Bound in cloth, 10s. 6d. each (Complete in Fourteen Monthly Volumes); and in DOUBLE VOLUMES, BI-MONTHLY, Bound in half-morocco, 21's, each; or in half-russia, 25s. each (Complete in Seven Volumes). The DIVISIONAL VOLUME will be published each succeeding Month, and the DOUBLE VOLUME each alternate Month, thereafter. The Encyclopædic Dictionary contains about 50,000 more Words than any other Dictionary extant. ** It is a work which certainly fills effectually a gap that has never been filled before." - Guardian. * An enterprise so truly comprehensive may fairly be pronounced the greatest and most thoroughly national yet undertaken by a firm to whose spirit of enterprise the public of this yis indebted for much of its culture and its intellectual recreation." Daily Telegraph. "It is not our custom to refer to the price of books, but in this case the cheapness of such an excellent publication is one of the most notable points about it." -Athenæum. No other completed dictionary can be compared with it for extensive and thorough utility as a work of reference."-Scotsman. The ENCYCLOPÆDIC DICTIONARY can be obtained complete in 14 Divisional Volumes cloth, price 10s. 6d. each; or in 7 Volumes, bound in half-morocco, 21s. each; or half-russia, 25s. each. RUTH ABOUT RUSSIA. By W. T. Stead. Demy 8vo. cloth. Exceedingly readable and crammed full of valuable current information."-Public Opinion. *A monument of enterprise, and it is needless to say that it is also a model of force and lucidity." - Manchester Guardian. One of the most striking and one of the most important books published last year."- Western Daily Mercury. A masterpiece of journalistic art."-Newcastle Daily Leader. A most interesting book."-Literary World. AN In WEEKLY VOLUMES, paper covers, 3d.; or in cloth, 6d. CASSELL'S NATIONAL LIBRARY. Edited by Prof. HENRY MORLEY. The Times, in a leading article, says:-"The multiplication of good and cheap books, such as the masterpieces collected in 'CASSELL'S NATIONAL LIBRARY,' has had a most powerful effect on the reading of multitudes of workmen, who now show an even greater interest in the problems of literature than in the problems of science." List of the Fourth Year's Volumes already published:157. The BATTLE of LIFE. CHARLES DICKENS. 158. MEMORABLE THOUGHTS of SOCRATES. ΧΕΝΟΡΗON. 159. LIVES of the POETS (Prior, Congreve, &c.). SAMUEL JOHNSON. 160. OTHELLO, the MOOR of VENICE. Wм. SHAKESPEARE. 161. BURLEIGH and his TIMES, JOHN HAMPDEN, and HORACE WALPOLE. Lord MACAULAY. 162 and 163. PARADISE LOST. 2 vols. JOHN MILTON. 164. The COMEDY of ERRORS. WM. SHAKE SPEARE. N.B. The 156 Volumes of Cassell's National LIBRARY, forming the first three years' Volumes, are issued in paper covers, 3d. each; or cloth, 6d. each. The Cloth Editions of each year's Volumes are published in handsome oak bookcase, 31s. 6d. Full Lists will be sent post free on application to the A Work for all interested in the Wonders of Electricity. SERIAL ISSUE, in Monthly Parts, 6d. ELECTRICITY IN THE SERVICE OF MAN. A Popular and Practical Treatise on the Applications of Edited by R. WORMELL, D.Sc. M.A. Part I. ready Feb. 25, price 6d. (To be completed in 14 Parts.) "A book without which no physical library can be held to be complete." - Knowledge. "All the useful applications of electricity are described in its pages. In that respect it has no rival." English Mechanic. ENTIRELY NEW WORK. PART I., ready FEBRUARY 25, price 7d., of TASSELL'S BOOK of the HOUSEHOLD. A Valuable and Practical Work on every Department of Household Management. Fully Illustrated. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, London, Paris, New York, and Melbourne. WALTER SCOTT'S LIST. WORKS OF COUNT TOLSTOÏ. Mr. WALTER SCOTT has the pleasure to announce that he is now publishing in Monthly Volumes a series of translations of works of the eminent Russian novelist, Count Lyof N. Tolstoï. The English reading public will be introduced to an entirely new series of works by one who is probably the greatest living master of fiction in Europe, and one upon whose personality and opinions -social, ethical, and religious-a unique attention is concentrated. To those unfamiliar with the charm of Russian fiction, and especially with the works of Count Tolstoï, these volumes will come as a new revelation of power. A RUSSIAN PROPRIETOR. This volume, which is representative of Count Tolstoï's literary activity between 1852 and 1859, serves as an introduction to those which follow. Besides its own interest, much of it has the interest of disguised autobiography; Prince Nekhliudof, the "Russian Proprietor," suggests the youthful figure of Count Tolstoï himself in one of his early experiences; 'Albert,' in its peculiar realism and pathos, is one of Count Tolstoï's most exquisite sketches, and a striking example of his literary method. Crown 8vo. about 350 pp. each, cloth cover, 2s. 6d. per vol.; half-morocco, 5s. per vol. LATEST MONTHLY SHILLING VOLUMES. THE CAMELOT SERIES. EDITED BY ERNEST RHYS. The RAMBLER, The ADVENTURER, The IDLER. Essays of Dr. JOHNSON. With Introduction and Notes by STUART J. REID. ESSAYS of WILLIAM HAZLITT. Selected and Edited by FRANK CARR, Author of 'Characteristics of Leigh Hunt,' &c. Cloth, cut edges, 1s; cloth, uncut edges, 1s.; red roan, gilt edges, 3s.; half-morocco, gilt top, antique (in a variety of new reproductions of old tints). THE CANTERBURY POETS, EDITED BY WILLIAM SHARP. POEMS of GEORGE CRABBE. Selected and Edited by EDWARD LAMPLOUGH. POEMS of DORA GREENWELL. Edited by WILLIAM DORLING. Cloth, red edges, 1s.; cloth, uncut edges, 18.; red roan, gilt edges, 2s. 6d.; silk plush, gilt edges, 4s. 6d.; padded morocco, gilt edges, 5s. GREAT WRITERS. THE HENRY IRVING SHAKESPEARE. MR. T. FISHER UNWIN Now ready, Vols. I. to V., to be Completed in Eight Quarterly Volumes, small 4to, cloth, gilt top, price 10s. 6d. each. THE HENRY IRVING SHAKESPEARE. EDITED BY HENRY IRVING and FRANK A. MARSHALL. And nearly 600 Illustrations by GORDON BROWNE. Contents of Volume I. Love's Labour's Lost. The Comedy of Errors. Romeo and Juliet. The Two Gentlemen of Verona. King Henry VI. Part I. Contents of Volume II. King Henry VI. Part II. The Taming of the Con- A Midsummer Night's densed by Ch. Kemble. I Dream. King Richard III. Merchant of Venice. King Henry IV. Part I. King Henry IV. Part II. Contents of Volume IV. LIST. Illustrated, demy 8vo. cloth, 218. ENGLISH WAYFARING LI IN THE MIDDLE AGES. (FOURTEENTH CENTURY). By J. J. JUSSERAND. Translated by LUCY TOULMIN SMITH. Édition de Luxe, consisting of 65 copies (50 being for sale), printed on Japan paper, boun vellum, and numbered and signed. Terms on a cation. "Have you seen a book just published M. Jusserand, of the French Embassy, enti 'English Wayfaring Life in the Middle Ag If not, let me assure you that the sooner you g the better for yourself and your friends, for are certain to talk about it and talk out of it, in proportion as you do so will the liveliness of conversation be remarked upon ! The book translation and an amplification of one of t enchanting volumes which only Frenchmen able to flash out upon literature. 'La Vie Nome was published in 1884. It was a gem, written style that provokes and worries some of us, bea it is so lucid, so simple, so vigorous, that we is folk feel in despair of attaining to such grace precision of language as we read. Now the b appears in an English form and with its Eng title, very much increased in bulk, and one of best illustrated volumes of the season-dressed Much Ado about Nothing. fact, in purple and fine linen-a pleasure to han King Henry V. Twelfth Night. Contents of Volume V. All's Well that Ends Measure for Measure. Julius Cæsar. "Edited in a really good workmanlike manner, and beautifully printed. Mr. Gordon Browne's illustrations are amongst the most perfect things of the kind that we have ever seen."-St. James's Gazette. "This handsomely printed edition aims at being popular and practical, and will win public recognition by its unique and serviceable qualities."-Spectator. *** A Detailed Prospectus, with Specimen Page, sent London: BLACKIE & SON, 49 and 50, Old Bailey. Just published, crown 8vo. cloth, 7s. 6d. A Complete Manual of the Countries of the World, their Chief Centres of Trade and Means of Communication, their Natural Productions, Mineral Resources, Exports, Manufactures, &c. By Dr. CARL ZEHDEN. Translated by FINDLAY MUIRHEAD, M.A. London: BLACKIE & SON, 49 and 50, Old Bailey. Just published, crown 8vo. cloth, ls. 9d. REALISTIC ELEMENTARY GEOGRAPHY. Taught by Picture and Plan. Embracing Direction, The Elements of Maps, Definitions, &c. The Pictorial Examples are derived chiefly from the Geographical Features of England. By W. G. BAKER, M.A. * This book will be followed by three others on the same lines, namely, The United Kingdom; The British Colonies and Possessions; and The World, with Descriptions of the Oceans and the Leading Facts of Astronomical Geography. London: BLACKIE & SON, 49 and 50, Old Bailey. Just published, with Woodcuts, fcap. 8vo. 23. 6d. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL. By A. HUMBOLDT SEXTON, FR.S.Ε., London: BLACKIE & SON, 49 and 50, Old Bailey. CHATTO & WINDUS'S LIST OF NEW BOOKS. NEW NOVELS AT ALL LIBRARIES. For FAITH and FREEDOM. By Walter Besant, Author of 'All Sorts and Conditions of Men.' 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The country and the people are graphically described, and the advice to intending emigrants is well considered." - Daily Chronicle. "Mr. Gisborne not only shows ample and accurate knowledge of the facts and a good sense of proportion, but a fairness and breadth of judgment not always conspicuous in colonial or other annalists. The book is of compact and handy size, and than the careful perusal of it no better preparation for life and work in his new sphere could be commended to the intending emigrant to New Zealand."-Scotsman. E. A. PETHERICK & Co. 33, Paternoster-row, London, F.C.; And all Booksellers in Town and Country. NOW READY, Demy 8vo. cloth, price 78. 6d. THE WALDENSES OF ITALY. "Much has been written and spoken regarding the Waldenses of Italy, but the romantic story of the religious life of this interesting people, and the Romanish persecution so long directed against the little community, had never been anything like adequately told till it was narrated by Dr. Comba, of the Waldensian Theological College, Florence." Scotsman. "Professor Comba gives full proof of his qualifications for the task which he has undertaken; and if the next volume possess the characteristics of the one now before us, the two together will form a full final of the subject that will leave NEW VOLUME OF ARROWSMITH'S TWO-SHILLING SERIES. Crown Svo. stiff boards 28. 316 pp. Vol. III, of Series, THE TRUTH ABOUT CLEMENT KER. Being an Account of some curious circumstances connected with the Lite and Death of the late Sir Clement Ker, Bart of Brae House, Peebleshire, told by his Second Cousin, GEOFFREY KER, of London. Edited by GEORGE FLEMING. Ready February 23rd, crown 8vo. stiff boards, 2s. 6d. O'RELL, Author of John Bull and His Island,' 'Friend Mar Donald,' &c. JONATHAN AND HIS CONTINENT. BY MAR Bristol: J. W. Arrowsmith. London: Simpkin, Marshall & Ca. Now ready, crown 8vo. cloth, price 28. 64. A HANDBOOK, of Nithew GREEK METHOD DANIEL With an Introduction by F. C. PENKOSE, Esq., Μ.Α. This Work describes a method for the production of curves by revolution of a plane. Among those recovered by it are the three lead forms of the Greek Anthemion. It is illustrated with many Diagram Mr. Penrose says:-"The simplicity of these instruments is admirable and they can be strongly recommended, for after some training of t eye with curves drawn in this manner, the student would be unable tolerate halting and broken-backed figures." London: Whiting & Co. 30 and 32, Sardinia-street, W.C. Sold also by Roper & Drowley, 11, Ludgate-hill, B.C. STANFORD'S WORKS ON AFRICA. STANFORD'S LIBRARY MAP O AFRICA, originally constructed by Dr. A. Keith Jobs ston, but corrected to embody the results of the mo recent explorations. The possessions of the differen European Powers and the various means of communica tion are carefully marked. For the study of the man questions of interest connected with this great Continen this Map is invaluable. Size, 65 by 58 inches. Scale, miles to 1 inch. Price-Coloured sheets, 45s.; mounte to fold in morocco case, 73s. 6d.; mounted on rollers at varnished, 60s.; on spring roller, 120s. STANFORD'S LONDON ATLAS MAP of AFRICA, showing all the available information regarding that country as well as the scale permits. handy map, useful for reference at the desk or table Size, 22 by 26 inches. Scale, 260 miles to 1 inch. PriceColoured sheet, 3s.; per post, packed on roller, 34, 61. mounted to fold in case, 5s.; per post, 5s. 3d. STANLEY and EMIN PASHASTANFORD'S NEW MAP of CENTRAL AFRICA showing the whole of the Congo Free State Ares, a the Possessions and Spheres of Influence of the variet European Nationalities, both on the East and West Coast It reaches to the mouths of the Zambesi on the Socia embraces Emin Pasha's province on the North, and show the coast line on both sides of the Continent. Sire, inches by 22. Scale, 94 miles to 1 inch. Price-Sheet, 3. per post, packed on roller, 38. 6d.; mounted to fold in case, 55.; per post, 5s. 3d. SUAKIN. GENERAL GORDONS MAP. Facsimile of a Map drawn by General C Suakin to Berber and Khartum. Ib Cigarettes were as inseparable companions of General Gordon ps of some of the dark pla Bible, Thomas à Kempis, and Stanford's maps of the earth."-Times. Size of sheet, 20 by 15 inches; scale, 21 miles to 1 inc Price 18. 6d.; or 2s. per post, packed on roller. AFRICA. 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Every re has its own careful map, besides a number of physical diagram ful to all who wish to four dia of the correcent discovery."-Gr short, a complete encyclopedia of Philology of the will be very trating and the rainfall, ethnology, London: EDWARD STANFORD, 26 and 27, Cockspur-street, Charing Cross, S.W. nothing to be desired; and they will undoubtedly ALLEN'S SOLID LEATHE take rank as the standard authority concerning the MORALITY: an Essay on some Points thereof. people with marked ability, aided by a conscientious (Adressed to Young Men.) By MAURICE CHARLES HIME, M.A. LL.D., Barrister-at-Law, Head Master of Foyle College, Londonderry. "It is a remarkable fact that this book is not praised by one sect or sort of people only, but by all sorts-High Church, Low Church, Broad Church, Roman Catholic, Protestant, Methodist. Baptist, &c. It is seldom that a book on morals is written which papers of such different shades of opinion combine in speaking favourably of. The book should be in the library of every teacher of youth.'" Irish Ecclesiastical Gazette. London: J. & A. Churchill, 11, New Burlington-street. Now ready, crown 8vo. price 2s. 6d. THE TRUSTEE ACT, 1888. An Act to amend the Law relating to the Duties, Powers, and Liabilities ject. Much praise is due Signor Teofilo E. Comba PORTMANTEAUS. Cash Discount, 10 per cent ling, post free. ALLEN'S NEW CATALOGUE of 500 Articles for Continents! Tram 37, West Strand, London ALLEN'S VICTORIA DRESSING BAG. for his satisfactory translation of the present revised FURNISH your HOUSES OF APARTMENT edition."-Morning Post. "Dr. Comba's history is remarkable for its mode ration and sincerity." -Daily News. "The author's work is well done. His style is vigorous, clear, and vivid, and makes reading a delight. We are thankful for so valuable a book upon such an important theme. It is needful to remember in these days the sufferings of God's martyred hosts inflicted upon them by a system which remains what it was before the Reformation." -The Christian. TRUSLOVE & SHIRLEY, 7, St. Paul's Churchyard, London. THROUGHOUT on MOEDER'S HIRE SYSTEM. The Original, Best, and most Liberal. Suits all. Founded A.D. 1889. Furnish direct from the Manufacturer from 101. to 10,0004 Cash Prices. No extra charge for time given. Catalogues, Estimates, Press Opinions, Testimoniais, post free. F. MOEDER, 248, 249, 250, Tottenham Court-read, W. ALSO FOR HIRE ONLY. DINNEFORD'S MAGNESI The for ACIDITY of the STORM Best RemeRTBURN, HEADACHE, and safest Aperient for Deltations, Ladies, Children, DINNEFORD'S and Infants. MAGNESI CONTENTS of VOL. I.:-Chap. I. INTRODUCTION. SCIENCE: its CAPABILITY of DEVELOPMENT. -Chap. II ON the SCIENTIFIC IMPORTANCE of DREAM: 1. The POSITIVE SIDE of the SLEEP-LIFE. 2. The CONFUSED DREAM. 3. The RELATION of SLEEP to SOMNAMBULISM. 4. The METAPHYSICAL APPLICATION of DREAM.Chap. III. DREAM & DRAMATIST: 1. The TRANSCENDENTAL MEASURE of TIME. 2. The DRAMATIC SUNDERING of the EGO in DREAM: (a) The BODY, (b) The MIND, (c) The HUMAN ENIGMA.-Chap. IV. SOMNAMBULISM: 1. N ATURAL SOMNAMBULISM. 2. ARTIFICIAL SOMNAMBULISM.-Chap. V. DREAM & PHYSICIAN: 1. DREAMIMAGES as SYMBOLICAL REPRESENTATION of BODILY STATES. 2. DIAGNOSIS in the SOMNAMBULIC SLEEP: (a) SELF-INSPECTION, (6) The DIAGNOSIS of the DISEASES of OTHERS by SOMNAMBULISTS. 3. The CURATIVE INSTINCT in DREAM. 4. The HEALTH-PRESCRIPTIONS of SOMNAMBULISTS. E L T : CONTENTS of VOL. II. :-Chap. I. The FACULTY of MEMORY: 1. REPRODUCTION, MEMORY, RECOLLECTION 2. The EXALTATION of MEMORY in DREAM. 3. The WEALTH of LATENT MEMORY in DREAM. 4. EXALTED MEMORY in SOMNAMBULISM. 5. MEMORY in the DYING. 6. The FORGETFULNESS of SOMNAMBULISTS on WAKING. 7. ALTERNATING CONSCIOUSNESS. 8. The ASSOCIATION of PSYCHICAL STATES with IDEAS. 2. THEORY of MEMORY.-Chap. II. The MONISTIC DOCTRINE of the SOUL: 1. The JANUS-ASPECT of MAN. 3. The FRANSCENDENTAL SUBJECT. 3. The DUALISM of CONSCIOUSNESS. 4. The BI-UNITY of MAN. 5. OUR PLACE n the UNIVERSE. 6. ETHIC. GEORGE REDWAY, York-street, Covent-garden. BOOKS. NEW WORK BY DR. HATCH.-Just published, 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d. ESSAYS in BIBLICAL GREEK. By Edwin Hatch, M.A. D.D., Reader in Ecclesiastical History, Oxford, and sometime Grinfield Lecturer on the LXX. Just published, extra fcap. 8vo. cloth, 2s. 6d. GRÆCE REDDENDA; or, Miscellaneous Exercises for Practice in Greek Prose Composition. Arranged by C. S. JERRAM, MA., Editor of 'Anglice Reddenda,' 'Euripidis Alcestis,' &c. NEW EDITION OF MINCHIN'S STATICS, Vol. II.-Just published, 8vo. cloth, Vol. I. 98.; Vol. II. 168. A TREATISE on STATICS. By G. M. Minchin, M.A. Third Edition. 8vo. cloth. Vol. I. The Equilibrium of Co-planar Forces. Vol. II. New Edition. By far the best treatise on statics in the English language."-New York Nation. * A most important work; in fact, one of the best treatises of the day."-Nature. CLARENDON PRESS SERIES OF GERMAN CLASSICS. NEW EDITIONS. Just published, Second Edition, extra fcap. 8vo. cloth, 3s. 6d. BECKER'S FRIEDRICH der GROSSE. With an Historical Sketch of the "The editor has done his part exceptionally well. Reveals the careful and experienced teacher.... The best of the series to Just published, Fourth Edition, extra fcap. 8vo. cloth, 38. GOETHE'S EGMONT. With a Life of Goethe, &c. By the Same Editor. "In form and matter may be pronounced perfect."-Pall Mall Gazette. Just published, Third Edition, extra fcap. 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. HEINE'S PROSA. Being Selections from his Prose Works. With English ** A model of clearness and condensation."-Saturday Review. Second Edition, Enlarged and Revised. Just published, crown 8vo. cloth, 6s. SHAKESPEARE as a DRAMATIC ARTIST. A Popular Illustration of the NEW BOOK BY DR. HODGKIN.-Just published, crown 8vo. cloth gilt top, 6s. For the last year a Technical College to supply a course of training in the Domestic Arts to Gentlewomen over the age of sixteen has been carried on by Miss Forsyth at 1A, Victoria-square. The course of training has comprised instruction in Dressmaking, Millinery, Cookery, Household Management and Domestic Economy, Fine Laundry Work, Upholstering Bookkeeping, Hygiene, and Finance. Over 120 Students have attended the Classes, and the need for technical instruction is being widely felt and expressed, sumerous letters having been received from all parts of the Kingdom appoving of the scheme. This Company has been formed to take over the College from Miss Forsyth, and to carry it on in the name of The Forsyth Technical College Company, Limited," upon the same general lines as it has hitherto been carried on by her. Miss Forsyth will occupy a place as Managing Member of the Council, and take an active part in the supervisio of the College. It is proposed to remove the College from its present inadequate premises to a larger and better house in a central position, with accommodation for resident students. According to prepared estimates, the fees from eight resident pupils and an average of twelve day pupils at each course of Lectures will cover the annual expenditure. It is anticipated that these numbers, especially those of the day pupils, will be largely exceeded. Nearly one-half of the required number of Shares has been already taken by the Council and their friends, and applications for the remainder are now invited. As it is estimated that 31. per Share will be required for the purposes of the Company at once, that amount is payable on application. A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association can be seen at the Offices of the Soliciters to the Company. Also of the Contract with Miss Forsyth. Prospectuses and Forms of Application for Shares may be obtained from the Company's Solicitors, or from the SECRETARY, at the Offices, 1A, Victoria-quare, S. W. The DYNASTY of THEODOSIUS; or, Eighty Years' Struggle with the WORLD-WIDE POLICIES, Barbarians. By THOMAS HODGKIN, Hon. D.C.L. Oxon; Author of 'Italy and her Invaders.' *** In this volume the author describes in brief outline the leading events recorded in the first two volumes of his book, 'Italy and her Invaders.' GRATEFUL AND COMFORTING, "By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by > keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." - Civil Service Gazette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. are by the SCOTTISH UNION and NATIONAL (Established 1824-Capital Six Millions) to Persons of Settled Rsidence and Occupation. Ordinary Profit Policies become World-Wide arter Three Years in accordance with their conditions. Within that time the limits of Residence and Travel are very extensive. EDINBURGH.. 35, ST ANDREW-SQUARE. Rates and Forms on application. DR. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS. From J. W. F. Counsell, Bookseller. Ross:-"I hear your wafers are highly spoken of by those who use them. I have found them excellent in coughs myself." In Asthma, Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Rheumatism, and alt Hysterical and Nervous Complaints, they give instant relief. Sold by all Druggists at 1s. Igd, 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and 11s. per box. THROAT IRRITATION and COUGH. Soreness and dryness, tickling and irritation, inducing cough and affecting the voice. For these symptoms use EPPS'S GLYCERINE JUJUBES. In contact with the glands at the moment they are excited by the act of sucking, the glycerine in these agreeable confections becomes actively heating Sold in tins. Is. Iid., labelled "JAMRS EPPS & CO, Homeo pathic Chemists, London." |