRACECHURCH - STREET, LONDON, B.C., Respectfully invite an inspection of their extensive Stock of FINE and RARE COINS, Patterns and Proofs, in Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The Oldest Coin Dealers in London. Established 1772. Fine and Rare Coins, Medals, &c., Bought or Exchanged. Sales by Auction The Collection of Pictures and Drawings of the late DOYNE C. BELL, Esq., F.S.A. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on TUESDAY, February 5 at 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executors), the COLLECTION of PICTURES and DRAWINGS of DOYNE C. BELL, Esq. FS.A., deceased, late Secretary to H M.'s Privy Purse, comprising Historical and Theatrical Portraits-numerous Copies of Celebrated Portraits by G. P. Harding-Water-Colour Drawings and Engravings. May be viewed, and Catalogues had. Service of Plate, the Property of a Lady, deceased. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on THURSDAY, February 7, at 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executors), a SERVICE of PLATE the Property of a LADY, deceased, comprising WaitersTea and Coffee Pots- Bread-basket-Candlesticks- and about twenty dozen Forks and Spoons-silver gilt Dessert Forks and Spoons, &c. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. Porcelain and Decorative Objects, the Property of a Lady, deceased. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS Ancient and Modern Pictures, the Property of a Lady, decers MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOOL respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on SATURDA February 9, at 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executors), a sm COLLECTION of ANCIENT and MODERN PICTURES, the Prope of a LADY, deceased, including the Portrait of a Lady, by Sir Josh Reynolds-Works of B Van der Helst, Rembrandt, brandt, S. de Vlieger, Ruysdael, Van Huysum-Drawings by G. Barret and W. Hunt-ant few Pictures of the Belgian School. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. i And a Collection of 314 Pencil Drawings by J. Hakewill, made for th Picturesque Tour of Italy. Also a few Pictures by the Old Masten including Works of the Fiemish, Dutch, and Italian Schools-Frame Engravings-Arundel Society Publications, &c. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had Collection of Etchings and Engravings, the Property of a Gentleman. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on THURSDAY February 14 at 1 o'clock precisely, a COLLECTION of MODERN ETCHINGS and ENGRAVINGS, the Property of a GENTLEMAN Including Artists' Proofs after Sir J. Reynolds, J. M. W. Turner. RA Sir J. E. Millais, R.A., &c. Etchings by B. Debaines, Chauvel, Fortuny. Seymour Hauen, Lowenstam, R. W. Macbeth, A RA, Rajon, Le Rat. and C. Waltner; and Works of Garavaglia, Lefevre, Mandel, Massard, &c. Collection of Modern Pictures and Drawings, the Property of a Gentleman, MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on SATURDAY, February 16, at 1 o'clock precisely, a valuable COLLECTION of MODERN PICTURES and WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS, the Property of a GENTLEMAN. The Pictures comprise Works of V Cole, R.A., T. Creswick, R.A., H. W B. Davis, R. A., B. W. Leader, ARA, J. Mac Whirter, A.K.A, H. Moore. A.R.A. W. L. Wyllie, A.RA E. Ellis, G. B O'Neill, L Caille, E. De Blaas, L. Munthe, P. Sadée, &c. Also Water-Colour Drawings by Valuable Books and Manuscripts, including the Library of the late R. D. DYNELEY, Esq., of Bramhope, Yorkshire; the Collection of Books relating to Devonshire and Cornwall formed by the Rev. R. H. BARNES, Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral; and other Properties, MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C., on MONDAY, February 4, and Five Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, valuable BOOKS and MANUSCRIPTS, consisting of the LIBRARY of the late R. D. DYNELEY, Esq., of Bramhope, Yorkshire; the Collection of Books relating to Devon and Cornwall formed by the Rev. R. H. BARNES, Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral; and other Properties, the whole comprising important Works in the various Branches of English and Foreign Literature, including Audubon's Birds of America-Nash's History of Worcestershire-a Collection of Original Manuscripts relating to the Town of Sandwich-Surtees and Raine's Durham, Large Paper-Hasted's Kent, folio-Smith's History of Virginia foldsmithristine Bewick's Birds and Quadrupeds, A Collection of Greek Coins collected chiefly in Italy. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13. Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W C., on MONDAY, February 11, at 1 o'clock precisely, a COLLECTION of GREEK COINS, principally in Silver, including some fine and interesting Types of Tarentum, Syracuse, Corinth, Carthage, &c; also a few Roman and Byzantine, &c., collected chiefly in Italy. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of two stamps. A choice Collection of Books from the Library of a Nobleman, and a Selection from the Library of an Amateur. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on FRIDAY, February 8, at 1 o'clock precisely by order of the Executors), PORCELAIN and DECORATIVE OBJECTS, the Property of a LADY, deceased, comprising Sèvres Vases a pair of Celadon Green Vases of Oriental Porcelain, mounted with ormolu English and Oriental Services Bronzes-Clocks-Candelabra-Marble Busts, &c. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C., on TUESDAY, February 12, and Two Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, a valuable and choice COLLECTION of BOOKS from the Library of a NOBLEMAN, mostly in fine old French morocco bindings; a selection from the LIBRARY of an AMATEUR; and a few Beautiful Books from the Library of a Collector and other private sources; including Stockdale Edition of Esop's Fables, uncutAshmole's Order of the Garter, Larve Paper, 1672-Bewick's Birds and Supplements, first editions, Large Paper, uncut, 1797-1804-1821-Boccace Decamerone, 5 vols. with the rare Estampes Galantes, 1757-Decamerone, 3 vols. Large Paper, Stothard's proof plates, 1825-Books 5-Books of Costumes Heures à l'Usage de Constices, printed on vellum, 1508-Heures à l'Usage de Rome, 1514 - La Borde's Chansons, original edition, in splendid binding, 1773- La Fontaine (Fermier Géné aux edition), 2 vols. and several other rare editions-Margaret de Valois, Contes et Nouvelles, 2 vols. 1698, and Heptameron, 3 vols. 1780-1-Milton's Paradise Lost. first edition, 1669 Metamorphoses d'Ovide, brilliant impressions of the beautiful plates, 1767-Paradyse of Dainty Devises, first edition, unique, 1576-large Collection of Retif de la Bretone's Works in fine condition-Les Nuits de Paris, 16 vols complete-also Works illustrated by George Cruikshank, Rowlandson, Crowquill, Phiz, &c. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of four stamps. A valuable Collection of Coins, especially rich in Gold and Suter Proofs and Patterns, the Property of an Amateur in the North. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C., on TUESDAY, February 12, and Following Days, a: 1 o'clock precisely, a valuabie COLLECTION of ENGLISH COINS and MEDALS, &c.; also Colonial and a few Foreign, in Gold, Silver, and Copper, especiaily Rich in Proofs and Patterns in the above Metals, principally in brilliant condition, formed by an AMATEUR in the NORTH, Including the following: Elizabeth Rial-Portcullis PiecesJames L. Thirty Shillings-Charles I fine Crowns-Briot's Coinage and Pattern Shilling Commonwealth Patterns, by Blondeau-Charles II., AB, Elephant and Elephant and Castle-Anne, Pattern Halfpennies and Farthings. Pax Missa, &c., in AR and E-George II, Pattern TwoGuinea Piece, Haif-Crown, &c. George. Pattern Five-Pound Piece, by Wyon; Tw-Guinea, by Tanner, &c.; Pattern Crowns-William IV., Pattern Crown-Victoria, Five-Pound Piece; Pattern Crowns, 1839 and 1545; four varieties of the Gothic Crown, &c. and a fine SelecLion of English Medals. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of four stamps. The Hopetown House Library, the Property of the Right Hon. the Earl of HOPETOUN. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE the first boek printed with movable metal of will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellington-street, Strand, WC, on MONDAY, February 25, and Three Following Days, at I o clock precisely, the Valuable LIBRARY of the Right Hon. the Eari of HOPETOUN, removed from Hopetoun House, comprising Works of great rarity; including a fine Copy of the famous Mazarin or Gutenberg Latin Bible type-a Copy Balbi Catholicen printed in 1460 by Gutenberg-the Editio Princeps of Virgili Opera, printed in 1469 at Rome, and one of the rarest books in existence, and many other rare Editiones Principes printed in the ifteenth century-Aulus Gellius, a beautiful specimen of Clovis Eve's binding in the Grolier style-choice Copies of Works printed by Aldus (Incinding first Virgil and first and second Pe'rarca, printed on vellum), Stephanus Coifnæus. Bizevir, and other eminent typographers-splendid Bocks of Engravings-rare old Law Books printed in the fifteenth centary-scarce Editions of Dante, Boccaccio, Petrarca, Ariosto, and TassoHoubraken's Heads on Large Paper-Perrault, Homme Illustres, with brilliant portraits-British and Stafford Galleries, exquisitely coloured plates mounted on cardboard-Chippendale's Cabinet-maker's Director -Statuts de l'Ordre de S. Michel, printed on vellum, with arms of Henry IL. and device of Diane de Poictiers-Polifilo, first Aldine Edition, and several important Manuscripts, illuminated and historical, including a mest valuable Collection of Scottish State Papers - Early Earl Latin Classics, Ugolini Musica, with autograph of the famous F. Gaffori, author of several works on music, &c. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of eight stamps. Engravings, Drawings, and Paintings, part the Property of a Gentleman, deceased, MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47. Leicester-square, W.C., on WEDNESDAY, February 6, and Following Day, at ten minutes past I o clock precisely, a VALUABLE COLLECTION of ENGRAVINGS, including fine Portraits and Fancy Subjects-Scarce Prints and Etchings of A. Dürer, Rembrandt, Marc Antonio, W. Hollar, Penez, &c -Books of Engravings-Hogarth's Works, large folio, half-morocco-English and Foreign Toporaphy-Historical, Scriptural, and Classical SubjectsSporting Prints-Caricatures-a choice Collection of Modern English Proof Etchings and Engravings, &c. and a number of Drawings and Paintings. Catalogues on receipt of two stamps. Portion of the Library of a Dublin Professor-Old English Books and Tracts-Early Typography, &c. MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION at their House, 47, Leicester-square. W.C., on WEDNESDAY, February 13, and Two Following Days, at ten minutes past 1 o'clock precisely, a COLLECTION of ENGLISH and FOREIGN BOOKS in all Classes of Literature, including a PORTION of the LIBRARY of a DUBLIN PROFESSOR, and several small PRIVATE COLLECTIONS, comprising Transactions and Proceedings of Learned, Scientific and Literary Societies, English and Foreign-Specimens of Early Typography-Old English Books and Tracts-scarce Aldine Editions-Hootes Tasso, with Shelley's illustrations and the original drawings for the sam-Lafontaine, Contes-Skelton's Works on Oxford, Large Paper-Modern Books in History, Voyages, and Travels-Works on Science-Lilustrated Books-and Books of Prints, &c. Catalogues on receipt of two stamps. Autograph Letters. MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47. Leicester-square, WC., on FRIDAY, February 15 at 3 o'clock, a small COLLECTION of AUTOGRAPH LETIERS chiefly Literary, Dramatic, and Musical, late the Property of W B. DONNE, Esq. Examiner of Plays, deceased, the late J. A. HERAUD, Esq., and others. Catalogues on receipt of two stamps. Duplicates from the Library of a Gentleman; small Collection of Priwately Printed Books, and Books on Genealogy, Topоgraphy, &c. MESSES, PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square, W.C., on WEDNESDAY, February 27, and Following Days. at ten minutes past I o'clock precisely, DUPLICATES from the LIBRARY of a GENTLEMAN, and other PROPERTIES; comprising numerous valuable Books, Ancient and Modern, including Assemanus Bibliotheca Juris Orientalis, 6 Tois-Wilkins's Concilia, 4 vols.-Old MSS. - Lyndewoode's Provinciale, 2 editions-Strutt's Sylva, India proofs-Scott's Dryden Fergusson's Architecture-Honnorat, Dictionn FrançaisLorgan's Oxonia-Grillion Club Portraits-Gruner's Fresco Decorations aire Provençal -First Edition of Foxe's Book of Martyrs and other Old and Modern Books of Prints, &c. Catalogues in preparation. Law Books, Chancery Reports, House of Lords Cases, Useful Modern Text-Books, &c. MESSRS. HODGSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their Rooms, 115 Chancery lane, W.C., on TUESDAY, February 5, at 1 o'clock, LAW BOOKS, comprising Runnington's Statutes at Large, to 19h & 30th Victoria, 41 vols.-Law Journal Reports, from 1953 to 1883 124 vols. -Law Times Report, 1872 to 1594, 24 vols -Reports in Queen's Hench, &c. -West, Beavan, Drewry and Giffard's Chancery Reports, 46 vols -Coltes, Dow, Maclean, Robinson, and West's House of Lords Cases 9 vols. -Moore's East Indian Appeals, 14 vols -Chitty's Collection of Statutes, 6 vols. Fisher's Common Law Digest, 7 vols.Daniell's il's Chance y Practice, 6th edition, 3 vols and other recent Practical Works-The Old Follo Reports-Office Desk, &c. To be viewed, and Catalogues had. FRIDAY NEXT. -Scientific and Photographic Apparatus, MR. J. C. STEVENS will SELL by AUCTION, Liberalism," - Pall Mall Gazette. LADY BABY. Chapters 7-9. SCENES from a SILENT WORLD. By a Prison Visitor. WHY I BECAME a LIBERAL UNIONIST. By George Brooks. LAURENCE OLIPHANT. By M. O. W. Oliphant. Sir PATRICK MAXWELL and the DEVIL. Note to Article Charles William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh and London.- THE LIBRARY: a Magazine of Bibliography and Literature. THE ANTIQUARY: a Magazine devoted to the Study of the Past. The WALLS of CHESTER, By C. Roach Smith, F.S.A. The STANDARD-BEARER of CHARLES I. By William Brailsford. The HIGHLANDS. By H. P. Malet. RECENT ARCHEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES. By Talfourd Ely, The HOUSE of ORANGE-NASSAU. By Henry Attwell. OLD WINCHESTER HILL, HANTS. By W. Benham, F.S.A. MEETINGS of ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETIES. Now ready, price Sixpence, No. 15 of THEllustrate Main Kim terre. RM: NINETEENTH FEBRUARY. 28. 6d. 1. AGNOSTICISM. By Professor Huxley. CENTURY, 2. The FUTURE of TORYISM: a Sketch. By the Right Hon. the Earl of Dunraven. 3. NOTICEABLE BOOKS: 1. By the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. 2, 3. By Frederic Harrison. 4. By Rowland E Prothero. 5. By Augustine Birrell. 6. By W. S. Lilly. 7. By Hamilton Aidé. 8. By the Rev Dr Jessopp. 9. By the Right Hon. John Morley, M.P. 4. IS EXAMINATION & FAILURE? By W. Baptiste Scoones. 5. The DISTRACTIONS of GERMAN STATESMANSHIP. By Fre derick Greenwood. 6. The FLUCTUATING FRONTIER of RUSSIA in ASIA. (With a Map.) By the Hon George N. Curzon, M P. 7. The SACRIFICE of EDUCATION to EXAMINATION: By the Hon. Auberon Herbert. By Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart. By Sir Joseph Fayrer, LL.D. M.D. F.R.S. By Francis Galton. By Dr. Priestley. By the Bishop of Carlisle. 8. TO a FRIEND. By His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co. SECOND EDITION now ready, 2s. 6d. THE CONTEMPORARY REVIEW. Contents for FEBRUARY. The BISMARCK DYNASTY. LAURENCE OLIPHANT. By Lady Grant Duff. The UNIVERSITY of WALES. By Lewis Morris. A CASK of HONEY with a SPOONFUL of TAR. By Madame Novikoff. The COMMUNE and the PARISH. By F. S. Stevenson, M P. IMPRESSIONS of AUSTRALIA III. Education. By R. W. Dale, LL.D. The DEFEAT of PRESIDENT CLEVELAND. By President C. K. Adams. A REJOINDER to the DUKE of ARGYLL. By Frederic Harrison. The VALUE of VOLUNTARY SCHOOLS. By Viscount Cranborne, "FEARES" or "TEARES" By Wyke Bayliss, F.S A. A POET'S CORNER. By C. W. Greswell. The SICK POOR of the METROPOLIS. By A. O'Donnel Bartholeyns. The HOUSING of the POOR. By Viscount Lymington, M.P. POLITICS at HOME and ABROAD. CORRESPONDENCE. London: W. H. Allen & Co. 13, Waterloo-place. THE MAGAZINE of ART, for FEBRUARY, price 1s. contains ETCHING- The SNAKE-CHARMER.' ART in the THEATRE: SPECTACLE. By Augustus Harris. ART PATRONS: The BEGGING FRIARS of ITALY. By Miss EARLY IRISH ART. By J. Romilly Allen. The ISLE of ARRAN. With Illustrations by J. MacWhirter, A.R.A. The PORTRAITS of DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. By William M. Rossetti. ILLUSTRATED JOURNALISM in ENGLAND: its Rise. By C. N. Williamson. Cassell & Company (Limited), Ludgate hill, London. CASSELL'S MAGAZINE, for FEBRUARY, at his Great Rooms, 38, King-street, Covent-garden, on FRIDAY NEXT, February 8, at half-past 12 o'clock precisely, PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS. consisting of Cameras and Lenses by First-Class MakersDry Plates, Head Rests, Stands, Kolling Presses. Shutters, Mounts, &c. -Мі-товсорея - Telescopes-Opera Race, and Field Glasses-BooksFurniture-Pictures-Electrical, Telegraphic, and Chemical Appliances -Dissolving-View and Magic Lanterns and Slides-and Miscellaneous Property. On view the day prior from 2 till 5 and morning of Sale, and Catalogues had. an Illustrated Magazine of Old Time Literature. THOMAS BEWICK, the ENGRAVER. With 4 Illustrations. SOME OLD BOOK CATALOGUES. The BIBLES of COVERDALE and CRANMER. With 2 Facsimile La GAZETTE de FRANCE. BOOKWORMS of YESTERDAY and TO-DAY: Richard de Bury. BALLADES ABOUT BOOKS. MISCELLANEA: - Granger'zing Thiers's History The "Contents" London: Elliot Stock, 62, Paternoster-row; and all Booksellers'. contains: ABOUT MUSIC. Bv Sir Arthur Sullivan. The Hon Dadabhai Naoroji. The SPANISH ARMADA: a Poem. By Douglas Sladen. |