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London: GEORGE BELL & SONS, York-street, Covent-garder. Cambridge: DEIGHTON, BELL & CO. DANIEL O'CONNELL. ALBEMARLE-STREET, January, 1889, MR. MURRAY'S LIST. Now ready, with Portrait (1030 pp.), 2 vols. 8vo. DANIEL O'CONNELL, 1792-1847. H.R.H. the PRINCE of WALES'S SPEECHES and ADDRESSES, during the last Twenty-five Years, 1863-1888. Edited by JAMES MACAULAY, A.M. M.D. Edin., Author of Victcria ENGLISH FANS and FAN LEAVES COLLECTED and DESCRIBED. Edited, with Notices of his Life and Times, CONVERSATIONS of the DUKE of WELLINGTON with the late "For Mr. Fitzpatrick, while presenting to us a collection of moderate extent, has not only woven them into a web of fair average continuity, but has, as a sculptor would, presented to us his hero 'in the EARL STANHOPE, 1831-1851. Third Edition, Crown Svo. 78. 6d. The POLITICAL and PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE of DANIEL O'CONNELL, 1792-1847. Edited, with Notices of his Life and Times, by WM. J. FITZPATRICK, F.S.A. Portrait, 2 vols. 8vo. 368. round,' so that we may consider each of his qualities INTERNATIONAL LAW. Being the Whewell Lectures, delivered in each varied light, and judge of their combination into a whole, whether it is mean or noble, consistent or inconsistent, natural or forced...... Few, indeed, as I think, of those who give a careful perusal to these pages will withhold their assent from the double assertion that O'Connell was a great man, and that he was a good man. Upon this issue the volume now before us will enable us to try him; and in trying him to try ourselves. For who can any longer doubt that some debt is still due to him; that he was, to say the least, both over-censured and under-valued?" Mr. GLADSTONE, in the Nineteenth Century. "History will speak of him as one of the most remarkable men who ever existed; his position was unique; there never was before, and there never will be again, anything at all resembling it." Mr. GREVILLE. "This work stands high above the extravagant and indiscriminating eulogies of O'Connell, accompanied by ignorant and malignant denunciation of all opposed to him, hitherto given to the world." Times. "Fresh light is thrown upon a most interesting period of Irish history, in which Daniel O'Connell reveals his innermost thoughts upon great public before the University of Cambridge in 1887. By the late Sir H. SUMNER MAINE. 8vo. 78. 6d. THREE COUNSELS of the DIVINE MASTER for the CONDUCT of the SPIRITUAL LIFE. 1. The Commencement. 2. The Virtues. 3. The Conflict. By E. MEYRICK GOULBURN, D.D., Dean of Norwich. 2 vols. crown 8vo. 168. LIVES of TWELVE GOOD MEN. By JOHN W. BURGON, B.D., late Dean of Chichester. Third Edition. 2 vols. crown 8vo. 24s. 5. BAMUEL WILBERFORCE. 9. HENRY LONGUEVILLE MANSEL. 10. WILLIAM JACOBSON. 11. CHARLES PAGE EDEN. 12. CHARLES LONGUET HIGGINS. The INVISIBLE POWERS of NATURE. Some Elementary Lessons in Physical Science for Beginners. By E. M. CAILLARD. 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He regarded men who committed outrages or broke the law as the greatest enemies of his country. No greater service could have been rendered to his memory than this work."-Scotsman. "On the personal character of O'Connell these letters throw a very pleasant light. With the letters of 'Sir Hector's Watch.' Third Edition. Post 8vo. 2s. 6d. LIFE of SIR WILLIAM SIEMENS, F.R.S., CIVIL ENGINEER. By WM. POLE, F.R.S., Hon Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Portrait and Illustrations. 8vo. 168. THREE GENERATIONS of ENGLISHWOMEN; or, Memoirs and Correspondence of Mrs. John Taylor-Mrs. Sarah Austin-and Lady Duff Gordon. By JANET ROSS. Portraits. 2 vols. crown 8vo. 248. PRINCIPAL SHAIRP and his FRIENDS: Memoirs of John Campbell Shairp, late Principal of St. Andrews, and Professor of Poetry at Oxford. By Prof. WM. KNIGHT, of St. Andrews. The HOLY PLACES of JERUSALEM. By Prof. HAYTER LEWIS, F.S.A. With Illustrations. 8vo. 10s. 6d. which Mr. Fitzpatrick has collected to guide us, it STEPHEN HISLOP: Pioneer Missionary and Naturalist in Central is as pleasant as it is interesting to review the career of the great demagogue, and especially in his private and domestic relations." - Morning Post. "In these volumes appears for the first time O'Connell's private correspondence with his family and with eminent politicians. Many are the vivid glimpses of the machinery by which his power was so long sustained, and singular is the evidence of the submission he was able to exact from people who had no personal sympathy with him." Quarterly Review. "The collection is very complete, and the work is invaluable to the historian. These letters will unquestionably raise O'Connell in the public estimation. The book supplies us with many glimpses of Irish ways and Irish humours."-Record. 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In the collection of such knowledge the author has been a diligent student, and few records of a bygone age have escaped him...... It is the sort of book to read before and after a journey in one of the coaches running out of London in the summers inte Mr. Tristram's letterpress is written crisply and amusingly; but it is only fair to the book owes much of its interest illustrations." WITH UPWARDS OF EIGHTY ILLUSTRATIONS. BIBLE. BY EMILY MARION HARRIS, Author of SKETCHES from a TOUR THROUGH HOLLAND and GER 'Benedictus,' 'Echoes, Twilight and Dawn,' 'Four Messengers,' 'Mercer's Gardens,' &c. Revised by the Rev. Dr. GASTER. Crown 8vo. cloth, 58. The GOSPEL of ST. MATTHEW in MANY. By J. P. MAHAFFY and J. E. ROGERS. Illustrated by J. E. Rogers. Extra crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. A POPULAR HANDBOOK to the NATIONAL GALLERY. half-morocco, 148. *** Also au Edition on Large Paper, limited to 250 copies. 2 vols. 8vo. 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