CHAPMAN & HALL'S PUBLICATIONS. THE FORTNIGHTLY REVIEW for March. Edited by FRANK HARRIS. THROUGH the HEART of ASIA over the PAMIR to INDIA. By GABRIEL BONVALOT. Translated from the French by C. B. PITMAN. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS in a WAGGON in the GOLD REGIONS of AFRICA. By ANDREW A. ANDERSON. With Illustrations and Maps. Demy 8vo. 128. WITH the CAMEL CORPS up the NILE. By Count GLEICHEN, Grenadier Guards. With numerous Sketches by the Author. Third POWDER, SPUR, and SPEAR: a Sporting Medley. By J. MORAY BROWN. With Illustrations by G. D. Giles and Edgar Giberne. SPORT: FOX HUNTING, SALMON FISHING, COVERT SHOOTING, DEER STALKING. By the late W. BROMLEY-DAVENPORT, MP With numerous Illustrations by General Crealock, C.B. Cheap Edition. Crown vo 38. 6d. The LIFE of the RIGHT HON. W. E. FORSTER. By T. WEMYSS REID. Fifth Edition. Demy 8vo. with Portrait, 10s. 6d. London: CHAPMAN & HALL (LIMITED). Editorial Communications should be addressed to "The Editor"-Advertisements and Business Letters to "The Publisher"-at the Office, 22, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, B.C. Printed by JOHN C. FRANCIS, Athenæum Press, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, E.C.; and Published by the said JOHN C. FRANCIS at 22, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, E.C. Arents for SCOTLAND, Messrs. Bell & Bradfute and Mr. John Menzies, Edinburgh.-Saturday, March 2, 1889. Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, Music and the Drama. The Society meets every FIRST FRIDAY in the month at Bedford College, on 10th APRIL at the London Institution, and on 22nd and 29th JUNE will give performances of the 'Midsummer Night's Dream' in the open air. For particulars apply to the Honorary Secretary, P. M. DARTON, 17, Baker-street, W. NEW ATHENÆUM CLUB (Founded 1878). There are at present VACANCIES for a limited number of additional MEMBERS, without Entrance Fee. Town Subscription 41 48. Country 22. 2s. Particulars of the SECRETARY, 26, Suffolk-street, Pall Mall, S.W. THE BOHEMIANS. NEW ARTISTIC CLUB 72. Oxford-street, W. INAUGURAL DINNER, March 13th. Prospectuses on application. ROYAL ACADEMY of ARTS. -OLD MASTERS EXHIBITION, including a special Collection of Works by the late Frank Holl, R. A., and a Selection of Water-Colour Drawings by J. M. W. Turner, R A., WILL CLOSE on SATURDAY, March 16. GROSVENOR GALLERY, SECOND SERIES OF A CENTURY Of BRITISHTIART, INCLUDING a SMALL COLLECTION of PASTELS CONSTABLE, GAINSBOROUGH, TURNER, REYNOLDS, Admission ONE SHILLING, from Ten to Six. MR. HENRY BLACKBURN'S LECTURES. Mr. HENRY BLACKBURN, Editor of 'Academy Notes,' &c., will LECTURE (with Limelight Illustrations) at Westbourne Park March 12th, London Institution March 14th, North London College Apr'l 8th, Birkbeck Institution April 10th, &c.-123, Victoria-street, Westminster. SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1889. ADMISSION to the STAFF of an established a good WRITER or willing to take a share of the value of 100%. Specimens of work are invited.-Address DIRECTOR, 1, St. Swithin's-lane, London, E.C. WANTED for a WEEKLY LIBERAL PRO. VINCIAL PAPER, Circulation about 2,000, an EDITOR, who will be required to invest 500l. in the business-Address A. BZ, care of Steel & Jones, Advertising Agents, Spring-gardens, S. W. WANTED immediately, an energetic reliable Gentleman for ADVERTISEMENT DEPARTMENT of several Publications. Must be a good Correspondent and Canvasser.-Address in confidence, with particulars, PUBLISHER, care of Ritson's Advertising Offices, 29, Ludgate-hill. TO PEERS, MEMBERS of PARLIAMENT, and COUNTY COUNCILLORS. A Barrister and Author will be glad to recommend as SECRETARY, ASSISTANT in LITERARY WORK, or AMANUENSIS, & LADY who is herself an authoress, who has a wide acquaintance with political and social conditions both in England and in the East, and who has already acted as Secretary to a Government Official.-Address G. G., 11, Upper Bedford-place, W C. NEWSPAPER Experienced EWSPAPER PARTNERSHIP. Journalist, of influential connexion, desires PARTNERSHIP in established Journal-Trade or otherwise-showing profits.-Address, with fullest particulars, TYPO, Box 7339, Sell's Advertising Offices, London. FOR SALE, COPYRIGHT of old-established WEEKLY JOURNAL (Humorous and Critical) in the North of England. Circulation 10000. A good opening for a Literary Gentleman with a capital of 5001. to 1,000l Principals only dealt with.Address NEMO, care of A. Davis, 130, Fleet-street, B.C. COPYRIGHT of WEEKLY JOURNAL (Stories, &c.) for DISPOSAL. Showing profit, capable of doing much more. STORIES, care of Mather & Co., 71, Fleet-street. FOR SALE, A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER and PRINTING BUSINESS in the South of England. The Paper is the only Liberal organ in a town of 16,000 inhabitants, and for a large divisional constituency. The Paper has been in existence over twenty years. The Printing connexion is excellent. The plant includes a well-arranged quantity of modern newspaper founts, a nearly new Otto gas engine, a double-feeder Wharfedale, a "Reliance" demy machine, a large size bill machine, a Cropper treadle machine, and all the appliances necessary for the conduct of a well-appointed office. Apply P. P., 322, Strand, London. C. MITCHELL & CO., Agents for the Sale and Transfer of Newspaper Property, 12 and 13, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, E.C. C. MITCHELL & are instructed to TIATE a PARTNERSHIP in an old-established WEEKLY UNIONIST PAPER in the South of England, with large Printing Business attached; Plant full and complete. Capitalist as a Sleeping Partner preferred. C. MITCHELL & CO. desire to inform their Correspondents that they should indicate Capital they desire to Invest, Politics, and District. C. MITCHELL & CO., Agents for the Sale and Purchase of Newspaper Properties, undertake Valuations for Probate or Purchase, Investigations, and Audit of Accounts, &c. Card of Terms on application. S. S. SPRIGGE, Secretary. A BARRISTER of the Middle Temple, a Practised Leader-Writer, Book Reviewer, and Resident Correspondent, seeks EMPLOYMENT at HOME.-Address LEX, Box 6024, Sell's Advertising Offices, London. LIBRARY MANAGER. - WANTED, a thoroughly competent LADY or GENTLEMAN to MANAGE a CIRCULATING LIBRARY in Cork. Must have had practical experience of Library work before. Apply, enclosing copies of testimonials, references, and photo, and state salary required, to GUY & Co., Limited, Cerk. TO BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, or LIBRA RIANS.-A YOUNG LADY, of good address, is desirous of an ENGAGEMENT. Excellent references. M. C., Adams & Francis, Advertising Agents, 59, Fleet-street, E.C. ADVERTISER seeks EVENING EMPLOYMENT as CATALOGUER, LIBRARY WORK, or in any similar capacity. Highest references.-Address CATALOGUER, care of John Glen, 379, Strand, W.C. THE PRESS. WANTED, a DRAMATIC CRITIC and SUB-EDITOR for a First-Class London Weekly Newspaper. -Address DRAMATICUS, 49, Wellington-street, Strand, W.c. TO NEWSPAPER PROPRIETORS. - The NEWS EDITOR and MANAGER of a very successful popular Weekly desires SIMILAR POSITION, with larger field for development. Experienced in all details of Newspaper Work. Extensive connexion among Advertisers and Newsagents. Age 35. London preferred.-Address ΚΑΡΡΑ, Box 7347, Sell's Advertising Offices, London. REPORTING and SPORTING ARTICLE. Advertiser desires ENGAGEMENT as Reporter of Horse, Cattle. Dog, Poultry, &c., Shows, or as Writer of Articles on Racing or any of the above subjects. Great experience.-C. C. R., 4, Cornford-grove, Balham, S.W. a PROFESSION. is OPENING in the Office of the Richmond and Twickenham Times and the Thames Valley Times for a well-educated YOUTH, steady and reliable, who wishes to adopt Journalism as a profession. Every opportunity for thorough teaching. Articles for six years; outdoor pupil; moderate premium. Address EDWARD KING (Editor of the above Papers), Richmond, Surrey. 12 and 13, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, E.C. TYPE-WRITING. - MSS., Legal Documents, Specifications, Plays (Prompt Books and Parts), Copied with speed and accuracy. DICTATIONS taken in SHORTHAND or TYPE-WRITING. Pupils Taught. Terms moderate.-MISSES E. B. and I. FARRAN, 34, Southampton-street, Strand. TYPE-WRITING, in best style, at 1d. per folio, Shorthand Notes taken. References to Authors.-MISS GLADDING, 1, Loughborough-road, Brixton, S. W. TYPE-WRITER. AUTHORS MSS., Plays, Re views, Lectures, Legal or other Articles, COPIED with accuracy and despatch. Terms moderate. Duplicate Copics.-Address E. TIGAR, 27. Maitland Park-road, Haverstock-hill, N. W. Established 1884. Certificated Operators for Dictation. Shorthand Writers sent out, Articles COPIED for Press. -MISS M'LACHLAN, Type-Writing Office, Metropolitan School, 27, Chancery-lane. NGLISH LANGUAGE and LITERATURE, ENGLISH COMPOSITION and BLOCUTION. -Miss LOUISA DREWRY continues her Courses of Lectures, Readings, and Lessons in Schools and elsewhere, to Private Pupils and Teachers.-143, King Henry's-road, London, N. W. TO LITTÉRATEURS, M.P.S, CLERGY, &c. Research at British Museum. Corrections for Copying from French, Italian, Spanish, Latin. Clear, accurate, prompt.-Miss STEPHENS, 10, Park-place, N.W. TRANSLATIONS DONE at shortest notice from German or French into English, and vice versd, by literary man. Terms, 78. 6d. per 1,000 words. - Apply PH D., Bell House, Ciapham Common. FIGHT ENTRANCE EXHIBITIONS, 601., 50г., PRICE REGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPER PARIS.-The ATHENÆUM can be obtained on SATURDAY at the GALIGNANI LIBRARY, 224, Rue de Rivoli. LAUSANNE. Miss ANDREAE offers comfort. able HOME, with educational advantages, to YOUNG LADIES. Special care of delicate Girls. Best references. Apply 8, Avenue de la Gare, Lausanne; or Bell House, Clapham Common, London. TREBOVIR REBOVIR HOUSE HOUSE SCHOOL, 1, Trebovir-road, Principal. Mrs. W. R. COLE A separate House adjoining for Resident Pupils. The HALF-TERM commenced THURSDAY, February 28th. BADEN-BADEN.-Young Ladies RECEIVED in GERMAN FAMILY. First-class Educational advantages. Comfortable home Moderate terms. English references. Apply to MISS KELBLING, Lichtenthalerstrasse, 344. ROYAL INDIAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Cooper's-hill, Staines. - The COURSE of STUDY is arranged to fit an Engineer for Employment in Europe, India, or the Colonies. About Fifty Students will be admitted in September, 1899. For Competition the Secretary of State will offer Ten Appointments in the Indian Public Works Department, and Two in the Indian Telegraph Department. For particulars apply to the SECRETARY, at the College. INT INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL COLLEGE for WOMEN, LONDON.-Thorough Education, combined with Prac tical Training in all Domestic and Technical Arts, Music, Drawing, Painting. Modelling in Clay, Cameo Cutting, Wood Carving, Piano Tuning, Etching, Designing, Shorthand. Bookkeeping, Type-writing, Hygiene, Sick Nursing, Dressmaking, Millinery, Domestic Eeconomy, and Cookery. Residential Students received.-Prospectus, &c, on application to HON. SECRETARY, Charles Tayler & Co.'s Advertisement Offices, 151 to 157, Fleet-street, E.C. BOTANY. The following Courses will be given by Mr. OLIVER at UNIVERSITY COLLEGE during the ensuing Term: 1. GENERAL COURSE (University of London Curriculum), every day at 9 л.м. (except Saturdays). Commence MARCH 25th. About Fifty Lectures. 2 MORPHOLOGY of FLOWERS. SATURDAYS at 9AM. Commence APRIL 6th 3 ADVANCED COURSE of PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. At 4 гм. TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and THURSDAYS. Commerces MARCH 26:h. There are PRACTICAL CLASSES in connexion with each of the above. Apply to the SECRETARY, University College, London, Gowerstreet, W.C. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON. - The PROFESSORSHIP of ENGLISH LANGUAGE and LITERATURE will be VACANT at the end of the present Session by the resignation of Prof. Henry Morley. It is intended by the Quain Trustees to assign upwards of 500l a year to the promotion of English studies in the College, of which 350l. will be set apart as a salary for the Professor. The Professor will receive in addition the usual share of the Class Fees. Candidates for the appointment are requested to send in their applications (accompanied by at least twenty printed copies of any testimonials they may wish to submit) not later than March 30 to the Secretary of the College, from whom any further information may be obtained. J. M. HORSBURGH, M.A., Secretary. TO PRINCIPALS and STUDENTS.-The LODON VISITING TUTORS' ASSOCIATION (established 1883) consists of Graduated or well-approved Professors in various special Subjects. Visiting or receiving.-Apply for Prospectus to Hon. Sec, Mr. B. REYNOLDS, M.A., 14, Colville-terrace, Notting Hill. GOVERNESS and TUTORS' AGENCY. AGENCY for GOVERNESSES, TUTORS, AMANUENSES, and COMPANIONS, English and Foreign. Apply for particulars, Mrs. DOBRETOR, The Library, Old Bedford House, Streatham, S.W. THE Resident and Daily Governesses (Finishing, Junior, Nursery). Visiting PRESS CUTTING AGENCY, 359, STRAND. Newspaper Cuttings on all Subjects, Literary, Artistic, Political, from the Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, and Reviews of the World, Statistics, Files searched, Special Information, and all Press Work; Translations and Reporting.-ROMEIKE & CURTICE'S only address in England, 359. Strand, London, W.C. Telegraph Romeike, London. Telephone 2662. MR. A. M. BURGHES, AUTHORS VALUATOR, AGENT, and ACCOUNTANT. Advice given as to the best mode of Publishing. Publishers' Estimates examined on behalf of Authors. Transfer of Literary Property carefully conducted. Safe Opinions obtained. Twenty years' experience. Highest references. Consultations free-la, Paternoster-row, E.C. FINE-ART ILLUSTRATION. MESSRS. VIRTUE & COLLIMITED, have appointed the INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTYPE COMPANY to represent them for the SALE of ELECTROTYPES from the ART JOURNAL and their numerous other Illustrated Publications Apolications for their Electros should be made only to 80 FLEET-STREET. E C., where the whole of their Collection of Illustrations can be inspected. THE INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTYPE COM 401., for Boarders, or 121 for Day Boys, on MARCH 19th.-Apply before March 17th to A. TALDOT, Esq., Grammar School, Bedford. PANY (under the direction of the Founder of The late Electrotype Agency) affords the quickest and most artistic means of illustrating Books, Magazines, and Newspapers by the use of Electros. THE INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTYPE COMPANY. with Special Agents in Paris and Leipzig, represents the 'Art Journal," also represents the eminent Wood Engravers Heuer & Kirmse and IL. Electros supplied in Twenty-four Hours. Teis, "Enterprise, London." Telephone No. 2717. 80, FLEET-STREET, LONDON, E.C. Telephone, 2704." Telegrams, "Whittingham, London." CHISWICK HISWICK PRESS (established a century).Messrs, CHARLES WHITTINGHAM & CO., 21, Took's-court, Chancery-lane, London, the originators of the revived old style printing, offer their services as GENERAL PRINTERS to Authors, Publishers, Learned Societies, and others. Their beautiful and unique collection of Types, Initial Letters, Borders, Head and Tail Pieces, is the disposal of their patrons for editions de luxe and other sumptuous works, together with a large assortment of English and Foreign handmade Papers. at SWIFT & CO., Music, Letterpress, and Litho graphic Printers, Newton-street, High Holborn, W.C. All kinds of Machining expeditiously done in the best style at moderate charges. E. BURNE-JONES. - PERMANENT PHOTO GRAPHS of many of the Pictures and Drawings of this Artist have been made by FREDERICK HOLLYER, and can now be obtained from him direct at 9, Pembroke-square, Kensington. Subjects and prices will be sent post free on application. THE REPARATION of PAINTINGS, or any WORK necessary to their PRESERVATION, effected with every regard to the safest and most cautious treatment, by M. R. THOMPSON, Studio, 41, George-street, Portman-square, W. THE AUTOTYPE FINE-ART GALLERY, 74, NEW OXFORD-STREET, LONDON, W.C. The GREAT MASTERS. Represented by choice Examples from the most celebrated Galleries of Europe. The NATIONAL GALLERY, LONDON. Two Hundred and Seventy Paintings reproduced in Autotype; also, by the gracious permission of H.M. the Queen, Selections from the Royal Galleries of Windsor and Buckingham Palace. AUTOTYPE REPRODUCTIONS of MODERN PAINTINGS from the Salon, the Luxembourg, and the Royal Academy. The GREAT BRITISH PORTRAITISTS (Reynolds, Lawrence, Gainsborough, Romney, Hoppner, Morland, &c.), from choice Proofs in the British Museum. The LIBER STUDIORUM. Facsimiled in Autotype from fine states lent by the Rev. Stopford Brooke, M.A. The ART of FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI. One hundred Examples, with Notes and Memoir, by Louis Fagan, Esq. The GOOD SHEPHERD; CHRIST and PETER. Autotypes of Two noble Drawings by Frederic Shields. ANCIENT ATHENS. Twenty-five large Autotypes from Negatives by W. J. Stillman, Esq., issued by authority of the Hellenic Society. Prospectus on application. The INDUSTRIAL ARTS of PEACE and WAR. Autotypes from the Cartoons for the Frescoes in South Kensington Museum by SIR FREDERIC LEIGHTON, P.R.A. FREE BY POST. A Pamphlet. 40 pp. 4 Illustrations. AUTOTYPE, & DECORATIVE and EDUCA TIONAL ART. Containing a Description of Autotype, Suggestions for Decorating the Home with appropriate Pictures, short Lists of Autotypes of the most celebrated Works, with 4 Illustrations of Frames and Mouldings, Press Notices, &c. Sent free by post on application to The AUTOTYPE COMPANY, 74, New Oxford-street, LONDON, W.C. AUTO.GRAVURE. The AUTOTYPE PROCESS applied to Photographic Engraving on Copper. Portraits from Paintings by Pettie, R.A., Ouless, R.A., Holl, R.A.; Specimens of Copies of Drawings, Etchings, &c.; and Examples of Auto-gravure Reproduction of Photographs from Art Objects, from Life, and from Nature, can be seen at the AUTOTYPE GALLERY, Estimates and particulars on application. The AUTOTYPE COMPANY, 74, New Oxford-street, W.C. Catalogues. ELLIS & ELVEY, Dealers in Old and Rare Books. Libraries Catalogued, Arranged, Purchased, or Valued. AUTOGRAPHS.-CATALOGUE 17 of AUTO GRAPH LETTERS, comprising Specimens of Addison, Lord Bacon, Beaconsfield, Bewick, Admiral Blake, Boswell, Burns, Carlyle, Chesterfield, Colley Cibber, Cowper, Cromwell, Darwin, Queen Elizabeth, George Eliot, Fénélon, Franklin, General Gordon, Hume, Johnson, Keats, Mary 1., Marat, Napoleon I., III., Nelson, Pope, Robespierre, Steele, Lord Strafford, Thackery, &c. Autographs Purchased. FREDERICK BARKER, 43, Rowan-road, Brook Green, London, W. MUDIE'S SELECT LIBRARY, LIMITED, FOREIGN BOOKS and PERIODICALS ST. JAMES'-SQUARE, S.W. President-LORD TENNYSON, Vice-Presidents-Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P., The Very Rev. the Dean of Llandaff, Sir E. H. Bunbury, Bart., Sir Henry Barkly, K.C.B. Trustees-Earl of Carnarvon, Sir John Lubbock, Earl of Rosebery. The Library contains 130,000 Volumes of Ancient and Modern Literature, in various Languages. Subscription, 31. a year without Entrance-fee, or 21. with Entrance-fee of 61.; Life Membership, 301. Fifteen Volumes are allowed to Country, and Ten to Town Members. Reading-Room open from Ten to half-past Six. Catalogue, Fifth Edition, 2 vols. royal 8vo. price 218.; to Members, 168. Prospectus on application. ROBERT HARRISON, Secretary and Librarian. NEWSPAPER, &c., PRINTING and PUBLISH. ING.-Messrs. KING, SELL & RAILTON, LD., High-Class Printers and Publishers, 12, Gough-square, and 4, Bolt-court, Fleet-street, E.C., are prepared to undertake the PRINTING and PUBLISHING of first-class NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, BOOKS, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, PROSPECTUSES, ARTICLES of ASSOCIATION, MINUTES of EVIDENCE, &c., in the best style. Their Offices are fitted with the latest improvements in Machinery, the most modern English and Foreign Type, and they employ none but first-class workmen. Facilities are offered upon the Premises for Private Editorial and Advertising Offices. Arrangements can also be made to undertake the Advertising Department. promptly supplied on moderate terms. CATALOGUE (No. 34) just issued of SECOND HAND BOOKS, many interesting, on Sale for cash at H. SELWYN'S, 74. Brompton-road, S.W. Sent post free on application. Thousands of Illustrated and Standard Books on Sale. Ready to-day, WALTER T. SPENCER'S BOOK CATALOGUE, Number 22, of entirely New Purchases, including a fine Manu script of Robert Burns (12 octavo pages of Poems)-Lamb's Mrs. Leicester's School, 1st edition, original skeepskin binding-Arnold's Strayed Reveller and Empedocles on Etna, first editions, original clothand other interesting items, post free. -27, New Oxford-street, London. W.C.-Telegraphic address: "Braveness," London. W. GLAISHER'S NEW GENERAL CATA LOGUE for 1889 is now ready. It contains a large and varied Assortment of Popular Books offered at a great reduction in price. A List of Modern French Books also sent when asked for. All Catalogues post free.-W. GLAISHER, Bookseller, 265, High Holborn, London. Now ready, TURNER and RUSKIN. -A NEW CATALOGUE of SCARCE PRINTS (chronologically arranged), DRAWINGS, and BOOKS by J. M. W. TURNER, R.A., Professor RUSKIN, and others. With an Introductory Notice, and an unpublished Mezzotint Engraving by Wm. C. Ward, after a Sketch by J. M. W. Turner, R.A. Price 1s. post free.-Wx. WARD, 2, Church-terrace, Richmond, Surrey. TO GENTLEMEN COLLECTORS, ART GAL LERIES, MUSEUMS, &c. FOR SALE, a CARVED WOOD CHINESE JOSS, the God of War, clad in Armour of very elaborate workmanship. Was looted at a Palace in the Chinese War of 1841. Unique in Design, and is believed to be the Finest Specimen of Chinese Carving of its kind in England. Height, 3 ft. 8 in. Photographs can be had, One Shilling each, and the Statue can be seen by applying to T. TOON, Bookseller, 42, Ship-street, Brighton. RUSKIN'S MODERN PAINTERS, Special Ed. with INDEX. 6 vols, imperial 8vo. handmade paper, India proofs. A specialty Selected Copy. Highest offer over Eighteen Guineas will be accepted. - May be seen at W. MANSELL'S Bookbindery (the Binder of Mr. Ruskin's Works), Crown-court, 121, Chancery-lane. A furnished WANTED immediately, in the West of London, for Three Months. Rent not more than 21. per week. Furnished Apartments also required adjacent if possible. Address R., 17, Bennett Park, Blackheath. excellent north light, with Residential Chambers. Porter kept.-Mr. COLLBRAN, 94, Gloucester-road, S. W. STUDIO (large), TO TO LET, HOUSE close to Chiswick Mall, freshly decorated, four or five Bed-Rooms, three Sitting-Rooms, good Offices, large Hall, two w.c.s, two entrances, south aspect, sandy soil, garden on bank of Thames, extensive view of open country, perfect quietness, facility for keeping boat, speaking tube, gas, blinds; close to tram and train; thirty-three minutes to Charing Cross, ten minutes' service to City. Rent for term, 451. Apply O., Sabine's, 294, Kingstreet West, Hammersmith, W. MEMORY. LOISETTE'S SYSTEM is "original and of great value." This was testified by D. GREEN LEAF THOMPSON (A System of Psychology,' Longmans), Dr. WM. A. HAMMOND, and others. First Lecture at 3, on MONDAY; at 8, TUESDAY. Private or postal lessons at any time.-Prospectus free. Prof. A. LOISETTE, 37, New Oxford-street, London. Scientific Library of the late J. T. HILLIER, Esq., M.R.C.S., &c. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square, W.C., on WEDNESDAY, March 13, and Two Following Days, at ten minutes past 1 o'clock precisely, a COLLECTION of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, including the Scientific Library of the late J. T. HILLIER, Esq., MRC.S., &c., comprising numerous Valuable Works in Science, Medicine, and Surgery-Topography and County Histories-Standard Editions, Editions de Luxe, and First Editions of the best English Writers-Books of Prints-Engravings-Rare and Curious Books and Tracts-Roman Catholic and other Theology-Foreign Books-Bibliographical Works, &c., amongst which will be found Publications of the Ray Society, 57 vols. - Van Voorst's Publications-Johnstone and Croall's British Seaweeds-St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports-Sporting Magazine-Marston's Works by Bullen, Large Paper-Franklin's WWorks, Large Paper Bibliotheca Classica, 120 vols. Irish Archæological Society's Publications-Dorat, Œuvres, Plates by Eisen and Marillier, 18 vols. Bowdler's Shakespeare-Gainsborough's Prints-Orleans Gallery-Knight's Ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy-Lenormant, Histoire de l'Orient-Lytton's Works, 26 vols.-Jameson's Works on Art-Shakespeare's Works, édition de luxe-Prescott's Works, édition de luxeLafontaine's Fables, with Oudry's Plates-Hipkins's Musical Instruments-Alphand, Promenades de Paris-Shelley's St. Irvine, first edition, 1811-Harcourt's Guiana-Fourth Folio Folio Shakespeare, &c. Catalogues on receipt of two stamps. MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square, W.C., on WEDNESDAY, March 27, and Following Days, at ten minutes past 1 o'clock precisely, a COLLECTION of BOOKS in all the various Branches of Literature, including the LIBRARY of a GENTLEMAN, deceased. Catalogues in preparation. Library of the late Sir I. L. GOLDSMID. MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square, W.C., on WEDNESDAY, April 10, and Following Day, the LIBRARY of the late Sir I. L. GOLDSMID, including a number of valuable MANUSCRIPTS, Hebrew, Latin, and German, of the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, and Sixteenth Centuries, chiefly on vellum, richly illuminated the Hebrew Scriptures, and Parts of the same-an Evangelien-buch of the Fifteenth Century, with forty splendid miniatures various old Latin Service Books - Books of Hours-finely written Illuminated Persian MSS.-Sermones Bernardi Abb, MS. on vellum-Evangelium Joannis cuna glossa, MS. on vellum, Twelfth Century and other interesting M88.-Albi Amicorum, &c.; also valuable Printed Hebrew Bibles, Commentaries, and Service Books, including Feurstius, Concordantia Hebraica, Surrenhusius Mischna, &c.-Musée Français-Stirling's Artists of Spain-Galerie de Florence-Nash's Mansions-Richardson's Mansions-Lodge's Portraits, original folio edition-Ackermann's Microcosm, Westminster Abbey, &c.-Domesday Book-and other valuable Books in General Litcrature. Catalogues in preparation. FRIDAY NEXT.-Scientific and Photographic Apparatus and Miscellaneous Property. MR R. J. C. STEVENS will SELL by AUCTION, at his Great Rooms, 38, King-street, Covent-garden, on FRIDAY NEXT, March 15, at half-past 12 o'clock precisely. PHOTOGRAPHIC APPARATUS, consisting of Cameras and Lenses by first-class makersTripod Stands, Dry Plates, Printing Frames, Rolling Presses, Head Rests, &c. Microscopes and Objectives- Telescopes Barometers Opera, Race, and Field Glasses-Model Engines and Boilers-DissolvingView Lanterns and a fine lot of Slides-Furniture-Books-PicturesChemical, Electrical, and Galvanic Appliances-and the usual Miscellaneous Property. On view the day prior from 2 till 5 and morning of Sale, and Cata logues had. MONDAY, March 18.-Stock of Scientific Apparatus, Opera Engravings from the Collection of Mr. WALTER F. TIFFIN. Small Salvage Stock of Modern Books in Cloth and Quiresand Race Glasses, Drawing Instruments, &c. MR. J. C. STEVENS will SELL by AUCTION, an at his Great Rooms, 38, King-street, Covent-garden, on MONDAY, March 18, at half-past 12 o'clock precisely, the high-class STOCK of eminent City and and West-End Firm (removing to their enlarged Head Establishment), comprising Opera and Race Glasses in aluminium, enamel, &c. - Microscopes-high-class Working ModelsBarometers-Mathematical Instruments-Tools, &c. On view the Saturday prior from 10 till 4 and morning of Sale, and Catalogues had. The choice Dramatic and General Library of JOHN MANSFIELD MACKENZIE, Esq., of Edinburgh. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE JOHN MANSFIELD will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C., on MONDAY, March 11, and Seven Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, the very choice DRAMATIC and GENERAL LIBRARY of MACKENZIE, Esq., of Edinburgh, comprising an extensive and most valuable Collection of Biographies, Histories, Controversies, Facetiæ, &c, relating to the Stage-a remarkable Series of the Original Editions of the Works of Dickens, Thackeray, Lever, Tennyson, Keats, &c.-an extensive and choice Collection of the Books illustrated by George Cruikshank - rare Books of Jests, Songs, Drolleries, &c.-Playbills-additionally Illustrated Books, including a fine copy of Bartolozzi, and Works, containing Original Drawings, Portraits, Autograph Letters, &c.-important Works by Scottish WritersPrivately Printed Books-Illustrated Works by Rowlandson, Leech, Phiz, and others-Standard Books in all Classes of Literature; all fine copies, in perfect condition, bound by the most eminent English Binders -valuable Theatrical Portraits, including Original Drawings, Autograph Letters, &c. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had, price 18. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C., on WEDNESDAY, March 20, at 1 o'clock precisely, an ITALIAN LIBRARY of BOOKS of the Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries, formed by a GENTLEMAN, deceased. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had. A Collection of valuable inscribed Babylonian Terra-Cotta Tablets. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellington street, Strand, W.C., on FRIDAY, March 22, at 1 o'clock precisely, a COLLECTION of rare and valuable inscribed BABYLONIAN TERRACOTTA TABLETS, discovered at Sippara, the Ancient Sepharvaim. This Collection is formed of examples selected for their interesting contents and Historical data. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had. Selected and Duplicate Books from the valuable Library of his Grace the DUKE of BUCCLEUCH, K.T. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellington-street, Strand, W.C, on MONDAY, March 25, and Two Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, Selected and Duplicate BOOKS from the valuable Library of his Grace the DUKE of BUCCLEUCH, K.T., comprising Books printed by Caxton. Wynkyn de Worde, and Pynson, among which may be mentioned The Chronicles of England, first edition, W. Caxton, 1480-Chronicles of England, second edition, W. Caxton, 1482Dictes and Sayengis of the Philosophers, first edition, W. Caxton, 1477Discription of Britayne, W. Caxton, 1480-Lyf of Saint Katherin of Senis, W. Caxton or Wynkyn de Worde, n. d.-Ryal Book or Book for a King, W. Caxton, 1487-Juliana Barnes' Treatyses on Hawkynge, Huntynge, Fysshynge, &c.. Wynkyn de Worde, 1496-Brant (S.) Shyp of Folys of the Worlde, R. Pynson, 1509-Boccaccio, Il Decamerone, the rare Giunta Edition of 1527, in splendid old morocco binding, by Padeloup-Les Grands Chroniques de St. Denis, manuscript on vellum, with exquisite Miniatures, Sæc. XV. an extensive collection of the Works of T. Hearne, on Large Paper, in old morocco, from the Meerman and Hanrott Libraries-Roxburghe Club Publications-a set of Valpy's Classics, on Large Paper, 187 vols. Topographical, Classical, and Antiquarian Publications, and Works in General Literature. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of eight stamps. Valuable Books and Manuscripts from the Library of D. SALMOND, Esq., of Gawthorpe Hall, Bingley, Yorkshire; and other Properties. MESSRS. WILKINSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellington street, Strand, W.C., on THURSDAY, March 23, and Two Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, valuable BOOKS and MANUSCRIPTS, from the Libraries of D. SALMOND, Esq., of Gawthorpe Hall, Bingley, Yorkshire; of a FRENCH GENTLEMAN, deceased; with other Properties, comprising Audubon's Birds of America, subscriber's copy of the original folio edition-Lawson's Scotland-Beckford's Vathek, first edition-Horæ B. Mariæ, printed by Hardouyn on vellum-Laborde, Choix de Chansons, 4 vols. -La Fontaine, Contes, édition des Fermiers généraux -Pascal, Pensées et Lettres Provinciales, first editions-First Editions of Plays by Racine and Corneille-Milton's Poems, first edition, with his autograph inscription-Ruskin's Seven Lamps of Architecture-Specimens of Early Typography-Froissart's Chronicles, translated by Lord Berners-First Edition of Cranmer's Great Bible-Whitaker's Richmondshire-Craig's Facsimiles of Bookbinding-Ruxner's Turnier-BuchTurner's Southern Coast-and Works of Standard Authors, including those of Dickens, Lever, Thackeray, Walpole, Mrs. Jameson, and other eminent Writers. May be viewed two day prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of six stamps. The valuable Library of ALEXANDER E. BURNETT, Esq., of Edinburgh. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C. on MONDAY, April 1, and Two Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, the valuable LIBRARY of ALEXANDER E. BURNETT, Esq, of Edinburgh, comprising important Books in all Classes of Literature, more especially relating to the Stage and Dramaan extensive Collection of the Works of George Cruikshank-choice series of First Editions of Dickens, Thackeray, and other popular Authors -Books illustrated by Rowlandson, Seymour, Leech, Phiz, Doyle, Crowquill, Bennett, &c, fine copies, for the most bound by the leading English binders - Playbills - Theatrical Publications, Drawings, and Engravings. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of four stamps. Silver and Silver-gilt Plate, and an Ormolu Service made by Rundell & Bridge for the Marquess Wellesley. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on TUESDAY, March 12, and Two Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, ENGRAVINGS from the COLLECTION of Mr. WALTER F. TIFFIN (Author of Gossip about Portraits,' &c.), comprising a nearly complete Series of the Mezzotints of Theatrical Portraits after Zoffany and others-Portraits after Sir Joshua Reynolds and Sir Thomas Lawrence - Sets of the Charles II. Beauties, the Hampton Court Beauties, the Kit-Cat Club, and numerous other Portraits after various Artists, nearly all Mezzotints, and generally in first states also a few Prints after Stothard, Singleton, &c., by Bartolozzi, Ward, J. R. Smith, and others, some printed in colours. May be viewed, and Catalogues had. Drawings by T. Rowlandson, Sporting Engravings, and MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on FRIDAY, March 15, at 1 o'clock precisely, FORTY-TWO DRAWINGS, including Skating on the Serpentine, and other important examples of T. Rowlandson, the Property of a Gentleman; also a large number of Sporting Prints and Drawings by H. and S. Alken, and other Early English Coloured Sporting Engravings, the Property of a Gentleman; Modern Artist Proof Engravings, and Etchings by A. H. Haig, B. Debaines, R. W. Macbeth, A.R.A., C. Waltner, &c. May be viewed two doys preceding. The Collection of Modern Pictures and Water-Colour Drawings of the late MYLES KENNEDY, Esq. respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on SATURDAY, March 16, at 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executors), the valuable COLLECTION of MODERN PICTURES and WATERCOLOUR DRAWINGS of MYLES KENNEDY, Esq., deceased, late of Stone Cross, Ulverston; the Drawings comprise Jerusalem, and Cedars of Lebanon, by J. M. W. Turner, R.A.-the Forest of Fontainebleau, by Rosa Bonheur -Scarborough, by Copley Fielding-Merivale, by D. Cox-and Examples of G. Cattermole, T. F. Collier, E. Ellis, B. Foster, A. D. Fripp, P. F. Poole, R.A., F. Tayler, F. W. Topham, E. Walton, J. D. Watson, &c. The Pictures include On the Brink, by A Elmore, R.A.-Dead Swan and Peacock, by W. Duffield-and Works of W. P. Frith, R.A., P. F. Poole, R.A., E. Nicel, A.R A., &c. May be viewed two days preceding. Modern Pictures and Drawings, from the Collection of J. H. HUTCHINSON, Esq. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on SATURDAY, March 16, at 1 o'clock, valuable MODERN PICTURES and WATERCOLOUR DRAWINGS from the COLLECTION of J. H. HUTCHINSON, Esq., of Lancaster Gate; comprising Works of H. Bright, M. Ε. Duffield, G. A. Fripp, F. Goodall, R.A., A. C. Gow, A.R.A., J. Gow, J. Macbeth, Sutton Palmer, J. Pettie, R.A., T. M. Richardson, F. Tayler, F. Wheatley, R. A., &c. Also the Cup of Coffee, by R. Madraze, and Examples of Artz, P Billet, G. Clausen, Cortazzo, L. Escosura, C. Jacques, G. Jacquet, V. Thirion, and others of the Continental School. May be viewed two days preceding. Old English Plate and Objects of Art of the late Dr. J. B. ASHFORD, of Plymouth. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on TUESDAY, March 19, and Following Day, at 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executors of the late Mrs. ASHFORD), the valuable COLLECTION of OLD ENGLISH PLATE and OBJECTS of ART formed by Dr. JOHN BUTTER ASHFORD, deceased, late of Plymouth. The Plate comprises a Chased Tankard, a Cup and Cover, and a Bell-shaped standing Saltcellar, of the time of Queen Elizabeth-a Two-handled Silver-gilt Cup, presented by Charles II.-also Tankards, Cups, Coffee-pots, Bread-Baskets, Waiters, and other ornamental and useful Plate, and a large Collection of Old English Apostle Spoons - a few Jewels, including a brilliant Brooch and Pair of Earrings-a large Collection of Porcelain, including a Chelsea Service, painted with Views, and Specimens of Bow, Chelsea, Derby, Nantgarw, Plymouth, Worcester, and other English Manufactures-Dresden, Furstenburg, Sèvres, Delft Ware-old Chinese and Japan Porcelain-Louis XIV. Clocks--and a fine Limoges Chasse of early Enamel, &c. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding. Collection of Porcelain of the late J. M. TEESDALE, Esq. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on THURSDAY, March 21, at 1 o'clock precisely (by order of the Executors), the COLLECTION of PORCELAIN of J. MARMADUKE TEESDALE. Esq, deceased, late of Effingham Lodge, Surrey, comprising Specimens of Bow, Bristol, Chelsea, Derby, Plymouth, Worcester, and other English Porcelain and Ware-Oriental Porcelain-and numerous Specimens of old Sèvres, Dresden, and other French and German Porcelain and Faience. Also Four old Nankin Vases, formerly the Property of the late Dr. OKES, Provost of King's College, Cambridge. The Collection of Modern Pictures and Water-Colour Drawings of the late DANIEL ROBERTS, Esq. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & AWOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great ns, King-street, Rooms, and Plateau. May be viewed, and Catalogues had. respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on SATURDAY, G Bach T. Faed. R.A. W. P. Frith, R.A. F. Goodall, R.A. C. Haag W. Hunt H. S. Marks, R.A. F. W. Topham F. Tayler H. Weir E. M. Ward. R.A. E. G. Warren. Also Examples of Rosa Bonheur, E. Dubufe, J. H. de Haas, P. Jazet, Portielje, De Nitis, E. Saintin, Toulmouche, H. Vernet, and others of the Continental School. Miscellaneous Books, including Works on the Fine Arts, Illustrated Gift-Books, &c. MESSRS. HODGSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their Rooms, 115, Chancery-lane, W.C. on THURSDAY, March 14, and Following Day, at 1 o'clock, SEVERAL THOUSAND VOLUMES of MODERN BOOKS, including a Small Salvage Stock (by order of the Assessors to the Westminster Fire Office), comprising 350 Tennyson's Works. royal 8vo.-2,750 Songs, square 16mo.-700 Heyse's La Marchesa-230 Von Gumpach's Treaty Rights-370 Brown on Limitation, 8vo. (11. 8s.)-100 Law's Farmer's Veterinarian (10s. 6d.)-8.000 Suttaby's Manuals-2,400 Groombridge's Three-and-Sixpenny and HalfCrown Series. The MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS consist of Staunton's Reprint of Shakespeare - Dugdale's Warwickshire - Marlborough Cabinet, 2 vols. -Royle's Botany of the Himalayas, 2 vols.-Alken's Symptoms-Maupassant, Pierre et Jean-Sterne's Sentimental Journey -Lady Burton's Arabian Nights, 6 vols, and Capt. Burton's Supplement, 6 vols. The Novels of Fielding, Smollett, lett, Swift, Dickens, Lever, and Thackeray-Historical and Theological Books-Works on the Fine ArtsIllustrated Gift-Books, &c. AGNOSTICISM: a Reply. 1. By the Rev. Dr. Wace (Principal of King's College). The NEW RULES and the OLD COMPLAINT. By Henry W. Lucy. CAN WE THINK WITHOUT WORDS? By Professor Max Müller. 1. By William Morris, Hon. Sec. of the Society for the Protection The WORK of the LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL. By W. M. Acworth (Member of the Council). NEWS from SOME IRISH EMIGRANTS. By J. H. Tuke. The VALUE of WITNESS to the MIRACULOUS. By Professor Huxley. The NEW REFORMATION. By Mrs. Humphry Ward (Author of Robert Elsmere '). Contents:- MAJOR BARTTELOT'S CAMP on the ARUHWIMI. With Map and Plan of Camp.-LADY BABY. Chaps. 7-9.-MINICOY: the Island of Women.-SCENES FROM & SILENT WORLD. By a Prison Visitor.-TITUS OATES. By Robert K. Douglas.-WHY I BECAME a LIBERAL UNIONIST. By George Brooks.-A PHILANTHROPIST: a Tale of the Vigilance Committee at San Francisco.LAURENCE OLIPHANT. By M. O. W. Oliphant.-LOCAL GOVERNMENT in SCOTLAND. William Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh and London. THE TENTH EDITION is now ready of the CONTEMPORARY REVIEW for February, containing "The BISMARCK DYNASTY." Monthly, price Half-a-Crown, THE CONTEMPORARY REVIEW. Contents for MARCH. COMMITTEE of SUPPLY. By the Right Hon. Henry H. Fowler, M.P. The PANAMA CANAL. With Map and Diagrams. By Edward Whymper. ERRORS of the EXPERTS. By Archibald Forbes. CANON GREGORY'S EDUCATIONAL POLICY. By the Rev. Hugh A SOUTHERN OBSERVATORY. By A. M. Clerke. AUSTRALIAN POLITICS. By R. W. Dale, LL.D. An ART NOT GENERALLY UNDERSTOOD. By H. Arthur Kennedy. TWO POEMS, By Michael Field. The LONDON COUNTY COUNCIL and the POLICE. By H. Evans. IRELAND'S DEMAND. By Canon Wilberforce. Isbister & Co. Limited, 56, Ludgate-hill, London. Has each week an exquisite Frontispiece of merit, fully equal to a SUPERIOR OIL PAINTING. Contains also two other Full-Page Illustrations in Colours, and many in black and white, artistically executed by Messrs. Goupil & Co. Paris Illustré is unexceptionable in tone, and has no rival among Illustrated Weeklies either in Europe or America. Price 9d. per copy. To be had at all Bookstalls and of all Newsagents and Booksellers. Sole Agents throughout the world, the International News Company, Bream's Buildings, Chancery-lane, London, E.C. TRÜBNER & CO'S LIST. MESSRS. MACMILLAN & CO.'S NEW BOOKS. Demy 8vo. cloth, 11. 5s. NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION. THE COLLECTED WORKS of LORD TENNYSON, Poet Laureate. A New and Enlarged Edition. With a Portrait. Crown 8vo. 78. 6d. TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION. The STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK: a Statistical and Historical Annual of the States of the Civilized World. Revised after Official Returns. For the Year 1889. Edited by J. SCOTT The Statist says:-" A standard work of reference...... If one wants to know who is the President of Columbia, what the constitution and government of the Republic is, its religion and education, its revenue, public debt, and army, its area and population, its trade and commerce, its railway, post office, and other statistics, one can find the whole set out in condensed form. We have instanced one country, but the instance applies to all with more or less detail according to the importance of the country." A NEW SELECTION OF THOMAS CARLYLE'S LETTERS. LETTERS of THOMAS CARLYLE. 1826-1836. Edited by CHARLES ELIOT NORTON. 2 vols. Uniform with the 'Early Letters of Thomas Carlyle, 1814-1826'; 'Correspondence between Goethe and Carlyle'; and Professor Charles Eliot Norton's Edition of Carlyle's Reminiscences." Crown 8vo. 188. CHILDREN of the STATE. By Florence Davenport-Hill. Edited by FANNY FOWKE. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged. Crown 8vo. 68. SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE RACES OF The HOUSEHOLD HISTORY of the UNITED STATES. By MANKIND. EDWARD EGGLESTON. With numerous Illustrations and Maps. 4to. 12s. A NEW BOOK BY CANON WESTCOTT. GIFTS for MINISTRY. Addresses to Candidates for Ordination. By BROOKE FOSS WESTCOTT, D.D. D.C.L., Examining Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge, Canon of Westminster, &c. Crown 8vo. 18. 6d. The LIGHT that LIGHTETH EVERY MAN: SERMONS. By the Very Rev. ALEXANDER RUSSELL, B.D., late Dean of Adelaide. With an Introduction by the Very Rev. E. H. PLUMPTRE, D.D., Dean of Wells, &c. Crown 8vo. 68. CRESSY: a Novel. By Bret Harte. 2 vols. Globe 8vo. 12s. The St. James's Gazette says:-""Cressy' is a powerful and refreshing novel." The Saturday Review says:-" The book is a charming one, and can be recommended as delightful reading for grave and gay." The Globe says:-""Cressy' is the best piece of fiction produced by Bret Harte. A NEW NOVEL BY MRS. OLIPHANT. NEIGHBOURS on the GREEN. By Mrs. Oliphant. 3 vols. crown 8vo. 31s. 6d. BY D. CHRISTIE MURRAY. SHAKESPEARE. - The WINTER'S TALE. With an Introduction and Notes. By K. DEIGHTON, B.A., Inspector of Schools, Bareilly, late Principal of Agra College. Globe 8vo. 2s. 6d. A TREATISE on CHEMISTRY. By Sir Henry E. Roscoe, F.R.S., and C. SCHORLEMMER, F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry in the Victoria University, the Owens College, Vols. I. and II. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Vol. I. The NON-METALLIC ELEMENTS. New and thoroughly MACMILLAN'S MAGAZINE, No. 353, for MARCH, price 1s., contains: |