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By ALMARIC RUMSEY, Barrister-at-Law, Professor of Indian Jurisprudence at Kings College. Athenaum.-" Lezaters should be glad that so competent a lawyer and so able a writer as Mr Almaric Rumsey has given testators an admira ble shiilingsworth.... It seems to be the best of all books of its kind." Morning Post.-" Forms suitable to all people, and every occasion that can be conceived." Law Journal-"His directions are clear, his law sound." 13, Paternoster-row, London, E.C. NOW READY, A GENERAL ASTRONOMY. By CHARLES A. YOUNG, Professor of Astronomy in the College of New Jersey, I vol. 8vo. 550 pages, with over 250 Illustrations, 10s. 6d. From Professor PIAZZI SMYTH. "A grand book by a grand man. The work should become a text-book wherever the English ASK AT THE LIBRARIES FOR THE FOLLOWING NEW NOVELS. By WILLIAM BLACK. - The PENANCE of JOHN LOGAN. By language is spoken, for no abler, no more trust. By worthy compilation of the kind has ever appeared for the advantage of students in every line of higher education." From Prof. PERRY, Stonyhurst Observatory. By "I find it admirably adapted for a class-book in By colleges, the matter throughout being treated in a clear, interesting, and complete manner." From Sir R. S. BALL, Dunsink Observatory. "From the eminence of its author, and from the extensive ground which the work covers, I expect that the book will meet a much felt want, and I wish it every success." From NATURE. "We know of no other book which is so comprehensive and at the same time so well adapted for the use of those who aim at something more than a mere smattering of astronomical knowledge. The language is clear, and to simplify matters there are over two hundred excellent illustrations. Further, as might be expected from the fact that Professor Young teaches Astronomy, the book is not diluted with irrelevant matter." London: GINN & COMPANY, 57 and 59, Ludgate-hill, E.C. LIST OF NEW BOOKS. ALPHONSE DAUDET'S NEW BOOK. MAN. By ALPHONSE DAUDET. With 90 Illustrations by Bieler, THE CARISBROOKE LIBRARY. - New Volume. Volume already issued at The TALE of a TUB, and other Works. By JONATHAN SWIFT. Edited by Professor HENRY "Of the Carisbrooke Library we have nothing to say but praise....We must further do Messrs. Routledge and Mr. Morley the justice to say that the form which they have chosen for their new venture is very nearly all that can be desired. Good margins, uncut edges, excellent type, fair paper, decent binding, and four hundred and fifty octavo pages for half-a-crown are things that we never could refuse in our life or receive with ingratitude."-Saturday Review, February 16th, 1889. "So far as can be judged from the first volume, the Carisbrooke Library promises to hold its own among its ever-multiplying rivals. It is well printed in clear legible type by the Ballantyne Press; the paper is fair, the edges rough, and the binding modest and tasteful." Athenaum, February 23, 1889. "The handsome type, pleasant paper, and substantial appearance of the half-crown Carisbrooke Library will commend the series even to the most fastidious reader.... If the succeeding volumes are as good as the first, there need be no doubt as to the result."-St. James's Gazette. D. uncut edges, 21. 28. E. Half bound, gilt tops, cut edges, 21. 16s. F. Half bound, gilt tops, uncut edges, 21. 16s. G. Half-calf, marbled edges, 37. 38. H. In 14 vols. half-morocco, gilt tops, 37. 38. AN ENTIRELY NEW LIFE OF MR. GLADSTONE, TO THE In fcap 8vo. paper boards, with Portrait, price 1s. The LIFE of the Right Hon. W. E. GLADSTONE, M.P. D.C.L. A Popular Biography. NEW AND CHEAPER EDITION OF FRANK FAIRLEIGH.' In crown 8vo. fancy boards, 28.; cloth. 2s. 6d. FRANK FAIRLEIGH; or, Scenes from 1 vol. 10s. 6d. 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New Edition, just ready, 2 vols. crown 8vo. cloth bevelled, gilt top, 10s. The POLITICAL and OCCASIONAL POEMS of WIN THROP MACKWORTH PRAED. Edited, with Introduction and Explanatory Notes, by Sir GEORGE and untiring vivacity assign him a foremost place among English satirists."-Morning Post. ING ALL ABOUT GARDENING. Being a Popular Dictionary of Gardening, containing full and practical Instructions in the different Branches of Horticultural Science. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo. cloth gilt, 2s. 6d. BEETON'S GARDENING BOOK. Containing full and practical Instructions concerning general Gardening Operations, the Flower Garden, the Fruit Garden, the Kitchen Garden, Pests of the Garden, with a Monthly Calendar of Work to be done. With Illustrations. Post 870. cloth, 18.; or cloth gilt, with Coloured Piates, 1s. 6d. KITCHEN and FLOWER GARDENING for PLEASURE and PROFIT. A Practical Guide to the Cultivation of Vegetables, Fruits, and Flowers. With upwards of 100 Engravings. 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COMPLETE CATALOGUE of WARD, LOCK & CO.'S PUBLICATIONS (comprising about 3,000 Works in all Departments of Literature) will be sent post free on application. London: WARD, LOCK & CO. Warwick House, Salisbury-square, E.C. New York: Bond-street. Melbourne: 1, St. James's-street. Editorial Communications should be addressed to "The Editor"-Advertisements and Business Letters to "The Publisher"-at the Office, 22, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, E.C. Printed by JOHN C. FRANCIS, Athensæum Press, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, E.C.; and Published by the said JOHN C. FRANCIS at 22, Took's-court, Cursitor-street, Chancery-lane, В.С. Agents for SCOTLAND, Messrs. Beti & Bradfute ani Mr. John Menzies, Edinburgh.-Saturday, March 20, 1959. Journal of English and Foreign Literature, Science, the Fine Arts, Music and the Drama. The NINETY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY DINNER will take place at WILLIS'S ROOMS on WEDNESDAY, May 15. The Right Hon. LORD ROTHSCHILD in the Chair. Rev. Dr. Herman Adler, Ph.D. John Aird, Esq., M.P. L. Allatini, Esq. Harry L. Ashbee. Esq Hon. Francis Baring. Mark Beaufoy, Esq., M.P. H. Behrend, Esq., MR.C.P. H. L. Bischoffsheim. Esq. The Lord Brassey, K.C. В. Sir William C Brooks, Bart., M.P. Frederick J. Burt, Esq. Evelyn Cecil, Esq. W. Moresby Chinnery, Esq. Alfred Cohen, Esq. B. L. Cohen, Beq. Henry L. Cohen, Esq. Nathaniel Cohen, Esq. Rev. Canon W. Cooke. F.S.A. F. W. Cosens, Esq. F S.A. W. J. Courthope, Esq. T. . F. Dillon Croker, Esq., F.S.A. Captain Cundy. Charles Davis, Esq. Frederick Davis, Esq. Israel Davis, Esq. Ellis A. Franklin, Esq. Rev. Dr Gaster. F. W. Gibbs, Esq, C.B., QC. Henry Hucks Gibbs. Esq., F.S.A. Otto Goldschmidt, Esq. Joseph Guedalla. Esq. Augustus Harris, Esq. Samuel Heilbut, Beq. David L. Henriques, Eeq. Andrew K. Hichens. Esq. Robert Kirkman Hodgson, Esq. F. A. Inderwick, Esq. Q. C. F. Wootton Isaacson, Esq, MP. W. Leighton Jordan, Esq. N. S. Joseph, Esq. Donald Larnach, Esq. Sir Thomas Lucas, Bart. Sir Alfred Lyall, K C.B., K.C.I E. Sir Philip Magnus. Daniel Marks, Esq. Harry H. Marks, Esq. Professor Max Müller. H. B. Mildmay, Esq. Claude J. Montefiore, Erq. Frank Moss, Esq John Murray, Esq., F.S A. B Newgass. Esq. JC Parkinson, Esq. John S Phené, Esq. LL.D. Mr Alderman G. Faudel Phillips. Sir B. 8. Phillips. FG. Hilton-Price, Esq., F.S.A. Lionel E. Pyke, Esq. Horace N. Pym, Esq. Bernard Quaritch, Esq. George Rae, Esq Arthur L. Raphael, Esq. Julius Reviss, Esq. The Lord Revelstoke. H. J. Rivington, Esq. Alfred De Rothschild, Esq. Leopold De Rothschild, Esq. Sir David L. Salomons, Bart. Stuart M Samuel, Esq. B. Steinkopff, Esq. H. Duff Tratil, Beq., D.C.L. SOCIETY, 11, Chandos-street, Cavendish-square, W. THURSDAY, April 11th. at 830 PM., Mr. J. FOSTER PALMER, L.R.CP. F.R. Hist. 8., will read a Paper on The Scandinavian Race in Britain.' PEDWARD DOVE, Secretary. ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY, 22, Albemarle P.M. 'Proclus and the Close of Greek Philosophy,' ROYALCOLLEGE of SURGEONS of ENGLAND. The President, Vice-Presidents, and Council invite the Fellows and Members of the College to a CONVERSAZIONE to be held at the COLLEGE, on WEDNESDAY, the 12th JUNE NEXT, at 9 o'clock P.M. Fellows and Members desirous of being present are requested to apply to the Secretary for Cards of Invitation not later than Wednesday, the 8th of May next. The Cards of Invitation will admit either a Fellow or Member accompanied by a Lady, or a Fellow or Member alone, and in making applicaZion for the same Fellows and Members should state whether they wish to be furnished with a Double or Single Card. EDWARD TRIMMER, Secretary. 3rd April, 1889. SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1889. PRICE REGISTERED AS A NEWSPAPER NEW ATHENÆUM CLUB (founded 1878). - SHORTHAND and TYPE-WRITING.-English are at present VACANCIES for a limited number of additional MEMBERS, without entrance fee. Town Subscription, 41, 4s.; Country, 24. 28-Particulars of the SECRETARY, 26, Suffolk-street, Pali Mall, S.W. DRAMATIC and HUMOROUS RECITALS by Mr. W. SERGEANT LEE, MA.-OPEN to ENGAGEMENTS at Literary Institutes, Concerts, At Homes, &c.-7, Southampton-row, Russell-square. MISS LOUISA DREWRY will give THREE LECTURE-READINGS from SHAKSPEARE, at her own House, on Tuesday Afternoons, between the hours of Three and half-past Four. Must have literary ability and experience, a good knowledge of French, and be able to translate rapidly and accurately.Write L. A. P., May's Advertising Offices, 162, Piccadilly, London. PARISORS EXHIBITION. TOP NEWSPAPER Parisian Review, moving in the best social, literary, and industrial circles, would SUPPLY a WEEKLY or MONTHLY LETTER. The advertiser commands exceptional sources of information.-Address B. H., care of Adams & Francis, 59, Fleet-street, E C. REVIEWING, &c. -BOOKS carefully and con REVIEWED by CAMB. B A. Economic and kindred subjects especially. Moderate terms. Reference to late employer. Specimens of work sent. Also other branches of Journalism.-E. Μ. Β., 26, Cologne-road, Clapham Junction. TO LIBRARIANS and BOOKSELLERS.-RE ENGAGEMENT desired by Advertiser to take CHARGE of LIBRARY or as Assistant in New and Second-hand Business Has good knowledge of Od and Modern Books, also Cataloguing. Highest references. -Address J. W., care of C. A. Bartlett & Co., 10, Paternostersquare, E.C. IBRARIAN and MANAGER WANTED for a small PUBLIC LIBRARY and READING-ROOM, similar to those established under the Free Libraries' Acts. Salary, 60% per annum, with rooms furnished for a bachelor, and coals and gas-Applications, with references and not more than three testimonials, to be sent to the SECRETARY, Hyde Institute, Barnet, Herts. NEWSPAPER PARTNERSHIP. - An opportunity offers to a smart literary or business man to take the place of retiring PARTNER in popular LONDON WEEKLY, paying small but increasing profits. Capital required, 700l.-Address, in confidence, Lux, 37, Jenner-road, Stoke Ne Newington, N. FARM PUPILS. GENTLEMEN are RECEIVED the FARMS of the AYLESBURY DAIRY COMPANY, Limited, Horsham. Sussex. 1,400 acres. Arable and Pasture. 400 Head of Cattle. Dairy. For terms and particulars apply to the SECRETARY, Aylesbury Dairy Company, in London, St. Petersburgh-place, Bayswater; or Horsham, Sussex. TO ARTISTS and PRINTERS. - A COPPER PLATE PRINTER, speaking French and English, having Press and everything for Etching and Copper-Plate Printing, desires ENGAGEMENT.-L. P. P., Brown, Gould & Co., 54, New Oxford-street. FAMILYHEHISTORY and GENEALOGY.THE Record Office, British Museum, and elsewhere for the elucidation of all matters appertaining to Family and Parochial History, &c. Copies and Extracts of Deeds. Terms of service, which will be found very moderate, may be had on application.-Address GENEALOGIST, care of Hickling, Stationer, 34, Museum-street, W.C. A MAY-DAY CONVERSAZIONE and TRANSLATIONS from French, Spanish, German, 1,000 Words, or by special arrangement, for work of any length TRANSLATOR, Adams & Francis, Advertising Agents, 59, Fleet-street, E C. TYPE-WRITING at 1d. a folio or 1s. a thousand Copy returned same day if required. Work done by Remington's Perfected Type-Writer.-Mrs. HEALEY, 7, Bolden-street, St. John's, S.E. A UTHORS' MS. PLAYS, &c., TYPE-WRITTEN. Certificated Operators for Dictation. Shorthand Writers sent out, Articles COPIED for Press - Miss M'LACHLAN, Type-Writing Office, Metropolitan School, 27, Chancery-lane. TYPE-WRITING. - MSS., Legal Documents, Specifications, Plays (Prompt Books and Parts), Copied with speed and accuracy. DICTATIONS taken in SHORTHAND or TYPE-WRITING. Pupils Taught. Terms moderate.-MISSES E. B. and I. FARRAN, 34, Southampton-street, Strand. YPE-WRITER.-AUTHORS' MSS., Plays, Reviews, Lectures, Legal or other Articles, COPIED with accuracy and despatch. Terms moderate. Duplicate Copies. Address E. TIGAR, 27. Maitland Park-road, Haverstock-hul, N. W. Established 1884. TYPE YPE-WRITING and GENERAL COPYING OFFICE. Ground Floor, 123, Strand, W.C. Established 1894. Sole Proprietor, Mrs. MARSHALL Large Staff of experienced Copyists. Highest testimonials from eminent Dramatic Authors and others. TO AUTHORS, ACTORS, PUBLISHERS, and Others -MSS. carefulty and correctly COPIED by TYPE-WRITER. Terms moderate.-Apply to MISS ADAMS, 29, Bonham-road, Brixton, 8 W. TYPE-WRITING, in best style, at 1d. per folio. References to Authors. Miss GLADDING, 1, Loughborough-road, Brixton, S. W. and Copied. French and German Translations made. Lectures and Sermons Reported. Highest testimonials from eminent physicians and scientific men-Miss LETHBRIDGE, 11, Oxford Circusavenue (opposite Great Portland-street). CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. -Forthcoming Examination, ASSISTANT to the PROFESSOR of CHEMISTRY at the ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY, WOOLWICH (25-30), April 25th. The date specified is the latest at which applications can be received. They must be made on forms to be obtained, with particulars, from the SECRETARY, Civil Service Commission, London, S. W. ST (T. PAUL'S SCHOOL. - An EXAMINATION for filling up about FOUR VACANCIES on the FOUNDATION will be held on MAY 1st. 1889 -For information apply to the BURSAR, St. Paul's School, West Kensington. HEAD MASTER (Graduate of a University of the United Kingdom) WANTED for the CARDIFF PROPRIETARY SCHOOL. Salary, 150l. per annum, with a Capitation Grant of 6s. 8d. per Term for each Pupil, and Unfurnished House. There is an t accommodation for 25 Boarders in the School House-Applications testimonials should be addressed to the SECRETARY, 5, 5, Park-lane, Cardiff, on or before 16th April next, from whom any further particulars can be obtained. WESTMINSTER SCHOOL. - An EΧΑΜΙΝΑ. TION to fill up VACANCIES on the FOUNDATION and EXHIBITIONS will begin on JULY 2nd.-For particulars apply to the HEAD MASTER, Dean's-yard, Westminster. PREBOVIR HOUSE SCHOOL, 1, Trebovir-road, Principal, Mrs. W. R. COLE A sparate House adjoining for Resident Pupils. The NEXT TERM will commence THURSDAY, May 2nd. DRESDEN, 11, Walpurgisstrasse. - Miss HELD'S SUPERIOR HOME SCHOOL. Reference kindly permitted to Miss Holt, 10, Courthope Villas, Worple-road, Wimbledon, near London. ROYAL INDIAN ENGINEERING, COLLEGE, fit an Engineer for Employment in Europe, India, or the Colonies. About Fifty Students will be admitted in September, 1889. For Competition the Secretary of State will offer Ten Appointments in the Indian Public Works Department, and Two in the Indian Telegraph Department. For particulars apply to the SECRETART, at the College. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON. OF MEDICINE. The CLASSES RECOMMENCE on MAY 1st, and are so arranged as to afford a convenient opportunity for Students to commence their Medical Course. Full information may be obtained from the Office of the College, Gower-street, W.C. MARCUS BECK, M 8. M.B., Dean. LAUSANNE. - Miss ANDREAE offers comfortable HOME with Educational advantages, to YOUNG LADIES. Special care of delicate girls. Highest references -Apply 8, Avenue de la Gare, Lausanne; or Bell House, Clapham Common, London. MRS. JOPLING'S SCHOOL of ART. For particulars apply to 8, Cranley-place, South Kensington. BADEN-BADEN. - Ladies RECEIVED in FAMILY. First-Class Educational advantages. Comfortable home. Moderate terms. English references.-Apply to Miss KELBLING, Lichtenthalerstrasse, 344. THE WHEELWRIGHT GRAMMAR SCHOOLS, A HEAD MASTER will be shortly appointed for the BOYS' SCHOOL, which will be Opened after the Summer Holidays Candidates must be Graduates of some University in the United Kingdom. Stipend, 1:01. a year, with an additional allowance of 40l. a year for house-rent, and a capiration fee of 21. 10s. on every boy up to 100, and of 21. beyond that number. A HEAD MISTRESS will also be appointed for the GIRLS' SCHOOL, which will be Opened at the same date. Stipend, 80%. a year, with a cap!tation fee of 11. 10s. on every girl attending. Candidates are requested to state in their letter of application their age, the natur- and extent of their educational training and experience as a teacher, and to furnish therewith fifteen copies of their testimonials. Further particulars may be obtained from, and applications must be sent by 18th April to, the Clerk to the Governors, T. L. CHADWICK, Eq, Solicitor, Dewsbury. UY'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL. GUY'S May Ist. The Hospital contains 695 beds, of which 500 are in constant occupation. There are Wards for Obstetric and Ophthalmic cases, and other Special Departments Special Classes are held in the Hospital for Students preparing for the Examinations of the University of London, and other Higher Examinations. APPOINTMENTS, All Hospital Appointments are made strictly in accordance with the merits of the Candidates, and without extra payENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS-Two Open Scholarships in Arom, ment one of the value of 100 guineas, open to Candidates under 20 years of age; and one of 50 guineas, open to Candidate under 25 years of age. Two Open Scholarships in Science, one of the value of 125 guineas, and another of 50 guineas, open to Candidates under 25 years of age PRIZES are awarded to Students in their various years amounting in the aggrezate to more than 30 During the past year additional accommodation has been afforded in the PHYSIOLOGICAL and PATHOLOGICAL Departments, and a Laboratory has been provided for the study of HACTERIOLOGY. There is a STUDENTS' CLUB in the Hospital, containing a Dining Room, Reading Rooms, and a large Gymnasium. DENTAL SCHOOL-A Dental School is attached to the Hospital, which affords to Students all the instruction required for a Licence in Dental Surgery. COLLEGE- A residential College is in course of erection upon a site immediately contignous to the Hospital, to accommodate about 50 Students in addition to the Resident Staff of the Hospital. For Prospectus and further information apply to the Dean, Dr. PERRY, Guy's Hospital, London, S.E. |