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Bedford-street, London. VOLUME III. WILL BE ISSUED ON 14TH MARCH. CHAMBERS'S ENCYCLOPÆDIA. ENTIRELY NEW EDITION. TO BE COMPLETED IN TEN VOLUMES, IMPERIAL 8VO., ISSUED AT INTERVALS OF A FEW MONTHS. Price 10s. each, cloth; 15s, each, half-morocco. VOLUME I. Containing Three Thousand One Hundred Articles, 313 Wood Engravings, and 12 Maps. VOLUME II. Containing Three Thousand Three Hundred Articles, 384 Wood Engravings, and 5 Maps. VOLUME III. Containing Three Thousand Seven Hundred Articles, 336 Wood Engravings, and 2 Maps. The Work is also being issued in Monthly Parts, price 1s. each. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS ON VOL. I. Times. "For many, probably most, people, this work contains all they are ever likely to require." Daily Telegraph. -"The advent of a new edition, accurate, liberal, and cheap, will be welcomed with a very general approval." Standard.-" Almost every subject likely to interest an intelligent person is here." 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From the Daily Telegraph. - "That so accomplished an artist and felicitous a writer as Mr. Lewis Wingfield should record his travelling experiences in a series of admirable word sketches, teeming with graphic description and brilliant apercus of human character, was to be expected. About his latest contribution to literature of this delightful class, however, there is a subtle charm and irresistible fascination which calls for special recognition. This is a book that deals with subjects that have been abundantly written about during the past half century, but never heretofore with such delicate grace, pleasant humour, and irreproachable taste as are displayed in the two volumes now before us." NAPOLEON at SAINT HELENA. By BARRY E. O'MEARA, Body-Surgeon to the Emperor. A New Edition, with copious Notes and other Additions, and with several Coloured Plates, Portraits, and Woodcuts. In 2 vols. demy 8vo. 308. "O'Meara's work has increased my respect for Napoleon. Since the days of Prometheus Vinctus, I recollect no spectacle more moving and sublime than that of this great man MR. MURRAY'S LIST. H.R.H. the PRINCE of WALES' SPEECHES and ADDRESSES, during the last Twenty-five Years, 1863-1888. Edited by JAMES MACAULAY, M.D., Author of 'Victoria R.I., Her Life and Reign.' With Portrait, 8vo. 128. "This volume is not only interesting as a record of personal work, but of the survey which it presents of those questions which, apart from politics, have chiefly occupied attention during the last twenty-five years. The Prince's remarks are notable for their felicity and for the merit of invariably keeping to the point." - Morning Post. The CORRESPONDENCE of JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY, D.C L., ENGLISH FANS and FAN LEAVES COLLECTED and DE- *** The Edition is limited to 150 Copics. NOTES of CONVERSATIONS of the DUKE of WELLINGTΟΝ with PHILIP HENRY, FIFTH EARL STANHOPE, 1831-1851. Third Edition. Crown 8vo. 78. 6d. 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The narrative may be regarded as thoroughly trustworthy."-Times. ELECTRESS SOPHIA of HANOVER. From the German, by Mrs. LEIGHTON. 1 vol. crown 8vo. 98. From the Spectator. - "The Electress Sophia occupies such a conspicuous niche in the history of the last two centuries, her name so frequently recurs in its solemn records, The LAND of MANFRED, PRINCE of TARENTUM and KING that if only from motives of pure curiosity, are glad to learn what she was like, and what were her experiences The SCIENTIFIC WORKS of the late Sir WILLIAM SIEMENS, before she stood out as a personage on the stage of Europe. That curiosity may now be gratified, and this bright, shrewd, and entertaining book is heartily welcomed...... The book F.R.S., Civil Engineer. A Collection of Papers and Discourses. Edited by E. F. BRAMBER, C.E. abounds in light but instructive touches, vividly recalling a time now long dead and buried." 1. HEAT and METALLURGY. NOVELS by JESSIE FOTHERGILL. Each in 1 vol. crown 8vo. 68. 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By DAVID CHRISTIE MURRAY and HENRY MURRAY. 1 vol. crown 8vo. 68. "There are burglars and burglars, more or less skilful, more or less hardened, but the one whose history is given by the Messrs. Murray will astonish the most jaded novel-reader. At the same time, the tale is told in so forcible and straightforward a manner, that it has a distinct ring of truth, which adds to its deep interest." - Morning Post. MESSRS. WM.BLACKWOOD & SONS' THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, FROM BLACKWOOD. THIRD SERIES. PART I. PRICE ONE SHILLING. To be published on Alternate Months with 'Tales from Blackwood,' beginning ON APRIL 1st, PART I. PRICE ONE SHILLING, TRAVEL, ADVENTURE, AND SPORT, A NINE MEN'S MORRICE: Stories Collected and Re-collected. By LL.D., price 158. 6d., is now published. WALTER HERRIES POLLOCK. 1 vol. crown 8vo. 68. "If you enjoy a quiet smile, read 'Mr. Morton's Butler.' As a satirical burlesque of the supernatural story, it is excellent......' The Green Lady' is the best of all: a real chuckle-starter. For the hour before dressing for dinner, or the twenty minutes before undressing for bed, you can't have a better companion than 'A Nine Men's Morrice.' "-Punch. The LAND of MY FATHERS. By T. MARCHANT WILLIAMS. Crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. *** A novel with a purpose: the purpose being to expose the mischievous effects of the application of the principles of "Payment by Results" to the teaching and training of the young, and to throw light on some of the aspects of the present social, religious, and political condition of the Principality of Wales. FIELD and HEDGEROW; being the Last Essays of RICHARD JEFFERIES. Collected by his Widow. Crown 8vo. 68. *** A few copies have been printed on Large Paper, with an Etched Portrait of Richard Jefferies. Price through all Booksellers. "Some of the very best of Mr. Jefferies' shorter writings."-Morning Post. "In this volume the author rises to his highest level."-Saturday Review. GRASS of PARNASSUS. A Volume of Selected Verses. By ANDREW LANG. Fcap. 8vo. 68. "Probably no addition to recent poetry will afford greater pleasure to all readers than 'Grass of Parnassus.'......The appearance of the book is as attractive as its contents, and it is worthy of being secured and treasured for the sake of both." Scots Observer. LETTERS on LITERATURE. By ANDREW LANG. Fcap. 8vo. 6s. 6d. "Personal talk about books and men is sure to charm and entertain when Mr. Lang is, as in these 'Letters,' in his freest and most airy mood...... His colloquial style is the brightest and lightest imaginable. One is carried along, with a delightful sense of buoyancy and contentment, from Virgil and Lucretius to Plotinus, and wise words to a young American book-hunter...... Who would not wish to have more, and yet more, of Mr. Lang's views of book-collecting?" Saturday Review. CHANCE and LUCK: a Discussion of the Laws of Luck, Coincidence, Wages, Lotteries, and the Fallacies of Gambling, &c. By R. A. PROCTOR. Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo. 28. boards; 28. 6d. cloth. HOW to PLAY WHIST: with the Laws and Etiquette of Whist. By R. A. PROCTOR. Cheaper Edition. Crown 8vo. 3s. 6d. The Complete Work, in 2 vols. handsomely bound, price 288. The first volume is not sold separately. "His picture of the Scotland of Mary Stuart is wonderfully graphic. Never before have the characters of the leading men been drawn in such vivid colours; never before has the ruin wrought by Knox been shown forth in such unredeemed ghastliness; never before has the chicane of Cecil and Elizabeth been more pitilessly laid bare. The book contains the last word on the Mary Stuart controversy." Graphic, Jan. 19, 1889. BLACKWOODS' POPULAR NOVELS. AT SIX SHILLINGS. The MAID of SKER. By R. D. Blackmore. MY TRIVIAL LIFE and MISFORTUNE. DOUBLES and QUITS. By Laurence W. M. Lockhart. AT FIVE SHILLINGS. MR. SMITH. By L. B. Walford. COUSINS. PAULINE. Also, by the SAME AUTHOR, OLD and NEW ASTRONOMY. By RICHARD A. 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WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, Edinburgh and POPULAR NOVELS IN READING HURST & BLACKETT'S SMITH, ELDER & CO.'S "A surprise is in store for readers of this book, who will wonder, not unnaturally, at the comparative obscurity of a writer capable of such powerful and impressive work as is to be found in the three volumes of 'A Lost Estate.' It is not too much to say that the PUBLICATIONS. Now ready, in 1 vol. royal 8vo. handsomely bound, gilt edges, 31s. 6d. LODGE'S PEERAGE and BARO NETAGE for 1888. Under the especial patronage of Her Majesty, "Lodge's Peerage must supersede all other works of the kind, for Now ready, in 1 vol. demy 8vo. 128. To SIAM and MALAYA in the DUKE of SUTHERLAND'S YACHT "Sans Peur." By Mrs. FLORENCE "One of the most astounding books ever published......It deserves to be read by everybody, even at the risk of being made sick with horror and of REMINISCENCES of J. L. TOOLE, regretting that our race ever developed from SECOND EDITION, now ready, in 2 vols demy 8vo. with Illustrations by the COMEDIAN. Related by HIMSELF and Chronicled by JOSEPH "People are going about laughing-all business is suspended-chuck- "The work will, of course, be read by everybody interested in the Now ready, in 1 vol. demy 8vo. with 12 Full-Page Illustrations, 128. SCOTTISH MOORS and INDIAN JUNGLES: Scenes of Sport in the Lews and India. By Captain J. T. "The author's descriptions are animated, and his book will afford "Captain Newall writes as a sportsman should."-Scots Observer. NEW NOVELS. monkeys into such men and women as are depicted in the pages."—Illustrated London News. "To the great majority of the readers of Sir Spenser St. John's volume the statement which he makes as to the prevalence of cannibalism in Hayti will be a revelation...... Really a complete account of Hayti in all its aspects, and abounds with amusing anecdotes illustrative of the character and customs of the Haytians."-Times. NEW NOVEL. At all the Libraries, in 3 vols. post 8vo. GRAHAM ASPEN, PAINTER. By THROUGH LOVE to LIFE: a Novel. GEORGE HALSE, Author of Weeping Ferry,' &c. 2 vols. BARCALDINE. By Vere Clavering, Author of A Modern Delilah.' 3 vols. A GAME of CHANCE. By Ella J. CURTIS (SHIRLEY SMITH), Author of 'The Favourite of "A Game of Chance' is a good novel, and one which we doubt not By GILLAN VASE. NEW VOLUME of the UNIFORM EDITION OF THE COMPLETE WORKS of ROBERT BROWNING. Now ready, crown 870. 58. VIOLET VYVIAN, M.F.H. By May Vol. XI. BALAUSTION'S ADVENTURE; PRINCE CROMMELIN, Author of Queenie,' and J. MORAY BROWN, "Among the many excellent specimens of that essentially British HOHENSTIEL-SCHWANGAU; and FIFINE at the FAIR. **This Edition will be completed in 16 Monthly Volumes. RESTITUTION. By Anne Beale, NEW VOLUME of the POCKET Author of Fay Arlington, The Pennant Family,' &c. 3 vols. MISTRESS BEATRICE COPE; or, Passages in the Life of a Jacobite's Daughter. By M. E. LE CLERC. "A simple, natural, credible romance, charged with the colour of the character of Henry Barber, the strong-willed, DORINDA: a Novel. By the Countess "A vigorous and interesting story...... Village life with all its cruelty and baseness, as well as its romance, is depicted with force and without unnecessary prudery. But 'A Lost Estate' has the advantage of humour; The TRACK of the STORM: a Novel. some of the episodes are exceedingly funny, and the passages about animals are admirable." A NEW NOVEL BY A NEW WRITER. "It was scarcely necessary to sign 'Through the Long Night,' for the practised pen of Mrs. Lynn Linton stands revealed on every page of it. .... Full of entertaining reflection and brisk development of plot." Saturday Review. By DORA RUSSELL, Author of 'Footprints in the Snow,' 'The HURST & BLACKETT'S IDEALA: a Study from Life. Third BY THE AUTHOR OF 'JOHN HALIFAX.' NEW VOLUME BY THE REVEREND HARRY JONES, HOLIDAY PAPERS. Second Series. By the Rev. HARRY JONES, Author of East and West London,' &c. "The author has a light and often humorous style, and always is refreshing.... The whole book is healthy and enjoyable."-Scotsman. POPULAR EDITION OF MATTHEW ARNOLD'S 'CULTURE AND Just published, Popular Edition, crown 8vo. 2s. 6d. CULTURE and ANARCHY: an Essay in Political and Social Criticism. By MATTHEW ARNOLD. Crown 8vo. 68. The SCIENTIFIC SPIRIT of the AGE; and other Pleas and Discussions, including an Essay on 'The "There is much food for thought in Miss Cobbe's essays." Manchester Guardian. "Whether or not we agree with her conclusions, we cannot but enjoy the wit and liveliness of her style and the gleams of poetry which ever and anon show themselves."-Glasgow Herald. REDUCTION IN PRICE OF HORNER'S 'WALKS IN FLORENCE.' WALKS in FLORENCE and its ENVIRONS. By SUSAN and JOANNA HORNER. Now ready (Sixpence), New Series, No. 69, The CORNHILL MAGAZINE for London: SMITH, ELDER & Co. 15, Waterloo-place. |