£7,415,918 FIRE DEPARTMENT. The magnitude of the Company's Business enables it to accept Insurances on the most favourable terms. LIFE DEPARTMENT.-All descriptions of Life Insurance and Annuities at moderate rates. Participating Policies, under new table, payable at fixed age or previous death. The large Reversionary Bonus of 35s. per cent. per annum on sums assured in the new Participating Class has been declared at each valuation. The NEW CONDITIONS of ASSURANCE give increased facilities for Residence, Travel, and Occupation; Maintaining Policies in force, Reviving Lapsed Policies; Prompt Payment of Claims. THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. SCOTTISH A MONTHLY REVIEW, PRICE 28. 6d. THE JANUARY NUMBER CONTAINS The BRITISH FLEET and the STATE of EUROPE. By Captain Lord Charles Beresford, M.P. "A THOUSAND MORE MOUTHS EVERY DAY." By the Right Hon. the Earl of Meath. CATHEDRAL-ROOM for NEGLECTED RECORDS. By the Rev. Dr. Jessopp. Mr. BRYCE'S 'AMERICAN COMMONWEALTH.' By Frederic Harrison. DANIEL O'CONNELL. By the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. London: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & Co.; and EDWARD HOWELL, Church-street, Liverpool. LITERARY MEN, ARTISTS, AND ALL BRAIN WORKERS WILL FIND VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA A most refreshing beverage, especially during work when solid food cannot be taken. It satisfies without loading the stomach, stimulates the system, and leaves none of the neurotic effects of tea and coffee. The perfect PURITY and delicacy of this Cocoa is testified to by Dr. HASSALL, The LANCET, The BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, HEALTH, &c., &c. Redness, Roughness, and Chapping prevented, Fair White Hands and This world-renowned Toilet Soap has obtained Fifteen International Awards as a Complexion Soap. It is specially suitable for Ladies, Children, or delicate and sensitive skins generally. Its regular use cannot fail to benefit the worst complexion. Recommended by MRS. LANGTRY and MADAME ADELINA PATTI. UNION and NATIONAL SCOTTISH NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY to Persons of Settled Residence and Occираtion. Ordinary Profit Policies become World-wide after three years in accordance with their conditions. Within that time the limits of Residence and Travel are very exte sive. UNION and NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. (Established 1824. Capital, SIX MILLIONS.) JOHN M. MOCANDLISH, General Manager. EDINBURGH. 35. ST. ANDREW-SQUARE. ACCIDENTS ALL THE YEAR ROUND. PROVIDE AGAINST THEM BY POLICY OF THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY, 64, CORNHILL, LONDON. Invested Capital and Reserve Fund Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claims. West-End Office: 8, GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS, W.C. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. ANTHONY TROLLOPE'S WORKS. The LIFE of the RIGHT HON. W. E. FORSTER. [Fifth Thousand, January 22nd, By T. WEMYSS REID. WITH the CAMEL CORPS UP the NILE. By COUNT GLEICHEN. [Third Edition, January 9th, MODERN SCIENCE and MODERN THOUGHT. [Fifth Thousand, January 9th, By SAMUEL LAING, A STORY of an AFRICAN FARM. By RALPH IRON (OLIVE SCHREINER). New and Cheaper Edition. PRICE ONE SHILLING. The MYTHOLOGY of GREECE and ROME. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS in a WAGGON in the GOLD REGIONS of AFRICA. By ANDREW A. ANDERSON. With Illustrations and Map. New Edition. In 1 vol. demy 8vo. 128. SPORTS and ANECDOTES of BYGONE DAYS. By C. T. S. BIRCH REYNARDSON. With Illustrations in Colour. Second Edition. DOWN the ROAD: Reminiscences of a Gentle man Coachman. By C. T. S. BIRCH REYNARDSON. With Coloured Illustrations. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. 128. COURT LIFE in EGYPT. By A. J. BUTLER. With Illustrations. Second Edition. Demy 8vo. 12s. The RACEHORSE in TRAINING. By WILLIAM DAY. Fifth Edition. Demy 8vo. 98. The PYTCHLEY BOOK of REFINED COOKERY and BILLS of FARE. By Major L- Second Edition. Large crown 8vo. 88. BREAKFASTS, LUNCHEONS, and BALL SUPPERS. By Major L-. Crown 8vo. 4s. OFFICIAL HANDBOOK of the NATIONAL sand. Large crown 8vo. 68. The CHRONICLES of BARSETSHIRE. A Uniform Edition, in BREAKFAST and SAVOURY DISHES. By 8 vols. large crown 8vo. 68. each. The WARDEN and BARCHESTER TOWERS. 2 vols. DR. THORNE. London: CHAPMAN & HALL, LIMITED. Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, Music and the Drama. No. 3194. SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1889. BRITISH ARCHEOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. The FOURTH MEETING of the SESSION will be held on WEDNESDAY NEXT, January 16th, at 32, Sackville-street, Piccadilly, W. Chair to be taken at 8 P M. Antiquities will be exhibited, and the following Papers read:1. The Original Subscription for Building the Steeple of St. Anfholin's Church.' by Major H. R. JOSEPH. 2. Notes on North Caithness and Orkney' (Illustrated), by the Rev. 8. M. MATHEW, V.P. F.S.A. (Scot). W. DE GRAY BIRCH, F.S.A.) Honorary E. P. LOFTUS BROCK, F.S.A. J Secretaries. } HISTORICAL SOCIETY, 11, Chandos-street, Cavendish-square, W. NEWSPAPER PROPERTY. - WANTED to PURCHASE, the WHOLE or PART'of a sound NEWSPAPER PROPERTY. Experienced Journalist. Capital between 3,000l, and 4,0001. -Write MAX, May's, 162, Piccadilly. A BELGIAN LADY DOCTOR, living in a very healthy part of Brussels, well acquainted with English life and habits, would like the CHARGE of a FEW YOUNG LADIES suffering from weakness of the nervous system or other complaint, with a view to improvement in health or ultimate cure. Inclusive terms at the rate of One Hundred Guineas per annum.-Highest references given and required. Letters to be addressed to DOCTEUR V. D., 59, Chaussée de Vleurgat, Ixelles, Bruxelles. ROYAL N.A. F.R. Hist.S., will read a Paper on History and Assassination.' MR. DANNREUTHER'S PROGRAMMES. (Nineteenth Series.) THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 17th.-H. Holmes: Octet in F, Op. 58 (M.) -C. H. H. Parry: Air from Judith.'-Schumann: Op. 11, Sonata in F sharp minor.- Wagner: Der Engel, Träume.'-Bach: Suite in B minor for Flute, two Violins, Viola, Violoncello, and Bass. JANUARY 31st.-Dvorak: Op. 81, Quintet in A for Pianoforte and Strings.-Bach: Sonata in F minor for Clavier and Violin.-Brahms: Op. 72, O kühler Wald,' and Op. 69,Salome.'-C. H. H. Parry: Trio in Eminor for Pianoforte and Strings. FEBRUARY 14th-Brahms: Op. 101. Fourth Trio in C minor for Pianoforte and Strinzs-Bach: Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue in D minor.-C. H. H. Parry: Sonata in D for Pianoforte and Violin, MS. (irst performance).-Beethoven: Op. 70, Trio in E flat for Pianoforte and Strings. FEBRUARY 28th.-Brahms: Op. 25. Quartet in G minor for Pianoforte and Strings-Beethoven: Op. 69. Sonata in A for Pianoforte and Visioncello.-C. H. H. Parry: The Coildren' Dialogue from 'Judith.'Rheinberger: Op. 121, Trio in B fiat for Pianoforte and Strings. Violin: Mr. Alfred Gibson, Herr Gompertz, Mr. S. D. Grimson. A. P. Vivian. Pianoforte: Mr. Dannreuther. MR. HENRY BLACKBURN'S LECTURES, illustrated by Limelight. 1, Pictures of the Year; 2. The Value of a Line: 3 Algeria and Morocco. At the Edinburgh Philosophical lastitution, February 12th and 19th; London Institution, March 14th; Birkbeck Ins itution, April 10th, &c. A few dates vacant in February and March.-103, Victoria-street, Westminster. ST. MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS. - An ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN is required by the Commissioners of the Free Public Library of the above parish. Age not to exceed Thirty Years. Salary, 72. per year. Address, on or before Saturday, the 19th inst., with copies of testimonials only, THE CLERK, Temporary Public Library, 107, Long-acre, London, W. C. GERMANY.- EDITOR WANTED for 'KUH LOW'S GERMAN TRADE REVIEW.' published weekly in Berlin. Educated Young Man, with fair knowledge of German and of Journalistic work, desired. Permanent and agreeable position. 10. per month as start. Reference to Mr. W. H. Dawson, Skipton, Yorkshire.-Address Proprietor, W. M. KUHLOw, Ritterstrasse 42, Berlin, S. W. THE EDITOR of HAZELL'S ANNUAL de sires also to undertake the EDITORIAL CHARGE of a good MAGAZINE or WEEKLY. Can supply a Weekly Article on current popular topics to a London or Provincial Paper. Experienced.-Address Entron, 6, Kirby-street, Hatton-garden, E C. EXPERT JOURNALIST (22), well trained in all branches. Practical Pressman and Phonographer, desires enlarged EXPERIENCE on First-Class DAILY, MORNING or EVENING. No objection to Colonial or Indian appointment. Moderate remuneration at first. Recommended by Editor.-Address LEX, care of Messrs. Street & Co., 30, Cornhill, E C. LONDON LETTER.-A Gentleman, residing in London, and intimately connected with Parliamentary and Political Life, is prepared to SUPPLY & WEEKLY LETTER to a High-Class Newspaper. per. The Writer has exceptional facilities for obtaining exclusive and reliable information about Political, Social, and Religious Movements.-Apply, in the first instance, to ARUNDELL, care of Adams & Francis, 50, Fleet-street, E.C. A BARRISTER, of the Middle Temple, a practised Leader-Writer, Book Reviewer, and Resident Correspondent, seeks EMPLOYMENT at Home. Moderate terms.-Address LEX, Box 6024, Seli's Advertising Offices, London ADVERTISER wishes for EVENING WORK 28 A MANUENSIS or any Secretarial capacity. Good Shorthand writer. Can prepare Diagrams to illustrate Lectures and Statistics.-C. BLONDEL, 1, Lancaster-road, Upton-lane, Forest Gate. TO MEMBERS of PARLIAMENT and Others. LITERARY LADY, experienced Authoress, offers some hours daily to Correct M8S, answer Correspondence, or assist intending Authors Highest references. Terms per hour on application, by letter, to M. L. P., May's Advertising Offices, 162, Piccadilly. AN OXFORD M.A., engaged in school work, and having an extensive connexion with the Principals of Public chools and High Schools for Girls, is anxious to obtain a post in a PUBLISHER'S FIRM where his educational al experience and connexion may be utilized. Good references and testimonials.-Address OMEGA, 1, Berkeley-place, Wimbledon. LITERARY INVESTMENT. -A SHARE is avail Jable in a High-Class illustrated Monthly Magazine, well established, conducted wich great economy by a well-known writer, with a steadily Increasing Advertisement Revenue-offering the prospect, if desired, of Liberary or Artistic Occupation-and promising substantial Financial Betarns-For particulars address DIRECTOR, 1, St. Swithin's-lane, London, E C. ENGLISH and MODERN LANGUAGES for the Oxford and Cambridge Local and Higher Women Examinations or gives Lessons in Schools. Oxford Sen., Cambridge Higher, Dist. Hist. and Lit.. Oxford Final Hon. School of Eng. Lit., 1st class.-2, St. Bartholomew-road, Tufneil Park, N. LAUSANNE. -Miss ANDREAE offers comfortable with educational advantages, to YOUNG LADIES. Special care of delicate Girls. Highest references. -Apply 8, Avenue de la Gare, Lausanne; or Bell House, Clapham Common, London. MORNING PREPARATORY CLASS for the SONS of GENTLEMEN (exclusively), 13, Somerset-street, Portman-square, W.-The LENT TERM Commences TUESDAY, January 15, at 10 o'clock. Miss WOODMAN will be at home on and after the 12th. ENGLISH LANGUAGE and LITERATURE, continues her Courses of Lectures, Readings, and Lessons in Schools and elsewhere, to Private Pupils and Teachers.-143, King Henry's-road, London, N. W. RESIDENCE for LADY STUDENTS, 119, Gower-street, W.C. (opposite University College, and near Maria Grey Training Colleze) -A FEW VACANCIES for NEXT SESSION.Apply Miss BORCHARDT, Principal. DRESDEN. PRICE REGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPER PARIS. The ATHENEUM can be obtained on SATURDAY at the GALIGNANI LIBRARY, 224, Rue de Rivoli. DRAWING. There are a FEW VACANCIES for LADIES and GENTLEMEN in an AMATEUR SOCIETY with an eminent artist critic-Particulars and Rules from the Hon. Sec., Miss R., The Cedars, Richmond, Surrey. IN Fräulein BAUMANN'S HOME, Cassel, North Germany, there will be a few VACANCIES at Easter, 1839. All the comforts of home combined with every advantage in instruction can be offered. Good references in England and Germany. COURSES of LECTURES for LADIES on ECONOMICS and HISTORY will be given by Miss C. B. COLLET, M.A., and Miss L. MACDONALD, M.A., at Westbourne Park Institute, Porchester-road, W. SIX LECTURES on the WAGES QUESTION, by C. E. COLLET, M.A., on TUESDAY, February 5th, and Following TUESDAYS, at 3.30 PM. SIX LECTURES on the ROMAN EMPIRE, from AUGUSTUS to JUSTINIAN, by L. MACDONALD, M.A., on FRIDAY, February 8th, and Following FRIDAYS, at 3.30 г.м. Fee for each Course, 11. 1s. Single Lectures, 48. Special arrangements for Schools. Apply by letter to THE PRINCIPAL, College Hall, Byng-place, W.C. VICTORIA UNIVERSITY. -The YORKSHIRE COLLEGE, LEEDS.-The SECOND TERM of the Se-sion 1888-9. in the Department of SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, and ARTS, BEGINS TUESDAY, January 15th. Classes prepare for Degrees in Arts and Science; for the professions of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Mining Engineers, Mine Surveyors, Cloth Manufacturers, and Dyers and Printers of Textile Fabrics; and for Commercial and other pursuits. The various Laboratories are open daily for practical work. including those in the Physical, Chemical, Biological, Engineering, Textile Industries, and Dyeing and Printing Departments. In addition to the regular Day Classes, Classes and Lectures are provided for Occasional and Evening Students. Prospectus may be obtained (post free) from the SECRETARY. - An ENGLISH and an HANO- KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. - THEOLOGICAL VERIAN LADY RECEIVE GIRLS as PUPILS in a very comfortable home. First-class references. Moderate terms. Address Miss LOWE. Schnorrstrasse 11., 13. BELSIZE COLLEGE for LADIES, 41, Relsize Park-gardens. London. N. W. Established 1871. CLASSES will REOPEN on JANUARY 21st, 1889. For Prospectuses, references, &c., apply to the PRINCIPALS. PREPA OREPARATORY CLASSES.-NORTH LONDON COLLEGIATE SCHOOL for GIRLS. (Under the superintendence of Miss BUSS.)-Students are prepared for the Cambridge Higher Local Examination, and for vacancies in the Post Office, &c. Also for the Examinations of the Froebel Society.-Address The Head Mistress, Miss TOPLIS, 202, Camden-road, N.W. SPANISH, ARITALIANUSTFRENCHRIVAGERMAN, by NATIVE PROFESSORS (visiting Government Colleges and distinguished families) from parts where the best language is spoken. Officers and Students prepared for Examinations privately. Conversational Classes, at each of which one Foreign Language is spoken during two hours. Lessons also by Correspondence. Families visited. Translations (all Languages).-The Linguistic Institute, 39, Lombard-street; and West-End. ROYAL INDIAN ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Cooper's-hill. Staines. The COURSE of STUDY is arranged to fit an Engineer for Employment in Europe, India, or the Colonies. About Fifty Students will be admitted in Ser September, 1889. For Competition the Secretary of State will offer Ten Appointments in the Indian Public Works Department, and Two in the Indian Telegraph Department. For particulars apply to the SECRETARY, at the College. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL. - An EXAMINATION for filling up EIGHT VACANCIES on the FOUNDATION will be held on the 16th JANUARY NEXT -For information apply to the BURSAR, St Paul's School, West Kensington. PRIVATE RESIDENT SCHOOL for LADIES, with High School Teaching and Organization, (for ten years High School Head Mistress), assisted by eminent Pro- DOVER COLLEGE. Head Master, the Rev. W. BELL, M.Α. Preparation for the Universities, Indian Civil Service, Woolwich, Sandhurst, Army Preliminary, Navy, London University, Matriculation, Cambridge Local, &c. Several Open Scholarships and Exhibitions at Oxford or Cambridge have been gained, the first, second (twice), and many other places for Woolwich, and several entrances to Sandhurst. At the last March Army Preliminary, seventeen out of eighteen passed in all subjects Special Army Classes. Junior School and separate Playground for Younger Boys. Laboratory, Workshop, Gymnasium. Bach Boy has a separate Bedroom. Boarders are taken by the HEAD MASTER, by C. E SPARKE M.A., and by E. THORNTON I ITTLEWOOD, MA. Apply to the HEAD MASTER, or to the Hon. Sec., E. W. KNOCKER, Esq. DEPARTMENT.-New Students must present themselves on TUESDAY, January 15. Classes are held both in the morning and evening. The College Theological Testamur can be obtained by:A. Graduates in Arts of any British University, in three terms. B. Associates of the General Literature Department of King's College, in six terms. C. All duly qualified persons of 21 years of age, in six terms. There are also Preparatory Ciasses for those wishing to pass the Entrance Examination. For the Prospectus apply, personally or by letter, to J. W. CUNNINGHAM, Esq., Secretary. KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. - DEPARTMENT of GENERAL LITERATURE.-New Students will be admitted on WEDNESDAY, January 16. The Department is intended to prepare Students: 1. For the Universities, Holy Orders, the Bar, and other Professions; 2. For the Indian Civil Service; and 3. For the Military and Civil Service Examinations. For the he Prospectus apply, personally or by letter, to J. W. CUNNINGHAM, Esq., Secretary. KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. - DEPARTMENT of SCIENCE.-New Students will be admitted on WEDNESDAY, January 16. The Course of Study provides a systematic Course in Science, suitable for a general education, or for Students preparing either for the Science Degrees at the University of London (including the Preliminary Scientific Examination), or for those in other Universities. For Prospectus apply to J. W. CUNNINGHAM, Esq, King's College, London. KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. - DEPARTMENT of ENGINEERING.-New Students will be admitted on WEDNESDAY, January 16. The Course of Study provides Practical Education for those who intend to engage in Engineering, Surveying, Architecture, Telegraphy, and the higher branches of Chemical and Manufacturing Art. For the Prospectus apply, personally or by letter, to J. W. CUNNINGHAM, Esq., Secretary. KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. - The EVENING CLASSES.-These Classes will REOPEN on MONDAY, January 21, in Divinity, Greek Testament, Latin, Greek, French, German, English Literature and History, Italian, Spanish, Physical and Commercial Geography, Arithmetic, Writing, Mathematics, Commerce, Drawing, Erementary and Practical Chemistry, Botany, Mechanics, Physiology. Experimental and Applied Physics, Comparative Anatomy and Practical Biology, Logic. Mineralogy, Geology, Law, Roman Law, Metallurgy, Fine Art, Vocal Music, Public Speaking and Reading, Agriculture Political Economy, and Shorthand. For the Prospectus apply, personally or by letter, to J. W. CUNNING HAM, Esq, Secretary. KING'S COLLEGE SCHOOL. - NEW PUPILS will be admitted on TUESDAY, January 15 with I. The Classical Division; preparing Pupils for the Universities, the Learned Professions, Higher Competitive Examinations, ons, &c., a special class for Matriculations at the University of London. II The Mathematical Division; preparing Pupils for Woolwich Sandhurst, the Engineering Profession, &c. III. The Mercantile Division; preparing Pupils for mercantile life, for Clerkships in the Home Civil Service, &c. In this division foreign languages are taught colloquially as well as grammatically. IV. The Lower Division; intended to give a thorough grounding in elementary work. In this division there will be a preparatory class, specially arranged for boys from 8 to 11 years of age, with shorter school hours. For Prospectus apply to J. W. CUNNINGHAM, Esq., King's College London. (GOVERNESS and TUTORS' AGENCY. AGENCY for GOVERNESSES, TUTORS, AMANUENSES, and COMPANIONS. English and Foreign. Apply for particulars, Mrs DOSSETOR, The Library, Old Bedford House, Streatham, 8.W. TWO ENTRANCE SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIPS, of 125 Guineas and 60l. respectively, open to all first-year Students, will be offered for Competition in September, 1889, SPECIAL CLASSES are held throughout the year for the Preliminary Scientific and Intermediate M.B. Examination of the University of London, and may be joined at any time. Entries may be made to Lectures or to Hospital Practice, and Special Arrangements are made for Students entering in their second or subsequent years; also for Dental Students and for qualified Practitioners. Prospectuses and all particulars may be obtained from the Medical Secretary, MR. GEORGE RENDLE. B. NETTLESHIP, Dean. SHORTHAND and TYPE-WRITING.-English and Foreign MSS. Copied. French and German Translations made. Lectures and Sermons Reported. Highest testimonials from eminent physicians and scientific men. Miss LETHBRIDGE, 11, Oxford Circusavenue (opposite Great Portiand-street). TYPE-WRITING.-MSS., Legal Documents, Specifications, Plays (Prompt Books and Parts), Copied wit with speed and accuracy. DICTATIONS taken in SHORTHAND or TYPEWRITING. Pupils Taught. Terms moderate.-MISSES E. B. and I. FARRAN, 34, Southampton-street, Strand. TYPE-WRITER.-AUTHORS' MSS., Plays, Re views, Lectures, Legal or other Articles, COPIED with accuracy and despatch. Terms moderate. Duplicate Copies -Address B. TIGAR, 27, Maitland Park-road, Haverstock-hill, N. W. Established 1884. TYPE-WRITING, MS. DOCUMENTS, PROMPT BOOKS, and all kinds of Work carefully COPIED French, German, and Roumanian Translated.-H. MORRIS, 41, Alexander-road, Upper Holloway, N. AUTHORS' MS., PLAYS, &c., TYPE-WRITTEN. Dictation received by swift operators. Shorthand writers sent out. Terms moderate - MISS MCLACHLAN, Manageress of Type-Writing Department, Metropolitan School of Shorthand, 27, Chancery-lane, W.c. TO AUTHORS, ACTORS, PUBLISHERS, and Others. MSS. carefully and correctly COPIED by TYPE-WRITER. Terms moderate - Apply to MISS ADAMS, 29, Bonham-road. Brixton, 8. W. TO AUTHORS and Others. -Type-writer Copies made by specialists experienced in Author's MSS (specimens sent on application) Translations undertaken; reltable opinions obtained; advice given; and negotiations entered into with publishers. Searches made and excerpts taken. Shorthand Writers sent out. Terms moderate. Messrs. LYDDON & Co., 64, Chancery-lane, London, W.C. MSS., LECTURES, DOCUMENTS, REPORTS TYPE-WRITTEN (Remington). 1s. Id per 1,000 words. Duplicate copies. Copving and Searching at Bri ish Museum.-Miss ST. JOHN, 11 in 3, Russell Chambers, Bury-street, Bloomsbury. PRESS CUTTING AGENCY, 359, STRAND. Newspaper Cuttings on all Subjects, Literary, Artistic, Political. from the Newspapers, Periodicals, Magazines, and Reviews of the World, Statistics, Files searched, Special Information, and all Press Work; Translations and Reporting -ROMEIKE & CURTICE'S only address in England, 359, Strand, London, W.C. Telegraph Romeike, London. Telephone 2662 C. MITCHELL & CO., Agents for the Sale and Purchase of Newspaper Properties, undertake Valuations for Probate or Purchase, Investigations, and Audit of Accounts, &c. Card of Terms on application. 12 and 13, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street, B.C. MR. A. M. BURGHES, AUTHOR'S AGENT and ACCOUNTANT. Advice given as to the best mode of Publishing. Publishers' Estimates examined on behalf of Authors. Transfer of Literary Property carefully conducted. Safe Opinions obtained. Twenty years' experience. Highest references. Consultations free. 1A, Paternoster-row, E C. ESTABLISHED 1820. WERTHEIMER, LEA & CO., ENGLISH and FOREIGN PRINTERS, Books, Magazines, Newspapers, and Works for Learned Societies and Authors carefully produced in the best style on moderate terms. Printing in all Languages. Telephone 467. SWIFT & CO., Music, Letterpress, and Litho graphic Printers, Newton-street, High Holborn, W.C. All kinds of Machining expeditiously done in the best style at moderate charges. NEWSPAPER, &c., PRINTING and PUBLISH. ING.-Mesars. KING, SELL & RAILTON, LD., High-Class Printers and Publishers, 12, Gough-square, and 4. Bolt-court, Fleet-street, E.C., are prepared to undertake the PRINTING and PUBLISHING of first-class NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, BOOKS, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, PROSPECTUSES, ARTICLES of ASSOCIATION, MINUTES of EVIDENCE, &c., in the best style. Their Offices are fitted with the latest improvements in Machinery, the most modern English and Foreign Type, and they employ none but first-class workmen. Facilities are offered upon the Premises for Private Editorial and Advertising Offices. Arrangements can also be made to undertake the Advertising Department. Now ready, TURNER and RUSKIN. -A NEW CATALOGUE of SCARCE PRINTS (chronologically arranged), DRAWINGS, and BOOKS by JM W. TURNER, RA.. Professor RUSKIN, and others. With an Introductory Notice, and an unpublished Mezzotint Engraving by Wm. C. Ward, after a Sketch by J. M. W. Turner. R. A. Price 1s. post free. - WM. WARD, 2, Church-terrace, Richmond, Surrey. Shortly will be published, NEW CATALOGUE of choice and carefully Hon Henry Grattan, recentiv dispersed in Dublin. ALSO in preparation, a SPECIAL CATALOGUE of BOOKS relating to AMERICA, including the Bucaniers of America, First Edition; and other rare and special items. Both post free on application to J H. & A. ASHWORTH. 49, Land's-lane, Leeds. Established 1830, Libraries and smaller Collections of Books Purchased. A CLEARANCE CATALOGUE of LATIN and GREEK CLASSICS. CLASSICAL ANTIQUITIES, &c., ON SALE at low prices by WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14, Henrietta-street, Covent garden, London; and 23, South Frederick-street, Edinburgh. CATALOGUE (NO. 172, 32 pp.) of RARE and STANDARD BOOKS, in all Branches of Literature (including very fine Copy of Plot's Staffordshire. 1686-Esop and Gay's Fables, 1793-John Mytton, 1837-Pickwick Papers, 1837, with 42 Extra Plates), now ready, and post free to Collectors on application to M. L. BENNETT, the Caxton Head, 232, High Holborn, W.C. MANUSCRIPTS (Rare Oriental and other, from the HARTWELL LIBRARY) and AUTOGRAPHS, CATALOGUE of (No. 173, 16 pp.), also ready, same address. MUDIE'S JOHN DRYDEN - The MISSING PORTRAIT, by Sir GODFREY KNELLER, is NOW ON VIEW at Messrs. ROBINSON'S, 99, Long-acre, London-The Picture is FOR SALE. THE AUTOTYPE FINE-ART GALLERY, 74, NEW OXFORD-STREET, LONDON, W.C. The GREAT MASTERS. Represented by choice Examples from the most celebrated Galleries of Europe. The NATIONAL GALLERY, LONDON. Two Hundred and Seventy Paintings reproduced in Autotype; also, by the gracious permission of HM the Queen, Selections from the Royal Galleries of Windsor and Buckingham Palace. AUTOTYPE REPRODUCTIONS of MODERN PAINTINGB from the Salon, the Luxembourg, and the Royal Academy. The GREAT BRITISH PORTRAITISTS (Reynolds, Lawrence, Gainsborough, Romney, Hoppner, Moriand, &c ), from choice Proofs in the British Museum. The LIBER STUDIORUM. Facsimiled in Autotype from fine states lent by the Rev. Stopford Brooke, M.A. The ART of FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI, One hundred Examples, with Notes and Memoir, by Louis Fagan, Esq. The GOOD SHEPHERD; CHRIST and PETER. Autotypes of Two noble Drawings by Frederic Shields. ANCIENT ATHENS. Twenty-five large Autotypes from Negatives by W. J Stillman, Beq., issued by authority of the Hellenic Society. Prospectus on application. The INDUSTRIAL ARTS of PEACE and WAR. Autotypes from the Cartoons for the Frescoes in South Kensington Museum by SIR FREDERIC LEIGHTON, P.R.A. FREE BY POST. A Pamphlet. 40 pp. 4 Illustrations. SELECT LIBRARY. AUTOTYPE, & DECORATIVE and EDUCA All the Best and most Popular Books of the Season are in circulation at Mudie's Library. TOWN SUBSCRIPTIONS from ONE GUINEA PER ANNUM. COUNTRY SUBSCRIPTIONS from TWO GUINEAS PER ANNUM. LONDON BOOK SOCIETY (for a weekly exchange of Books by the Library Messengers) from TWO GUINEAS PER ANNUM. Vice-Presidents-Rt. Hon. WB Gladstone, M.P., The Very Rev. the Dean of Llandaff, Sir E H. Bunbury, Bart., Sir Henry Barkly, К. С.В. Trustees Earl of Carnarvon, Sir John Lubbock, Earl of Rosebery. The Library contains 100,000 Volumes of Ancient and Modern Literature, in various Languages. Subscription, 3. a year without Entrance-fee, or 21. with Entrance-fee of 61.; Life Membership, 30%. Fifteen Volumes are allowed to Country, and Ten to Town Members. Reading-Room open from Ten to half-past Six. Catalogue, Fifth Edition, 2 vols. royal 8vo. price 218.; to Members, 16s. Prospectus on application. ROBERT HARRISON, Secretary and Librarian. LONDON, EDINBURGH, and DUBLIN PHILO SOPHICAL MAGAZINE-WANTED to PURCHASE, a SET.Address H. SOTHERAN & CO. 136, Strand, London, W.C. BOOKS WANTED.-Large or small quantities of Old or Modern Books of any kind; Missals, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Portraits, Scrap-Books, Engravings Collections of Stamps or Literary Curiosities purchased at full market value for Cash by CHARLES LOWE, New-street Birmingham. Parcels thankfully received, and Cash value sent by return. Established forty years. References and Bankers, Messrs. Lloyds, Barnetts Bosanquets & Co. Libraries Supplied or Purchased. Catalogues gratis. Parcels of French Books (bound or unbound) especially wanted. CHARLES LOWE, New-street, Birmingham. Telegraphic address, "Books Birmingham." Fine and Rare Coins, Medals, &c., Bought or Exchanged. MEMORY. LOISETTE'S SYSTEM is "original and of great value." This was testified by D. GREENLEAF For Prospectuses (with opinion of the late Mr. Proctor), apply FOR SALE, ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS, Rembrandt and Teniers-subjects: The Crown of Thorns and Outside a Village Inn-the property of a gentleman, deceased.-View 8, Leigh-road, Highbury, N. TIONAL ART Containing a Description of Autotype, Suggestions for Decorating the Home with appropriate Pictures, short Lists of Autotypes of the most celebrated Works, with 4 Illustrations of Frames and Mouldings, Press Notices, &c. Sent free by post on application to E. BURNE-JONES. GRAPHS of many of the Pictures and Drawings of this Artist have been made by FREDERICK HOLLYER, and can now be obtained from him direct at 9, Pembroke-square, Kensington. Subjects and prices will be sent post free on application. THE REPARATION of PAINTINGS, or any WORK necessary to their PRESERVATION, effected with every regard to the safest and most cautious treatment, by M. R. THOMPSON, Studio, 41, George-street, Portman-square, W. Sales by Auction Engravings and Etchings from different Collections. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on TUESDAY, January 15, at 1 o'clock precisely, ENGRAVINGS and ETCHINGS from DIFFERENT COLLECTIONS, comprising numerous Mezzotint Portraits-Works of the Italian School-A Dürer Woodcuts-and Miscellaneous Engravings in the Portfolio. Also Modern Artist Proofs and Etchings Framed, including Works of Brunet Debaines, C. Waltner, R. W Macbeth, A.RA, Rajon, and Jacquet. May be viewed, and Catalogues had. Porcelain and Objects of Art of the late Dr. D. S. PRICE. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on THURSDAY, January 17 at 1 o'clock precisely, the COLLECTION of FORCELAIN and OBJECTS of ART of Dr. D. S. PRICE, deceased, late of Great George-street, Westminster, comprising old Chinese Blue and White Porcelain, old Engish Faience, Maj olica, and modern Italian Pottery. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on SATURDAY, January 19, at 1 o'clock precisely, the valuable COLLECTION of PIC TURES and WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS of Mrs. B. CRAWFORD BROMEHEAD of Woodhouse, Yorks, comprising about 150 Works, and including Specimens of E. W. Cooke, R.A., T. Danby. Danby and P. F. Poole, R A., R. Hilder. G. Lance. G. Morland, Miss Mutrie, S. R. Percy, T. Rowlandson, J Webb, F Wheatley, RA, W. Williams, Van Lumpetten, J. Both, Van der Marel, Van der Neer, Rotenhamer, and others. May be viewed two days preceding, and Catalogues had. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their Great Rooms, King-street, St. James's-square, on TUESDAY, January 22, at 1 o'clock precisely, ENGRAVINGS the Property of a GENTLEMAN, comprising about Fifty Preofs from the earlier Works of Sir E. Landseer, R.A. Also Proofs after sir J Reynods, by E Fisher, V. Green, J. R. Smith, and Watson; Engravingsafter Watteau, and other Framed Engravings, the Property of a GENTLEMAN. Also Engravings after Sir J. E Millais, R.A., Briton Rivière, R.A., L. Alma Tadema, RA.. T. Faed, R.A.; Etchings after F. Walker, A.RA., G. Mason, A.R.A, and J. Mc Whirter, A.R. A., &c. ACADEMY OF ARTS, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. Sale of a Valuable Library of Books removed from a Mansion in the County of Durham. MESSRS. DAVISON & SON will SELL by NUMISMATISTS, 2, GRACECHURCH - STREET, LONDON, R.C., The Oldest Coin Dealers in London. AUCTION, in their Rooms, Blackett-street, Newcastle, on TUES shank's Omnibus, &c. Catalogues of the Library (price 6d. each; post free, 7 stamps) on application to the AUCTIONEERS, Black-ett-street, Newcastle. Decorative China, Arms, and other Works of Art, including a few Choice Paintings of the Italian School, the Property of the late R. D. DYNELEY, Esq., of Bramhope, Yorkshire. Standard Miscellaneous Books, Illustrated Editions of the Works of English Novelists, Poets, and Dramatists, DrawingRoom Table Books, &c. MESSRS, SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE MESSRS. HODGSON Will SELL by AUCTION, will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C., on TUESDAY, January 15, and Three Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, DECORATIVE CHINA, Arms, Ivories, Jewellery, Watches and Miniatures, and other Works of Art, including a few Choice Paintings, the Property of the late R. D. DYNELEY, Esq., of Bramhope, Yorkshire, attributed to Giotto, Guido, and Sir P. LelyOriental, Foreign, and English Pottery and Porcelain-a Collection of Gold and Silver Watches, all in fine condition-Jewellery-Engraved Gems-Ivory Netsukies-Indian and Turkish Weapons-Greek, Roman, and British Antiquities, &c. May be viewed. Catalogues may be had. SECOND PORTION of the Famous Library of the late SIR THOMAS PHILLIPPS, Bart., F.R.S., &c. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellington-street, Strand, WC, on TUESDAY. January 22, and Two Following Days, at I o'clock precisely, the SECOND PORTION of the Famous LIBRARY of the late SIR THOMAS PHILLIPPS. Bart., F.R.8, &c., of Middle Hiil, Worcestershire, and Thiristaine House, Cheltenham, including many of the Publications Privately Printed by him at Middle Hill-Important Heraldic and Genealogical Works-Topographical and Antiquarian Publications - Works relating to America-History-Voyages and Travels-Various Club Books and Public Records-and Standard Literature. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of four stamps. The Valuable Library of the late ALEXANDER RUSSELL POLLOCK, Esq., of Greenhill, Paisley. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellington street, Strand, W.C.. on MONDAY, January 28, and Five Following Days, at I o'clock precisely, the Valuable Library of the late ALEXANDER RUSSELL POLLOCK, Esq, of Greenhill, Paisley, comprising Important Works by Scottish Writers or relating to Scotland-Early and Rare Editions of the Scriptures-Publications of the Abbotsford, Bannatyne, Maitland, Roxburghe, and other Literary Clubs-Writings of Eminent Divines. Historians, and Topographers-a Large Collection of Privately Printed Books and Tracts-Valuable Works on Genealogy, Bibilography, the Fine Arts, &c.-Remarkable Trials and Peerage Cases -First and other Early and Rare Editions of Popular Authors-Specimens of Early Printers-Standard Books in General English and Foreign Literature-Portraits-Topographical Prints, &c. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of six stamps, Vaivable Books and Manuscripts, including the Library of the Late R. D. DYNELEY, Esq., of Bramhope, Yorkshire; the at their Rooms, 115, Chancery-lane, W.C., on WEDNESDAY, January 16, and Following Day, at 1 o'clock, MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, comprising H. B.'s Political Sketches, 14 vols. folio-Hamerton's The Portfolio, 14 vols. Roberts's Holy Land, 4 vols. Ackermann's Westminster Abbey, 2 vols. 4to.-Young's Travels in France, 2 vols. -Baines's Lancaster, 4 vols.-History of Norfolk, 10 vols 8vo. - Lodge's Portraits, 12 vols -Jesse's George III., 3 vols -Hervey's George II., 2 vols. Strickland's Queens of England and Scotland, 2) vols.-Saint-Simon. Mémoires, 21 vols -Thiers's French Revolution, tc., 25 vols. Celebrated Trials, 6 vols.-Kinglake's Crimean War, 8 vols. - Meadows Taylor's Works, 20 vols. Dibdin's Bibliographical Decameron, 3 vols -Scots Magazine, 77 vols. Smith's Catalogue Raison é. 9 vols. Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting, 5 vols., Large Paper-Ruskin's Stones of Venice, 3 vols. Meteyard's Life of Wedgwood. 2 vols. - Marrvat's Pottery and Porcelain-Bewick's Birds and Quadrupeds, 3 vols. - Yarrell's Fishes, 2 vols. Lowe's Ferns, 8 vols Racing Calendar, 112 vols. - Scott's Abbotsford Waverley, 12 vols. and Poems, 12 vols. and other Illustrated Editions of English Novelists, Poets, and Dramatists-DrawingRoom Table Books, &c., the whole in excellent condition. MR. J. C. STEVENS will SELL by AUCTION, at his Great Rooms, 38, King-street, Covent-garden, on FRIDAY NEXT, January 18. at half-past 12 o'clock precisely. CAMERAS and LENSES by FIRST-CLASS MAKERS, Rolling Presses, Dry Plates, Stands, and other Photographic Apparatus-Microscopes-TelescopesBooks-Furniture-Model Engines-Revolvers-Guns-Opera. Race, and Field Glasses-Magic Lanterns, and a great variety of Slides-Electrical, Chemical, and Galvanic Appliances-and the usual Miscellaneous Preperty. On view the day prior from 2 till 5, and morning of Sale, and Catalogues had. Surplus Stock of First-Class Optical Instruments. MR. J. C. STEVENS will SELL by AUCTION, at his Great Rooms, 38, King-street, Covent-garden, on MONDAY, January 21, at half-past 12 o'clock precisely, about 300 TELESCOPES of all Sorts and Sizes, including 10 with Stands, and some Equatorially Mounted-300 Opera and Race Glasses, mostly of the finest makeSpectacles-Folders - Pince-Nez and other Eye-Glasses - Drawing Instruments-Barometers and Thermometers-Microscopes-Stereoscopes and Slides and a Large Assortment of other Optical Goods, being an accumulation of Surplus Stock and articles taken in exchange, by order of Messrs. C. W. DIXEY & SON, of 3, New Bond-street. On view the Saturday prior from 11 to 5, and morning of Sale, and Catalogues had. Collection of Books relating to Devonshire and Cornwall formed THE QUARTERLY REVIEW, No. 335, by the Rev. R. H. BARNES, Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral; and other Properties. MESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13, Wellingtonstreet, Strand, W.C., on MONDAY, February 4, and Five Following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, valuable BOOKS and MANUSCRIPTS, consisting of the LIBRARY of the late R. D. DYNELEY, Esq., of Bramhope, Yorkshire; the Collection of Books relating to Devon and Cornwall formed by the Rev. R. H. BARNES, Prebendary of Exeter Cathedral; and other Properties, the whole comprising important Works in the various Branches of English and Foreign Literature, including Audubon's Birds of America-Nash's History of Worcestershire-Burton's Arabian Nights, 16 vois.-a Collection of Original Manuscripts relating to the Town of Sandwich-Surtees and Raine's Durham, Large Paper-Hasted's Kent. folio-Palæontographical Society's Publications-Smith's History of Virginia-Bewick's Birds and Quadrupeds, and other Works illustrated by the same-Whitaker and Thoresby's Leeds-Annais and Magazine of Natural History-Lord Saltoun's The Frasers of Philorth-Homeri Ilias, Gr., first edition-G. Tory. Champ Fleury, 1529-Holland. Heroologia Anglica-W. Penn's Account of the Province of Pennsylvania-Fraser's Chiefs of Colqunoun. and Red Book of Menteith-Rare Books relating to America-First Editions of the Works of Dickens. Thackeray, L. Hunt, Browning, Tennyson, Ruskin, and other Popular Authors-Autograph Letters-Engravings, &c. May be viewed two days prior. Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of six stamps. A large Collection of Engravings, consigned from abroad. MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square, W.C., on TUESDAY, January 15, and Following Day, at ten minutes past 1 o'clock precisely, a large COLLECTION of ENGRAVINGS, consigned from abroad, comprising English and Foreign Topography-scarce Views of Old London-Portraits and Prints for Book Illustration-Caricatures and Humorous Prints-Sporting Subjects-rare Portraits in Line and Mezzotinto, some relating to America-choice Subjects of the BartoIczzi School in the finest states, the greater part being Proofs before Letters-fine Proofs by Reynolds, Cousins, Turner, &c.-French Engravings-Historical. Scriptural, and Classical Prints by Old Masters-Early Woodcuts and Etchings-and a few Framed Engravings, Drawings, &c. Catalogues on receipt of two stamps. Musical Instruments. MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester-square, W.C. on TUESDAY, January 22. at half-past 12 o'clock precisely, a large number of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, consisting of valuable Pianofortes, American Organs, Harmoniums, Harps-several Collections of Italian and other Violins, Tenors, Violoncellos, and Double Basses, mostly from private sources - Bows, Cases, Brass and Wood Wind Instruments, Guitars, superior made Banjos, &c. Catalogues on receipt of stamp. Library of Scottish Literature, &c., removed from MESSRS. PUTTICK & SIMPSON will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester square, WC., on WEDNESDAY, January 29. and Two Following Days, at ten minutes past 1 o'clock precisely, a LIBRARY of VALUABLE BOOKS, removed from Greenock, N.B., consisting of a number of Valuable Works in Scottish Topography, Poetry, Antiquities, Genealogy, Ecclesiastical and Political History-Privately printed Reprints a large number of Books on Angling, and General Modern History, Memoirs, Voyages and Travels, Science, Poetry, and Fiction, amongst which will be found, Burus's Poems, First Edition-Stirling's Artists of Spain-Galerie du Musée de France-Borrow's Works-Kay's Scottish Portraits-Esop in Italian, 1479-Daniell's Great Britain-Watts's Dictionary of Chemistry -Dalyell's Remarkable Animals of Scotland, and other Works-Sibbald's Works on Scotland - Scott's Border Antiquities-Adamson's Muses Welcome-Zachary Boyd's Works-Leighton's Clyde Views, india proofs- Watte's Bibliotheca Britannica-Paton's Modern Athenians -Earty Popular Poetry of Scotland-Barbour's Bruce-Greville's Scottish Cryptogamic Fiora-Morris's British Birds-Couch's British Fishes -Percy's Metallurgy-Thackeray's Works-Skene's Celtic ScotlandWilson's Prehistoric Scotland-Ortus Sanitatis, 1517-Ruskin's Arrows of the Chase-Biliing's Baronial Antiquities-Memorie of the Somervil's-Analecta Scotica, &c. Catalogues in preparation. will be published on THURSDAY, January 17th. Contents. 1. EARLY LIFE of LORD BEACONSFIELD. 2. MEMOIRS of a ROYALIST. 3. VENICE: her Institutions and Private Life, 4. LETTERS and DIARY of COUNT CAVOUR. 5. GAMBLING. 6 DEAN BURGON'S LIVES of TWELVE GOOD MEN. 7. LORD GODOLPHIN. 8. UNIVERSITIES' MISSION to CENTRAL AFRICA. 9. Mr. JOHN MORLEY and PROGRESSIVE RADICALISM. John Murray, Albermarle-street. Part IX. ready January 15th, THE UNIVERSAL REVIEW. Edited by HARRY QUILTER. Will contain (amongst others) the following ARTICLES:- The HOLY MOTHERS. C. Fairfax Murray. The FUTURE of CANADA. Professor Shaler (Harvard University). TRUTH and DELUSION. Dr. Lauder Brunton. HUNTING in the MIDLANDS. (Illustrated.) Mrs. Kennard. The SMILE of ALL WISDOM. (Illustrated.) Graham R. Tomson. FULL-PAGE ILLUSTRATIONS:Frontispiece, The TWO HOLY MOTHERS. Correggio. "JE VAS T'AIDER, "JACQUES NESE PRESSAIT NULLEMENT."}R. Bunny. "DRAWN BLANK," "FULL CRY" "The DEΛΤΗ." '} Percy Geatherd. Five Designs accompanying the Poem 'The Smile of All Wisdom,' by C. H. SHANNON. London: Sonnenschein & Co. Paternoster-square. THE ΕΧΡΟSITOR, For JANUARY price 1s., contains ETCHED PORTRAIT of Rev. Professor CHEYNE. By H. Manesse. The LAST NINE CHAPTERS of EZEKIEL. By Ven. Archdeacon F. W. Farrar, D.D. F.R.S. NOTES on THREE PASSAGES in ST. PAUL'S EPISTLES. By Rev. Prof. S. R. Driver, D.D. The SCRIPTURAL IDEA of PRIESTHOOD EMBODIED in SUC- The DEEP GULF BETWEEN the OLD THEOLOGY and the NEW. EPAPHRODITUS and the GIFT from PHILIPPI. By Rev. Prof. RECENT ENGLISH LITERATURE on the NEW TESTAMENT. By Rev. Marcus Dods, D.D. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 27, Paternoster-row. THE Specimen: 1. Have the goodness to call the servants. 2. What do they call that in French? 3. I will call at the bookseller's on my way. 4. He called me a thief. 5. Does the stage-coach call at this inn? Ayez la bonté d'appeler les domestiques. Comment est-ce qu'on nomme cela en Français? Je passerai chez le libraire en allant. Il m'a traité de voleur. Est-ce que la diligence s'arrête à cette auberge? Published by Relfe Brothers, 6, Charterhouse Buildings, Aldersgate. In 2 vols. crown 8vo. with 2 Portraits, 248. JOHN FRANCIS AND THE 'ATHENÆUM.' A LITERARY CHRONICLE OF HALF A CENTURY. By JOHN C. FRANCIS. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "Anybody who wants a complete summary of what the world has been thinking and doing since Silk Buckingham, with Dr. Stebbing and Charles Knight and Sterling and Maurice as his staff, started the Atheneum in 1828, will find plenty to satisfy him in 'John Francis, a Literary Chronicle of Half a Century.'...... Mr. Francis's autobiography is not the least valuable part of this valuable record."-Graphic. "As a record of the literature of fifty years, and in a less complete degree of the progress of science and art, and as a memento of many notable characters in various fields of intellectual culture, these volumes are of considerable value." Morning Post. "The volumes abound with curious and interesting statements, and in bringing before the public the most notable features of a distinguished journal from its infancy almost to the present hour, Mr. Francis deserves the thanks of all readers interested in literature."-Spectator. "No memoir of Mr. Francis would be complete without a corresponding history of the journal with which his name will for ever be identified.... The extraordinary variety of subjects and persons referred to, embracing as they do every event in literature, and referring to every person of distinction in science or letters, is a record of such magnitude that we can only indicate its outlines. To the literary historian the volumes will be of incalculable service." - Bookseller. "This literary chronicle of half a century must at once, or in course of a short time, take a place as a permanent work of reference."-Publishers' Circular. "Some valuable and interesting matter has been collected chronologically regarding the literary history of the last fifty years."-Murray's Magazine. "We have put before us a valuable collection of materials for the future history of the Victorian era of English literature." Standard. "John Francis was a faithful servant, and also an earnest worker for the good of his fellow creatures. Sunday schools, charitable societies, and mechanics' institutes found in him a patient and steady helper, and no one laboured more persistently and unselfishly to procure the abolition of the pernicious taxes on knowledge."-Daily Chronicle. "Such a life interests us, and carries with it a fruitful moral.... The history of the Atheneum also well deserved to be told."-Daily News. "A worthy monument of the development of literature PARIS ILLUSTRE, during the last fifty years.... The volumes contain not a litt'e specially interesting to Scotsmen."-Scotsman. ENGLISH EDITION, Has each week an exquisite Frontispiece of merit, fully equal to a SUPERIOR OIL PAINTING. Contains also two other Full-Page Illustrations in Colours, and many in black and white, artistically executed by Messrs. Goupil & Co. Paris Illustré is unexceptionable in tone, and has no rival among Illustrated Weeklies either in Europe or America. Price 9d. per copy. To be had at all Bookstalis and of all Newsagents and Booksellers. Sole Agents throughout the world, the International News Company, Bream's Buildings, Chancery-lane, London, E.C. "Rich in literary and social interest, and afford a comprehensive survey of the intellectual progress of the nation." Leeds Mercury. RICHARD BENTLEY & SON, New Burlington-street, Publishers in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen. |